Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 308:  Adventurers


A man pushed in. He had dark skin and a white skull pattern on his face, which made him look very hideous. His body was full of scars, many of which seemed to be scratched by wild animals, but the two most serious ones seemed to have been scratched by sharp weapons. It must be a very sharp weapon. Even though the wound has healed, you can see the groove left by the disappearance of part of the skin and flesh.

The stitched marks made the man look like two big centipedes crawling on his body. Every time he saw these two scars, Caesar would beat his heart. He couldn't forget that the night lit by flames was the man in front of him who stabbed twice for himself. Otherwise, he would not be here.

"Baku, my brother, you are back." Caesar greeted him with open arms.

It is more appropriate for two men to collide rather than hug. They bumped into each other hard, and the man named Baku smiled. Soon, the smile disappeared again: "I heard that you brought back a few strangers, what's the matter?"

"Those are travelers from afar."

"Is it really that simple? I think it was the cunning guys in Suhl who pretended to be. Have you forgotten that for the past two years, they have been staring at the Aspen Mountains all the time." Baku spouted two hot air from his nostrils: " Let me kill them."

"Don't mess around, they are also magicians, and their strength is not low." Caesar called.

"Magicians are not good things!" Baku said grimly, "I will chop off their heads and use them to pay homage to the heroic spirits of their ancestors."

"Enough, Baku." Caesar shook his head: "They are not from Suer City. If they were, they would have attacked the stockade long ago. We have enough enemies. Don't provoke others."

Baku frowned: "Brave Caesar, when did you become so courageous?"

"Because I have to consider not only the treasures of my ancestors, but also the safety of the people. Baku, don't make enemies at will."

Baku snorted, but did not object, he slammed the door out. Hearing his roaring voice faintly outside, Caesar shook his head, turned and fell to the ground with a bone: "Ancestor, please wake up Baku, he has been blinded by anger. If this continues, sooner or later he will be lost. ."

Caesar raised his head, stared at the hollow/eye socket on the white bones, and stood up with a sigh.

In the evening, the door of the wooden house was suddenly knocked open. Baku broke in, his dark face was dark red, and his body was full of alcohol. Allen glanced at him without any movement. Willick moved a few steps in Alan's direction, and he could stop if the man shot. Belmode walked around behind him quietly, and the short black blade was already sliding down the sleeve of the back.

In a blink of an eye, Baku has been outflanked.

Fortunately, he didn't make any misunderstanding movements. He just glanced at Ellen with his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Caesar believes in you, but I don't trust you at all. You'd better not be strange. Things come, or Baku will unscrew your heads."

Then the wind hit the door again and left.

Allen and the others looked at each other, when Caesar walked in, he visibly ran into Baku and apologized: "Baku disturbed you. He is a good fighter and a loyal man. Two years ago, Sur The people of the city suddenly attacked us. Baku lost his wife and children that night, so he was full of anger. Please don't blame him."

Allen nodded and said, "We can understand."

"Then the party is about to begin, and the guests come with me."

The party was held in the open area of ​​the stockade. The Bymen people used dead wood to make a fire, and then stacked stones in a circle to prevent the fire from spreading to other places. The young and fit Bymon women danced around the bonfire. Their dance was like a sacrificial ritual, with a solemn and solemn movement. Drums made of animal skins and horns made of animal bones played a desolate tone full of primitive flavor in the mouths of men.

The wild beast that was hunted in the noon was roasted early. The indigenous people cut the meat with a stone knife, put it in full with palm-sized leaves, and brought it to the stone table of Allen and others. Caesar picked up a stone bowl, which was full of wine brewed by the Mengmen himself, and said loudly: "Let us pay a bowl to the guests from afar."

Allen and the others went to the village to follow the customs, and they all enjoyed drinking and eating meat.

During the conversation with Caesar, Allen figured out the name of the mountain they had landed on was As. Asi means wealth in the language of the locals, while the Bymons have migrated to this mountain range long ago. They call themselves the people of the mountain, or mountain people for short.

The Bymons are not limited to Caesar. They have multiple branches in the Assi Mountains, more than ten tribes, and a total of 17 heads. Their ancestors have lived in the mountains for generations, and they have rarely stepped out of the Aspen Mountains. The Bymon people were tough and brave, and neither the harsh environment nor the dangerous beasts let them go extinct. But now, they obviously have some trouble.

The trouble comes from Suhl City.

It was a city more than a hundred kilometers away from the Aspen Mountains. For some reason, people in that city had frequently entered the Aspen Mountains two years ago and clashed with the Bymons.

