Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 242: Number seven

Pushing Bloy away, the chief was about to pursue it. (Suddenly the sword wind is pressing in front of you, but Allen snatches in, and the heavy knife slashes in. The chief's warhammer swept across, taking advantage of the long weapon to force Allen to two meters away. The warhammer flew up and down like a dragon, one Time prevented Alan from snatching in. Alan was not in a hurry, and calmly challenged. Qianjun's every knife was filled with source power, and the heavy cut continued to scream on the warhammer.

And wherever the blade passes, an orange light trail will remain, which is because Allen activated the ability "Fire Path". He began to walk around the Chief Sword Demon, slashing from time to time, leaving a path of fire in the air. After walking in this way for a few laps, the chieftain's surroundings were already full of lingering light tracks. With another slash, the chief's warhammer was shaken away, and the engraving on Allen's forehead suddenly lit up, and all the fire trails resonated with it, all of which were brilliant.

When the light reaches its limit, all fire paths explode together. Within a limited range, the collision of energy and flame immediately rolled up a bright sky fire with the chief's body as the origin. Exposing to the high temperature of thousands of degrees in the sky, the clothing fibers, armor and even the skin and hair of Chief Blade Demon burned. Even the Blade Killer hiding in the corpse burned his eyes with two streams of silvery liquid flowing down like tears.

This is a technique that superimposes the two abilities of "Fire Path" and "Resurgence". The fire pillar, which is like a waterfall hanging upside down, soars into the sky, condensing all the high-temperature heat energy within a limited range, greatly increasing the destructive power. The only disadvantage is that it takes time to lay out the fire path, and once the target is separated, the maximum killing effect cannot be achieved.

The sky fire fell, and the chief backed back again and again with the smell of burning. Most of the body's skin was burned off, and the exposed bones were also burnt black, and the flames of it wandered around. But he didn't fall down, Allen took a deep breath, strode up the knife, and wanted to cut it off. A ghost eye appeared in the air in front of him, and that eyeball stared directly at Allen.

Allen couldn't move immediately, he subconsciously charged with the source force, and the surrounding space made a series of smashing noises as if it was being broken. At this time, the chief's warhammer swept over. Seeing that Alan couldn't escape, he had to cut it off with a knife.

The knives and hammers struck each other and let out a violent noise.

Allen's mouth trembles sharply, only to feel a strong thrust forward, and then he can't hold Qianjun. The heavy knife flew out of his hand, forwarding a terrible air-breaking sound to the ground behind him. The chief's warhammer flipped over in midair and slammed Allen down. Alan's eyes lit up and he stepped forward, letting the warhammer smash into the air, blasting the ground with countless snake-like cracks.

He took advantage of the flickering of the fuselage and moved closer to the chief. The devil's tribute did not know when he came to his hand, the dagger was turned over, plunged into the chief's chest with a cold light, and the blade pierced into the heart. The dagger burst into red light, and Allen liberated the awakening posture of the devil's praise, turned into a blood-red short knife and scored a few points, completely piercing the chief's heart.

Something strange happened.

The demon gem at the end of the short knife lit up, the dazzling brilliance it had before it bloomed, it even buzzed and vibrated, seemingly very excited. If you tear off the chief's armor and body now, you will see that the heart inside is trembling sharply. The surface of the heart is covered with many thin silver threads, and the blood hymns continuously eject ray of red light from the blade.

These red lights are tangled together, and they will be as sharp as a blade, tearing the heart out. Neither the chief's heart nor the threads belonging to the Blade Runner can stop these red light cuttings. The cut fragments will be violently shocked, scattered into a blood, and then entangled in the red light and pulled back into the short knife.

The blood hymn is like a greedy beast, constantly tearing the chief's heart to pieces, and then shaking it into blood and devouring it desperately. As the blood energy was absorbed by the short knife, the chief's heart quickly died. Blade Runner is not a creature, otherwise he would definitely scream at this moment. However, she also knowingly withdrew the silk threads scattered on the heart so as not to be shattered by the blood hymn along with the heart.

Allen was also surprised. In the past, even if this source device absorbed the blood of General Sword Demon, it was not what it is now. Dao Dao's pure and surging life essence was sent to him like no money. However, after a few breaths, Alan felt a sense of swelling. It was a sign that he had absorbed too much life essence for a while and couldn't digest it. And the delivery of life essence never stopped. Even if Allen kept ordering blood hymns to stop absorbing blood qi with his will, this source device turned a deaf ear to him, still swallowing the remaining heart fragments, turning into massive life essence to absorb.

In the end, a red light lit up on the chief's chest. The red light burst fiercely, pushing Alan and the Chief away in opposite directions. Allen stepped back and stood still, carrying a hymn of blood. The blood hymn was entwined with a mass of real red light, the red light was like a cocoon, and it was impossible to see the short knife inside. It's just that the light bursts from time to time, and the light cocoon gradually elongates.

