Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 313:   Take advantage of the fire

After Shaun left in the latest chapter of Edge of Doom, Willick and Jim helped Baku and the others to unlock the chains. After Baku untied his hands and feet, he took out a mess of dirty cloth from his mouth and threw it on the ground, shouting at Alan, "Who is your slave!"

Allen said coldly: "That's just a stopgap measure. If you don't say that, do you think you can yell at me here now?"

"The worshippers don't need you to save!"

"Of course, it's just that Caesar doesn't want his brother to become a prisoner, so I will save you." Allen took out Caesar's crystal spear and threw it to Baku. "He wants you to take this thing back by yourself. ."

Looking at the crystal spear, Baku's anger in his eyes gradually subsided. He glared at Allen and said, "I won't be grateful to you. You are no different from those in the city!"

"I don't need you to be grateful." Allen didn't want to say anything to the savage man, and said, "Can I go now? Or are you planning to give Caesar some other trouble?"

Baku opened his mouth and said nothing in the end, picked up his spear and a few other people and left in silence.

"Master, what do these savages do? They are not good things either." Jim whispered.

Allen said lightly: "Mr. Jim, what you have to do is to obey my orders, not to interfere with my decision."

Jim lowered his head quickly.

At this time, the rumbling of horseshoes came from the wasteland outside the city. Judging from the volume of the sound, it was an army. Allen frowned, made a gesture, and everyone hurriedly left the city gate. Before long, a large horse appeared in the fog, and the knights on the horse were all wearing sharply polished armor. Even the healthy horses under the seat also use thin armor to protect the head and other parts of the body.

After the cavalry, there are soldiers on foot. The flags they erect have a pattern of a whirlwind and a castle. Seeing the pattern on the banner, Jim whispered: "That is the army of Storm City. They have two armies. One is Gale, and the other is Thunder Knight. Gale is the infantry regiment, this army should Yeah. Strange, how come they come here."

Allen saw that the infantry could still maintain their formation during the rapid march. Obviously they had received strict training. It was not a good thing for this army to come to Sul City. Allen couldn't help but look in the direction of the Aspen Mountains.

"Let's go," he said.

Early in the morning, I heard that the army of Storm City had arrived, and Baron York got into his ornate carriage and came down to the gate of the city under the guard of the city defense team. Storm City’s army has been stationed and camped outside the city, and a group of cavalry greeted the baron. The knight in a bright red cloak and a white war horse said loudly: “I’m Reg, from the thundering knights’ division. Captain. Baron York, Sir Maud greets you."

Baron York frowned, and the captain looked arrogant when he saw that he could not dismount. He snorted, unhappy in his heart, but he hoped that these people would attack the Aspen Mountains for himself, but he couldn't make a fuss. So he reluctantly smiled and said, "You have worked hard from afar, and you can tell me if you need it."

"I can't talk about hard work. We are soldiers. It's nothing to suffer. But Sir Maud has something for me to convey."

"Please speak."

Reger smiled, and said: "This time at your invitation, Baron York, we have dispatched a thunder knight team and five violent infantry fighters. Baron Maud felt that the price you had offered was a bit lower. , He meant that Storm City must get another 20%. I don’t know how you got it?"

Baron York's face flushed immediately, and if he didn't remember his identity as a jazzman, he would be violent in public. He was ups and downs sharply, and said: "Sir Maud's move is against morals, how can he temporarily increase it!"

"I don't know this, or else, you can ask him yourself?" Regg's face was obviously with a scornful expression.

"On this point, I must reconsider." Baron York said.

"Of course, but Lord Baron. I have to remind you that our expenses here must be borne by you in accordance with the agreement. So you see, don't think about it for a long time." Gao Lei said, and immediately bowed. , Then returned to the camp with the cavalry.

"Go back." Baron York said gloomily.

The carriage returned to the City Lord's Mansion, and as soon as the baron returned to his study, he was furious. He smashed the things he picked up on the ground fiercely until he picked up a porcelain bottle with a strong exotic flavor before he stopped. Gasping for breath, the Baron York put the bottle back in place, and roared: "That **** Maude, this is taking advantage of the fire!"

The butler who heard the sound and the other ten-year-old man were silent, not dare to provoke the old Sir when he was angry. After the baron calmed down a bit, the butler said: "Sir, we should send a telegram to Sir Maud to condemn him for such unethical behavior."

York shook his head and sat on the sofa: "Crimination does nothing at all, and Maude will not take it to heart. In the final analysis, it is our Suhl city that is weak, and Maude did not take it seriously. No matter it is wealth. Or the army, we are not the opponent of Storm City, otherwise Maude would not be so unscrupulous."