In the past two years, the Bymen people have shed more blood than in a century!

"But we won't back down. If those **** Sul city people dare to attack us, I will pierce their hearts." Caesar raised his spar spear and said loudly: "The warrior of the Bymon can do it for Defend your homeland and drain every drop of blood!"

The surrounding natives raised their spears and shouted, echoing Caesar's words.

The atmosphere of the party was pushed forward, and during the whole process, only Baku buried his head in drinking without a word. Towards the end of the party, gunshots suddenly sounded from outside the cottage. It's just that the sound of this gunshot is very monotonous and rough, and it is completely two kinds of sound lines from the fiery rifle deployed by Allen's soldiers.

Edward quietly wrote the words "fire/gun" on the stone table with his fingers soaked in water, and Allen suddenly, it sounded similar to the firing line of a flintlock fire/gun. However, that kind of fire/gun can already be classified as an antique on the earth.

Then the roars of Ma Si and the indigenous warriors one after another.

A warrior ran up to Caesar with a spear, half kneeling and said: "It is the adventurer of Suer City, they have attacked!"

Caesar finally replied that Baku had already thrown a bowl and snarled, pointing at Ellen and the others: "Look at Caesar, I said that they are a group. These people are enemies, let me kill them!"

Allen said indifferently: "It is useless to say more, why not give us a chance to prove ourselves. How about letting us repel the adventurers for you?"

He looked at Caesar.

Caesar nodded: "Come with me."

Allen and the four followed this tribal chief to the exit of the cottage, Edward Fuer whispered beside Allen, "Leave a living, useful."

There is a wooden building at the exit of the cottage. Standing on it, you can see the distant scene. Allen went upstairs and looked behind Caesar. I saw the flames in the night. Warriors of the Bymon were fighting against five or six strangers, and those should be the so-called adventurers. Their dresses are obviously different from those of Ellen. These men wear long clothes, riding boots and gloves.

One of them put on a half-length armor, holding a steel decapitating axe and dancing vigorously, and one of them resisted the attack of four or five indigenous warriors, apparently the leader of adventurers. The other two, with long swords and double swords, stood on both sides of the leader, forming a small battle formation.

There are two people behind, one of them is holding a long-barreled fire/gun. He was filling the fire/gun with projectiles, and the other person raised his hand, and the skin exposed in the air was lightly patterned, forming a pattern on the back of the hand. . With a wave of the man's hand, he threw a fireball at the native soldier to share the pressure of the three men.

Allen whispered: "Engraving!"

Edward nodded and said, "Just keep the guy who can use the marking."

"He may be the most powerful of these people."

"Yes, but his age is also the oldest." Edward said with a light smile: "Older people are more afraid of death than young people."

Allen knew, and glanced at Belmode. The latter stepped back and disappeared into the shadows.

At this time, the indigenous warriors could no longer resist the cooperation of the opponent's adventurers, and they were retreating steadily. Caesar glanced at Alan, and Alan smiled and said, "Willik, are you coming or me?"

Willick jumped directly from the tower and responded with action. Edward also said, "I'll go down and play too."

"Are you going to put people to sleep again?" Allen asked.

The Maritan smiled: "Change something else this time."

Allen was about to touch his foundation, so naturally there was no objection. On the other side, Willick has joined the battlefield. As soon as he joined, the adventurer's offensive was immediately suppressed. The lines on the furry beast's armbands light up~www.readwn.com~ activated the sequence of the armbands, and Willick has a faint tendency to press the other three to fight. The few adventurers kept pushing Willick back, and the next two companions met, and immediately shifted the target.

The fire/gunner pointed the muzzle at Willick, and there was a light breeze that he didn't care about. But there was a cold around his neck, he subconsciously touched it, but he touched a hand of hot liquid. Blood, the fire/gunner’s neck cracked a small wound at some point, but the blood couldn’t stop bleeding out. When the engraver next to him saw him, he was immediately blinded. At this time, he heard strange calls from his companions, he could only restrain his mind, and when the engraving on the back of his hand lit up, he would throw a fireball to support his companion.

A pitch-black short knife protruded gently from the back and rested on his neck. Belmode appeared from the shadows like a devil, and said to the adventurer's ear: "If you don't want to die, give me the source of power."

Without the support of the fire/gunner and the engraver behind, the three adventurers in front were quickly lost. Willick hit the killer fiercely, alternately using heavy cannon punches and slams. Under the stormy punches, the adventurers on the left and right sides fell first. The leader was able to withstand a few punches, but Willick was hit in the chest continuously, and the armor was deformed, and the man threw up blood, giving Willick the power of his punches.



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