The chief who was shaken back suddenly shot two silver torrents from his eyes. However, the Blade Runner realized that the corpse could no longer be controlled, so he simply drew back all his Tamis silver, turned into two torrents, and shot Alan away. The two silver streams converged and deformed in the air, forming a continuously rotating silver drill, taking the position of Alan's heart straight.

"Ellen!" Lucy screamed, she was the closest to Ellen. Before thinking about it, he rushed over, turning his back to Blade Runner and guarding Allen behind him.

The girl shook her body, but the silver diamond had already plunged into her body.

Strangely, the silver diamond stopped almost as soon as it entered the body. Then the silver drill flew upside down and turned into a pool of liquid and fell to the ground, but a thin piece of silver remained on Lucy's powder back, sealing her wound.

These changes happened so quickly that Lucy was already injured when Willick and the two reacted. Both of them were furious, they wanted to bombard the pool of silver liquid with their abilities. Lucy suddenly shouted: "Wait..."

"What are you waiting for?" Willikitch asked.

"I seem to control her..." Lucy didn't seem to believe it, but she called out to the pool of silver liquid, "Is that right? Number 7?"

The silver liquid immediately boiled, and then twisted for a while, forming a female head. She looked at Lucy, her lips opened and closed, and she made a mechanically emotionless voice: "Yes. According to Blade Runner's first rule, you must unconditionally obey any orders from members of the Idahua royal family, and you must not make any The behavior of impairing the royal family. This rule automatically covers other rules. I have analyzed the royal blood from your blood, and the purity of the blood has reached the highest level that I can identify. Dear royal members, No. 7 is here to follow your any Commanded."

She spoke in the language of Idahua, and the two of Willick couldn't understand even a word and looked at Lucy together. The girl gave them a simple translation, and then said to Blade Runner: "From now on, use the common language of the earth, can you use it?"

"I don't have the star of the earth in my program, but it doesn't matter. I can analyze the tone combination from your conversation just now. Please give me some time." After a while, Blade Runner said: "That's fine."

The last sentence was blunt, but it was the lingua franca of the earth, and even Willick understood it. Next, Lucy asked what happened to the Elisa spaceship. Through the narration of Blade Runner, everyone understood a general idea.

At that time, Elisa made an emergency landing on the star of Pluto, and unfortunately landed near a powerful tribe of Sword Demon. Soon it was invaded and attacked. The captain was killed, but some crew members survived. They succumbed to the power of the sword demon and taught them to use the Elsa system. From the Elisa, the Sword Demon has obtained the technology of interstellar travel, and thus has the capital for hegemony.

But they were not satisfied with this. After knowing that the third floor of the Elisa was escorting the sentry legion that was supposed to be destroyed, these demons attempted to get involved in the killing machine that brought disaster and killing to Idahua. It's just that even the crew on the Elisa didn't know how to control the Sentry Corps, so the Sword Demon naturally didn't know much. After violently destroying the armor plate leading to the third floor, they activated 10 Blade Runners during the invasion.

These Blade Runners, like the Defenders, are to guarantee the guarantee of the Sentinel Corps' exile. After Wisdom Brain scans and finds that the creatures that are not within the rules enter the hull, it activates all Blade Runners, and the Sword Demon Tribe is hit by the unprecedented blow. Even though there were only ten Blade Runners, the Blade Demon Tribe suffered heavy losses. After paying a huge price to destroy the nine killers, Chief Blade Demon originally wanted to enter the power room and completely shut off the spacecraft's energy. Unexpectedly, he was still mixed in by No. 7, and then No. 7 was almost maimed by the chief, but survived because the nano core was not damaged.

Finally, in this power room, No. 7 killed the remaining sword demon including the chief one by one. Later, out of instinct, he split himself into hundreds of units, while the core went to sleep to prolong energy consumption. As for the chief's heart, even No. 7 can't tell how it keeps active. No. 7 only knows that out of instinct, she originally wanted to extract the cells of the heart to transform it into the energy she needs. However, after contact, she found that she could use the core to connect to the heart, thereby using some of the incomplete abilities of the Chief ~www.readwn.com~ Hearing this, several people have a general understanding of the Elusa's past. No. 7 continued: "The only remaining parts of my body are these, so I can't perform all of its functions. If the owner finds Taimis Silver in the future, please give it to me first. I can reshape and reshape my body by myself."

Lucy nodded, and No. 7 suddenly turned into a silver light and fell on the girl's hand, forming a silver bracelet.

"I didn't expect so many things happened here, boss, you say..." Willick turned his head and looked at Allen, only to find that he was still standing there. The light cocoon in his hand has quietly extended a lot.

At this time Lucy also discovered Ellen's anomaly, no matter what they called Ellen, Ellen just didn't respond.

They didn't know that Allen was now overwhelmed by massive amounts of information!

(After the Spring Festival, normal updates will resume this month. Three changes today, one chapter is the rudder master who has a big dream!)



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