Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 265: Fight


Allen shouted, and at the same time threw the silver hand/thunder in his hand vigorously, rushing towards Kamu's direction. (Then turned around and ran, Lucy used a flare gun to shoot a ball of red light into the sky, and then retracted No. 7 to join the evacuation team.

There was not much left of the troll, although it was completely accomplished at the end, it was tantamount to abolishing the power of this special force. Only four or five trolls can't achieve any climate, and now there is a powerful sword demon general like Kamu, who will not run to be caught up by the opponent's main force, and there is no need to return to the base.

The silver hand/thunder was thrown forcefully by Allen, and it crossed the battlefield like a cannonball and smashed it straight at Kamu. The General Sword Demon thought it was just an ordinary high-explosive hand/thunder, stretched out his hand to lift a heavy spear that was next to the beast, and threw it at the hand/thunder, trying to detonate it in the air, so that he could continue to chase Alan, etc. people. It's a pity that the hand/thunder was detonated, but the power of the hand/thunder was beyond Kamu's imagination.

The heavy spear accurately hits the hand/thunder and detonates it in the air. However, the exploding hand/thunder produced a light icy flame, and countless flickering ice crystals appeared in the air where the flame passed. The temperature of the space dropped rapidly. Camu and the surrounding knight’s armor quickly climbed onto the light blue thin frost. The bone-to-earth cold breathed in through the pores of his skin. Even Camu couldn’t help but shiver. Not to mention those elite wolves who are only around level ten.

What's worse is that there are thorns suddenly appearing on the ground. The horned wolf who was running wildly ran into the battle beast, and suddenly the wolf stumbled again and again, and the knight above fell to the ground, creating even greater chaos. Kamu's Hellfire War Beast was brave and directly smashed the ice thorn that was half a meter high in front, but when the two horned wolves that fell to the ground tripped and flew the Hellbeast, Kamu jumped up. One tumbled in midair and landed steadily on the ground. As soon as he lifted his foot and stepped on it, he stepped on the big head of the prison beast that slid, and stopped the mount.

But after such a delay, there is no such thing as Ellen and others in the night. Moreover, the cold air that entered the body was desperately going along the blood vessels to the direction of the heart, and Camu had to urge Yuanli to dissipate the cold air, and his heart could not help but be speechless.

He glanced at the other wolf riders, and there were three people who froze to death on the spot. The armor was frosted and the skin was covered with indigo blue, and the frost gas released by that hand/thunder was so overbearing.

Camu didn't know that it was a frost hand/thunder made by Lucy using the source jade of the Ice Demon, and that source jade also made three hand/thunder and five enhanced frost bullets. The Ice Demon is not a lot of ordinary goods, the ammunition made with its source jade is naturally exceptionally domineering.

Upon seeing the signal sent by Lucy, Peter immediately ordered the soldiers to retreat. More than a dozen soldiers who were injured in the battle voluntarily stayed behind. They knew that after they were injured, they would not be fast enough to come and go like a wolf rider. Rather than being chased and killed when retreating, and causing trouble to his colleagues, it is better to fight on the spot, so as to delay the evacuation time for others.

Peter didn't object to these people's decisions, but left silently with someone who was able to act freely. Behind them, the roar of the machine gun was exceptionally loud, with the roar of high-explosive hand/thunder from time to time. Heat waves catch up from behind, and behind every heat wave, it means the death of a life. Pete gritted his teeth and hurried, the remaining fifty or so fighters pulled into a long dragon and ran straight to the position of the two main chariots.

Peter looked back, and under the fire, there was still a team of wolves chasing after him. This kind of ground unit of the Sword Demon is the fastest, and the horned wolf rushes at full speed, gradually narrowing the distance with the team. Seeing that there was still a hundred meters away from the end of the team, a fire suddenly burst into the sky under the night ahead, followed by a scream of missiles/guides piercing the air, and a missile/guide/projectile pulled out a parabola in the air. After a few breaths, it was accurate. Landed in the team of wolf riders.

After an earth-shattering explosion, the rising fireball almost covered the team of wolves. Seeing this scene, Peter breathed a sigh of relief. With the firepower of the main chariot suppressed, the Sword Demon's chasing soldiers were just fat meat delivered to the door.

It was dawn when they returned to the forward base. When they saw the convoy returning, the soldiers on the sentry tower couldn't help but cheered. The three city gates opened with a bang, and the convoy drove into the square of the base with the aftertaste of gunpowder in the dust and smoke. The two tanks remained outside the city. They were able to provide firepower not lost to the defensive heavy artillery, and they were able to move freely. When needed, you can rely on the cover of two tanks to organize an assault and penetration offensive.

After Alan and Peter got out of the car, they kept walking to the command hall. The hall was already full of officers, and when they saw Alan, they both cast expectant eyes.

"I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" Allen asked.

