Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 199: Femme Empress

(Do you think there are no more? Haha, the fifth update! This time is really gone. Today's outbreak is still strong, right? Everyone is happy to watch, remember to subscribe more. It is better to have rewards and encouragement!)

Allen closed his eyes and slumbered, thinking about countermeasures.

Lu Sen's previous remarks were a combination of soft and hard, replaced by a weaker will. Under his fluctuating soft and hard, hot and cold attitude, he was already at a loss, and in the end he could only act according to his orders. Allen is not going to lose his own opinion, but the important point is that Rusen clearly threatened him with Willick's life. This unabashedly and rude way made Allen dared to anger, but he didn't dare to speak.

All because of the small life of one person.

Anger can't solve the problem. You need to calmly think about the stakes and find the balance. When there is a chance, vent this anger to the initiator.

No matter what, it is still not possible to tear his face with Lu Sen, otherwise the two sides will have no room for maneuver.

Thinking about it, Allen gradually had a certain point.

The cabin suddenly shook without warning, Lu Sen frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

The cockpit replied: "Report to the general, we are being watched. It is the flying unit of the Ratchet Tribe!"

The Ratchet Tribe is one of the ten swordsmen, if they appear, it means that the spaceship has entered the frontline war zone. Lu Sen sullenly shouted, "Open the projection window."

A wave of light swept across the walls on both sides of the cabin, and a row of virtual windows that could see the outside world opened. Sitting outside the window, Alan could clearly see the bright red energy beams passing by. Occasionally, a collision on the airship will cause a violent collision with the shield of the airship. The spaceship made an evasive maneuver and began to climb upward. Allen looked behind and saw a small, weird-shaped airship moving out of the stern.

The hull is a knotted structure, resembling the body of a certain insect. With lavender wings spread out on both sides, some sort of shooting system protruded from the front of the airship, and the tribal flag was erected at the tail. On the flag that was swayed wildly by the wind, occasionally, as the angle of the hull changed, you could see the pattern of sharp white teeth on it.

"What annoying things, Catherine?" Rusen looked at the major general next to him.

Catherine, the **** of death, unfastened her seat belt without saying a word. At the moment when the spaceship was undulating, she walked out of the cabin steadily like her feet nailed to the floor. Catherine walked to the lift deck and said, "Open the deck cabin."

"Please be careful, Lord Catherine." After a response from the control room, the deck hatch retracted on both sides. With the drastic changes in the air pressure inside and outside the cabin, and as the cabin door opened, a huge suction pulled Catherine, causing her long black and white hair to move forward, but she couldn't move the girl at all.

A cloud of black flames began to rise in Catherine's eyes. From the soles of her feet, large swaths of mist-like black source power began to surge and soar, as if the calm river of Styx suddenly set off a huge wind and waves! On the back of her white hands and cheeks, a large number of strange patterns and symbols gradually formed. The same is the Yuanli base plate, but Catherine's Yuanli base plate is much larger than Kejiesi, depending on the situation, almost all over her upper body.

The Yuanli base plate suddenly shrank towards the center of her eyebrows, and when all the lines and symbols were indented a little, it bounced away like a universe explosion, finally forming a pattern. The pattern is in the form of a female, holding a huge curved sickle with one hand, but a knotted scorpion tail is raised from behind the waist. The lines above are clear and delicate, with black texture as the main tone, and the white space in it emphasizes the beautiful figure of women.

This is the second-order engraving of Catherine, Feminine Femme!

With both hands, he patted the armor bag on the outer thigh, and pulled out two metal rods shaped like short sticks from the inside. After joining them, the front ends of the two metal rods eject other components, and the metal components dissociate and combine by themselves. As the front end ejected a sheet of energy light like a sickle, a black pattern snaked down like a snake, and a sickle appeared in Catherine's hand.

The magic weapon snake sickle is one of the weapons commonly used by Catherine. In addition, she also has a scorpion gun, but she never carried it with her this time. However, it is more than enough to deal with a few single-player airships of the Ratchet tribe with the snake sickle in hand.

Raising her bare hand, the snake sickle put the **** her shoulders, and she walked out of the hatch from the deck that was so graceful and often emptied. The cold wind outside the door became stronger, causing Catherine's black and white ponytail to be pulled back. The eyes that were flowing with the waves of the Styx suddenly lit up a little scarlet, but an enemy airship that was chasing by the tail blasted her with a beam of energy.

Catherine suddenly turned around, blasted the energy beam with the snake sickle first, and the curved sickle swung away. The sickle blade revolved and flew out, nailing into the fuselage of the spaceship with a whirr. There was a traction beam connecting the blade and the blade. Catherine pulled it slightly, and the person jumped out into the void outside the deck. The whole person immediately fell from a high altitude, but after falling ten meters, the tractor beam shrank, immediately pulling her toward the enemy ship.

In an instant, the **** of death passed by the spaceship.

