Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 273:  Different dream

The porthole opened slowly.

Outside the window, is a magnificent universe star screen. In the depths of this space, purple, light blue, and green nebulae that emit several colors of light are distributed in every corner. The light they emit traverses an unknown number of light years, interlacing among the stars. From time to time, a very bright light will light up, which is the appearance of a certain supernova before countless times.

The light of destruction of the planet was faithfully recorded. In the destruction, the most dazzling brilliance bloomed. The alternating cycle of life and death is so shocking no matter what.

Alan's face was reflected in the porthole.

As the starship's angle changed, a bright purple planet began to enter Allen's sight. This planet is so large and bright, with deep and shallow purple spots scattered throughout the planet. Through the porthole, Alan could see the clouds and mist flying on the planet, the clear mountains, the endless rivers, the ocean and the land.

In the vicinity of this planet, seven concentric rings of different sizes are slowly rotating. The magic starships flew towards the center of the concentric ring like fish. This is the rainbow bridge located in the federal interstellar defense line. In the Yorton star field, the Federation has built two rainbow bridges, one of which is located within the interstellar defense line to serve as a channel for Federation troops. The other is close to the center of the chaotic battlefield. The location of the rainbow bridge is concealed for entering the chaotic battlefield.

Under normal circumstances, it is not allowed to use the Rainbow Bridge in the center of the chaotic battlefield to return. That's why Ellen and the others came here, when the automatic door of the cabin opened and a female officer walked in. Sarah is a member of Merlin's Guard, and she will be responsible for sending Ellen back to Earth. Although young, she is already a captain, which shows that she is only one step away from the awakened.

"I'm sorry everyone, we don't have special traffic indicators for the Rainbow Bridge, so we can only apply for the return flight according to the normal procedures. It seems that we have to stay at the Zilanxing space station for 48 hours." Sarah smiled.

Allen nodded and said, "It's okay, there will be Captain Law for everything."

"You are welcome, then I will take you to the space station for fun."

The space station of Zilan Star is located near the Rainbow Bridge. After the starship bypasses the Rainbow Bridge device, it can be seen through the porthole. The space station is like a city floating in the universe. Below the city is an inverted triangle-shaped irregular rock mass, which looks like a mountain is turned over. From a distance, you can see the lush greenery interspersed among the high and low buildings. A spiral-shaped building is located in the center of the city, towering like a high tower, with light flickering from the top of the tower.

On both sides of the space station, there are two landing aprons extending, and many starships can be seen alternately lifting from the two aprons.

The starship docked on one of the aprons, and Sarah led Allen away from the safe passage. When they walked out of one of the entrances of the space station, everyone except Lucy and Sarah was a little dumbfounded. In front of them is a bustling street, the spacious street is crowded with people, including soldiers belonging to various legions, and private troops from various families or hunting groups.

There are many shops on both sides of the street, and shop signs, bonsai, and guide signs can be seen everywhere. At a crossroad not far away, a beautiful woman in a federal uniform was advertising the image of the army in the projection broadcast.

"It's so lively here, it's like going back to Babylon." Willick exclaimed.

Sarah smiled and said, "It's not so exaggerated. Although the Zilan Star Space Station is prosperous, it's only one block from Babylon."

She led everyone to the street.

Allen looked at all kinds of people coming and going, and said: "I think only the federal army will appear in the chaotic battlefield."

"That's impossible." Sarah pointed her fingers up and said: "The chaotic battlefield is much bigger than you think. The interstellar defense line built by our Earth Federation and Idahua star people. If converted into length, I don’t know how many times we have to go around the earth. Of course, the defense area that our Earth Federation is responsible for only occupies a small part of the total defense line."

When Lucy heard this, she couldn't help but stand up to that green chest, and said with pride: "Idahua has been fighting against the Yorton star field for a long time. Naturally, we should be responsible for more defense areas."

She just said "you are welcome".

"But even so, it would be difficult to take into account the integrity of the entire defense area if the Federal Army alone is alone. Therefore, the Federation will hand over the key areas of the defense area to an ace army such as Sirius. Other minor areas. It opens up the battlefield of military merit, allowing the army and hunting groups of various families to enter. They can earn military merit to exchange the materials they need."

Allen suddenly realized.

"The Zilan Star Space Station is close to the Rainbow Bridge. It is an important transfer station between the family army and the hunting group to and from the two star regions. Therefore, it is the most lively space station in the chaotic battlefield. There is everything here. Sarah blinked.

