Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 290:  The future of flame

Standing at the door of Hughton's house, Allen looked at the bottle of "flaming volcano" he was holding. This was obtained from the family warehouse. In terms of stamina and sweetness, it was not as good as the "blue moonlight" that Horne had given to the old drunkard before, but in terms of intensity, it was the best in wine. Ordinary people can't drink such strong alcohol, and even if they drink too much, they will die. Of course, with the strength of Major General Hughton, he was just getting drunk.

Alan was afraid that he would sell himself drunk, remembering the feeling that his head was about to split after a hangover, he would rather go to the battlefield and fight the enemy.

Knock on the door, the sound spread all over the house at this moment in the morning. As long as Hugh is at home, there is no reason not to hear. Footsteps sounded behind the door, and then the door opened a crack. In the crack of the door, a pair of misty dark eyes looked at Alan.

&nb@猪@猪@岛@小说ww.zzhdo.omsp; "Villa?" Allen tried to shout.

The door opened, and indeed Vera stood behind. After two years of absence, the girl has grown a lot taller, and she is still thin. Vera seemed to have just got up from the bed, wearing a thin skirt like cicada wings. Under the tulle, the young girl's body/body could be vaguely seen.

"Grandpa hasn't come back..." Vera's small face didn't show any expression, and she wasn't even surprised to see Alan who suddenly appeared. She still looked like Fu Jingtian, so quiet as the air that it was easy for people to ignore the past.

Allen shook the spirits in his hand and said, "I just came back from Outland, where is Teacher Hughton, is he out?"

"Grandpa, he went to morning exercises, saying that he needs to keep a clear head before he can do his work well..." Vera's breathing suddenly became hurried, her chest rising and falling. The person also swayed, looking extremely painful.

Alan was startled, put the spirits down quickly, and said, "Vera, are you uncomfortable?"

"I..." Vera couldn't say a word, her eyes closed, and she lost consciousness.

Allen hugged her quickly, only to feel that the skin on the tentacles was cold, smooth and silky. Vera fainted in his arms, black hair and white skin, the delicate clavicle line and the faintly visible undulating curve of the neckline were revealed. Allen picked her up quickly and sent her back to the bedroom upstairs. Suddenly someone outside the door yelled: "Where did the **** boy dare to touch my Weiwei!"

Turning his head, Hughton, with upside-down beard, rushed in like an angry lion. In the eyes that were gradually lit by Yuanli, Allen saw his dumbfounded face.

Seeing that it is Alan, Hughton shouldn't take back the source of the urge, and said in surprise: "When did your kid run back?"

"It's been a few days since I came back from the surface yesterday, otherwise I should have come to visit you teacher." Allen said.

"What's wrong with Vivi?" Hughton frowned and glanced at his granddaughter.

Allen shook her head and said, "She fainted suddenly. Has Vera always had this symptom?"

"Nonsense, she's paler, but she's in good health. In the past two years, she has constructed her own circuit and formed a mark. How can she be dizzy when she is dizzy?" Hughton said with a beard.

Vera groaned and opened her eyes. Seeing himself lying in Ellen's arms, there was a cramp in Furui Bubo's eyes. This humane expression made the girl look more angry. Allen put her down quickly, and Hughton reached out to touch her forehead. Vera gently pushed his hand away and said, "I'm fine, Grandpa."

"Why are you fainted when it's okay?"

"Because I saw something that I shouldn't see..." Vera walked to the attic and turned her face at the stairway: "I can't see your future clearly, or your future is blocked by flames. It's like The curtain of fire that will ignite the entire world obscures my gaze..."

Leaving this sentence, the girl left like a ghost.

Obviously, this sentence was addressed to Allen. Vera has always had the ability to peer into the future, although what she sees is only one of the impossibility. But it should be the first time that she couldn't see clearly like this time. Her coma should be related to the flame that blocked her eyes. That was a backlash of ability. Allen looked at Hughton, and the old general raised his hand and said, "Don’t ask me, I’ve never seen Vera’s engraving. She also avoids talking about her own abilities. I only know that since With the engraving, the future she can see is a hundred times clearer than before."

"If you can't even see through her..." Hughton looked at Alan with a strange expression.

Allen shook his head and smiled freely: "It's not a good thing to not see through. Anyway, as long as you keep moving forward, don't you know the future?"

"It's okay for you to say that. Let me see, is this the wine you brought? Blazing Volcano, good fellow, are you going to get me drunk?"

"In the early morning, the teacher should stop drinking, right?"

"Idiot, there is no time to drink!"

