Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 28:  Rich rewards

The meeting point was on the top floor. When the elevator opened, Allen and Hughton walked out. In the training hall, teenagers from various administrative regions on the surface have assembled in the central venue, and their instructors are giving these teenagers some final advice.

"Baby Ellen!" Tonisf, who saw them from a distance, cried out. This day the captain of the **** was rare to put on a military uniform. It's just how awkward to look at this outfit. After watching for a long time, Allen suddenly realized that this is a women's military uniform!

Alan hadn't reacted yet, and was hugged by Tonisf. The second lieutenant rubbed himself against Allen's face desperately, and said: "This important day has finally come, Toto really can't bear you. But I believe that my baby will definitely win."

Although I am very grateful to Tonisf for his trust, this guy is too enthusiastic. Alan couldn't help but want to use a knife to kill this guy, but in the end Hughton couldn't stand it, and pulled Tonisv away. Then he pushed Alan and said, "Go."

Nodding, Allen walked to the middle of the meeting place and stood with Lucy. Lucy said with a smile: "Come on!"

"So are you." Allen lowered his voice again: "Remember our contact code."


After a brief conversation, the ground began to vibrate. Someone yelled "above", and Allen looked up. The dome is cracking, and several symmetrical fissures make the dome on the top of the building rise and stretch around like a blooming lotus, letting the indescribably bright sunlight project directly into the building, making it impossible for everyone to see.

Allen barely opened a gap in his eyes, and vaguely saw a crescent-shaped shadow growing from small to large, and then his ears were filled with the roar of aircraft engines. When he opened his eyes completely, he noticed that a mana spaceship had reached the sky above the building and was falling downward.

This is a spaceship within the planet, the Destiny dedicated to the death arena. The Destiny looks like a crescent, with three sets of engine injectors inside the crescent. The smooth ship body is distributed with energy conduction lines. At the bottom of the outer ship cabin, there is a row of ejection bay launchers, which will eject the participating teenagers individually and reach the designated target.

As a take-off ship, the Destiny is not known for its firepower. But if anyone wants to disrupt the progress of the contest, or even pay attention to the fortunemen. Then the four high-energy cannons on both sides of the front of the hull and the main ion guns hidden in the bottom of the hull will make any provocateur regret his actions.

After Destiny was lowered to a certain distance, a circular lifting deck was lowered from the bottom of the hull. The deck and the hull were connected by six traction beams. When the deck landed on the ground in the central venue, 22 boys and girls jumped onto the deck. The deck rises, and finally joins with the hull. As for Allen and others, they have already reached the interior of the Destiny.

The place where the teenagers are located is a spacious warehouse, around which is a team of guards. At this moment, the automatic door of the main ship room opened and a chubby man walked in. This man was almost on par with Lu Sen, whose fat body caused the buttons of his suit to burst. The man cleared his throat and said with a smile like an electronic show host: "Hello everyone, I am Alster. I am your guide. I will lead you to the death ring, which is located on the south side of Babylon. Yellowstone Park. Of course, because of the limited area of ​​the floating island, our Yellowstone Park cannot be compared with the historical national park in the United States."

Alstai gave a brief introduction. The Yellowstone Park on the floating island is only about 800 square kilometers, but it is also a very vast area. On the floating islands, many representative things of the surface countries before the war of dawn are condensed. The Port of Liberty is one, and Yellowstone Park is another.

The site of the death ring competition is also shaped into a mountain forest area.

There are also mountains, lakes, canyons and rivers in the park. The geographical environment is complex, and dangerous species ranging from one to five inhabit them. Players participating in the game not only have to fight against other teenagers, but also have to always guard against dangerous species that will suddenly pop out from which bushes or caves they don’t know. This has undoubtedly increased the pressure on the survival of the teenagers, which is also the view of previous competitions Point one.

"Next are a few things to note. First, don't try to escape. We will monitor the progress of the entire game in an all-round way. Once you try to leave the game area, congratulations, you don’t have to die. But for the rest of your life, you will feel To live is more uncomfortable than to die." Alstai continued with a smile: "The second point, the game time limit is 15 days. If there is no winner before the time limit, then the organizer will guide the rest Come on a **** battle. So before the time is over, you better kill all your opponents...

Alstai recounted the last two points, namely, there is only one winner and not accepting surrender. After finishing speaking, he pointed the boy with his finger and smiled: "Next, congratulations, you lucky guys. The rewards for this year's winners are very rich, in addition to the floating island abode, bonuses, and weapon rewards you already know, The following prizes have also been added."

