Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 295:  Evolution

Leon drank the champagne and smiled and said, "Unfortunately, the internal trial of the Family Presbyterian Church cannot be visited by outsiders, otherwise I will draw you two, just to see the faces of Paul and those people. Hey, don't mention it. Especially after these clowns almost jumped out, his father showed the evidence left by Paul and the others, and the situation immediately reversed. I guess Paul had his heart dead at the time, right?"

Adele raised a glass and said, "For you to bring down Paul."

The three touched the cup.

Leon shook his head and smiled: "Paul, I didn't take it to heart. He was too eager to deal with me. This alone shows that he has limited capabilities and accomplishments. It is difficult for Paul alone to do this. To a degree. In fact, they almost succeeded when they were in Outland. I was able to come back alive with some luck. There are people behind Paul. Those who support him may be members of the family or outsiders."

"It's nothing more than outsiders. I think that the William family has been among the three giants for three centuries. It is only natural to have countless enemies. The members of the family are the real heart problems. The tree of the William family has grown. Too big and old, it is inevitable that some things inside will decay. If they can't be cleaned up before they spread to the entire tree, no outsiders need to move the tree. The rotten tree will fall by itself." Leon flashed in his eyes with a smile Murderous intent: "And this is what my father is most worried about."

Allen drank champagne in silence. The situation mentioned by Leon was a common problem in almost every big family. And down to the family, up to the Federation, everything is like this. Power is always coveted, and it is not as good as it is from ancient times to the present. In order to sit on the throne of power, brothers turned against each other, and the rivalry between father and son is no longer a new thing. But can you call it family?

The boy's heart suddenly became extremely heavy.

Suddenly the hand was squeezed, and his head was raised, Leon.

Leon shook the hands of Alan and Adele, and said sincerely: "I have two close brothers, but want to put me to death. However, you do everything to save me. Compared to them, you are My true brothers and sisters. This friendship is in my heart!"

Allen smiled and said, "I don't need to say any extra words. There are some things that are better to be in your heart than to confess."

Leon nodded vigorously, and then said: "I heard Adele say that you are already forming your own hunting group. How about, are the personnel fixed?"

"The core members have already drawn up some, including our Miss Adele." Allen said truthfully: "However, we need to recruit some mercenaries."

"If you are a mercenary, I have someone I can introduce to you. His name is Koba, and he has some cruel characters in his hands. If you need it, let me know and I will introduce you to you."

Allen nodded, accepting readily.

The three people have a small gathering tonight, the host and the guest have a great time. After returning to the castle, Alan waited for the qualification of the hunting group to be approved, while continuing to exercise his source strength combat skills, occasionally competing with Regis, and living a fulfilling life.

On this day, he was as usual, urging Yuan Li to flow through the blood vessels in his body. When Yuanli completed a cycle in the body and then flowed into the ventricle, Allen noticed that Yuanli had lost some points. Although the amount of loss is extremely small, it would not be a good thing if the source of power did not increase but decreased if he hadn't paid attention to it. In retrospect, in the past six months, he has not spent less time in Yuan Li training than before, but Yuan Li's growth rate has obviously dropped to more than one level.

Otherwise, follow the previous speed. After returning to Babylon for a period of time before and after, it is time to accumulate enough source power to advance.

Could it be that the source of force imprisonment at the heart is abnormal?

I don't know who applied the source force to the heart to imprison a total of three barriers. The first barrier was the most fragile, and it had been forcibly broken when Alan was promoted to the engraver. After this, the source force can normally flow through the ventricle, where it gathers to form an imprint. After that, those who want to advance to the awakening stage will probably also be affected by the imprisonment of the source force, but there is still a long distance from the advancement, and it should not be affected by the barrier.

Allen concentrated his mind to his ventricle, and the layers of the world in this vital organ spread to him. Allen saw the source force barrier that seemed to separate the world from both sides and the projection of Sodom's original ancestor. Alifedo, known as the evil eye, did not know when, there were layers of bright yellow light cocoons around him. The little monster was curling up, and the hair lines on his body were bright and dark, in the same tone as the light and dark of the light cocoon, as if breathing together.

Every time the light cocoon lights up, there is rain and mist in the void, and they fall on the light cocoon and are quickly absorbed by the light cocoon. When all the haze is absorbed, the light cocoon will dim. After a few breaths, it lights up again, and so on. Allen focused his attention on the haze, knowing that these were the source of power. Suddenly in his heart, the original source force flowing through the ventricle would be absorbed by Alifedo, no wonder the source force progressed slowly.