In the attic, Vera stands against the wall at the corner of the stairs. Ellen's words were heard by her, and the girl sighed faintly: "If you keep moving forward, you will push yourself into the sea of ​​fire."

"What is the future of flame..."

In the same morning, the clamor of young girls sounded from time to time in the attic of the Morsen Family Manor, making this morning a bit noisy.

"No, this one is too veggie, I changed it to another one."

"This one won't work either. The waistline is not designed to be narrow, which makes me look bloated!"

In the study, old Kate was sipping black tea with an expression of listening. The butler next to her smiled and said, "Miss Adele seems to be keen on wearing women's clothing recently, and she receives her orders every day."

"This is a good thing, otherwise it would really give me a headache to dress like a tomboy every day. But then again, Adele seems to be stimulated." Old Kate smiled.

The butler whispered in his ear: "I heard that Master Ellen came back this time with a female companion."

Old Kate suddenly realized: "So Adele, my family is preparing for war."

"I'm afraid so."

There was a knock on the door, the butler opened the door, and there was a servant outside. After the two whispered a few words, the butler walked back: "Someone wants to see Miss Adele."

"who is it?"

"Young Master of the Jin Family." The butler said.

Old Kate raised her head, patted her head and said: "I remember, they formed an alliance with the little guys. Let someone go and notify Adele."

"Good lord."

In the attic, the little maid Sophie sat down and looked at Adele who was almost buried in clothes and said, "Miss has always been used to wearing men's clothes, why suddenly I want to change to women's clothes?"

Adele was looking in the mirror, adjusting the dress on her body and said: "If you don't dress more ladylike, Alan will treat me like a brother and forget that I am a girl!"

Sophie said in a daze, "Isn't the young lady who doesn't mind?"

"Idiot, that's for someone else! Ellen, Ellen is different!" Adele gritted her teeth and said, "Besides, I can't lose to that double ponytail!"

Someone knocked on the door and said, "Miss Adele, Master Jin Liancheng wants to see you."

"What is he doing?" Adele wondered, and called Sophie again: "Help me change clothes."

After a while, she changed back to the men's clothes she was used to and came to the living room. Jin Liancheng was sitting in danger. Adele picked up a bunch of grapes in the fruit bowl on the table, and threw them into her mouth one by one. She sat across from Jinlian City like a dangling nobleman and said: "Early in the morning, you are looking for me Something?"

Jin Liancheng smiled and said, "I'm here to say goodbye."


"I didn't say a few days ago, I'm going to the surface to deal with some family affairs. I have to start today."

"Oh, good luck." Adele said heartlessly.

Jin Liancheng shook his head and said, "Adele, I only make a special trip to say goodbye to you."

Adele heard that there was something in his words, frowning and said: "If you want to say anything, just say it straightforwardly. I hate to make rounds."

"That's fine." Jin Liancheng nodded and said, "Since Alan came back, have you noticed that you have become different than usual."

"So what?" Adele said nonchalantly.

"Adele, we are friends. From the standpoint of friends, I have to remind you. From my point of view, you are playing with fire."

The atmosphere suddenly changed in polite.

Adele looked at Jin Liancheng solemnly and said, "What do you mean?"

"Am I not clear enough? Adele, do you really like Alan? Or do you want to do something with Alan?" Jin Liancheng said indifferently: "But no matter what you think, I have to say, never take it. Feelings as a bargaining chip~www.readwn.com~ In our alliance, Leon and Allen will become important fulcrums in the foreseeable future. I don’t want one of the fulcrums to collapse because of your unwise behavior. ."

"What's more, feelings are a double-edged sword. Once used badly, it will not only hurt others, but also hurt yourself." Jin Liancheng sighed, "You and Alan are my good friends, I don't want to Seeing that you will turn back because of this kind of thing in the future. Adele, you are very smart. Because of this, I am worried that you will not be able to get around the circle in my heart."

Jin Liancheng stood up and said, "Leon will be back soon. He is expected to have some trouble, but it may not be impossible to solve it. After he comes back, plus Alan’s status in the family is getting heavier. In my opinion, you may not You have to leave the family to make a difference. With friends like us, you still have a place in the family."

"Simply say that, I'm leaving."

Adele did not see off the guests. She sat in the living room, silently ate the bunch of grapes in her hand, and then clapped her hands and stood up. Outside the window, Jin Liancheng had already boarded a speeding car and went away. Adele whispered softly: "You are right, but unfortunately I am not one of the three of you. And what I want is not that trivial place!"

(Four watch, Meow is exhausted, I have to go to stand up the body quickly.)

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