Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 313:  Chance

A study room seemed to have been hit by a storm. Books were thrown on the floor, tables and chairs were upside down, and the room was full of mess. Ethan sat down by the window, beside the screen curtains torn from the window. The man with his collar open and his bloodshot eyes had a bottle of spirits in his hand, which was the burning aid for his madness. Ethan took a sip of wine and shouted, "You **** old thing, always look down on me. One day you will know that you are wrong, and your power and wealth will all belong to me. !belong to me!"


Behind the door, a fourteen-five-year-old girl ran in, with a pretty green face. She saw Ethan sitting on the ground and said sadly, "Dad, don't drink so much alcohol."

"Go away." Ethan pushed the girl away rudely.

The girl fell to the ground all of a sudden, her eyes misted, but she desperately held back. Wanting to help Ethan, the alcoholic father grabbed her chin and said, "Shut up and leave me alone. You are also a trash. What use is it for me to raise you so much? What can you bring to me? , Wealth? Or power? No, you will only spend my money, a lot of money!"

Pushing the girl away, Ethan stumbled to his feet and walked towards the door staggeringly. The girl finally couldn't help crying. In her memory, her father and present were totally different. At that time he was humble, polite, gentle and kind. But since his mother passed away, his father has changed. He has begun to pursue utilitarianism, even the position of Baron York.

He wants to be the new owner of Suhl City!

But the girl knew that her father would become what she is now because of her mother's death. When the woman who was as weak as a flower was dying under the torment of illness, her father felt a deep weakness and a curse of fate. Although he is the nephew of the Baron York, he has no real power, and even the Baron hates and alienates him.

So I don't know how many people are pointing at his back, and even when his wife is seriously ill, Ethan can't afford the medicine and rescues Baron York, all he gets is ridicule and indifference. His wife just left, and since then, Ethan has gradually become distorted.

On this day, Ethan was drunk in the tavern. After returning, he lay down for a day, and in the evening of the next day, he still went to the tavern. Only the anesthesia of alcohol can make him forget the pain.

When Edward came to see Sean with a ready-to-wear garment, they saw Ethan when they met at the bar. His watch is exquisite and luxurious, but he is wearing cheap clothes. He was full of alcohol, but he unconsciously carried an unconscious grace between his actions, which was a subconscious action cultivated by a long-term good habit.

In this way, this person should be a downright noble?

"Sure enough, Mr. Edward, I'm very satisfied with the samples you brought." Shaun said with satisfaction, playing with the ready-made clothes that Edward brought.

"Who is that person?" Edward looked at Ethan.

Sean said "Oh" and said, "That's Mr. Ethan, he is the nephew of Baron York. But the Baron himself doesn't like him very much, and even hates him, a poor man."

Edward glanced at Ethan again.

"Mr. Edward, you have to stay in the city for two more days. In these two days I will find an opportunity to meet with the baron. He will be very happy to have merchants like you who have brought such excellent textile technology to Suhl. "Sean said.

Edward smiled and said, "That's okay, as long as the gentleman named Latis doesn't disturb me."

"Latis?" Sean sneered, "That guy hid after you left. It was only these two days that he dared to get out and meet people. Don't worry, the lesson you taught him last time was so profound, he didn't dare I will disturb you again."

"I can rest assured that."

Edward stayed in Suhl, and he used this time to travel around the city. Focused on going outside the city gate, silently observing the troops in Storm City, paying attention to their number and training. This army is much better than the city defense team of Suer City. Whether it is in terms of the quality of soldiers or the quality of equipment, Suer City is not enough.

Their leader, a serious-faced knight, according to Edward's judgment, he has at least level 15 strength. This gave Edward a new understanding of the power structure of this planet. The title and strength are linked, but strength is not the only criterion for title. This is also normal. Every knight is a prince of the empire, and their strength is not the only criterion for their knighthood and territory.

In addition to strength, birthplace, military service, contacts and wealth are all closely related. The most important of these is blood. The constitution that Edward saw pointed out that the title can be inherited by blood. However, only titles above earls are hereditary. Although other titles can be passed on to future generations, the successors need to have sufficient military merit or other contributions to consolidate titles and territories.