Catherine pulled up the snake sickle, the energy buzzing and shaking, and cut off the nose of this small single-man ship. The fuselage disintegrated, and when sparks jumped across the cut surface, the spaceship exploded, forming a ball of fire in mid-air. In the fireball, Catherine had already used her strength to pounce on the second enemy plane. Still in the air, the snake sickle waved, and the blade spun out and nailed into the flanks of the enemy plane. With the help of the pulling beam, Catherine rushed towards it.

Soon there was a second fireball in the air.

In this way, Catherine took advantage of the special nature of the snake sickle to blast the enemy planes one by one at high altitude.

But within a short time, Catherine had fallen on the last spaceship. Holding a sickle in her hand, she ran towards the stern of the ship, dragging the blade, and the energy glow tore the unlucky spaceship in two. Catherine pushed harder on her toes, and she leaped away. The spaceship sank her under pressure before exploding into a fireball. Catherine jumped to the highest point and was about to fall. The light above his head dimmed, but the flying ship arrived.

When the sickle probed, it hooked the deck with the blade. In mid-air, the girl's slender body swung up lightly and landed firmly on the deck. Catherine put away the snake sickle, scattered the engraving, and returned to the cabin as if there was nothing wrong. Chao Lu Sen nodded slightly, then sat back in his original seat. It's just that the gazes of Ellen and the others looked at her somewhat strange, and Ellen estimated in his heart. If Catherine was asked to take out the sickle in the base before, judging from the attack characteristics of the snake and sickle, he would be beheaded and slaughtered by the sickle if he couldn't get close to Catherine.

The strength of the major general level really should not be underestimated.

There was a sudden tingling sensation on his face, and Allen raised his head just in time to meet Catherine's sight. The girl suddenly stretched out her bright red small tongue and gently licked it between her lips, as if she was looking at something delicious.

Allen’s scalp exploded, but she seemed to be scarier than Rusen.

After 10 minutes, the shadow fortress of the front line base of the theater arrived. The shadow fortress was built on the shady side of the Yara Mountains. There is only a very short sunshine time every day, and the rest is always covered by the shadow of the mountains, so it has the name of shadow. This is the forward base used by Death Spread to attack the heart of the fierce fire. If you pass the mountains of Yalle, you will enter the Plain of Alexis.

Advance to the southwest, and soon you will see the Ironshoe Camp. That was an outpost and hoarding point set up by the Ironhoof tribe in front of the heart of the fiery earth. If you knock it down, you can enter the Scarlet Melt through the hurricane canyon, where the heart of the fiery earth is located.

Upon reaching the sky above the base, Rusen and Catherine left the cabin. There were only four people left in the cabin. Upon seeing this, Willick finally couldn't help but ask: "Boss, what do you think? Don't you really plan to hand over the technology of the fierce rifle?"

Allen whispered: "You have heard it before. If I don't cooperate, General Lusen will probably not let you go."


"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure. If you don't cooperate, you will be in danger. If you can cooperate, no one stipulates that I must provide complete information. After all, Luxen will not know the detailed data of those information, otherwise it will not be so expensive. Zhou Zhang brought us here." Allen laughed.

The spaceship shook and landed. Catherine returned to the cabin and said, "Come with me. Settle your accommodation first. The general will see you in the afternoon."

The last sentence was addressed to Allen.

From the airship, the first feeling was that the outdoor temperature was higher than that of the Blood Eagle Base. Allen and the others were on the apron of the fortress. The Shadow Fortress and the Blood Eagle Base were a completely different picture. The apron in front of me alone is equivalent to the area of ​​the entire blood eagle base. On the apron, there are platoons of magic frigates, including harriers, raptors and other different types and functions.

At this moment, it is the rare sunshine time of the fortress, and the apron is very busy with people coming and going. Ruson had already left first, but Catherine called an off-road vehicle, drove the driver off, and drove the four of Alan away from the apron. From the apron, there is an open training ground. Soldiers are training. The outline of the command building can be seen from the left side of the training ground, but the building is hidden under the shadow of the mountain. From this direction, it cannot be seen due to the backlighting light system. Really.

Along the way, Catherine cherishes words like gold~www.readwn.com~ only briefly introduces some functional areas of the base. Finally, the car drove into the barracks. The barracks were built on a piece of sand. The car was bumpy. There are rows of dormitories, and between the dormitories are common areas for soldiers to move around. When the car came in, it was not difficult to see the soldiers gathering in groups of three or five, and there were always one or two figures fighting together in the crowd. The crowd roared from time to time, making the entire barracks messy, which was completely different from the Blood Eagle Base.

Catherine parked the car in front of a dormitory building. She jumped out of the car and hooked her fingers to the people in the car. Allen jumped off one after another, and Lucy was about to follow, but Catherine shook her head and said: "The general has ordered that you have to prepare another place for you, unless you want to live here."

Lucy jumped off when she picked up her luggage, and Allen also said, "This is not for you. Let's listen to the general's arrangements."

Seeing Alan's solemn expression, Lucy could only nod and sit down. Catherine first walked towards the building: "You come with me, in the shadow fortress, you must remember. In this, everything is typed out. The place to live, the food, the women and even... the official position." r1058


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