Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1912: Come back home

The collapse continued, and the speed was accelerating. The several mountains of the Creator that went deep into Eboyins were also falling off, and the rock-coated boulders that fell, smashed into billowing dust, and inside the planet of the Creator, there was a dull sound of explosions from time to time. The sound can be transmitted into Eboins through the dimension wall, one can imagine how loud the volume is.

Looking at the disaster on the planet of the Creator, everyone had the same idea: The Creator is finished.

The Creator is indeed about to end, the planet has begun to collapse, the towering peaks are constantly collapsing, the earth cracks through countless openings, and the screams of the creatures on it are faintly heard. From Eboyins' point of view, the surface of the planet is rapidly being enveloped in flames. After a while, the entire planet seemed to be burning, and this was only a corner of the Creator's body. At this moment, the entire planet must have been in flames.

At this time, Allen moved, and an unusually strong light was transmitted from his eyes. The light burst out of his eyes like flames, condensed into a fist-sized ball of light in mid-air, and then rushed upward. Unexpectedly, when the ball of light moved, it squashed and bounced back as if it hit an invisible wall. This ball of light ran around with a taste of horror, but the surrounding space was like an invisible prison, trapping it in it.

Alan didn’t know when he raised a hand, and he coldly snorted: “You are also amazing, so you can escape. But now, how much of your strength is left, one thousandth? ? Or one in a billion?"

The Creator’s voice rang loudly on the Twilight Hill: "Let go of me! There is no need for war between the masters, because war is meaningless to us!"

"It sounds good, if that's the case, why didn't you leave before!"

"I admit that after witnessing you destroy a star field, I was very angry. But I never thought about starting a war with you, I just want to get some compensation, nothing more. Listen, you should let me go. Otherwise. , Other masters will notice this low-dimensional universe, and you will never have peace!"

"Is this a threat?" Allen shook his head and smiled: "I'll give you a lesson. Your threat is not strong, but it will make me want to kill you even more. Other masters? If they dare Enter, I will tell them to go and not return!"

Then he said to Lucy, "Just now he invaded your will and wanted to kill me with the Golden Rose. It seems that this source weapon is also useful for the master, Lucy, how about your marksmanship?"

Lucy smiled charmingly: "A hundred shots are hit."

Then the whole body escaped with golden light, and the roses bloomed in the light. At this time, the dazzling light before the golden roses bloomed. Even Lucy was surprised, the source weapon in his hand began to evolve to the third stage, and it was also the golden rose of destruction. This is the real form of Golden Rose. In Lucy's hands, Golden Rose transformed into a golden sniper rifle, exuding an indescribable breath on its body, elegant and ancient, but it makes people feel invisible Threat.

A circle of ripples appeared on the surface of the trapped ball of light, and then the creator's voice rang: "You are all crazy!"

The voice was still ringing, the ball of light suddenly exploded into countless small dots, and a golden light faded away like a meteor.

Then the breath of the Creator completely disappeared.

Only then did the gunfire sound, and in the distance, a huge golden rose flower swayed and bloomed!

"Well done. That guy invaded your will and raised your level to get rid of me. Maybe you didn't even notice, but you are already the dominator, Lucy." Allen gave a thumbs up. , And then looked up at the sky and said: "Next, I will send this big guy back and let it be destroyed here, not to mention Eboyins, I'm afraid this universe will also be affected."

Allen nodded to Lucy, "I'll come as soon as I go."

Then skyrocketed.

A magnificent golden light rushed into the air, and Allen’s voice echoed in the sky: "Other people left here immediately, the Creator is over, and Eboins will no longer exist. Hurry up and leave the space door before you close. do not wait for me!"

Jin Guang went away.

Orfascius yelled, "What are you still doing? Get on the boat and go home!"

The remaining Star Alliance fleet began to withdraw, and Allen had already breached beyond the dimension wall. When he left Eboyins, the engraving on the center of the eyebrows unfolded again, forming countless symbols appearing on him, power and rules reunited with him, and Allen stepped into the realm of dominance. He looked at his hands and said softly: "Fortunately, it seems that I have already remembered the feeling of simulation, even without the twilight will can do it. Then..."

Allen looked up, and the Creator's body was exploding violently. After leaving the Dimensional Wall, the destruction inside the planet was more clearly seen from here. The core of the planet was being destroyed, and the surface body continued to collapse. Soon, I'm afraid there will be a supernova explosion. Even if the creator’s will has disappeared, its body itself still contains huge energy. If this energy is exploded, Eboyins will definitely be dead, and the connection with Eboyins and the universe will be affected, even damage.

