Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 311:  Trouble

Shaun grinned and said, "It seems Master Ellen values ​​your slaves very much."

Jim said next to him: "Master is just to punish them."

"I must personally punish them." Allen emphasized: "I wonder if Mr. Sean can do anything about this?"

"The captain of the city defense team, Peel, is my brother. It's not that there is no way at all, but you know..." Sean made a money count.

Allen glanced at Edward, who pushed the bag of silver coins found from the adventurer to Sean's eyes. Sean weighed his weight and said with satisfaction: "When will Master Ellen leave?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"At that time you will see those slaves. To be honest, in order to punish them personally, your price is a bit high." Sean said.

Allen smiled slightly: "I care more about the effect."

"You are really a great person." After a few compliments, Xiao En left.

Jim took Alan and the others to find a hotel to stay.

In the city lord's mansion, the fifty baron of York stood in front of the huge French windows. Looking out from the window, the night of Suhl City was divided into pieces by rain, and the baron's eyes penetrated the rain curtain and fell on the faint outline of the Aspen Mountains in the distance.

"Master, it's time to rest," the butler reminded.

"Resting?" York snorted, "I can't close my eyes, sir. As long as I think of my treasure and wealth being occupied by a group of barbarians, I can't sleep."

The butler bowed his head and said, "Your wealth has already topped your peers."

"Mr. Lind, I have to admit that your words are very beautiful. But I know myself, Suhl, a place where birds don’t shit, can have any wealth. My little property does not have the soil of the countryside of Missili. There are many rich men." The Baron York looked at the Aspen mountains bitterly: "This is my territory. All the wealth in the territory should belong to me. The Aspen mountains are no exception. Those bold and **** barbarians refused. Handing over my treasure, this is an illegal encroachment! They must be razed, and their children and grandchildren should be humble slaves!"

The steward reminded: "Baron Maud did not promise to lend you an army. Calculating the distance, they should arrive in the morning. It won't be long before your sword will be inserted at the peak of the Aspen Mountains."

"Yes, but I need to pay 20% of the dividend to Stormwind for this. Dear Lind, don't you hear the gold coins crying?" Baron York's eyes were bloodshot, and he raised his hand loudly: "That It's all my wealth, my wealth!"

The voice came out of the city lord's mansion, but it was chopped by the whistling wind.

In another brightly lit house, there was another sound.

"Oh, Elena. My Elena, you little one is always so fascinating!"

Under the lights, on the messy bed, a man as strong as a brown bear put the long legs of the woman under him on his shoulders, and then slammed into it. The woman clasped the sides of the bed with her hands and screamed excitedly. Her cry stimulated the man's senses, and the man's attack became more intense.

After the violent storm, the woman gasped loudly. She hugged the man like an octopus, bit his helix and said: "Mr. Rattis, you are so brave anytime. You do it every time. People are tired and half dead."

The man haha ​​touched the woman's plump breasts: "It's also because of you, Elena. Look at other women, I'm not interested in them."

"Really? But every time you look at Luo Li and the others, your eyes don't look like what you say."

"Nonsense. You, lie down for Lao Tzu, I haven't had enough yet."

The woman exclaimed: "I'm dying, please let me go."

"Don't come to this one." The man pulled her over, let her lie down on the bed, and then raised the waist, and once again opened up the woman's body.

In the end, both of them lay weakly on the bed.

"I saw Sean tonight." After a short break, the woman began to get up and get dressed.

"Sean, did you take the fat pig business?"

"Of course not, in fact, he really went to talk about business."

"what business?"

The woman thought for a while, and said: "It seems to be a few strangers. They and Sean have some cooperation plans."

The man frowned, sat up and said, "Be careful."

The woman who had already put on her dress turned around, spread her hand and smiled: "Mr. Rattis, you know, my service has never been free. Whether it's on the bed or on the lips."

This pun made the man react again. He cursed and took out a small bag of silver coins from the bed and stuffed it under the woman's bra: "I'll explain it clearly to Lao Tzu."

The woman took out the bag and squeezed it, knelt down with satisfaction, and lay on the man’s lap and said, “Those strangers bring new technology, and Sean is ready to cooperate with them. If there are no surprises, the whole cotton spinning market will be them in the future. Yes. I heard from the stranger that it seems to be a worsted spinning technique, they will bring ready-made garments next time. Mr. Xiao En is going to get the Chenggao Mansion for Mr. Baron to have a look, and everything goes well, then the work can be officially started. "

"Look, my news is detailed enough."

The man changed his color and said, "Damn, Sean wanted to squeeze me out a long time ago. If they succeed, then Sur City will have no place for me Latis."

