Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 212: Break into the fortress

The huge blank space that appeared in a flash shocked Allen's mind, it was only a major general level strength, and Catherine must have not made a full shot. Based on this, what kind of situation should a powerful person like Windsor Bellow make a full blow?

At this moment, Allen only felt that his imagination was extremely poor, and he couldn't imagine it.

A magnificent coercion suddenly appeared on the battlefield, the kind of breath that made everything desperate press on Allen's mind and will like a mountain. There was a gap of a second or two before Allen saw it.

Mothership! A kilometer-long Sword and Devil Ship is slowly descending from high altitude, its appearance is like a living creature, and its hull is knotted. There are many suspended wings on both sides, and a row of crystals flickers above. While the mothership was moving, the hull was up and down, and its suspended wings flapped like waves, sweeping towards the sky above the shadow fortress like a strange fish in the sea. Its speed may seem unsatisfactory, but in fact it is very fast.

A huge shadow enveloped the fortress.

At this time, the electric flowers connected to both sides of the Sword Mother Ship flickered, and a single light ship ejected from both sides. The tail engine started, and when it dispersed, it violently attacked the fortress with the lizard dragon group. Energy beams fell from the sky, hitting the shield of the fortress, setting off fireballs that exploded. The mothership hull also revealed many weapon platforms, all weapons lighted up at the same time, and the sky was like a meteor shower. Hundreds of light beams were entangled and divided, and finally all fell on the fortress shield. .

The shield flickered, the energy field fully resisted the enemy's attack, but the possible level was declining. At this time, the battleship's main gun was protruding from the front of the Sword Demon Ship, and the thick black gun was wrapped with scarlet lines. A little bit of fluorescent light is converging, and a little sense of the energy gathered at the muzzle is enough to make people crazy.

"You are really desperate to move a spaceship outside the planet to the battlefield." Catherine whispered, her lips opened slightly, and she inhales gently. The femme fatale above her head suddenly shrank, but she did not disappear. The body, which was ten meters tall, shrank to the same height as Catherine, covering Catherine like a phantom, like a phantom armor.

If Catherine breaks through the bottleneck and is promoted to the ruler, then the original ancestor projection will really become an engraving weapon. It's a pity that she is still some distance away from that realm. Even so, being able to shrink the original ancestor projection and overlap with herself, Catherine is already quite remarkable. At this time, the power of the original ancestor was truly roaring in her veins, playing a violent movement with her own source power.

Catherine inserted the snake sickle into the ground and rotated the scorpion gun with both hands. The ascending source force was drawn and gathered by an invisible force and poured into the scorpion gun. The lines on the scorpion gun lighted up, and the gun body suddenly stopped rotating. Catherine held a gun in one hand and aimed at the Sword Demon Ship and threw it forcefully. As soon as this action was made, the scorpion spear disappeared from his hand, appeared in a space a hundred meters away, and went away!

At first, it was just a faint black line, and it turned into a black electricity in a moment, and after a while it had grown like a raging river. In the end, there seemed to be more pitch-black dragons in midair. It slammed into the main gun of the Sword Demon Ship, and before it had enough time to accumulate enough energy, the main gun was shattered. The front end of the mothership was pushed down and the stern crawled. As a result, the black dragon slanted over half of the ship's hull, piercing through the middle of the ship.

Catherine picked up the snake sickle, squatted down, and slammed again. A large area of ​​the ground on the roof of the control tower cracked, and the girl shot straight into the midair like a cannonball and groaned, and began to go down the fallen mothership.

Allen were stunned.

The huge wind pressure made Catherine's black and white ponytail almost stick to the back of her head, and the mothership was expanding in her eyes. She could even see the sword demon running away under the hull armor that was penetrated by a scorpion gun. Figure.

The blade of the snake and sickle spun out, and according to Catherine's induction, the blade hooked the scorpion gun that had exhausted its strength in the air. Under the action of the traction beam, the sickle hooked the scorpion gun and bounced back into Catherine's hand. The girl left sickle with right gun, and people stepped on the void in midair. The original ancestor phantom shrouded in her body suddenly rose. Catherine carried the phantom in the air and changed direction, turning and falling into the Sword Demon Ship whose outer armor was penetrated.

After a while, patches of haze-like black light continued to flash from all over the ship's hull, and there were beams of light bursting open the ship's hull like a river of Styx. Under Catherine's destruction, the mothership began to disintegrate, and the separated hulls were destroyed one by one. In the exploding fireball, countless hot fragments carried the flames and fell towards the fortress, violently hitting the fortress shield to produce ripples of energy.


With a loud noise, the engine at the rear of the mothership exploded earth-shattering. Even if there is an energy shield to isolate them, Allen and others in the fortress can still feel an astonishing impact in the midair, and the invisible force field presses them almost to the ground.

After the explosion, the debris of the mothership fell to the ground. Most of the wreckage fell on the wasteland outside the fortress, and the impact of the wreckage caused a puff of sand on the ground. Allen raised his head and could see several pieces of the ship's wreckage dragging flames towards them. The gunfire of the fortress split and swept towards these wrecks, blasting them in the air, but there were still two extremely large metal wrecks crashing down.

