Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 221: Northward

"There are too many uncertainties, and this time, I mainly do it for personal reasons. /" Allen shook his head: "This is my business, I don't want to take you to take risks together."

Lucy said, "But if you trick us back into this, everyone will be upset. After all, are we friends?"

Hearing what she said, Allen had to nod his head and said: "Let's go out first, find a place to rest and then talk in detail."

This time the girl has no opinion.

It was not difficult to get out. Allen threw Qianjun to Bloy, and took the devil's praise to dig out a climbing hole between the mountain walls for borrowing, and then climbed all the way up. Finally fixed the position with a dagger, lowered the speed dragons, and allowed the three of them to climb up one after another and exit along the original passage.

The storm outside, and night fall, the world is pitch black, and there is no outline of anything. Allen and the others walked close to a fjord, braved the wind and snow, and finally found a cave leeward. Bloy found a few large rocks nearby to block the entrance of the cave, while Alan used a marching stove to make a fire in the cave. The four of them formed a circle and took a rest by the fire.

After eating some compressed food, Allen told the truth about what he heard in the ice cave. Bloy didn’t say a word, and Willick said solemnly, “Boss, you’re doing this too much. If we didn’t know each other before, we’ve experienced so much, and we have had many births and deaths. I thought we were already brothers."

"I just treat you as brothers, so I don't want you to go on an adventure with me. This time I don't even know where the specific location of the holy site is. It's just mentioned in the teacher's notes that that place may be the civilization of the sword demon. Origin. In addition to my own personal affairs, when it comes to this, I have to tell you another thing casually." Allen took out the devil's praise, and with a thought, the dagger turned into a short knife, showing the first stage of awakening.

"Lord Major Luda asked me to surrender the source weapon. He was talking about this one. It is called the Demon's Praise, and now it is the blood hymn of its awakening posture. Its ability is to activate the blood in the opponent's body and use it to form blood from the inside. The blade tears open the internal organs and body. And this is only its first stage posture. I guess it has a higher stage posture. In other words, it can continue to break through and evolve like a creature." Allen said: " The important thing is that when we were at the Sword Demon Soldier Station in the Plains of Alex, I used it to slaughter the opponent’s commander, and there was a Sword Demon who had called the name of the Blade of Calamity. I think that the Demon Sword should be I have seen relevant records about the devil’s praise."

"Because when I was testing Fierce Fire*, I got a piece of stone from a sword demon tribe. It seems that sometimes, some patterns are painted on it, which seems to be related to the praise of the devil."

Willick's eyes widened: "You mean, this dagger should have appeared on the star of Pluto a long time ago? God, how did you get it?"

"My father gave this to my mother, and my mother gave it to me. There are so many things involved, and the more I understand, I feel that there must be some huge secret behind all this. Now you see too. By now, this secret has not only existed on the earth, it has even crossed the star field, and some clues have appeared on the star of Pluto." Allen sighed: "The greater the secret, the greater the danger. This is also what I don't want you to be. The main reason to follow is, in the final analysis, this is just my business. And we also need someone to bring the information back to the Thunderfire Base. We can't let Colonel Gao Lei think that I am missing out of thin air.

"Let Miss Lucy take the information back, and we two will accompany you." Broy said suddenly.

Lucy raised her head and said, "No, let Willick deliver the letter. I'm going to follow. If the holy site is really the origin of the civilization of the sword demon, that place should be some ancient civilization. My course happens to have ancient civilization. Take a subject unless you two think that your accomplishments in this area are above me."

"You are almost an encyclopedia." Allen looked at her in surprise.

Lucy said quite fascinatingly: "Nothing, we are far more advanced than your humans in terms of the means of passing on knowledge. Or do you think that Idahua can fight the entire Yorton star field. Your federation’s interstellar defense line, Not one-tenth of ours!"

"Well, Miss Archaeologist..." Allen looked at Willick.

Willick jumped up and shouted: "Don't look at me, I won't do it. How can such a wonderful thing be missing me? I can have the opportunity to explore the origin of the sword demon, or maybe even some valuable treasures. I won’t do the boring job of delivering letters to death."

"It seems that I can only deliver the letter, and the three of you are going to take risks." Allen said in a bad mood.

Lucy stood up suddenly, snapped her fingers and said, "Yes, I remember that there is a reconnaissance team not far from Rinfeng Gorge. We can entrust them to pass the information to the base, so that it won’t be solved. ."

"Just do it." Willick hit it off.

Bloe also slapped his legs and said: "Tomorrow I will go to hit a few dangerous plants to make dry food. It seems that the place we are going to cannot be reached in a day or two. Replenishment will be a problem."

Alan shook his head and looked at them, a little helpless, but was moved by the sincere emotions of several people. Decide everything to put everyone's lives first, if there is any danger, immediately give up this adventure, even if the answer is within easy reach!

