Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1894: Space presidency

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A flaming great axe occupied all of Allen's vision.

The man who wielded this great axe was a burly man with a completely asymmetrical armor, but no matter the face that was not angry and mighty, or the armor with spikes, it was translucent. shadow. The projections of these Twilight Sons are not even a volitional body, they are just a kind of energy projection reproduced by instinct. However, these projections can use the proud killing skills of each generation of Twilight Sons, and even they exude an aura that is not lost to the super power, and they are close to the supreme!

At this moment, the battle axe that smashed at Allen, it struck a thunder sound out of thin air, and a huge thunder beast faintly appeared in the air, leaping towards Allen in a posture full of tension. There was a series of light noises in the air around Allen, and the thunder beast finally arrived, and there had been messy electric snakes around him.

The drop of that axe might have the power to destroy the city.

Alan stepped forward before he could let go, swung his left shoulder lightly, and opened his whole body slightly to let the battle axe pass by. Then a golden light appeared between the two, and the shadow of the twilight son suddenly dislocated, and disappeared into the air after shaking.

Allen walked slowly, welcoming more than a hundred poses. He didn't walk fast, but he went a hundred meters away in a flash, and then sent the ashes hymn into a projected chest that was too late to attack. Allen pushed the sword swiftly, pushed the projection to pull out a gray flame tail in the space, and stabbed the other two projections that had just made a slashing posture. Finally, the gray and white hymn flicked and shook, a white sword flower bloomed among the three projections, and the projection immediately disappeared.

The figure in front of him flickered, and Alan had to pay attention to it. Allen looked around and slapped a face with a man of honor and heroism.


The Twilight Son, who was transferred to Alan’s infinite sword suit, stabbed with a sword. As his sword stabbed, the world in Alan’s eyes seemed to be condensed and compressed with the blade of the sword as the center, so it was extremely terrifying. A sense of oppression spontaneously arises. Allen couldn't help sighing, Taylor's sword intent was really terrifying, even if it was just a projection of the re-enactment, he was able to use this sword with seven or eight points of strength.

Like the terrifying pressure of the entire world squeezing toward itself, the hymn of ashes bounced, and the flames of the source vessel that had been gushing with ashes were gathered, condensed as in essence, forming a simple and innocent ash sword. The blade of the grey sword touched the sword projected by Taylor. The moment of contact was like a fierce collision between two worlds. The compression was immediately propped up. An invisible impact spread violently with the blades of both sides as the origin, and the space seemed to be blown up. A turbulent curtain swayed, the turbulence passed by, and a dozen projections were annihilated without even having a chance to shoot.

Allen's longsword was closed at one touch.

The sword in Taylor's hand has turned into thousands, thousands of swords are arranged like wheels, a huge circular sword array is pressed towards Allen, and the electric light rushes between the swords and swords in the evening. Taylor has made a sword, and it seems Thousands of swords came out.

Allen stabbed with a sword honestly.

The surface of the hymn of ashes lit up, and a golden pattern burned in the core.

Allen turned into a rainbow with a sword, crashed into the sword wheel, and passed behind Taylor projection.

One sword breaks ten thousand swords!

When the sword wheel collapsed, Taylor's projection also dissipated.

Allen closed his eyes and handed the gray hymn forward without warning. A thin figure with a projection of the ape face and four arms appeared in front of Allen, but before he could hand out an attack, he had already been pierced with a sword by Allen.

"Go!" Allen chuckled softly, the long sword trembling, the projection suddenly gave birth to thousands of gray lights, and the figure quickly dissipated in the gray lights.

At this time, a magnificent Qi machine appeared above the head.

Alan opened his eyes and raised his head, but a projection of a woman who was as heroic as a **** of war raised a huge epee in her hand that was completely out of proportion to her figure, and the sword burned. When she cut with a sword, Allen's vision split in two.

That sword, empty!

The space was really torn apart by a sword, and there was desperate black in the middle. That is the abyss, the nothingness, the uttermost destruction. The power of this sword is chasing Frieus' Heavenly Sword!

Allen roared, and the golden king flame ignited all over his body. The sword pointed to the person and shot through the air, crashing into the deep and empty black space, and then knocked out from the other side of the space. After receiving the hymn of ashes, Alan didn't even look at it, and rushed to those more figures in the sky.

The projection of the giant sword in hand shook, and a little golden light appeared from the throat, and then the gold was dyed, turning into a raging flame and burning it to ashes.

"It's really wonderful." After many projections, the Twilight Son wrapped his hands around his chest: "Being able to combine power, sword skills, and body skills to such an extent, he deserves to be selected to implement the dawn plan, and he really got his hands."

"However, even if you destroy it as many times as you want, I can release these re-enacted energy projections as many times as I want!"

