Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 197: Honor barrier

Pluto's winter comes very early.

It starts in August and ends in December. During these four months, the activity of the center of the planet slowed down, causing the surface to lose heat. The monsoon from north to south brings severe cold air, thousands of miles of frost, and the world is extremely vast.

It's only now in winter, and the temperature tomorrow will be lower than the first day. As a result, the daytime temperature has dropped to a very suitable level. Just like the spring and autumn seasons on the earth, but such good days are short. By the middle of the month, the daytime has dropped to about 0 degrees, making life activities very difficult. Even the blood eagle base began to reduce the amount of training.

When it started to snow, clusters of gray snowflakes fell, covering the playground, buildings, warehouses and factories of the base with a layer of hoarfrost. In order to prevent excessive snow from crushing the roof of the building, the base had to organize manpower to remove snow every day. This is another type of battle, and the physical effort is no less than fighting a sword demon.

However, with the advent of winter, there are fewer traces of the sword demon. Except for the ten that have mastered the planet's core technology, it is difficult for other tribes to migrate on a large scale in this weather. This made the bases in the rear of the war zone a sigh of relief, and even the ten powerful tribes of sword fiends, out of their heat-loving and cold-loving nature, their combat effectiveness in winter also declined at a rapid rate.

Rusen chose to launch an offense this season, not casually.

Before the winter, the blood eagle base received another 500 recruits from the Sirius reserve regiment. Due to the severe cold weather, their training is not as frequent as Allen's time. The spare time may help the base snow removal, or go to Allen's workshop to participate in the development of new projects.

The detailed plan of the raging fire rifle has been submitted to Windsor Bello, and then transferred to Horn's hands by her. Beskod's Mowu factory will use the raging fire rifle as its main production target for a long time to come. After all, what they want to satisfy is what Sirius's nearly 300,000 soldiers need to fight. Windsor Bello decided to completely replace the standard equipment of the Legionnaires. The huge profits brought by this are enough for Beskod to continue to increase its financial index in the next few years.

Allen started the development of another sequence after the fierce fire rifle. This basic sequence is an ordinary source shield, which has the characteristics of absorbing energy shocks and resisting physical blows. Allen had to do, not only had to make other changes to its channeling energy pivot to suit ordinary soldiers. There is also the effect of group defense.

This sequence program called "Honor Barrier" has completed the relevant design, and is now entering the stage of data collection. If there are no accidents, before the end of this winter, it can be produced in batches and used on a trial basis in the blood eagle base.

According to Allen's design, the honor barrier can be activated five times when used alone. When used alone, the effect is not obvious. It just forms an ordinary source force shield, but if used in clusters, it will build a source force barrier. Its sturdiness depends on the number of users. The barrier formed by about a hundred people is enough to reach the full blow of the sword demon chief or general. The thousand-person barrier can reduce the power of the high-energy cannon by 75%.

As for the consumption of barriers, it is equivalent to the source power equivalent of one blazing missile every two times. When soldiers are equipped with fiery rifles and barriers of honor, how the commander reasonably arranges defense and attack will be a brand new tactical issue.

Of course, that's not Allen's consideration.

The day at the end of August was the time for data collection for the second round of Honor Barrier. It was also the site for testing raging fire rifles, and hundreds of recruits wore 100 finished products produced in the workshop for testing. The recruits lined up in a phalanx, and on the opposite side of them was Kejiesi carrying a steel eagle sword.

Allen nodded and said: "It's time to start."

Kejiesi smiled at the recruits on the opposite side: "Boys, take out all your power to activate the barrier. Don't let me die."

The source force broke out, and Ke Jies directly activated the second-order marking. When the pattern of the Thunder Titan appeared, the steel eagle sword was charged with electricity, and the pressure in the entire space was shocking. Even if the original ancestor projection does not appear, everyone knows that Kejiesi's next blow will not be easy.

Allen stretched out his hand to make a fist, and the soldiers shouted in unison, raising their left hands one after another. They wear something similar to a bracelet on their left cavity, which is the test vehicle of the Honor Barrier. As the soldiers injected the source force into the vehicle, the shields came alive one by one, and the shield under the shield was connected into pieces, eventually forming a thick source force barrier that swept across the six-sided light pattern from time to time.

The honor barrier is activated, and Kejiesi is no longer welcome. With a violent shout, the momentum was full, and the invisible impact spread out in a fan shape starting from him, and went straight to the array of soldiers on the opposite side. Except for being affected by Kejiesi's aura, his face looked a little pale. Under the invisible impact caused by Yuanli, the soldiers behind the barrier were no different. Kejiesi nodded secretly, and suddenly the person leaned forward, pointing the long knife forward, and a flash of light was ignited on the knife. In a flash, the electric light grew stronger, completely enveloping the sword and the person, as a thunderbolt across the space between the two sides, hitting the barrier of honor.

The lightning masterpiece, the muffled thunderous violent one after another. When the two collided, a large number of electric beads were continuously exploded from the electric light on the Kojis knife, and the electric beads hit the barrier, and it was another series of martyrs. The explosion lasted for ten seconds before all the Lei Guangtao vented completely. The honor barrier flickered twice, Fang Jiao disappeared, and the soldiers behind were as gray as dead. After a while, one of his feet became weak and he sat down on the ground.

