Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 324:  Wild Fight

Allen raised his head and looked at Baku like a demon in the distance. The huge figure brings a solemn sense of oppression. So far, Baku has shown the most physical destruction. Apart from the previous continuous pillar of fire that almost cut the sky and the earth, it has no other special abilities. However, his pure power cannot be ignored. Often when a certain ability is exerted to a pure degree, it is fatal.

"It's big." Regis beside him couldn't help saying.

"Scared?" Allen asked with a smile.

Regis snorted, "Don't underestimate people, Ellen, who said I'm scared."

He shook his hand and said, "I just feel excited."

"Then get ready to fight." Allen yelled, "All the soldiers continue to focus their firepower, Bloy, Roy, I want you to smash this big guy's knee. He is too tall, it's not fair."

"Others are free to attack, and the goal is to end this big guy's life. All the members dispersed."

Allen himself lifted the sword and slid towards the giant, while the others looked for opportunities to attack, and the two named Bloy and Roy dragged the warhammer. Under the cover of the firepower of the soldiers behind her, she bullied the giant, and Lucy threw a box to Adele, who took it and opened it. Inside was a row of sniper shells with Liuyanghua patterns engraved on the warheads.

"This is a frost sniper bullet. Seeing that the role of that fellow's fire bomb should be limited, let's use these for you." Lucy shook the golden rose in her hand and smiled: "I can't use a sniper rifle anyway."

After talking about the ponytail, he trot forward with his gun, looking for his own battle position.

Adele snorted, looked at Lucy's back and whispered: "Even so, I won't like you, double ponytails!"

She looked at the guard wall with a sniper rifle on her back, which should be considered a good sniper position.

Baku raised his hand to protect his head and chest. The power of the raging fire rifle was as powerful as a tunnel fire/gun Jiutiaojie. Even with his current body shape, those powerful bullets hurt his body. Under the concentrated fire of the flame war soldiers, the giant's body has been splashed with blood, but his regeneration ability is very strong. As long as it is not critically damaged, muscles and other tissues can recover quickly.

Of course, the regeneration of the body also consumes his source power. There is never something for nothing in the universe. Everything has to be paid the same price, but the way of payment varies from person to person.

Under the cover of the soldier's firepower, two fierce men, Bloy and Roy, have already arrived in front of the giant, and both of them are full of energy. The difference is that Bloy sees through the crimson light, while Roy's source force light carries a deadly gray.

The two hammers smashed out almost indiscriminately. In the middle of the giant's knees, a dull collision sounded in the wilderness, and Baku screamed and fell to his knees in the splash of earth and rocks. His legs were sunken, his leg bones had shattered, and even some bones spurred out of the skin. The ability to regenerate quickly takes effect. The crushed bones are squeezed back into place by the muscles, and the broken bones glue themselves together and gradually become stable.

But the heartbreaking pain made Baku unable to let go. He swept his hand on the ground, his arm patted like a black wall. Both Broy made a defensive posture, but they still vomited blood.

Alan, who was a few positions behind them, jumped high and let Baku's big hand pass. Condescendingly, Allen slashed out, and the blade pulled out an indeterminate orange flash, sweeping towards Baku's head.

Baku seemed to know how powerful he was, and he opened his mouth and let out a silent scream at Allen. The black hair on his big head stood up without wind, and an invisible shock field blocked Allen's flames and detonated it in the air. Allen also smashed Shockwave out, but the main target of Shockwave was Yansi Flash, but for Allen who was swept by Yu Jin, it was not much lethal.

Allen fell to the ground and Baku had stood up again. He lifted his big foot, and stepped on Allen. The latter flashed away, and Baku fell flat and wanted to hunt down. Suddenly, his head shook, and a big blood flower popped up on his forehead. In the blood flower, there were dots of blue fluorescent light floating down.

The sound of a sniper rifle came from the guard wall in the distance. Looking at the giant who was shot headshot by himself, the next moment he covered his forehead casually, and then yelled again. Adele could not help but cursed: "Really A monster."

After cursing here, there was quite a flash of fire in the wilderness. Lucy ran around Baku, and Jin Qiang Wei quite shot the Frost Condensation Bomb in her hand, and the pattern of Jin Qiang Wei's body lit up, which was a lore with a shield-breaking ability. However, although bullets can easily break Baku's scales and even biological armor, its lethality is still very limited for a behemoth like him.

However, the effect of the Frost Bomb is beginning to show, and the coldness it releases cannot be offset by Baku's regeneration ability. After blasting the two magazines, Baku's left half of his body was covered with a thin layer of indigo. Inevitably, his actions appeared to be slow. At this moment, a bright flash appeared on the wilderness to the left of Baku.

