Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 210: 1 trigger

After a violent sweep, Catherine retracted the snake sickle and the wolf ride was wiped out. The girl dragged the sickle around her body, and the snake sickle pulled out a stygo and surging away. After the waves passed, the rock walls on both sides of the mountain path were like invisible sharp blades, and the rocks spurted, and a crack opened on the left and right to chase the dark waves. The waves of the Styx River quickly rushed past the Sword Demon Warrior, and only declared to disappear after advancing for a hundred meters.

However, the sword demon didn't feel any discomfort at all, and they continued to charge. At this time, the crack in the back chased up, extending along the place where the Stygian waves passed. As if an invisible blade flashed past the cracks, the sword demon warriors slipped and fell in dislocation when they charged, just like an invisible sharp blade lying across the mountain road, they sent it to the door and let it be killed.

Blood waves are monstrous!

General Sword Demon couldn't sit still anymore, suddenly Leiping made a violent shout, and his hand was on the big sword held by the side of the war beast. People leaped from the prison fire and the war beast, and fell heavily to the ground, producing a shock wave. The left and right soldiers swayed endlessly, and they were all knocked to the ground by thunder. Suddenly, the sword pointed forward, and the fighting spirit was high. The whole body rises with energy, forming a large light pattern on the body surface. As the light pattern rises, the source force rises like a volcanic eruption, and begins to form a proto-ancestral projection above the head.

"Idiot." Catherine said softly. After the sickle was taken away, the person leaned forward and disappeared in place.

A moment after she disappeared, a wave of air exploded. At the next moment, a dark light flashed through the original ancestor projection that was still forming on the top of Hu Lei's head. The general's eyes, nose, and devil blood rushed, and the source of his violent ascending was cut off, and the source of the force went against the flow, hurting his body first. The original ancestor projection that had not had time to form in the sky was cut by Catherine. The girl rolled in the air, and the black and white pony tail caught in the eyes of Xu Lei.

Su Lei finally knew who he was facing.

Death Catherine!

Her bizarre hair color is the symbol of Catherine. As a high-level general in the federal army, there is no reason for the sword demon general Hu Lei. At the moment, full of fighting spirit flew away, and the sword demon who died under Catherine was enough to stack into a corpse mountain. In a way, she was even more terrified than the head of the legion Rusen who died spreading.

Suddenly, Su Lei had an intention to retreat. If he knew that Catherine was sitting at the outpost, he would definitely not rush in.

But it was too late.

Catherine landed lightly, whirled and fluttered back, and the man and sickle turned into a thin dim light flashing across Hulei's left waist. Then the light flashed several times, passing across the knee, chest and neck of General Sword Demon. With a flick of her finger, Catherine slid back. At this time, the thought of being hit by the knife came to Hu Lei's mind.

The waves of blood rushed, and the blood from all over Su Lei's body was evacuated, and his head was chopped off with a single knife. When he fell to the ground, his eyes were still widened, and he still didn't believe that Catherine was killed by Catherine with the last move.

Catherine stopped. On the smooth surface of the sickle formed by the source force, the blood of the sudden thunder was scattered and disappeared by the source force.

The mountain road was silent.

Then the remaining sword demon warriors rushed out of the mountain road. Catherine smiled slightly, and the corpses of these sword demon were already reflected in the eyes of Styx. She rubbed her body and rushed forward, her scythe danced a **** storm, chasing and killing the disintegrated enemy army.

This is the battle, this Sword Demon Thousand Person Team was wiped out, including the Sword Demon General Su Lei. The battle of the sentinel added another military exploit to Catherine.

When Allen and the three returned to the outpost, they saw a blood-stained mountain road. At the outpost, Lieutenant Cossa was directing the evacuation of the personnel, but Lucy and Catherine had nothing to do. The former saw Alan running over immediately, while the latter was sitting on a suitcase and reading the book quietly.

"It's great that you are back." Lucy blinked: "I'm telling you a good news, we are going back."

"Go back?" Allen looked at Catherine.

Catherine closed the book and looked up and said: "Before you arrived, the outpost was attacked by the sword demon. Not only that, our several secret outposts at the entrance of the plain have been taken away, and this is the only thing left. After General Ruson learned, Order us to withdraw, that's it."

"It's going to fight, Ellen. It's the real war." Lucy's blue eyes sparkled, and said excitedly: "The sword demon dropped the outpost as a precursor to the attack. Now, the special bullet I made is finally It's useful."

Willick raised his forehead and said, "Miss, this kind of thing is nothing to be excited about. It is a war, and it is more likely to be a large-scale attack by the enemy, which can be deadly."

"Unless the Shadow Fortress is broken, you will have very little chance of taking action. This is a death-spreading war, not yours." Catherine continued reading after she finished.

Lucy made a face at her.

Although Catherine said so, Alan still couldn't calm down. War, this will be the first real war he has participated in, and it is not comparable to those in the past. No one knows what will happen in the war.

In the afternoon, personnel and materials at the outpost began to evacuate. Allen and the others also sat in the truck when they came, and returned to the Shadow Fortress along the secret tunnel. Back in the fortress, Catherine arranged for the three of Allen to perform the necessary repair treatment. After a dozen hours of soaking in the body repair fluid, Allen's injury has basically recovered.