Allen exhaled, then raised his hand, making a push up.

There was a loud voice in the space.

The planet began to rise, and Allen wrapped the entire planet with his own power, and pushed the planet back along the route between the Creator and the high-dimensional universe.

At this time, in a fairly quiet space in the high-dimensional universe, a variety of minimalist spaceships are shuttled back and forth. Suddenly there was an expansion phenomenon in space, black strips of light flew radially, and then a burning planet gradually appeared in space. When the entire planet jumped out of space, the terrifying cosmic storm destroyed countless Countless spaceships exploded, but the flames they set off were simply insignificant to that planet.

Then in the next moment, the planet exploded. This was a supernova explosion. The star body turned into billions of fragments and ejected into the depths of space, and the huge energy destroyed the surrounding stars. And with this explosion, the energy released by the complete destruction of the Lord impacted the dimensional wall of the high-dimensional universe, forming a multi-dimensional resonance. With this resonance, a new breath spreads across countless universes instantly.

"All the masters who received this message, what you just saw is the fate of a self-righteous guy. This is the result of his unauthorized invasion of the low-dimensional universe. The low-dimensional universe is not what you imagined. Sheep slaughtered by you. If you irritate us, the sheep will bite you. This is my warning to you. I will reinforce the dimension wall. If you still want to repeat the same mistakes, I will welcome you outside the gate. ,then……"

"Destroy you!"

Standing outside the dimensional wall of Eboins, Allen finished speaking, and then vaguely heard countless voices. There was anger, surprise, ridicule, and doubt. Allen shook his head, and the voices disappeared. He looked at Eboyins, Dusk Hill had already collapsed, and the world had begun to destroy. Allen nodded in one of Eboyins' directions, and the king's treasury on Eboyins exploded.

The king treasury exploded, and the linkage with several other king treasuries in the universe ended, and the space gate connecting the universe began to disappear. Allen exhaled and said softly, "It's finally over."

Then he took a step forward and disappeared into the space.

The remaining coalition forces in the Star Covenant and the Yorton star field withdrew from the space gate. When the last starship slid out of the space gate, the space gate suddenly disappeared, so the second half of the starship stayed in Eboyins forever. It fell to the ground, throwing out all the personnel in the hull, creating a disaster of little or no magnitude.

Orfascius stood on the ground of the unknown planet. At this time, an invisible impact swept across the ground, overwhelming countless people. People have lingering fears, but Ofascius knew that it was the aftermath of the destruction of Eboins.

The Creator fell into this low-dimensional universe, and Eboins was completely destroyed, and this universe would never have dusk again. If it will be destroyed, it is also caused by the hands of the creatures living in it. However, after passing this time, the emperor believed that every creature would change, and that in order for the universe to develop by leaps and bounds, everyone would contribute all of their strength. Because from this moment on ~www.readwn.com~ it finally belongs to all creatures in this universe.

"Why hasn't Ellen come back?" Lucy stood on the deck of a Royal Idahua star, beside her, there were Lola and Catherine and others.

Catherine shook her head and said: "I don't worry about him at all. He is already standing at the height of the gods. It is easy for him to travel through various spaces. The universe has no secrets for him, and the space and distance are also gone. It's not an obstacle. The only thing that worries me is whether he will be immersed in the exploration of the universe, in that case..."

"I promise that that kind of thing won't happen, at least it won't happen now." A familiar voice came from behind them, and the outline of a door appeared in the air, and then Allen walked out from there and he laughed. "There are still people and things that I can’t give up. I haven’t watched Lei An grow up, and have not made your lovely belly bulge, and there are so many things I haven’t done. I can’t bear to explore now. Infinite universe."

Catherine snorted, and then her tight face gradually smiled. Lucy had already plunged into his arms and gritted her teeth and said: "Just forget Teacher Xia Gelin. Next, I will be the first to give birth to you!"

Allen laughed and said, "Don't worry, there will be one."

Laura hugged the sword and said, "It seems I can rest for a while."

Windsor Bello looked at the star on his shoulders, closed his eyes and said, "I don't know if Mr. President will accept my resignation."

"If you dare not accept it, I just sit in his office every day." Allen blinked.

Then everyone laughed, and the smile was bright and relaxed.

Allen stretched out and whispered, "Well, it's time to go home."


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