Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 232: Journey to Hell (Part 1)

"General, look here." A sword demon warrior retreated, revealing the damaged metal wall.

Camu walked over and cut the metal frame drawn from the wall into two sides with a knife: "They must have stayed here, chase after!"

Following the route given by the old sword demon Yadu, Kamu led the people to easily touch the transit platform where Ellen had stayed. I found traces of their activities here. Watching these invaders swaying under his nose, Camu only felt that every trace here was slapped him.

If the two humans were killed on the spot, wouldn't there be such a lot of trouble now? Camu thought, it's a pity that time will not go back, and the world has never said anything. Kamu only hopes to catch those invaders as soon as possible. The sacrifice is about to begin, and the location is on the second floor of the Holy Relic.

A group of five Sword Demon Warriors were dispatched by Kamu. Starting from the material platform and radiating to the surrounding area, the teams are closely connected, and Kamu asked not to rush to attack when an intruder is found. However, he must be notified as soon as possible, and then try to contain the opponent with a quantitative advantage, and then call in the currently active troll to encircle.

In short, he didn't want the intruder to slip away from under his hands.

Otherwise, where should the soldier's honor be placed?

There was a hum in the air, and Allen plunged a heavy knife into the automatic door without electricity. Using a heavy knife to forcibly open the automatic door to both sides, after pulling out a gap of more than ten centimeters, Bloy strode forward and exerted force with both hands. Blue veins appeared on his arm, and the highlander let out a low growl, pushing the automatic protégé open a gap in the door for people to pass through.

Allen got in first, and after confirming that there was no danger, he notified the people behind to come in.

The passage was finally no longer pitch black, but there was also no lighting. Only at intervals, the top of the aisle is lit with flashing red lights. When Lucy and the others got in, Allen found a two-story plan next to him. He used Qianjun to smash the plexiglass on the surface and took out the plan from the inside. Spreading on the floor, using a light stick as lighting, Lucy looked for a moment and let out a soft cheer: "Good luck, the computer room is not far ahead."

"Look, the second floor of this spacecraft is the crew's living area. There is a square here, and our location is unit b on the west side. This area is the warehouse, medical room and computer room." Lucy reached out and clicked on the drawing. Point to point out where everyone is now.

Allen glanced, the shape of the spaceship was wide and pointed, and they were at the bottom of the spaceship. The left and right sides of this area are the material platform and the warehouse, each with two passages extending out, and at the same time pointing to an elliptical area. There is the square that Lucy said, which is a public area for people on board to rest. Further forward, the hull began to narrow, and there were four rows of regular units on each side, which seemed to be crew quarters.

"This is the power room of the spacecraft. It is in the same position as the main control room on the first floor. If we can get here, then we can cut off the spacecraft's energy." Lucy pointed towards the narrow area at the front of the hull. A little bit: "According to the safety agreement of our spacecraft, once the power is cut off, all exits of the spacecraft will automatically open, so that the crew must have a chance to escape. We can take advantage of this, and we must rely on it to leave the holy relic.

"Let's go to the computer room first." Allen said.

"follow me."

Allen stood up and said, "Wait for me."

He got out through the crack of the door, turned back after a short while, nodded to everyone, "I can go now. I made some arrangements, it should be able to delay some time."

Lucy remembered the structure and route of the second floor, rolled up the plan, and rushed to the front of the passage first.

After two or three opened automatic doors, lighting began to appear on both sides of the passage. The soft light regained everyone's confidence, and the power supply of the spacecraft is still there, so it is expected that the record files can be extracted from the engine room. After running for a while in the passage following Lucy, the girl stopped at a closed gate. The seams of the door turned like lightning, and Lucy kicked the lower left corner of the door and said, "Pry this off."

Qianjun acted as a breaking tool again, and Allen removed the metal plate designated by Lucy a few times, revealing the complicated loops and cables inside. Lucy squatted down and skillfully unplugged some of the plugs on the panel circuit, and then rearranged them. The last plug was pressed down, and a light pattern flowed on the automatic door. With a click, the door automatically retracted to the left and right, revealing a world of fluorescent lights in the door.

Lucy clapped her hands and stood up, and went into the door first. Allen followed her, and when they entered the room, the back door closed automatically. The machine room is very spacious, with thick metal cylinders connecting the ground and the dome. There are regular strips of light patterns on these metal cylinders. They are arranged at a certain distance and are densely covered with giant pillars.