However, Alifedo is an incomplete projection formed by part of Sodom's original progenitor genes. Now it is absorbing its own source power, is it taking its own source power and genes to supplement itself. Once completed, what will Alifedo become?

Allen was curious, thinking that since this little thing could absorb its own source power, he would simply give it a strong dose to see what changes could be made.

With a thought in his heart, under Allen's conscious control, the force of the strands flowing through the ventricle was divided into a third to supply Alifedor. Suddenly, it was no longer the source of light mist that descended from the void, but the actual light rain. Moistened by the light and rain, the light and shade of the light cocoon became more and more intense. Finally, there was a joyous roar from the light cocoon.

In the click, the light cocoon split, and a crimson light rushed out of the cocoon. The light cocoon was torn apart, and the shattered cocoon shell was restored to source power, and with the crimson light rolled back and retracted, and gradually solidified into a strange outline. After the light was condensed, an eyeball floated in the void. It is almost the size of Alifedo's original projection, but it lacks the appearance of a strange beast.

A pair of bat wings stretched out from the left and right of this big eye, and the active rays of light on the bat wings were flowing, forming various patterns. In the depths of that strange eye, a symbol emerged. When Allen focused his attention on this symbol, a lot of information flooded into his consciousness. So he knew that Alifedo had completed a complete evolution. After perceiving that the genes of Ellen and Sodom were completely different, the original ancestor projection instinctively chose to change the direction that fits the new master, Ellen.

It abandons the appearance of a strange beast, in other words, many of the original ancestral abilities that Sodom originally possessed are abandoned by it. Instead, he focused on the abilities of evil eyes. After the initial restraint, this evolution allowed Alifedo to generate another new ability: madness.

The information vaguely hints that when Alifedo completes the second stage of evolution, he will generate an ability called "fear". As for how many stages Alifedo can evolve and what his abilities will be, there is no hint in the information. Just touching that symbol a little bit, Allen sensed the massive amount of data, thinking that Alifedo's growth potential would not be less.

After a stage of evolution, Alifedo’s projection has added some of Alan’s own gene fragments. This original ancestor projection composed of alien life began to feel connected with Allen.

For this change, Allen has mixed feelings. The happy thing is that the end of Alifedo's evolution must be completely transformed into his original ancestor projection. And now he is far from reaching the level of the awakened, but he can use the original ancestor projection. Even if Alifedo can't compare with real projection now, the advantage is very obvious. What worries him is that when he is promoted to the Awakened, the original ancestor genes in his body are activated, and I wonder if he will conflict with Alifedo.

He opened his eyes and smiled bitterly at it. Others are worried about whether they can advance to the awakening stage, but they are worried that there will be two original ancestor projections, or two projections will kill each other. Think about it, this worry seems too extravagant.

It can be said that the appearance of Alifedo was entirely caused by the praise of the devil. If this source device plunders a gene of an advanced life in the future, it will form a projection. Alan couldn't imagine how many original ancestor projections he would get in the future.

He just faintly felt that it would never be a good thing.

"Chancellor Alstai, what do you think about bringing the head of Freedom Gate to Babylon for peace talks with the Federation?"

Out of the bedroom ~www.readwn.com~ In the living room, Lucy is driving the projection screen wall, on which is the live broadcast of the interview with the Federal Chancellor. In the picture, Alstai, who presided over the death ring, is still the same. He smiled and answered questions from federal reporters. Throughout the interview process, the minister kept witty words, but did not avoid discussing the key issue of whether a consensus can be reached between Freedom Gate and the Federation.

However, it was originally scheduled for this month that Federal President Mobit went to the seventh district to negotiate with Freedom Gate. Now it changed to inviting the other party’s head to meet and talk in Babylon. Allen knew that Horn should use his own method to notify the federal people, and this change was made. But it is not a permanent cure, this time because of Allen's relationship, the relationship between Babylon and the surface is prevented from deteriorating. But one day without finding out the mastermind behind the scenes, the hidden dangers of the Federation cannot be eradicated.

Of course, this kind of event would not be Allen's turn to participate. That afternoon, Butler Haising handed a document file to Allen, which was the qualification certificate of the hunting group, and the hunting group's audit was finally passed and issued. With this qualification certificate, Allen can purchase strategic materials like Starship, and can also use the mercenary market to recruit soldiers.

He contacted Leon and arranged to meet at the mercenary market tomorrow. r1058



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