"What are you going to do, Mr. Ratis." The woman kissed Ratis' thigh.

Latis said in a deep voice: "Of course it is to make those strangers disappear forever, and it's time to deal with the fat pig of Sean."

"Elena, I hope you don't use Sean's kung fu on your lips."

The woman shivered and smiled reluctantly and said, "Of course, Mr. Rattis, I only serve you."

"This is a free gift." She grinned, then buried her head on Rattis' waist.

At dawn, the rain stopped. After a full night of rain, the city of Suhl was filled with thick fog in the morning. Allen and the others had eaten breakfast and were about to leave. It was still early and there were few pedestrians on the street. The fog is thick, so people can only see things within one or two meters.

Obviously, leaving the city was not smooth, and shortly after leaving the hotel, footsteps sounded around the street. Jim frowned and wanted to ask, but Alan reached out his hand to stop him. After a while, Taoist figures appeared before and after them, but they surrounded them. These people showed fierce eyes, holding swords and axes in their hands, and a man covered with green tattoos stood in the front, apparently the leader of these people.

He was scraping his nails with a dagger, tilting his head and looking at Ellen and the others maliciously.

Allen smiled faintly: "It seems that there are people in Suhl who do not welcome us."

"Of course, Mr. Rattis doesn't like you. He has a suggestion." The tattooed man laughed.

"Oh, let's talk about it."

"He wants you to disappear forever!"

"So that's the case." Allen looked at Jim and said, "Are private fights allowed in Suhl?"

"The law is not allowed, but as long as the city defense team is not seen..."

Allen nodded and said happily, "That's it."

Seeing his face full of spring breeze, the tattooed man shuddered for no reason. He was still thinking about where the chill came from, Allen whispered: "Leave that man, and all the others will be killed."

Belmode bowed like an elegant nobleman: "As you wish."

When his body straightened up more vigorously, Belmode waved his hands and scattered black electricity away. Everyone behind the tattooed man inserted a pitch-black flying knife between his eyebrows, and it was uncomfortable. Belmode didn't even look at the result of the battle. Two black short knives had been slid down between the cuffs of both hands. After the others slipped suddenly, they crashed into the crowd behind. The two knives were plunged into the lower abdomen of the left and right. The blade shook horizontally, and immediately tore the two people's stomachs.

When the others turned, the two knives pulled out the circle of black knives and slammed in.

When Willick saw it, he yelled: "Save me some."

In the blink of an eye, most of these gangsters fell down, which shows the efficiency of Belmode. Willick rushed to the other side, and if he didn't make a move, Belmode would steal all the limelight.

The tattooed man trembled all over, watching the men he brought to kill the other two completely without any backhand force, and then he knew that the wrong person was provoked. When he turned to run, he suddenly felt a pain in his heel, and he flew up and fell heavily to the ground. Finally settled down, his chest was heavy. Looking closer, it was the young silver-haired boy who pressed a black box on himself.

This thing didn't know what it was, it was surprisingly heavy, and it made him difficult to breathe.

Allen pressed the knife case in one hand and said, "Don't rush away. Go back and tell that Rattis, don't make trouble. Otherwise, he will shed more blood."

Lifting the knife case again, Allen made a gesture to the back, and several people walked over the corpse on the ground and left. The tattooed man sat up and found that the battle was over. The two men who attacked the killer passed by him, and the man with the short knife still had time to grin at him. The Wenqing man discovered that there was no blood on that person.

When they walked away, many figures appeared in the fog, and the city defense team came blowing their whistle. The tattooed man quickly got up and ran into a nearby narrow alley in a panic~www.readwn.com~ When he came to the gate of the city, Allen saw Sean. The fat man laughed and said, "Master Ellen came really early."

He saw the blood stains on Willick's armbands again, and the fat man narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you in trouble?"

"I can't talk about it, but there is a guy named Latis who probably doesn't like us. As for now, he should be afraid of us." Allen said calmly, as if to say a trivial thing.

Sean had an intuitive understanding of the strength of these strangers. As Latis' old opponent, he knew very well what kind of people the man had under his hands. Knowing more about the strength of the person who can easily solve Ratis, Sean is thankful that he is not on the opposite side of Allen. The fat man blew his whistle, and several fire/gunners walked over Baku in the fog.

Several people in Baku had stuffed their mouths, twisted their hands and locked their feet with chains, making it very inconvenient to move. Sean threw a bunch of keys to Allen: "Then Mr. Allen, this is your slave, you can punish them as much as you like."



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