At the end of the speech, Taylor’s projection gradually appeared behind the Twilight Son, followed by the Great Sword Girl, and then the Ape-faced Man. The projections that were beheaded by Allen appeared again, and then passed by the Twilight Son and continued. Into the battlefield.

Seeing this scene, Ofascius couldn't help but gritted his teeth and cursed: "Rogue!"

The Twilight Son smiled faintly: "Each each other."

With a stroke of Allen's long sword, he killed several projections. Lifting his head, Taylor's wheel of ten thousand swords, Ranjie's Twilight, and the ultimate moves of other Twilight Sons blasted. The entire space vibrated, and the source of the space was no longer stable, and there were black cracks that branched like tree roots everywhere. Allen stood still, his gaze fell on Ranjie's projection: "The dusk you taught me is more than just such a power."

He carried the sword.

An inexplicable sense of oppression came to heaven.

Orfascius looked up, and the emperor couldn't help squinting his eyes. He can feel that a powerful energy is coming. This force does not seem to be simply formed in the sky. Rather, it comes from outside the space and penetrates into the space in a pervasive manner. Where it passes, the space is invaded by layers, and matter will undergo molecular-level decomposition activities under such energy movement. Suddenly, Ofascius understood what kind of ultimate move Twilight was. That is unavoidable, only the killing technique with resistance. In other words, the dusk is like a sieve, this sieve will filter all the matter in the space and annihilate the fragile things completely, without exception.

Twilight is like a skynet, but this skynet is airtight!

At this time, the sky shattered a little bit of golden light, and the entire space was dim, as if the sunset was just above the head. When that piece of light was dyed layer by layer, like a large brush stroke across the curtain, everything was painted golden. Whether it was Taylor's sword wheel or other projections' ultimate moves, they all struggled and disappeared in this dim light like a sunset. In the end, there were more than a hundred projections, and none of them survived.

Space vibrates, and even the infinitely expandable hall projection, shatters like crystal pieces in the twilight light, breaking down into the most primitive source of power. Then the entire space rang out like thousands of giant beasts roaring at the same time. The sky that was emitting dim yellow light turned into darkness, and the darkness descended, as if a piece of ink was dripped. This piece of ink fell, and after it was dripped, some other scenes could be seen.

It is a magnificent dome.

Orfasis was stunned, and suddenly remembered that it was the dome of the Hall of Withering in Ebons!

Alan's Twilight not only killed all projections, but also destroyed the projection space of the Twilight Sons, bringing them back from the Supreme Cemetery to the Hall of Withering. This is something that even Ofascism has never done, and what kind of extreme destructive power should be able to cause such a result. Even the Son of Twilight opened his eyes wide, and his hands were different. He couldn't believe that Allen had broken the space and destroyed the supreme graveyard created by the creator!

The black light converged at the center of the Withering Hall, and eventually disappeared. At this time, both Alan and Ofascius could hear the roar outside the hall, and felt the collision of the source of the battle outside the hall, and they returned to Eboyins.

"You see, your home court may not be really unbreakable." Allen said indifferently: "Also, stop playing those useless tricks. It's useless to release more energy projection, a thousand super strong Don’t even think about stacking up a true supreme. Don’t you understand this truth?"

"Really surprised me, Allen. Really, although I have tried my best to overestimate you, I did not expect that the power of your rules has such destructive power. Your power represents the ultimate destruction, even space is bound I can't help you. Have you ever thought that if you want, you can tear through the'wall' of this universe, and you can detach from this universe with your own strength!"

Twilight Son Tanshou said: "That is the ultimate freedom that even I have never thought of. You will become a super life like the Creator who can penetrate the multiverse at will~www.readwn.com~ In the end, you will become a legend and become a legend. Myth, become an immortal existence!"

"Really? Then I want to try, using this ultimate destructive power to destroy you, and the instigator behind it." Allen said solemnly.

"No, no, you're still young, and you don't even understand what this means." The Twilight Son shook his head and said: "You have such power, you have the power to destroy space, and the war with the Creator is completely meaningless. How many universes there are, so many that even the Creator has never fully visited. You don’t have to stay in the universe harvested by the Creator, you can break through the sky. And the Creator will not enter the universe where you are. Believe me, He would not be willing to erect an enemy like you."

"You and him are the supreme beings in the universe, and you are the masters of billions of creatures in the universe. The master will not go to war with the master, which means that countless universes will disappear from this. But what I want to remind you is that you are just You have the potential to become the ruler of the universe, but now, with this immature power of destruction, you cannot destroy the Creator."

The Twilight Son pointed to him and said: "So you should understand, you have no reason to fight with the Creator. You can now break through the air, tear the dimensional wall of this universe, and go to other universes that the Creator has never been to. Right."

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