They first slammed into the fortress shield, and the strong collision further disintegrated the wreckage. It can be seen that there was a sword demon falling out. This collision caused the shield of the fortress to finally tore a little, so the sword demon and the wreckage fell together. Allen's face changed and he shouted, "Run!"

They spread their legs and ran in the direction of the fortress playground. There was a loud wind behind them, and pieces of debris hit the dormitory area. Several barracks were hit and collapsed, and a violent shock wave hit from the rear, causing Allen to rush forward and fall heavily to the ground. Before they could get up, tons of dust screamed and spread, and they pressed them to the ground for a while.

When the shock behind him subsided, Allen raised his head. He was already buried in a shallow sand dune. Looking back, several rows of buildings were knocked down, leaving only one or two floors. Fragments of the ship’s hull were scattered nearby, and the flames were still burning with the debris, and several explosions occurred sporadically.

"It's terrible..." Willick also got up from the ground, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of mud, and his tongue was gloomy.

Lucy and Broy got out of the sand one after another, both of them gray-headed and embarrassed.

Footsteps sounded over the playground, and federal soldiers were running in their direction. Alan patted her body and pulled Lucy to her feet. The girl looked at Alan and smiled, and suddenly her smile solidified and shouted: "There is a sword demon!"

Everyone looked back, and as expected, from the scattered wreckage of the ship, one by one blade demon came out, and the lives of these demon were so tenacious. After they jumped to the ground, they quickly spotted Alan and the others, and then screamed strangely. At this moment, a piece of warped hull armor suddenly exploded, and an extraordinarily tall demon jumped out of it. He stood upright, his right glove in a rough metal arm armor. Stepping on the ground, he immediately let out a roar. The source force rises, and faintly in the air began to form the original ancestor projection.

It was actually a famous sword demon general!

"Ready to fight!" Allen took out his fangs, lowered his center of gravity slightly, and watched Lu Xu jump out of the wreckage of the nearly Hundred Demon and General Sword Demon.

Reinforcements arrived behind him, and the soldiers who died spreading began to fire on the sword demon. At the same time, a vigorous momentum passed over the crowd, and someone carried the original ancestor projection straight to the enemy general. Allen looked at it. It was Major Luda.

Luda greeted the opposing general, naturally there was nothing wrong with Alan and the others. Under Alan's instruction, the few people still focused on the hundreds of demon. Among these swordsmen, there are several centurions, and they are Allen's targets.

As the battle began, Lucy took the lead. Jin Qiangwei raised her gun and fired continuously, and she used a batch of raging bullets that she had made before. When the bullet hits the target, an explosion will occur, and the impact and flame will knock down the sword demon who rushed first. Broy's forehead marks appeared, and the joints all over his body snapped. The big man lifted the heavy axe, slammed into the sword demon, swung the axe, and killed the sword demon.

Two sword demon armed with beast skull demon spears grabbed it from the enemy line, raised the spear and blasted two energy beams at Bloy. Willick gave a sullen cry, leaned forward, and fisted in front of Bloy. At the same time, he used two heavy artillery punches to hit the energy beam, exploding them in mid-air. Willick blocked the front door with both hands, so he rushed into the flames of the explosion, and then threw out in a flash. Pointed to the ground, leaped high, and followed a parabola to the two sword monsters.

The fist bounced continuously, and the heavy fist made the sword demon vomit blood and fall. There was no time to raise the gun and shoot.

On the other side, Allen stopped two centurions alone. Although the energy guiding lines of the fangs have not been repaired, the material itself is far better than ordinary weapons. The engraving of the blade of the Burning Plain appeared on Alan's eyebrows, and his fangs were wrapped in orange flames, and hundreds of thousands of sparks swayed to cover the two centurions. The sparks shot, the sword was cold, and the two centurions had only the power to parry, but no counterattack.

They have the upper hand~www.readwn.com~ but the situation on Luda's side is bad. Luda is only an Awakened who can reach level 20, while General Sword Demon has level 23. Although he suffered some injuries from falling from the sky, the Sword Demon was fierce in nature and ignored Luda's ultimate move. In many cases, he was struggling to get injured, and he had to punch Luda. General Sword Demon's iron fist was heavy and heavy. After Luda blasted a few punches, he no longer dared to take the lead, but cautiously defended.

Unexpectedly, this is even more unfavorable to him. Originally, his source strength was three levels lower than the enemy, plus the fierce nature of the sword demon. Luda was timid, his fighting spirit plummeted, and even his defense was full of mistakes. I searched for a few flaws for General Sword Demon, all of which made him vomit blood again and again.

In the duel, Luda once again broke the defense against General Sword Demon. Seeing the other party's punch to his own heart, Luda saw that he couldn't hide, and immediately felt cruel. Not retreating but advancing, carrying Yuan Li greeted him. A violent collision erupted between the two sides, and Luda smashed into the air like a doll, then threw it down. General Sword Demon let out a scream, his chest was torn open to Luda, the blood flow continued, and he could even vaguely see the beating heart inside.

Both sides declared serious injuries at the same time. r1058



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