Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 250: Battle of the Glaciers

Leihuoji is located in the north, but in this month, the weather is also hot. ?  Gao Lei unbuttoned the chest of his uniform, letting the wind blow the collar to swing, but it only slightly reduced the heat. Large beads of sweat still emerged from his forehead, and then dripped down his big face. Gao Lei was holding a tactical telescope, standing on the vantage point of the base defensive wall and looking out, just to enjoy the entire northern part of the Coldcrown Glacier.

In this season, only a layer of floating ice on the surface of the Hanguan Glacier thaws. Those ten thousand years of profound ice are as hard as steel and are not affected by the hot weather at all. In Gao Lei's telescope, the coalition forces of the Sword Demon tribe came from the glacier plain.

The Federation has had a long history of grievances with the Sword Demon, and with the decapitation orders issued by the Ten Ministry, there is no possibility of any buffer in the war. Almost seeing the wall of the Thunderfire base, the Sword Demon began to attack. The cannon fodder troops ahead suddenly accelerated, and thousands of knives and ants swarmed in densely. Using servant beasts to consume human ammunition is the most traditional tactic of the sword demon.

This kind of tactic is no longer new, but it is actually feasible, because the Federation really can't watch the knife ants rush to their positions.

"These guys really don't learn well." Gao Lei put down his telescope and said.

The adjutant smiled behind him: "They can't pass our minefield."

Around the base, a circle of minefields has already been laid. Unless it is a person in the base, they will know where the safe passage is. As for the sword demon, of course, cannon fodder must be used to fill the minefield to allow the main force behind to pass. The infantry mines laid in the minefields were designed for the land-traveling servants of the knife ants. The infantry mines have been used since the old times and have not undergone much improvement.

Compared to before the dawn of the war, infantry landmines also made a few articles on the use and filling of gunpowder, which increased a part of its power, but it could not be compared with other new types of landmines. Infantry mines are simple to make, and they have miraculous effects to suppress these peculiar servant beast troops on Pluto, so they are still widely used on the battlefield of Pluto.

Just when the servant beast army was about to enter the minefield, these cannon fodder suddenly adjusted. The knife ants dispersed, and the distance between the servant beasts was immediately enlarged, which surprised Gao Lei slightly. In this way, the role of minefields is greatly weakened. He set up the telescope again, adjusted the magnification, and pulled the lens to the back of the enemy. In the end, his gaze fell on a sword demon, which was different from other similar ones. He sat on a black giant wolf. It was a different species of horned wolves. It was slightly larger than ordinary horned wolves, with golden eyes and dense white teeth in the wolf's kiss. The most striking thing was the single horn.

The golden unicorn is z-shaped, looking like a golden lightning bolt.

The sword demon on the wolf is draped with a dark red stomach, which is full of rough taste. It is made of a mixture of skin and metal, and then painted with dark red paint. Looking at the enemy army, he was also wearing a red armor, so Gao Lei recognized him instantly. The sword demon was gesturing, and the army responded with a horn. The Red Armored Knife Moxian was the commander of the enemy army, sending orders with a horn to let the cannon fodder troops make corresponding tactical actions.

"Interesting." Gao Lei said, and said to the adjutant: "Let the officers at all levels prepare, not let the servant beast enter the defensive position."

The order went down, and there was an explosion in the minefield. The cannon fodder troops began to enter the minefield, and the infantry mines buried on the ground detonated one by one, the explosion sounded continuously, and fireballs bloomed on the glacier plain. The heat wave and shock wave made the knife ants unable to crawl away normally, but the dispersed formation avoided the result of being bombarded by landmines.

Although most of the mines in the minefield were detonated, many knife ants broke through the area and began to attack the defensive positions of the base. Far apart, the soldiers in the fortifications were free to attack under the order of the officer. Thunderfire base, an army of about a thousand people, has been replaced with a fierce fire rifle/gun, even if the sequence is not activated, it enters the shooting in normal mode. The raging fire rifle/gun, both in terms of firepower and range, must far outperform the eliminated arms.

The gunfire raged, and the Union soldiers set up a firepower net and shot the knife ants 100 meters away. The line of fire visible to the naked eye pierced the battlefield, and the beetle of the knife ant could not defend against the penetration of the fiery warhead. The knife ant fell in pieces, rolling out blue-yellow ant blood all over the ground.

The enemy's trumpet sounded again, short and intense.

The main force consisting of thousands of infantry began to advance, and the black and heavy infantry of the sword demon marched along the passage opened by the servant beasts and prepared to attack the federal position with the help of the remaining sword ants to cover. On the defensive wall, Gao Lei sneered, reaching out and clenching his fists.

Seeing his gesture, the adjutant issued the order anxiously.

At this time, the heavy artillery armored vehicles on several firing positions began to roar. The gunner adjusted the angle of the heavy gun and then fired at the same time. In the dull gunfire, the enemy's main force immediately burst into flames, engulfing hundreds of sword demons.

