Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 2:  Devil praise

The boy cheered, and there is nothing more satisfying than eating.

Lanni untied the bag and took out an ordinary bun from inside. It does not add any special ingredients and is placed on the floating island of Babylon. It is a food that nobles dismiss. But on the surface, it is extremely precious food. Because it has no radiation and has a faint smell of wheat.

Wheat, on the surface, is almost a legendary thing like a dragon. As far as Lanni knows, only the enclosed agricultural base on the floating island can cultivate this kind of completely pollution-free rice and wheat.

Looking at the child who took the bread from her with an almost pious expression, then he carefully tore off small pieces of the bread and put them into his mouth, even carefully licking the oily flowers on his fingers. Lanni felt sad for a while. If it weren't for her so-called persistence, could this child live better now?

However, everything can't go back.

After the sadness, there was a deep anger. If it weren't for that man, it wouldn't be the way it is today. Thinking of this, Lenny clenched her slender fist tightly.

She took a dagger from her arms, and the dagger was wrapped in a black leather sheath. Lanni gently drew out the dagger. The dagger was single-edged with a golden pattern on the back of the blade. Its shape is very simple, only at the end of the handle is decorated with a red gem. The gem is carved into the head of a demon, so this dagger has a very apt name.

Praise the devil!

A small room.

A bed made of nailed wooden boards and a clean blanket covered in patches are all in the room. Getting down from the bed is directly at the door. It is more like a cabin than a room.

Alan was sitting on the bed, leaning against the corner of the bed. The electric light on the roof cast an orange light on the boy's little face. He has an extra dagger in his hand, and he just learned from Lanni that this dagger is called Devil's Praise. And, about the father.

Father is a strange term for Allen. From birth to now, he only knows his mother, but he doesn't know even the slightest information about his father. Lanny said nothing about it. The only exception was a fight with children in town last year, who called Alan a child without a father. When Allen came back, she asked Lanny, Lanny didn't give him an answer, only slapped him on the butt.

Later, Allen equated his father with being beaten.

But tonight, Lanni was a little abnormal. Recalling when she handed the dagger to herself, her usual gentle mother suddenly became distorted and said loudly, "Ellen, this knife was given to me by your father. Now I will give it to you in the future. Use this dagger to stab me into the chest of your **** father! Can you do it?"

Allen nodded instinctively, but he didn't know why his mother showed such an expression.

A five-year-old child can't understand this kind of emotion as hate. And many years later, Allen realized that this is not only hate, but also a love that is so deep that it makes people unable to breathe.

Hatred by love!

He fumbled for the sheath of the dagger, which was the best gift he got. Allen wanted the knife that Uzbe had around his waist early, and Uz said that he would give it to him when he was ten. But now, he gets a better baby. Allen swore that he had never seen such a beautiful dagger in town. The leather sheath that overflowed with soft luster under the light, and the demon gem that refracted light.

If you have to describe it, you can only use a sentence you just learned: This is so cool!

Allen couldn't help pulling out the dagger. The silver-white blade and the dark gold pattern on it made the little child's breath stagnate. Alan could even see his face filled with surprise and excitement in the smooth blade. He licked his lips and stretched out his hand to gently wipe the dagger.

There was a hint of coldness from the finger, and then a slight pain, but the tip of the finger was cut with a small cut by the blade.

So sharp!

Alan was not afraid, but happy. He quickly put away the dagger and sucked blood from his fingertips with his mouth, letting the smell of rust melt in his mouth. Then he got into the blanket and let out a low laugh or two. Soon, he fell asleep.

The boy didn't know that the little blood stains left on the blade suddenly moved on its own, and continuously penetrated into the blade. As a result, the dagger in the scabbard was restored as before, but the devil gem on the handle quietly flashed a faint rainbow light in the darkness of the bed.

Three weeks later, the town ushered in the first winter snow. Silver-white snowflakes fall from the sky leisurely, like a gift from heaven to the earth. They whitewash the ugliness, cover up the sins, and decorate the heaven and earth into a pure white.

The vitality of the world is constantly recovering.

After breakfast, Allen came to the house. There was already a thin layer of snow on the ground outside the house, covering the black and yellow road, leaving a dazzling silver road. Allen looked up and realized that this winter seemed a little different.

As the snowflakes drifted down, there was also some strange fluorescence floating in the sky and the earth. Red and green, blue and purple, the colorful light caught in the snow drifted all over the sky. This is the most beautiful sight Allen has ever seen. He excitedly took out a high chair from the house, climbed up, and tried to reach out and grab the fluorescent light.