Moreover, the empire also provides room for promotion. Commoners can become knights by accumulating military merits, and knights can be made barons after they have made enough contributions. Looking at all the above, the civilizations developed on this planet, their power system is surprisingly similar to that of the earth. Edward showed a thoughtful expression. Was this evolution accidental or was it inevitable driven by some reason?

In the evening, he saw Ethan again in the bar.

Ethan is arguing with the bartender.

"Mr. Ethan, I'm really sorry, your last credit has not been settled yet. I can't let you go on credit for anything tonight, or I will be scolded by the boss." The bartender said.

Ethan caught his collar: "Asshole, I'll be rich in a few days, and I will pay it back together with the last time. Don't you believe me?"

The bartender said helplessly: "Please don't do this, sir, it will embarrass us all."

At this time, a silver coin fell on the bar, and someone behind Ethan said: "Please give this gentleman a glass. All he drinks tonight is counted on my account."

Ethan looked back and saw Edward with a smile on his face.

The two found a corner to sit down, and the wine came up after a while, and Ethan was not welcome, and took a sip. Edward looked at him and said calmly: "Mr. Ethan's life is very unsatisfactory."

Ethan put down the glass, looked at Edward and said, "You are a raw face, how do you know my name."

"We have some business dealings with Mr. Sean. The last time I saw Mr. Ethan drinking alone, I was surprised. How could a person like you drink in such a bar? Mr. Sean saw my doubts. , He told me who you are."

"Then, you look down on me, right." Ethan said mockingly: "Uncle York looks down on me, so everyone here despises me. I'm used to it. Anyway, I want to thank you for inviting me to drink this. A cup."

After speaking he stood up and left the bar.

Ethan soon found out that Edward was following him. Ethan stopped, frowned and said, "What are you doing with me?"

"I think there are some things to talk about."

"For example?" Ethan said casually.

Edward looked in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion: "For example, the owner in there can be changed. If I choose one, I think Mr. Ethan is more suitable."

"Bold!" Ethan said silently, "Do you know what you are talking about? This is enough to put you in jail!"

"I'm just talking about the facts. Look at this city, Mr. Ethan. It's so dilapidated. The people here are just barely living, and they can't talk about life. Haven't you ever wanted to show your ambitions Is Suhl City a whole new look?" Edward shook his head and said, "No, if Mr. Ethan is a person willing to the status quo, he would never be so distressed. So I think Mr. Ethan just lacks an opportunity. And we can provide you with this a chance."

"Opportunity?" Ethan shook his head and said, "As long as Baron York, my dear uncle reigns for one day, I will never have that opportunity. And Suhl City will always be like this."

"Then let the Baron disappear. Anyway, no one will cry for the disappearance of a greedy and demanding lord? On the contrary, I think they will support a wise new lord, such as you." Edward said softly.

The words like demons immediately hit a certain part of Ethan's heart. He had been thinking about this kind of thing for a long time, but it was the first time he was exposed in person. Ethan's chest rises and falls, and he points to Edward and said, "You go quickly. I think I have heard nothing because of your invitation to drink tonight."

He turned around and left, not knowing whether he was afraid or what he wanted to avoid. Suddenly a whirlwind blew up in front of him, Ethan was startled, and Edward said behind him: "Mr. Ethan, we are not just businessmen, we still have the power to change the general situation. You see, you are full of words. Aspiration, but no one in this city wants to stop and listen. But I heard your voice~www.readwn.com~ Now the opportunity is before your eyes. If you want to change your life, you should catch it This opportunity."

Ethan turned his head and saw Edward was raising his right hand lightly, and the active light pattern on his palm was shining. Ethan lost his voice: "Magic?"

"It's not just me." Edward lost his power and said, "I was going back tomorrow, but for you, Mr. Ethan, I decided to stay for two more days. If you change your mind, you can come to me at any time. I want to Mr. Ethan's ability, must know where I live?"

"I look forward to seeing you next time." Edward followed the etiquette of this world and bowed to Ethan.

Ethan stood there for a full minute, then muttered, "He bowed to me? This..."

"This is the first time someone respects me so much, hey!"

He smiled and left in the opposite direction. Ethan suddenly felt that this night was not so dark.



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