When the General of Light came up, it had already turned into a ray of light across Baku, pointing to a hundred meters to his right. After the light disappeared, there was a sudden roar of air waves in the wilderness, and a large wave of blood appeared on Baku's waist. Scales flew around his waist, his flesh and blood rolled, and he was almost cut off by the bright light!

"Hey, my extinction flash is not good, it's an upgraded version of Fengya!" Regis raised his sword to Baku, yelling arrogantly.

Allen shook his head and smiled: "This kid is much better than before."

The wound on the waist spit out a large piece of foam, and the body is shrinking and regenerating. Baku covered his chest with one hand, and glared in the direction of Regis. When he was about to step forward to kill the kid who had suffered this severe damage, a black line suddenly appeared in Baku's sight.

Following a pain in his eyes, he couldn't help closing his eyes, but a few blood lines still jumped out of his eyes. A thin chain was wrapped around Baku's left hand, and Belmode was on the other side of the chain. The man was smiling and retracting the short knife that had cut Baku's eyes, then swiped it, and landed on Baku's arm. Belmode swept along Baku’s arms towards his neck like a light and insignificant ghost. At this moment, Baku barely opened his eyes. In his **** eyes, the injured part of the eyeballs was recovering, and he could only see it vaguely A dark shadow flashed towards him.

Baku slapped Belmode with a palm, and landed on his arm like a mosquito, and Belmode jumped from his fingers. With a wave of his hand, the chained knife swept across Baku's neck and cut his throat with a knife. A large amount of blood shot out like a fountain, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

One hit was successful, but Belmode had no plans to stop. He used a short knife tied with a chain to continuously shoot into the scales of the giant's body, so as to use his strength to fly up and down in front of Baku. At the same time, the short knife in his hand was repeatedly swept out and retracted under the action of the chain. Belmode, with his outstanding sense of balance, danced a strange aerial dance in front of Baku.

Under Belmod's stormy offensive, Baku's wounds continued to increase. With such frequent and rapid attacks, his regeneration ability began to fail to keep up with the speed of the damage. Belmode saw that he had the upper hand, and suddenly his hands shook and he couldn't move. However, Baku caught the short knife and separated the two sides, fixing Belmode in the air.

The giant's chest cracked again, and the flames in his chest penetrated, and the fiery source force changed Belmode's face greatly. With a roar, Baku shot a stream of fire from his chest. It's just that this fire current, whether it is power or scale, is not as good as last time. But it was more than enough to kill Belmode. Fortunately, at a critical moment, two figures flashed from the left and right of Belmode, breaking the chain on the short knife.

At the moment of Qianjun's shot, Belmode fell to the ground, and the flames could be wiped from the top of his head. He even smelled the burning smell of the hair. It can be seen that the two brothers of Tang Ji and the end of Tang have also fallen down one after another. He nodded towards the two, and the three suddenly dispersed. Baku smashed it down with a punch and landed on the clearing, smashing the ground with cobwebs and torrents of sand.

Everyone handed over to Baku again. Baku continued to get injured, but he recovered in a flash. Although this consumes his source power, his source power is far stronger than Allen had imagined. A dull collision sounded again in the field, and several people were kicked by Baku and scattered.

Willick fell next to Allen, got up and spit out a mouthful of dirty blood mixed with sand and cursed: "Damn, this monster is really difficult."

"This is not the way to fight, his recovery ability is too strong." Allen pressed Willick's shoulder and said: "We need to change our strategy."

"Boss, what are your plans?"

Allen pointed to his head and heart and said: "No matter what living thing, the brain and the heart are the key points. But it is not safe to attack only one place, Willick, I need your help."

Willick nodded ~www.readwn.com~Baku was very irritable, and these people pestering him were far more difficult than the soldiers of Suer City. Moreover, they have made themselves hurt again and again, even if he can recover quickly, but the pain of each injury is real. Baku has forgotten how many injuries he has suffered. He just wants to kill these annoying bugs in one go.

He took a deep breath, his chest split open in the center, the flames flowing inside, and the hot breath radiated from his chest.

"Suppress him and create opportunities for us!" Allen shouted.

Bloy glanced at Roy, and the two big guys shouted at the same time, dragging the warhammer straight to the past. The two warhammers carried their respective source strengths and swept heavily on Baku's legs, smashing Baku to his knees again. Baku roared and raised his hand to sweep away the two. Suddenly a flash of light crossed the arm, and half of Baku's arm immediately fell to the ground, but it was cut off by the extinct flash of Regis.

"Willik, take advantage of it now!"



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