The blizzard stopped the next day, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of silver frost. Allen and the others actually hit another team near Rinfeng Gorge, and asked them to send the news back. Allen concealed the demon's praise, and only said that it was related to the holy relic, and it was possible to solve the alien race of Blade Demon once and for all. The matter is so important that the other thunder and fire officers dare not stop them, so they have to agree.

When Alan returned to Rinwind Gap, Lucy was waiting for him at the meeting point. They didn't see Willick and Bloy. It was because they found that the Sword Demon bandits started to move. Willick caught up and watched them closely, asking Lucy to wait for Alan to come back and catch up with them.

Since Willick and the two had already set off for a while, Alan and Lucy stopped staying either, and followed the signs left by them. Out of the Rinfeng Gorge, along the foot of the Winter Evening Mountains all the way north. The temperature was getting colder, and at night, the four of them met in a cave on the north side of the mountain range. Willick and the two have set up a fire, and Bloy has hit a wolf-shaped dangerous species. The beast has been skinned and boned, and then sliced ​​and smashed on the branches and put on the fire to roast. Allen and the two arrived just in time for dinner. Bloy carefully washed the wolf skin with snow water to remove the dirt, dried it with fire, and gave it to Lucy, which can be draped on the body to keep out the cold.

"What's the situation?" Allen sat down to the fire and blew the wind for an afternoon, his facial muscles were a little numb. He was on fire and took a skewers of meat from Bloy.

Willick had eaten, burped and said: "It went well, they didn't know that they had been spotted by us. Now they are resting in a cave half a kilometer away from us, and I will stare at them later."

Bloy said: "I'll change you in the middle of the night."

So the two set a time.

"Cross the Winter's Evening Mountains, and then continue northward is the Ice Demon Valley. From the Ice Demon Valley, you will pass through the Abyss of the Star, where there is an abandoned Sword Demon post. Beyond that, it is the Barren Land." Allen said : "I have seen some map data in the base, but the Thunderfire Base does not have detailed information on the barren land. I only know that there is an endless snowy field, and there are few people. Even the sword demon, I am afraid that there are no tribes in that severe cold. The land took root, so even the outpost was removed."

"It looks like the sword demon bandits are going to be in the Desolation Underground. I am curious how they got the path of the sacrificial team." Willick used a sharpened twig to pick his teeth.

Alan ate some meat skewers, his temperature rose, and his hands and feet were no longer numb as before. Hearing the words: "The Sword Demon has never been a united race, and the decapitation order can only affect it for a short time. Ten units defeated the rod on the Alex Plains, which has a huge impact on their reputation. Other tribes began not to sell them. The account is not surprising, but daring to play ten, especially the attention of the sacrificial team, those bandits are also considered bold. But in my opinion, things are definitely not that simple. These guys may have insiders in the sacrificial team, or even by Ten part of a big person presided over, otherwise the news would not leak so easily."

"There is another point. The distance from the cold crest glacier to the barren land is limited. And they have formulated various countermeasures after the robbery. This shows that they entered the Rinfeng Gorge before the winter is not unintentional, but intentionally. If there are ten behind this. If other big figures of the Sword Demon in the ministry are presiding, then this is a conspiracy and an action against the Sword Demon King.” Lucy analyzed.

This is not impossible. After all, once the sacrifice team makes a mistake, the prestige of the Sword Demon will naturally be affected. If there is an unfavorable situation in fighting the federal army, it is not difficult to imagine someone will take the opportunity to blame. Therefore, this series of events may involve a power struggle.

"No matter what, our goal is the holy relic. If the situation permits, let's get a glimpse of the secret. As for the internal struggle of the sword demon, we don't care about it." Allen said.

When Broy came back early in the morning, it was the Sword Demon Bandit who started to act. Allen and the others also packed up and hung far behind their ass. If nothing happens, they will be able to reach the Ice Demon Valley this evening~www.readwn.com~ Tomorrow morning, we will pass the Abyss of the Stars, that is a barren land. Where it is. The infighting of the sword demon, and the leakage of the route of the sacrificial team, gave Allen a chance to approach the holy site. If you miss this time, you will have to wait another ten years, and Alan will naturally not stay on Pluto for so long. So he still has some expectations for this action. Today, the team began to advance into the Winter's Evening Mountains. Allen's three men took turns watching from time to time to confirm the path of the sword devils.

By noon, when they passed a mountain col, Willick and the two had already got in first. Seeing Alan stop, Alan frowned and looked up. The mountain walls on both sides soared up, gradually closing and interdependent on the top, forming a line of sky.

"What's wrong?" Lucy also felt that he was different, so she asked.

Allen said: "Look at this place, if we go halfway. The sword demon cuts off the way from the front and back, and then drops the gravel from above. The space here is limited, and we will be seriously injured even if we don't die."

"what do you mean?"

"They noticed us." Allen smiled bitterly.



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