No one was injured!

"Yes." Kejiesi praised. With his eyesight, it is not difficult to see that these soldiers are soft but not exhausted. It's only when I'm overwhelmed by my own momentum and I don't have much confidence in the barriers to honor. Now that the test is complete, all of them fall to the ground.

Allen said calmly: "There are still some tests to go through..."

At this time, everyone's head went dark. Looking up, it was originally a spaceship hovering above the base. After adjusting its direction, it slowly landed in the direction of the playground. The whole body of this ship is pitch black, and the edges of the wings are bright red like blood, full of depressive taste. Kejiesi frowned and said: "It seems that it is a spaceship spreading death, how come they come."

In the command building, Berry brought two other majors to the playground. On the big playground, Major Luda had arrived early. Bailey stared at him fiercely and asked, "Major, why the admiral/admiral will be here? You didn't notify me in advance?"

Major Luda smiled and said: "About this, you probably have to ask General Lusen yourself."

Bailey naturally wouldn't really ask Lusen. He was notified just now that the chief of the legion who was spreading death, the Federation Admiral/General Lusen Donan, unexpectedly came over. Now it is time for death to spread to the fire place, and Bailey can't figure out Rusen's intention to visit the base at this moment.

One thing is certain, that is definitely not a good thing.

But this time Lu Sen was not riding his "Yan Mo", but just an ordinary frigate that spread death. After the airship landed, the lifting deck fell to the ground, and a burly figure immediately appeared in the hatch. When that figure appeared, it was almost like a black hole, making people feel that it was pitch black in front of and behind, like a bottomless abyss.

At this moment, a little cold light began to light up in the bottomless abyss.

That is Rusen's one-eyed.

After a heavy square-toed military boot stepped out of the hatch, the veteran admiral/general, known for his coldness and bloodthirsty throughout the Federation, walked off the deck. Lu Sen's short gray hair stood upright in the cold wind like steel thorns, and the skull eye mask covered his left eye, making his only eyeball as bright and sharp as a falcon. He pressed his lips tightly and his face was expressionless, making people unable to see what he was thinking.

At the neck of the cloak, a loop of fur collar made of the fur of the ghost fox is dancing with the wind, like a circle of purple-black dark flames. Under the cloak, death spread on the black uniform with gold rim, the badges pinned to the chest are showing the general's military exploits. Admiral/General Lusen stepped off the spaceship with his hands, Major Luda hurriedly greeted him, and Hawan saluted: "Dear General Lusen, you are here."

After Russen, another person got off the ship. That was a young girl, and I don't know if it was born like this or because of interest. The hair color on the left and right sides is gray and black, forming a pair of ponytails of different colors. She has a cold and glamorous face, and her rare black eyes gleaming like the waves of the river Styx, bringing only the deepest despair. The slightly slender body was wrapped tightly in the dark uniform of death spreading. When she saw her, Luda's throat was dry, but she did not dare to let her look beyond the girl's knees.

He licked his lips and said, "Unexpectedly, Master Catherine would also be here."

Death Catherine, one of Rusen's generals. Only 17 years old, his combat power is superb. Together with Sirius Legion Commander Windsor Bello, and Queen Rose Commander Merlin, they are hailed as the three most outstanding women in the Union Army.

Colonel Berry brought the two majors forward to salute, and said: "I don't know General Roussen, Major General Catherine is coming. We have lost courtesy."

"It's okay." Lu Sen began to speak, his voice deep and deep, like a canyon wind roaring, and it was uncomfortable to hear. He said: "Colonel Bailey, I’m short of time, so I’m going to make a long story short. I heard that the Blood Eagle Base has developed some pretty good magic weapons in the past few months, called the fierce fire rifle. I have read the report and it is indeed The equipment that will significantly improve the combat power of our army, I don’t know who is in charge of this project?"

Bailey felt bad, but couldn't help but answer: "Sergeant Allen, General."

"Then call him, I want to see this great sergeant."

"This one……"

Bailey was trying to find an excuse to decline, Ruson snorted ~www.readwn.com~ Everyone felt that the surrounding air seemed to freeze. An invisible pressure made them all breathless. Bailey barely raised his head to meet Russen's brilliant one-eyed eye, and said helplessly: "I'll ask someone to let Sergeant Allen come over."

After that, he said to Perich: "Go and inform Ellen, and the marshal..."

The last sentence lowered his voice, and only the major could hear it.

Peric went down quickly, and Russen glanced at the base and said, "Colonel Bailey, you did a good job. The logistics base has developed magic weapons that can provide the front lines, which has helped us a lot. This is a credit. , I will report the truth, and your promotion is expected."

"Thanks to the general for your love, but this raging fire rifle was actually developed by Marshal Windsor Bello himself, and indicated that it is only used inside the Sirius Legion. After all, the practicality and stability of the newly developed weapons have yet to be tested and should not be announced rashly. . Otherwise, if there is a mistake in actual combat, no one can afford this responsibility." Bailey said solemnly.

Guess if there will still be there? r1058



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