Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1914: gift

The heavenly star, the Balekong Empire.

That morning, the imperial capital Olísca sounded a deep and long horn, and the rising sun illuminates the foot of the morning mountain, reflecting everything like a layer of pale gold, sacred and brilliant. The residents of Olisgar had arrived on the street early, and a team set out from the imperial mansion and walked along the King’s Road to the Fort of Dawn on the Dawn Mountain. In front of that team was a white war horse, immediately draped with a stomach made of gold. The knight was slender and handsome, dressed in a white robe and covered in golden soft armor. He is so honorable that everyone who sees him can't help but bow their heads.

"That's the earl from the south?"

"Shhh, keep your voice down. Now he is a Marquis, and today his Majesty the King will honor him personally."

"This is the first time since His Majesty Julian became the throne, this marquis is really honored."

The murmurs of the residents were drowned in the sound of ritual music along the way. The knight on the horse did not hear everyone talking, but could not hear it or guess it. With a faint smile on his face, he rode forward.

It has been more than an hour before we arrived at Fort Dawn. The two teams of court guards stood in front of the castle, and the iron armor and spears were replaced with colored ceremonies, adding a festive atmosphere to today's event. The knight dismounted in front of the gate and was led into the Triumphal Palace by the court director and a group of ministers.

The two sides of the palace were already full of ministers, and on the high throne in the middle, the current imperial emperor Julian even stood up. The knight was led to the middle, and the people on both sides retreated. Julian stepped down from the high platform and came to the knight.

The knight knelt down on one knee.

The palace chief personally held a magnificent long sword. Julian took the sword and said softly: "The empire has many journeys. We have risen in the dark and marched forward in suffering. After countless winds and rains, we can only have peace and tranquility today. . Among them, how many soldiers have made great sacrifices for the empire, and how many people have paid silently for the empire, regardless of return. However, I said that he has contributed to the empire, and I must see it. He is for I will be rewarded for those who give the empire selflessly."

"So today is the time for me to fulfill my promise. Here I declare that Edward will be officially conferred the rank of Marquis, and his heirs will be honored forever. Unless the empire ceases to exist, the rank of Marquis will be hereditary. !"

Then Julian patted the sword lightly on the knight's shoulder. The knight was naturally Edward. He raised his head, clenched his fist and punched his chest three times to show his loyalty to the empire.

This is undoubtedly heavy news for the people in the palace. Obviously before this, although these ministers knew that Edward would be awarded the position of Marquis, they did not expect that it would still be a hereditary position. That was fine for the North, but for the South, it was a shocking news. That means that the power pattern in the southern border will have a new atmosphere, and Hoy Iron Spear is no longer the only marquis in the southern border. More importantly, even Hoy's title is not hereditary.

Unexpectedly, Julian announced some more news, including the change of Hoy's title to hereditary. This is another great news, but it is not as shocking as Edward's.

After the awarding ceremony, Edward met Julian in the study of the palace.

Julian changed into casual clothes and smiled: "It's been a long time since Prince Ellen has heard from him. Has he never come back?"

Edward replied: "Since the last time we left, there has been no news from the Prince. I only know that there is an important war waiting for him. Counting time, since I can stand here to meet you, then the Prince of this war should I won."

"Oh?" Julian was startled, "What kind of war can actually affect the meeting between you and me?"

Edward said lightly: "The battle for survival."

Julian was shocked: "Why didn't he tell me about such a major war."

Edward smiled and said, "He doesn't want your Majesty to work hard."

Julian smiled bitterly: "Okay, don't pick it up in a nice way. You should say that I can't help you at all, right."

"In fact, none of us can help." Edward said.

"Then what are your plans next." Julian said: "You are now a marquis, but I heard that you only have a wife and the daughter of a baron on the border. This is not worthy of your current status. Would you like me to find a few wives for you in the imperial capital? It happens that Minister Rofin’s granddaughter is just the right age. She looks pretty good, and her status is a bit poor, but she can barely be your wife."

Edward shook his head and said, "I appreciate your kindness, but I think it's enough to get married once. In fact, I'm about to say goodbye to you. If there is nothing important, I want to go back tomorrow. I'm going to Stormwind City. , To take over my named wife. In the past, the empire was in turmoil. I didn’t know that I could survive, so I didn’t dare to take her to my side. Now, I am fulfilling my responsibility as a husband."

"In this case, then I won't force you." Julian smiled, "There is nothing else to send you, I can only wish you happiness."