As the heavy artillery fired, the weapon system of the Thunderfire base was also put into battle. The two turrets on the commanding heights of the wall frequently blasted blue electric fire. In the unique sound of the high-energy cannon, the electric light fell into the enemy camp, causing huge shocks again and again. The destructive power of the high-energy cannon is still above that of the heavy artillery. Even though there are only two turrets, but under frequent bombing, the life of the sword demon is far better than that of the six heavy artillery armored vehicles.

Coupled with a few firepower points, anti-aircraft machine guns were put into the battle, and the hot metal jets swept back and forth in the enemy's formation like a whip, killing and wounding countless swordsmen. For every meter they robbed, they would have to spend hundreds or more lives to make up for it.

The horn changed again.

The wolf knights on the two wings of the enemy finally went into battle. These wolf knights, which can be called elite soldiers in small and medium tribes, act like the wind. Even under heavy artillery and cannon fire, they continue to penetrate the fire curtain and quickly approach the defensive position. , And penetrated by the left and right ends. After they joined the battle, the front line of the base finally ignited the flames of war.

Gao Lei responded quickly.

The front line began to shrink, reducing the attack surface, but concentrated firepower, so that the flying wolf rider could not easily cross the line of fire. At the same time, sergeant-level soldiers were dispatched to counterattack the wolf rider. Under this adjustment, the wolf rider was immediately restrained, and could no longer penetrate the position as easily as before.

There was a long horn sounded from the enemy army, and another new order was issued, but the sword demon's army did not see any new changes. Just as Gao Lei was confused, an astonishing aura suddenly erupted on the front line, and the original power rose on the battlefield, condensing a projection of the original ancestor of the sword demon. The opponent even allowed a general to mix in the infantry and launch an attack at this time!

Sure enough, a general with a projection of the original ancestor on his head almost slammed into the federation's firepower net. He blasted a punch toward the most intense point of the base position. The original ancestor projection made the same posture, but from the fist front of the phantom, a tragic green beam of source power was blasted straight toward the position.

"Quickly form a barrier of honor!" An officer yelled at the position.

Hundreds of soldiers urged Yuanli at the same time, so the bracelets worn on their wrists spread all over the silver circuit, and the soldier's Yuanli shield was activated. The shields are combined with each other to form a thick, six-sided light pattern of source force barrier. General Sword Demon's beam of source power impacted on the barrier, and the source power of the two sides collided, causing an earth-shattering explosion.

The honor barrier flashed twice and declared to disappear. The soldiers supporting the barrier were all overwhelmed by the shock wave of the explosion, but the general's attack was stopped, and none of them was damaged! The officers on the position issued orders again, and dozens of soldiers surged from the rear. The raging rifle/gun in their hands lit up with orange lines, but the rifle/gun sequence was activated.

When the General Sword Demon hit the final result, and was about to issue a second attack, a dense fire missile flew out of the original flame that was still missing in front. The number of missiles and the dense array made the general almost scream. He had no time to continue attacking, the projection fell forward to protect the general, and then exploded. Nearly a hundred missiles were fired and fired, and the flames of the explosion collided with each other within a short distance, and their power rose sharply.

From a distance, a pillar of fire rose up on the battlefield, and the source force of the nearby space was in a state of chaos.

After the explosion, the general staggered out of the pillar of fire. Although he died immediately, his whole body was scorched and severely injured. He couldn't fight anymore, and barely got up from the ground, ran back with his arm. Suddenly the blue light behind him made a big splash, and the general looked back and couldn't help screaming. A faint blue electric fire rushed through his body, ploughed across the ground, swept towards the sword demon behind, and set off a continuous explosion.

The general, after being seriously injured, died under the fire of this high-energy cannon.

"it's time."

Gao Lei handed the tactical telescope to the adjutant, and his sight fell on the enemy commander. His meaning couldn't be more obvious, but at this moment, the forced official "Huh" said, "Captain, look behind them."

Gao Lei took the binoculars and looked at ~www.readwn.com suspiciously, only to see the sword demon in the red armor looking back frequently, as if something had happened to their rear. As the camera zooms out, Gao Lei sees the enemy behind the sword demon commander's guard is rioting. Suddenly, a sword demon guard flew up into the air, spurted blood and fell down, seemingly under attack.

At this time, a rugged warhammer appeared in Gao Lei's line of sight, and it was obvious that the owner of the warhammer was attacking the Sword Demon Guard. It's a pity that because the distance is too far, and the Sword Demon Guardian blocked the view, it was impossible to see who it was.

Gao Lei put down his binoculars and looked at the adjutant suspiciously, "Have we arranged an ambush?"

The adjutant stared at him, his expression said everything.

Gao Leiqi said: "That's weird. Could it be that General Mei Lin's people are here?"

As soon as the words were spoken, he felt impossible. If the Queen of Roses, at least you will see a transport ship. However, at this time, the blue sky on the Icecrown Glacier is like washing, where is the shadow of half a flying ship?



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