There were cheers in a building similar to a fighting hall in front. Willick looked at it curiously. Sarah explained, "That's a fighting arena. As long as you have confidence in your fighting skills, you can go there to play. Usually arena competitions are held in the arena, and the prize money is very rich."

Willick shouted immediately: "I'm boiling!"

"However, for safety's sake, the use of magic weapons is not allowed." Sarah added.

"Forget it," Willick said immediately.

Lucy shook her head and said, "Your idea has changed too quickly."

Sarah pointed to a branch street next to her: "This is the Weapon Street. From ordinary weapons to magic weapons are sold, and it includes a variety of special bullets."

Lucy's eyes lit up immediately: "I'm going to go shopping!"

Allen reminded her: "We have no money with us."

"It can be exchanged for military merit here." Sarah said.

Lucy immediately looked at Allen and stretched out her hand: "Lend me some military merit. Didn't General Meilin say you want to divide you 10%?"

"Miss, the holy relic has not been hit yet!"

Lucy suddenly put on a pitiful look, Sarah laughed and said: "It doesn't matter, after the hotel is registered, I will accompany your Royal Highness to stroll around. If your Royal Highness likes anything, as long as I am within my ability, I can help you Buy it."

Lucy nodded immediately.

Everyone finally came to the hotel, Sarah went to register them in the hotel lobby. Alan looked strange when she saw Lucy come in, and the girl's face flushed, not knowing what was wrong. He couldn't help asking: "Are you okay?"

Lucy raised her head: "This is the first time I have stayed in a hotel with Alan."

"and then?"

"They said that when men and women go to the hotel together, something usually happens." Lucy's face blushed again.

Sarah said in embarrassment behind: "Your Highness, you live with me. Then, do you need me to mobilize you?"

Allen waved his hand quickly and said, "No, that's it."

After tossing for a long time, Allen finally fell on the bed in the hotel room. Willick's yelling sounded outside, and the guy went straight to the bathroom as soon as he entered the room. Bloy went straight back to the room, and the brave and difficult Highlanders on the battlefield still couldn't overcome the tension caused by interstellar travel.

Alan looked at the ceiling of the bedroom, thinking that he had been away from the earth for two years, and now he is back home. He doesn't know how everyone on Babylon is now? In a trance, tiredness struck, so he went to sleep on the bed.

The colorful light rises up like bubbles in the sea. Those are all the brilliance of the source force, they are so rich, flying freely between the heaven and the earth. Some giant beasts like fish and whales slipped from the blue and purple clouds, with graceful posture. They opened their mouths and easily swallowed a large amount of Genesis Radiance into their mouths, and then uttered a pleasant cry, then slowly lifted upwards.

Under the clouds, there is an endless blue sea with small islands of various shapes. Some of the larger islands are built with magnificent cities, and these cities must have a towering minaret, the top of which is overflowing with light from time to time, flying around.

This is where?

When this question flashed in Allen's mind, the surface of the sea suddenly drew closer, and his eyes sank to the bottom of the sea. In the bottom of the sea is another world, countless strange creatures flow around in groups, those seagrass and corals are all flowing with bright colors. They reflected in the sea with five lights and six colors. When the line of sight continued to sink, a dark trench lay in the field of vision.

The trench is getting closer, and the darkness envelops Allen.

I don't know how long it took, but Allen still felt that he was sinking. At this time, a little light appeared in the darkness, and the light gradually dyed away, forming a faint red light. The surrounding temperature seems to be rising, like, the ocean is burning?

Suddenly broke the water ~www.readwn.com~ Allen returned to the sea, but he seemed to have come to another world. The world that used to be as beautiful as a picture scroll is now burning. The burning flame even licked the sky, and even the clouds on the sky kept falling crimson fire.

With a cry of wailing, the giant beasts that swallowed the source power were falling from mid-air, and their bodies were burning with flames, like a huge fireball falling into the sea. The sea set off huge waves, submerging islands one by one, and an apocalyptic scene appeared in Allen's eyes.

Above the sky, a huge and solemn momentum suddenly appeared. Allen raised his head and saw cloud vortexes swirling wildly in the sky, with dense thunder and lightning in the middle, purple and white electric beads scattered, bursting out groups of electric lights and storms. A pair of feet protruded from the cloud vortex, followed by the waist, then the upper body, and finally the hands and the head. A person, a giant descended from the cloud vortex.

The giant fell into the sea and shook the sea wall tens of meters high. Alan was in front of him like a tiny dust. The giant's body is covered with bizarre heavy armor, and the many jumping curves on the armor form gorgeous decorations. The spar embedded in certain parts reflects the dazzling light under the radiance of the flame. r1058



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