"Thank your Majesty."

More than a month later, Edward saw the walls of Stormwind. Recall that when he and Allen came to this planet, they were just outsiders. Now Alan is the Prince of Glory, and he himself has become the Marquis of Real Power. Thinking about it now, it's like a dream. Back at the moment, Edward didn't notify anything, and he brought only a guard with Bloy.

When Chengwei saw Edward's documentary proof, he was shocked and knelt down. Edward got them up and entered the city. The city is now more prosperous than ever. The city has been expanded three times, the number of residents has doubled, and a college has been built.

Arriving at the City Lord's Mansion, Nilu, who had heard the news, came to the city's study. Pushing open the door, he saw a straight figure standing in the sun, he was looking at the bookcase. Hearing the sound, he turned around and smiled slightly: "I'm back."

Nilu's eyes just became blurred.

Edward walked over, gently pulled her up and sat on the chair. Edward looked at her and sighed, "I'm sorry for all these years. I owe you an apology, but I can't say it until now. Back then, We married you in Suhr City out of political needs. But for a long time, I have been unable to fulfill my responsibility as a husband. You always blame me whether I love you. Yes, I did not love you back then. "

"What about now?" Nilu asked calmly.

Edward squatted down, holding her hand and said seriously: "Now I want to pick you up."

"I don't need to make up. If you don't love me, then let me go."

"No, I want to try to have a relationship with you. Let's start all over again. I don't know if you are willing to give me a chance." Edward said softly, "Perhaps you can't understand it. In fact, the conditions at the time were Next, I dare not like anyone. Because I don’t know if I will have a tomorrow. But now is different. I am already a marquis, and the title is still hereditary. I have been able to gain a foothold in the empire, yes. Go after what you like."

"So I want to pursue you again. I can't guarantee how well I can do it. I can only say that I will spend the rest of my life to love you. This is not compensation, but I found that I have never forgotten you."

Nilu finally couldn't help it, and cried out. She beat Edward on the shoulder hard, as if to vent all the grievances of these years. Edward just hugged her tightly and let her vent until she calmed down.

He just asked: "Are you willing?"

Nilu smiled and nodded with tears in her eyes.

After the two of them left the study, Nilu began to pack things, but then a guard reported to Edward that someone wanted to see him. The guard handed over a card. The black card showed the figure of a silver snow wolf. Edward said immediately, "Where is he now?"

"Just outside."

"Let him in quickly."

After a while, a man in a cloak came to the study. After the door was closed, he lifted his hat and said, "It's really a big change here."

Although Edward was already prepared, he still shook his whole body, and then forced himself to calm down: "Indeed, even I saw it, let alone you. Master, when did you come back, why did I completely No news was received."

That person was Alan, and he smiled slightly: "This is different from the past. Now I have several brushes. Interstellar travel is much more convenient than before. How are you, Edward, and anyone else?"

"Everyone is fine, Julian remembers you very much~www.readwn.com~Since you have come back, then..."

Allen nodded, "Yes, we won. Everything is over, there will be no cosmic twilight in the future. I am here to tell you, let you tell others, you can live here with peace of mind, and spend a few days. There will be a starship arriving, it is best to inform Willick that they will pick up the plane, it is a little surprise for them."

Edward looked at him and nodded: "Then I will inform Willick to come over, Master, what are your plans for the future?"

Allen smiled mysteriously: "The recent plan is to hold a wedding and have a bunch of children, and when they grow up, tell them our story."

Edward laughed and said, "That must be a long story."

"Yes, it will be very long." Allen suddenly hugged Edward and said, "I'm leaving, friend. But we will have the opportunity to meet in the future. I appreciate your company along the way. Without you, maybe I'm here. You can’t walk that far on this planet. Take care, Edward, my friend!"

Then he let go of him and stepped back. Alan smiled and stretched out his hand to flick in the air, and a space door opened behind him. He waved his hand, retreated into the space door, and disappeared into the study.

After standing for a while, Edward came back to his senses.

A week later, a starship arrived in Suhl City. When the hatch opened, a girl walked onto the deck. The girl seemed to be a little nervous, but she heard a shout: "Mary!"

She saw it, tears burst into her eyes, then waved and shouted, "Brother Willick!"

On this day, Willick’s adopted children and Broy’s relatives arrived at Paradise Star. This was a gift from Allen.

Source: Edge of Doom

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