Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 327:  Storm

Ethan returned to the city lord mansion with a gloomy expression.

After shutting himself into the study, Ethan angrily pushed everything on the desk to the ground, and then took a few breaths. He clenched his fist and hammered it on the table, making his knuckles red and painful, and Ethan's anger only waned.

Matuo stood at the door hesitantly, looking at each other with the old butler, and then heard Ethan inside call him in. Mato opened the door and looked at the messy ground, silent.

"Mr. Mato, why didn't you do it just now. You are the city defense team, the official guards of the empire. Allen and those people dare not move you unless they want to be wanted!" Ethan slapped the table hard and said, "Could it be you Didn’t you see their arrogant faces? I’m the lord of the city, I’m Baron Ethan. I just want {Pig}Pig Island{小} to say 3.zhu they announced the technology of their weapons, and they didn’t give them a private possession of arms The charge, I am already very generous!"

"Of course, you are not only generous, but also kind." Mato organized his words and said: "Everyone is unwilling to do it, because they defeated the demon last night after all. Sir, we lost a lot of brothers last night. What if Without Alan and the others, this loss might have more than doubled. Everyone is thinking of their helping hand last night, not afraid of them."

Ethan was a little relieved when Mato said so. He shook his head and said: "No, you can't let these strangers do whatever they want. Otherwise, I, the city lord, will be threatened by them."

"What are your plans, my lord?"

Ethan squinted his eyes and said, "I want you to find someone and send a letter to Sir Maud in Storm City. They said that the death of my uncle is related to them. But my power alone cannot execute them. Let Sir Maude provide us with some help."

Mato was taken aback, and said, "My lord, that will hurt Miss."

Nilu is already Edward's legal wife. Once Edward is revealed to be the murderer who participated in the killing of the Baron of York, maybe Nilu will be dragged into the water. Ethan smiled and said: "It's okay. Before that, I will arrange for her to divorce Edward. Their union is just a game."

"That's it, Mato, can I trust you?"

Looking at Ethan's slightly crazy eyes, Matto lowered his head: "I once swore to the death to defend the city of Suer, as long as it is beneficial to the city of Suer, I will do it!"

"Very good, you go and feature a suitable candidate."

"Yes, my lord."

Mato left the City Lord's Mansion, his eyes solemn. Ethan did not notice. Just now, he only said to defend the city of Suer, but he only mentioned Ethan's name. Mato made up a certain determination and called a soldier and said: "Go and tell Mr. Edward that I want to meet him in a bar tonight."

The soldier nodded and went, Mato glanced at the city lord's mansion from a distance, sighed, and then left.

After sending Edward away, Allen returned to the living room, the iron box still in its original position. He opened the box, and Bai was sleeping inside. The heart entered its stomach early, and Bai's body was obviously swollen by a few points. There was a crimson luster flowing between the original snow-white scales, and some scales were even falling off. After eating that heart, Bai obviously began to evolve, but Allen didn't know how long this evolution would take.

Tomorrow he will return to the Aspen Mountains with Caesar, so naturally he will not be able to bring his **** with him. Allen thought for a while and asked the soldiers to move the iron box to the basement and let them arrange their own arrangements. There must be one or two guards at all times. Allen is looking forward to what changes that heart can bring to Bai.

After dinner, Edward came to the bar. He had used a variety of methods to confuse his eyes and ears before, and even if someone followed him, he would get rid of him now. In the morning on the way back, he met a soldier. He conveyed Mato's message. Edward was curious about what the city defense officer was looking for.

In a dim corner of the bar, Edward saw Matto. He was drinking boring wine, his expression was bitter, and his thoughts were serious. Edward cleared his throat and said, "It seems that Mr. Mato's troubles are not small."

When he looked up and saw Edward, Mato smiled bitterly and asked him to sit down and say, "It's not a small problem. This trouble is related to you."

"Oh?" Edward's heart moved, guessing that Ethan must have acted. He didn't rush to know the answer, so he drank with Mato. After drinking four or five cups, Mato was already full of alcohol, and he sighed: "I thought Master Ethan would bring a new sight to Sur City when he took office. But just in the morning. , In his study. When Master Ethan ordered me to do something, I mistakenly thought I saw Baron York again."

"It turns out that there is no difference between the two of them."

Edward said lightly: "It seems we are going to be in trouble."