The first is the upgrade of weapon rewards. In previous years, the winner only got a magic weapon matching his own level, but this time he was upgraded to a whole set of source power equipment. This means that the victor has at least one set of mana armor and weapons, and not to mention it, the mana weapon is the full set of mana armor. The value is far from that of Alan’s ordinary light armor. on.

The second is the addition of pharmaceutical awards, which is also not available in the past. The reward potion can be selected between the whole body repair potion and the advanced physical enhancement potion. The former can repair most of the conventional injuries, and the latter is equivalent to the body enhancement or even evolution that occurs when crossing the promotion node!

The last one is more common, and the winner's bonus has been added, which has been increased from the original 50,000 federal currency to 200,000.

After listening to these rewards, the eyes of the teenagers became hot. Allen is no exception. He knows exactly what these rewards can do for himself. At the minimum, it is more than enough to let him destroy the predators who invaded the town back then, plus a "Black Widow" hunting group.

"Well, there is still some time before arriving at the destination, you can move around freely." Alstai left this sentence, and left the cabin first.

The teenagers found a place to sit down in twos and threes, and then they could see that a small group had formed between them. Alan and Lucy are sitting together. Since the last Mike incident, only Emily is still sitting next to Lucy, and the other boys are sitting far away.

Allen whispered: "Remember, we were separated when we reached the ground. So the first thing should be to gather. Since we don’t know each other’s positions, we have to go in the same direction and follow the path Leave a contact code for identification..."

When the three of them were discussing the direction of the assembly, a shadow suddenly fell in front of Allen's eyes. Looking up, he saw Lu Sen's fat face. The fat man lowered his head and said: "Ellen, you better not let me meet. Otherwise, I will definitely put your head in my **** this time!"

"Don't worry, before that, I will cut off your **** first." Allen responded hard.

The two stared at each other, and the scorching eyes of the two sides intersected, almost sparking in the air. Luson finally snorted and turned to leave. Allen looked around, receiving a lot of hostile eyes.

At the same time that the fortunemen flew to Yellowstone Park, two steam airships also lifted off from the east-west direction of the floating island. There is a large screen on each side of the airship. The program organized by the committee will broadcast the entire death ring to the residents of Babylon process. At present, the game has not yet started, and only two hosts, one man and one woman, are doing talk shows.

Horn is in his own study room, a study room full of strong European style. The classical and gorgeous rococo decoration style makes this study room magnificent. But because of the heavy heart of the owner, even if there are a total of 12 embedded crystal lamps in the two rows of the dome illuminating the study, the atmosphere in the room still seems a little depressing.

Sitting on the black leather back chair, Horn inadvertently turned the sardonyx ring on his thumb that symbolized the family patriarch's mark~www.readwn.com~ eyes were staring at the light screen projected on the wall . On the screen, the two presenters introduced 22 young people from the surface to the audience in a funny tone. At this time, the door was knocked.

"Come in." Horn said lightly.

Butler Hessing held a wine tray with a bottle of brandy and a goblet on it. Placing the wine plate on the table in front of Horn gracefully, Hessing poured one-third of the amber liquor into the goblet, put his hands behind him, and stepped back three steps to stand beside Horn.

"It's almost starting, Heising," Horn said, and took a sip.

"Is the master worried about him?"

"Allen? One thing, but this is a test for him. If he can't even survive the death ring, what qualifications does he have to let me cultivate as an heir!" Horn said lightly.

Haising pretended not to hear, and family disputes have always occurred. The fight between the nobles and the rich is even more fierce and merciless. Haising is just a housekeeper, and he doesn't want to fall into this vortex.

Keeping alive is what a housekeeper should do. Who will be the leader of this clan? For Haixin, there is no difference.

At least, for now.

Finally, the scene of Destiny appeared in the screen, and Yellowstone Park arrived!

At this moment, in the spaceship. Altay's voice sounded from the communicator above the cabin: "Children, Yellowstone Park is here. Now, someone will take you to the exclusive single-person ejection bay. They will take you to the designated coordinate location, then, I wish you It's so far."

The hatch opened and a group of soldiers filed in. They began to roll their names, and the teenagers named would be led away by a soldier. When Lucy was spotted, Alan quietly shook her hand: "See you on the ground."

"Of course." Lucy smiled brightly.

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