He took the fangs to the sequence workshop and used the tools of the workshop to repair the fangs. It's a pity that there is no material workshop for Night Demon. Allen can't repair the energy guiding lines of the canine, and can only be used as a normal weapon. But the material of the fangs is special, and Allen has gotten used to it. After the war, there is no time for him to get familiar with the temporary replacement of weapons, so he still intends to continue using this bone knife, and replace it again when there is a chance.

In the next few days, you can see signs of tension in the fortress. One by one divisions arrived at the fortress, and General Russen contracted his troops in other places in order to fight the sword demon. This time the action of the sword demon was obviously beyond his expectation, which made Rusen busy recently and had no time to take Alan into consideration. Allen only saw the increasing number of fortresses and all soldiers were mobilized before the war.

Batches of materials are continuously transported to the fortress via transport trucks. The apron of the fortress is landed by magic flying ships every day, and the apron is filled up.

At this time, Ellen and the others were idlers in the base. After withdrawing from the outpost, Rusen had no time to reorganize their organization, and Allen was also happy. Whenever you have time, you will discuss with Willick, and then you will pull Lucy to beat her, so as to make a batch of special bullets.

Clouds of war spread.

In Rusen's office, in addition to Catherine, another major general Anthony also asked the general to be transferred back. Anthony was in his early thirties, calm and restrained, and Catherine was both the left and right arm of Rusen. It's just that Catherine is superior in combat power, still above the older Anthony, her role is mainly to kill on the battlefield, or to take the top of the enemy. Anthony was meticulous, and helped Rusen a lot in adjusting the army.

At this moment, Catherine was sitting on the side reading a book silently, while Anthony and Rusen stood in front of the tactical deduction stage, thinking about the enemy's possible attack route.

"Since the enemy has mastered the location of our outpost, I am afraid that this tunnel is also under their control. If I were the commander of the enemy army, I would not let this one that can easily pass through the Yara Mountains. Tunnel." Anthony pointed to the three-dimensional model and said: "Out of the tunnel, you can quickly approach our fortress. There is nothing cheaper than that."

"If you have any ideas, just put them forward." Rusen said.

"The easiest way is to install mines/pipes in the tunnel. After the enemy detonates, it can kill the enemy and prevent them from rapidly increasing their troops. But this is no way. You can prepare, but you must not So it’s better not to use it. After all, our goal is not to win this battle, but to enter the heart of the fire. It is foreseeable that if the attack of the sword demon fails, it will also be a huge blow to them. Nothing else. Said that the consumption of troops alone cannot recover quickly, and we still have the Queen of Roses." Anthony smiled slightly: "Of course, we must also try to preserve our vitality in the next battle. Otherwise, we will attack the heart of the fire and the force. Insufficient, they can only let General Mei Lin specialize in beauty."

"Meilin is currently ambiguous and has not clearly stated her position. Originally, her family should have turned to our side, but Meilin had said that her father could not help it. But she and Windsor Bellow are worthy of sisters. It’s more on the side of the New Party. If Mei Lin is allowed to be successful, the New Party’s momentum will rise, and Marshal Kaprow will not be happy to see this situation." Lu Sen said in a deep voice.

Anthony nodded and said, "Therefore, in this battle, we must not only be lean, but also be beautiful. Only in this way can we retain our vitality for counter-offensive purposes."

The two began to discuss matters concerning the cloth army, and Catherine was neither caring nor interested in these. Yawned, got up and said goodbye.

The fortress scouts went all around, and even used the magic spacecraft to cross the Yare Mountains to scout. The intelligence gathered in Lu Sen's hands like snow flakes, and all signs showed that the attack of the sword demon was at hand. According to the information obtained, an army of 100,000 swordsmen is approaching the Yare Mountains through the Alex Plain. The Sword Demon Army is dominated by ground forces, but there are also many air units. In addition to the airships of the tribes, there is another flying army.

It is an army formed after training the flying dangerous species. Its combat effectiveness cannot be compared with the fleet of airships, but it can win in large numbers. Lu Sen and Anthony continued to make adjustments to their strategies based on this information ~www.readwn.com~.

A week after Allen returned to the fortress, the war began.

The spread of death dropped a large army at the entrance of the tunnel, waiting for the sword demon army to give a head attack when it rushed out of the tunnel. Unexpectedly, the first to enter the battlefield was not the Sword Demon's ground troops, but hundreds of Sword Demon flying ships. A strange spaceship crossed the Yala Mountains, buzzing down like a locust crossing the border, and launched a surprise attack on the land army spreading death.

Standing on the roof of the shadow fortress dormitory, Allen could see the sword demon's spacecraft emitting bright red energy beams. After a bombardment on the ground, hundreds of fireballs rushed to appear. Even if they are far apart, the explosion sound from a distance can still be heard.

The base warning was made, and a harrier frigate began to lift off. After them, the slightly bulky Raptor fleet also set off one after another, and hundreds of aircraft formed a rigorous formation and greeted the enemy's air unit like a black cloud.

The war is on! r1058



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