Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 195: value

When Allen came to Peter's dormitory, two soldiers in the dormitory were breaking their wrists, and the people on both sides roared loudly. As a black soldier yelled and knocked his opponent down, the roar was so intense that he almost lifted the roof.

"Sergeant, you are here." Peter also squatted aside, only to see Alan got up and called.

Other soldiers greeted Allen one after another and asked about the time of the next test. They were so excited by the test in the afternoon. If Peter hadn't taken them away, they would really like to stay in the workshop. Peter blasted the soldiers away, put Allen on the shoulder and said, "Drinking?"

Allen shook his head and said, "You still hid wine in the dorm."

&&Pig&Pig&Island&Novel nbsp;"What a big deal." A soldier stood up and said: "It is always because the wine is hidden in the barracks that I was kicked into the Bian Rongjun."

"Come on, Selo. Why did I hear that you were drunk and dismissed your chief's Sun Gen before you were assigned to the Bian Rong Army." Someone jumped up to retort.

The man roared in anger, "Damn Pied, you're not a good bird. You can't, this guy put their major's woman to sleep, otherwise, they won't be thrown into the army. Come."

The soldiers all laughed.

Peter then took out a tin jug from the bottom of the bed, took a sip, and threw it to Allen. Allen shrugged and said, "I don't want to hear the story but I have to drink."

He unscrewed the lid and took a sip. Unexpectedly, the wine was very spicy, so he coughed a few times and threw the jug back to Peter, saying, "What is this?"

"We brewed it ourselves, you want, Bian Rongjun's day is very boring." Peter laughed, but there was no such seemingly malicious in the laughter.

Allen sighed: "What kind of wine is this? This is alcohol at all."

"No way, we usually rely on this stuff to numb ourselves. Or we will go crazy if we face the uninhabited border every day." The black man who broke the wrist just pointed to himself and said: "My name is Vulcan. Sir, you have to remember me. I am twice as strong as these girls."

"I'm not afraid to flash your tongue when you speak big words, but I just won Gurney. I really thought I was awesome, Vulcan." Someone whistled and said.

The black man yelled immediately and went forward to theorize. Of course, the results of their theories usually turn into violence.

"It's really a noisy guy." Peter dug his ears with his tail finger.

Allen nodded: "But also very energetic."

"This is also forced out. If it weren't for being noisy all day, maybe you could not stand the loneliness and end yourself." Peter walked to the balcony and looked at the playground in the distance: "Sergeant, you It’s hard to imagine that kind of loneliness. These guys are not afraid of death and don’t care about the credit. Of course, there is no denying that there are some cowards in them. But the army kicked us away like trash and ignored it. That kind of thing. The loneliness being ignored will kill us all."

"People like things often need to constantly prove their value. No matter what value is good, they are all alive, or proof of existence. But when you are thrown into the army, you will be treated as air, and there is nothing to let you Prove yourself. After staying for a long time, you will feel that you are inferior to a stone on the side. At least the stone sometimes trips people’s feet, but we don’t even have the qualifications to become obstacles."

Peter took a sip of wine and said: "No one cares about us. It's life or death. Those big people don't care. We don't have a mission. Sometimes we go to attack the small tribe of the sword demon, and it's just nothing to panic. There is a public/come down, but as the war progresses, the border also changes, and we have to follow the transfer."

"How could this be?" Allen frowned: "I think every soldier is valuable to the Federation."

"Because it is far away from the earth, even if the federal government doesn't have this idea, President Mobit can't see us juese." Peter laughed self-deprecatingly: "So, on the battlefield of Pluto , Of course, those adults have the final say."

On this point, Allen has a deep understanding. Not long ago, he almost executed Rusen, and the admiral/general’s accusation was completely unilateral. But just as Peter said, on the outer field battlefield of Pluto, Rusen is completely able to say.

"In the afternoon, you let those guys test, indirectly let them reflect their value." Looking at the dormitory, Peter smiled.

Two days later, Allen gave Berry a detailed report on the results of the first round of testing. After listening to Berry, he nodded and said, "Sergeant, how long do you expect to be in production?"

"Tomorrow, the second round of regular testing will be conducted. Personally, two more rounds of testing can complete the parameter collection. Next, we will first produce a limited number of weapons and conduct one or two actual combat tests. If successful, You can start formal production and put it into use. This process will probably take one to two months." Allen replied.

Bailey said happily: "This sudu is already very fast. If you succeed, you will get enough results to be promoted to sergeant."