Officer look at me, I look at you, one person stepped forward and said: "We have prepared for the worst, so let's listen to the bad news first."

"The bad news is that the sword demon dispatched more than 1,000 troops this time. In addition to the regular troops, there are war weapons like trolls among them."

Hearing this news, the expressions of the officers became a little unnatural, and a few even moaned in a low voice, obviously knowing that the troll monster is the natural nemesis of any line of defense. They are not afraid of death, their strength is superior, and the defensive wall of the idle base can't help but they will be knocked down after a few impacts. Hearing that there were trolls in the enemy army this time, the officers were all bitter.

"What about the good news?" the officer who asked before asked with a wry smile.

"The good news is that the opponent's twenty-something trolls were killed and injured in our sneak attack, and the remaining few were covered by a round of heavy artillery, which is enough to clear them out of the battlefield." At this time, Allen's face escaped. Smile, and look at Peter.

Peter nodded heavily.

This is undoubtedly a turn of events. Hearing that the troll troops were injured, the expressions of the officers' bitter expressions changed drastically. Without the trolls attacking the defensive wall, the pressure on the defense line would be reduced by at least half.

Allen coughed slightly and said, "Despite the success of the sneak attack, we have lost nearly 30 soldiers. Therefore, we cannot be blindly optimistic. Even without the trolls, the enemy's combat power is still above us. What we have to do It means to persevere. The more careful and cautious, the more hope of survival."

"Yes, sir."

The officers withdrew one after another, and Peter also went out to confirm the work of city defense. A few people were left in the command hall. Allen showed a little fatigue at this time. He threw himself into the chair and hugged Qianjun and said, "After this battle, we can almost return to Earth. So no matter what Anyway, you all have to survive for me. As I said before, brothers, our journey is still far away."

"Don't worry, head." Willick moved his fingers and said, "I promised that girl Daimei will go back."

"I also want to go back to see my family, so I will never die in this kind of place." Bloy looked at the sky gradually shining out of the window, and said, clenching the hammer of forbiddenness.

Alan looked at them and sighed slightly in his heart. He knew that there was no undead truth in war, but he still hoped that more people would survive this war. It's all because other people, like them, have various reasons for wanting to live.

But who knows how many people will sleep in this barren land after this war?

Even Alan didn't want to think about this heavy question.

After more than an hour, an alarm sounded in the base. Alan opened his eyes from the dormant state, and raised Qian Jun and said, "Let's go."

On the high defensive wall of base No. 3, Allen and Peter stood side by side by a turret defending heavy artillery. On the horizon of the barren land ahead, a black line was rolling. That was the sword demon's army, and their advancing speed was not fast. The enemy lineup could be seen in the telescope, which naturally created a huge pressure of the army's pressure.

Perhaps affected by the enemy's momentum, everyone's heart is like a heavy stone. Even the sunlight in the daytime, shining on the snow, looked bleak. The sky is just gathering lead clouds, gray clouds gradually crawling across every corner of the sky, the heaven and the earth are in silence.

Alan held up his binoculars and scanned the enemy's array. Kamu's lineup is typical of the sword demon, ordinary soldiers occupy the middle part of the array, and the wolf knights are distributed on the two wings. Camu is located in the front of the enemy line, and on the left and right are the centurion and thousand commanders of the sword demon. As for the remaining four or five trolls, they are scattered among the soldiers array. It seems that Kamu intends to let them and the soldiers attack the base's defense line.

If it hadn't been for Allen and the others to make this special force badly injured last night, then Kamu could form the trolls into a fortified team to pierce through the defenses of the human army. The momentum of the two dozen trolls charging together is enough to make people feel chilling. As for now, it is another situation.

Fortunately, due to the limited space of the Elsa, the Guardians could not keep a large number of servants like the Knife Ants in the holy site, otherwise Kamu and the others would bring in a cannon fodder~www. readwn.com~ That will undoubtedly increase the ammunition consumption of the base.

Putting down the binoculars, Allen glanced at the existing base. The soldiers have entered the battle position under the orders of their respective officers, and all the firepower points on the three rows of defensive walls have been arranged for machine gunners. The defensive turrets scattered on the No. 3 guard wall are ready to be fired at any time. Two tanks are distributed in the front of the base. The rear are two trenches dug temporarily last night. The trenches are filled with soldiers. They will be the first line of defense for the base, and if the situation is critical, they will be withdrawn to the base urgently.

Both Bloy and Willick stayed in the trenches. They both held a rifle/gun in their hands and carried several high-explosive hand/thunders. They were hiding in the trenches like soldiers, ready to wait for an opportunity. move.

"Second Lieutenant Allen, I am very happy to work with you. Without you, how can we have the opportunity to participate in such an important war." Peter extended his hand to Allen.

Allen looked at him solemnly, his palms clasped tightly. Allen solemnly said: "Try to live."

"You too!"



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