"Uncle, let me blast away those **** outside the city!" said the man standing next to the butler.

"Shut up, Ethan. Use your mind to think about it. If you rip off your skin with Maude, it will not be good for us!" York said angrily: "Do you think the empire's constitution can really restrict Maude? Especially? It is in the outer suburbs of our empire. If you look at how many border jazz territories were annexed last year, you should know that the laws of the empire are not really valid in any corner of the border."

"If we turn our faces with Maude now, the five violent wind fighters and a thundering knight team will not stay outside the city gate, but will directly enter the city. Although the city of Sul is small, but the old man Maude does not I will care if I have one more territory!"

The man hurriedly lowered his head, and York waved his hand: "Read more when you have time, and don't spend time on women. Ethan, if it wasn't for my brother's entrustment, I wouldn't raise you this rubbish. Go away!"

He held his fingernails almost into the flesh, and Ethan undulated, but still said calmly, "Yes, uncle."

He left quietly.

"Mr. Ethan also cares about you." The butler said.

York sneered: "He cares more about my position."

After speaking, the old Sir sighed again. He stood by the window, overlooking the city gate. As the sun rose and the fog dissipated, the battle flag of Storm City was fluttering in the wind. Looking at this banner, York's eyes became heavier.

Two days after returning to the Aspen Mountains, the people of Baku separated from Allen and went straight back to the cottage. They have not yet arrived in the cottage, and someone has notified Caesar. Caesar was very happy to learn that Baku had returned safely.

But this time Baku went to Suer City privately, and Caesar could not reveal it lightly, otherwise he could not explain to the tribe. So he threw the returning Baku into the dungeon to show punishment. After returning Caesar's crystal spear, Baku had no objection to the punishment and walked into the dungeon by himself.

He has to stay here for ten days.

In the evening, Caesar came to the dungeon, and the two of them looked at each other speechlessly.

After a while, Baku said: "When we left Suer City, we saw another army. I heard that it was from Storm City, Caesar. Those guys will soon come."

"how many people."

"I'm afraid there are four or five people."

Caesar was surprised: "So many, you have to inform other talents."

Bymon is not only Caesar and the others, but also other villages in the Aspen Mountains. This mountain is the place where their ancestors have lived for generations, and it is their homeland. Naturally, they don't want the people of Suer City to occupy it.

"Caesar." Baku said suddenly: "Don't believe those strangers, they have contacts with the people of Suer City. There must be another purpose to approach us!"

Caesar said: "I won't blindly believe them, but don't forget. Until this moment, they haven't done anything that threatens us, and even saved you back. Baku, don't let anger affect you. Judgment."

Baku didn't respond, he just walked back to the depths of the dungeon and buried his figure in the shadows.

From the shadow of the starship's hatch, Alan came to the ground and saw Edward sitting on a piece of dead wood not far away, reading a book. The cover of the book is a bit frayed, it looks like this book has been around for some years. Edward took it seriously, but when Allen walked up to him, the Maritans said without waiting for him to ask: "This is a general constitution, and it can help us get acquainted with the laws here."

"Where did you get it?" Allen asked, sitting in front of him.

"I bought it at the market while you were sleeping. It is very interesting. This constitution mentions the country of Balegun many times and calls itself an empire. So, the city of Sur should also belong to this empire. Part of the territory. This is very remote. If there is no accident, it should be a territory near the border. For us, it is very beneficial." Edward closed the book and said: "For example, the city lord here has changed individuals, and the empire will probably not notice. By the time they react, we may have fully integrated into them."

"Storm City’s troops may attack the Aspen Mountains~www.readwn.com~ I have to stay in case those troops find our camp. So the cooperation with Sean may have to be handled by you." Ai Lun said.

Edward nodded and said, "Even if you don't say it, I will make this suggestion. I have to take another trip to the city and see if there is anyone worth taking advantage of."

He raised the constitution in his hand: "In order for us to legally occupy the city of Suhl."

Allen smiled and asked, "Why do you want to join us? From my point of view, you are doing pretty well on Babylon. There is no need to venture outside."

Edward smiled and said softly: "Now I don't want to discuss this issue. In short, during the contract period, I will contribute my strength and wisdom. You don't need to worry about this. If I do something that is not good for you, you I can be executed in accordance with the provisions of the contract, otherwise I will be handed over to the Federation when I return. But I don’t want to talk more about me.”

"Now...it's not the time yet." r1058 Edge of Doom



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