Allen nodded, the rank of the federal army is determined by the combination of strength and combat exploits. The ranks of each stage have the most basic strength requirements, and then they can be promoted through accumulation of combat power. For example, a non-commissioned officer like Allen, a corporal needs at least level 10 to be competent. A second lieutenant like Ron needs level 15 strength. At the first level of Major Kejies, the federal standard is level 20.

Combine strength and combat achievements to determine the rank and position of a soldier. In addition to being determined by the background/scenario of this advanced war era, it has also largely eliminated the appearance of incompetent officers through power or nepotism.

"Well, if you have anything else you need to tell me, you can go to your work now." Berry said.

Allen stepped forward: "Colonel, I want to talk to you about Bian Rongjun."

"Why, don't those guys cooperate?" Bailey frowned.

"No, I'm thinking. Anyway, the base has to supplement the soldiers in the combat organization, do you consider keeping them?" Allen said: "I have been in contact with them. In fact, as long as the method of communication is used, I think they Still a group of qualified fighters."

"This is not easy, Sergeant." Bailey sighed: "If the Bian Rongjun is the establishment of our Sirius system, then it is not difficult to mobilize. The difficulty is that they belong to the system of the Death Spreading Corps. . If I want to keep them, I must submit an application to General Lusen. Given our relationship with General Lusen, I don’t think he will sign the public/general."

Bailey said again: "But I'm curious, why do you have this idea, Sergeant?"

"I, they have made all kinds of mistakes because they were assigned to Bian Rongjun. But whoever made no mistakes, they are all fighters, but they lack the opportunity to prove themselves. Colonel, we..."

Berry shook his head: "Things are not as simple as you think, Allen. I suggest you don't continue to waste time in this area. If you want to change the rules, at least, you have to have that strength first."

Allen nodded and said, "Well, I see."

He left and waited for Alan to leave before Berry coughed slightly, "You can come out."

A side door of the office opened and Lieutenant Peter walked in and smiled at Berry, "Thank you, Colonel."

"I don't understand, why do you Sergeant Allen say that?"

"Because I was also young." Peter laughed: "Young people are always impulsive, regardless of the consequences. When Sergeant Allen looked at us, I knew what kind of person he was."

"However, this is also an opportunity to change fate. Our sergeant is not easy. If he proposes it, you will stay here. Don't you think about it?" Bailey said.

Peter shook his head: "The world we see is different. Now in his eyes, the world is so dazzling, so why bother because we have added some unnecessary shadows."

"Well, actually I want to say. If you submit an application, you don't need Rusen's approval at all. Only the financial officer of his legion will raise his hands and agree to include you in our army. That will save him a bit. Isn’t it an extra expense? Maybe this money will allow him to raise a mistress or two in Babylon."

Peter smiled: "Of course, we are little people, and General Roussen will not see us. But... forget it."

Bailey said, "Well, you just want it."

In sequence debugging and data acquisition, time flies extremely fast. Even Alan himself did not quietly spend his 13th birthday on this planet. In late June, the first limited-production magic guns came off the production line and distributed to Ming Bian Rongjun. After days, they will conduct a practical test.

When the first magic gun was delivered to Allen's eyes, he gave this magic gun, which condensed the efforts of all the people in the workshop, and wrote the name "Mang Huo"~www.readwn.com~ Although the sequence used by the fire rifle is general, it is the first multi-purpose rifle that combines the characteristics of firearms and magic guns. Just to complete the conversion between the two different shooting systems, the gun designer who was personally named and dispatched by Windsor Bello to the Blood Eagle Base had a few hairs white.

The final raging fire rifle has a much rougher body than the ordinary standard rifle, and the expanded barrel has enough space to coexist the two modes of shooting system. In order not to waste the internal space of the rifle and its sturdy appearance, the master changed the single-shot burst system of the original rifle to a dual-type. In this way, even if it is fired with bullets, its firing frequency is far higher than that of ordinary rifles, and it is worthy of the name of the fierce fire.

As for switching to the magic power system, you can fire a continuous fire missile. If the guns fire in unison, even an awakened person like Kojies can only avoid Feng Rui for a while. Otherwise, if all the missiles are hit, don't be seriously injured even if you can't die.

After all, when the raging fire rifle focused and bombed, the last or even more igniting missiles exploded in the same range. The superposition of energy and the focus of reflection during the explosion were enough to destroy the source of protection of the awakened. As for level 20 and below, according to Allen's calculations, almost no keneng survived.



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