Fluorescence seemed to be spiritual, even though Allen's little hands were scratching in the air, none of them fell into the hands of the little boy. The boy was not depressed, but a bright smile appeared on his face. Finally, a fluorescent light fell into Allen's hands. It was icy cold, and it slipped into the boy's hand at once, so Alan saw a misty light passing over his palm, forming a loop-like pattern.

The pattern of light flashed away.

"Alan! My God, what are you doing here!"

The mother's voice suddenly sounded, shocking little Allen. The boy hurriedly jumped down, and Lanni carried him into the house angrily: "Didn't Mom say that staying in the snow will make you sick!"

Allen’s face was a little pink with cold, he exhaled and said, "Look, I have nothing to do."

He was so stubborn that Lanni could only give him a blank look. Allen took his mother to the door again, pointed to the sky and said, "Mom, what are those?"


"No, no, I mean things in the snow. They have a lot of colors and they shine!"

Lanni flicked his big head with her finger: "Don't talk nonsense, there is nothing shiny."

Alan touched his forehead, looked at his mother curiously, and then at the sky outside. Those who are still in the fluorescence, Kelanie, and the residents on the street seem to have noticed something unusual about the winter snow today.

At this time, Alan didn't know what he saw.

That is the source force, the energy of the origin of the universe. There are no human beings who can see Genesis with the naked eye!

Something is waking up.

I have to say that the world is often repetitive and monotonous. It's like life in a small town, almost day after day, year after year.

Three days have passed since the first snow day.

That night, when Allen slept drowsyly, he felt cool on his forehead. As if someone was touching his forehead with cold fingers, he tried to open his eyes. In the dim room, there was a hazy figure. Allen made a sleepy voice: "Mom?"

The man said "um" and did not speak. The cold fingers beat lightly on the boy's face and body, and the rhythmic movements made Allen fall asleep again like hypnotized.

The next day, the boy had forgotten what happened last night.

But today, Allen always feels nervous for no reason.

At night, this feeling became stronger. It was so strong that Alan couldn't sleep, a heart pounding, and the amount of adrenal hormones secreted more than usual, which made Alan's pupils looking out the window unconsciously dilate a little. In those bright red eyes, the moon tonight is very round and very big. You can even see the magnificent mountains on the moon. While the boy was watching the moon, a sudden explosion came from far and near!

The boy was startled and got up from the bed blankly. Then there were rough gunshots and the sound of a man yelling from the window, and there were one or two screams that didn't know whether it was a woman or a child.

Lanny almost ran into the room, she climbed into the bed quickly and closed the small window next to Alan's bed.

"What's wrong, mom?"

The mother hugged the child tightly and smiled reluctantly: "I don't know, maybe a dangerous species has broken into the town. It's okay, Uzi and the others will take care of it."

As soon as the voice fell, there were several explosions from the outside, and the sound seemed much louder than the previous one.

It’s not that the dangerous species has never broken into the town, but in the past, the battle would end soon, and the voice was far outside the town~www.readwn.com~ But tonight, explosions and gunfire seemed to have spread to the town, and they were still there. Push toward the center!

That is not a dangerous species! There was a cold voice in the boy's heart.


There was a torrential knock on the door, and the frequency of the knock seemed to knock down the thin iron door.

"Stay here and don't come out, dear."

Lanny jumped out of bed, patted Alan on the head and said. She turned and got out of the room, opened the door, and Uzi was outside. Uzi was covered in blood, and he didn't know if it was his own or something else. Lanni only saw a long and narrow wound on his face. The wound was long and deep, with few bones visible!

"Oh my God, you are hurt. Come in, I'll take care of it for you." Lanni said subconsciously.

But the hand caught Uzi, and the cowboy shook his head and said, "There is no time. Listen to Lanni, I want you to take Alan out of here."

"This..." Lanni looked outside the house, and the town was full of fires: "Are they dangerous species? They..."

"No, Lanni. This time it's not a dangerous species, it's a predator!" Uzi said anxiously: "The men in the town are all stuck at the entrance of the town, but we won't be able to support it for long. You have to take this time to evacuate. Leave here, go to Gaul City or somewhere else."

He took two more things from his body: "This is a pistol, do you know how to use it? And this is a grenade. Pull out the safety bolt, throw it out, and blow up everything that is unkind to you, okay?"

Putting them into Lanni's hands, Uzi suddenly smiled, as bright as when they first met five years ago. On this night of blood and fire, it was like shed sunlight: "I love you, Lanny."

Lanni shook her whole body, then gritted her teeth and said: "I know."

He laughed, said nothing, turned and left the hut. The figure rushing towards the entrance of the town has no hesitation!

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