"Yes." Mato gritted his teeth, seemingly determined. He said: "Mr. Edward, please inform Mr. Allen that Lord Ethan wants to be against you. You run, it is really chilling to think about it. You have done so much for Suhl City, you didn’t even know last night. How many lives have been saved. But Master Ethan intends to attack you for his own power."

He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "How can such a lord make the people below follow him?"

Edward said suddenly, "How about changing to a lord?"

Mato was startled and almost didn't jump up. Informing Edward that their escape is the limit that Mato can bear. He is dissatisfied with Ethan, but never thought of harming him. After all, for the murder of a baron, according to the constitution of the Empire, not only the murderer must be sentenced to capital punishment, but the family members also have the crime of sitting. Mato's eyes widened, and finally said, "I didn't hear anything just now."

Just want to leave.

Edward grabbed him and said, "Mr. Matto might as well listen to me a few more words. After tonight, we will only treat ourselves as drinking too much. No one remembers what each other said. How?"

Mato finally stayed.

Edward looked at him and said: "You have also seen that Lord Ethan has not yet secured his position as the city lord, so he is eager to murder those of us who have done meritorious service to Suer City. Because what, it is nothing more than seeing our power in him. Come on. How can a lord like him, who has no tolerance for people, make everyone in Suhl live a good life. Believe me, he will soon be on the same path as Baron York."

"Look at our young master again. How much wealth the Crosis textile machine can bring to Suhl, I won’t say more. What I just want to say is that according to our plan, we will bring Suhl It is by no means a mere textile machine. After this, we are still preparing to build factories. Metallurgy, military factories, refineries... We have a great plan, Mr. Mato. We want the city of Sur to become the border of the empire Shining pearls, but all this will be buried because of Lord Ethan." Edward’s voice was full of tension, and he continued: "A gentleman who loves his homeland, has a conscience, and understands gratitude like you is willing to see The renewed city of Suhl. Just because of a Master Ethan, it still maintains its current dilapidated situation, and will it even get worse in the future?"

"Oh, of course. Maybe the City Lord's Mansion will be built larger and taller in the future."

Mato's Adam's apple slid vigorously, and he smiled bitterly: "When Baron York first took office, the City Lord's Mansion was not much bigger than my small building, hey, how can it be of this size."

"But how do I know, how do you ensure that this happens?"

"We can't guarantee. It's up to you to believe us." Edward said lightly: "The only thing to remind you is that if we don't have a long-term development plan in Suhl City, why should we support it last night. You know, we have lost." An experienced fighter and a set of expensive equipment that cannot be recovered. This loss is definitely on a textile machine!"

Matto's eyes narrowed slightly.

Edward smiled again: "We don't need Mr. Mato to do anything. We just hope that Mr. Mato's city guards will not interfere with us. Do what Master Ethan asks you to do, and you still do what you do. I will handle the rest of course. If Mr. Mato is willing to inform me in advance, it will save a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Mato nodded, patted Edward on the shoulder and said, "I hope I will see the picture you described in the future, otherwise, I will retaliate against you at all costs."

"Of course, if we can't do it, Mr. Matto can put the sword in my chest at any time." Edward said gracefully.

"I will pick someone for Master Ethan, and he will send the adult's letter to Storm City. Your lord hopes to use the power of Baron Maud to suppress you. It is estimated that the letter will be sent out in the next two days." Leaving this sentence, Mattola raised his collar, covering most of his face, and quietly left the bar.

Edward was still sitting there, he took a sip of the bar's poor quality ale ~www.readwn.com~ but thought it was comparable to a good wine.

A storm is brewing in the city of Sul, and on the Earth, which is not known many light years away, on Babylon, which is still running on its own trajectory, the atmosphere is also tense.

After Allen’s Dawn lost contact, within less than ten hours, Beskod issued several consecutive statements. One of them is still harsh. The statement pointed out that because of Allen's accomplishments in the Rubik's Cube sequence, he has been exceptionally included in the nomination list of the Family Presbyterian Church. In such a situation, as one of the important members of the future family, Alan was attacked in a mysterious manner, and Bethkod will pursue this to the end.

Beskod made it clear that no matter where the attacker came from, even the three giants, Beskod would not hesitate to fight. Because the other party's behavior is an unreserved trampling on the dignity of this family. If even the family members can't protect it, what face does Bethkod have on Babylon.

Although this statement did not clearly point the target at which person, it caused an uproar in Babylon. Anyone familiar with this family knows that Horn hasn't been so aggressive in the past ten years.

It is conceivable that the veteran powerhouse who once led the family team on the expedition to Pluto has been really angry.

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