Looking up, you can see the part where each metal pillar is connected to the dome. From time to time, a circle of fluorescent light will spread along the radial data tube groove. The dome is gradually lit by fluorescent light, looking like a universe galaxy, magnificent and mysterious.

When Allen and the others were caught by the strange scene in the engine room of the ship, Lucy walked to the center of the room. There are criss-crossing lines on the floor in the middle, and some red, green and green light spots are shining on the grid. Lucy looked at it for a while, and then stretched out some of the light spots. When the red and green light spots were on one side, there was a sound of gears rotating under the floor, and then the ground opened to both sides, revealing a square space.

After a while, a metal pedestal lifted from the ground and stopped until it reached Lucy's chest. The table top is sloping up, the front is high and the back is low. From time to time, a beautifully-lined symbol floats on top of the table, which should be the text on Idahua star. From time to time, a row of pale gold data rises on the surface of the metal column. They are all composed of Ida Huaxing characters. When they reach the table, they will generate a beautiful golden text.

Lucy thought for a moment, and stretched out her finger to touch the metal table in a certain pattern. Every time a girl drops her finger, a golden symbol must be generated. At first Lucy had to think for a few seconds every time she dropped a finger. When she arrived, she dropped her fingers faster and faster, almost without thinking. Allen saw her finger tapping with a rhythm like music, as if she was tapping some kind of command.

Sure enough, when the girl knocked down the last talisman, a ball of light floated from the center of the metal pillar. It looks like a shrinking star, so close, you can even see the flowing clouds on the surface of the star and the land and ocean inside.

If this photosphere is observed under a high-magnification microscope, it will be found that every cloud layer of this luminous star, or even the outer satellite belt, is composed of nano-level data. Lucy stretched out her hand and pressed it on the data ball, and then waved it to both sides. This luminous star suddenly exploded like a supernova, and tens of thousands of data bands were continuously peeled off and flying from the surface of the photosphere, and spread out into the space of the computer room.

Countless golden light bands filled the entire room. They got into the metal cylinders of the machine room, and the luminous stripes on each metal pillar lit up, illuminating the entire machine room like daylight. When the light was extremely bright, everyone flashed. When their eyes adjusted to the light, they found that the computer room had disappeared, and the metal cylinders, even the dome and the ground had disappeared.

Looking at it, they are in a void of space, with twinkling stars in the distance, and a nebula exuding colorful light/gas nearby. Lucy turned around and saw that the trio’s expressions were a little unnatural. The girl said with a smile, "Don’t worry, this is the virtual space of the Yunchui system. We are still in the computer room, but the brain is connected to the spacecraft’s database, so Will see this scene."

"It turned out to be a fake..." Willick patted his chest exaggeratedly: "But I still feel so unreal."

Bloe took a breath in his mouth, and finally squeezed out: "People should stand on the ground. This feeling makes me very uncomfortable."

"I'll get used to it in a while." Lucy stretched out her hand and pressed it gently in the void, and when her fingers touched, golden ripples were formed. Each circle of ripples is made up of minute data, they spread and disappear, one after another: "Okay, let me see what the spacecraft records are..."

Suddenly the girl waved her hand, and a little golden light flew from her fingertips. The golden light swept over everyone's heads, ejecting countless points of light. Each light spot stretched out a round screen, and different pictures appeared on the screen. There are so many screens, densely scattered all over the star dome, which makes people dizzy.

Allen swept through some screens at will. What he saw was a group of material handover scenes. The most repetitive part was a metal cabin, which looked like a hibernation cabin. It's just that each cabin is unusually large. Compared with the people who appear in the screen at the same time, these cabins are simply prepared for giants.


Allen suddenly thought of the giant covered in scales~www.readwn.com~ Could these metal cabins be prepared for them?

Others also saw some pictures, and there were dense data in Lucy's eyes passing by like flowing water. The processing volume per second has reached an astonishing level. Lucy was browsing the flying data records at high speed, trying to find information about the mysterious mission and destination of the immigration ship. At this browsing speed, it took Lucy a full ten minutes to lock the data she wanted.

So the many screens above the head disappeared one by one, and in the end only the only light screen fell in front of everyone. There is a man on the screen, and the Idahua is very similar to the earthling. Except that their ears are as pointed as the legendary elves, there is almost no difference. The same is true for the man on the screen. He wears an Idahuaxing-style silver uniform with complicated golden patterns on his shoulders and cuffs.

He faced the screen and said, "When you see this video, Empress Elsa may no longer exist, right? But anyway, as the captain, I need to keep this record."

"This is a journey to hell!" r1058



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