Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 330:  The Box of Fraud

On the fighting field of the Black Iron Camp, a young Bymon warrior is fighting a two-headed vicious dog. This special product of this world is as tall as a calf. Both heads are exposed with fierce teeth, and the eyes flicker. Some yellow turbid liquid drips onto the ground along the fangs turned from the upper lip.

Facing this vicious dog was a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old with clear muscle lines. He was wearing a grass skirt and holding a sharp wooden spear in his hand. He arched his body slightly, lowered his center of gravity, and stared at his opponent intently.

The two-headed vicious dog barked fiercely, and couldn't help but attack first. It rushed forward like lightning, and took a bite at the young man's neck. The young man flexibly tested and rolled away, and threw the wooden spear. It's a pity that the vicious dog flicked and let the wooden spear plunge into the sand that was hot by the sun.

The vicious dog took advantage of his lack of weapons and rushed forward. The young man rushed towards the wooden spear, and when he approached the wooden spear, he swooped and reached out and caught the wooden spear. Behind his head, the fishy wind raged, and the vicious dog rushed into the air like a black cloud. There was an exclamation in the room, and people saw the vicious dog crushing the youth. When he thought he became a vicious dog/food, the tip of the wooden spear penetrated the back of the dog.

The two-headed dog was extremely fierce. His neck was pierced, but the two big heads were still fighting to bite the young man. The young man held a spear in one hand and propped up the belly of the vicious dog with the other so that it could not bite. However, it was inevitable that the sharp claws of the two-headed dog were torn out blood marks on the body. After a while, the vicious dog finally lost too much blood.

The young man pushed it to the ground, and he himself was covered in blood, but he indifferently drew out the wooden spear and yelled.

"What's his name?" Allen asked.

"Dima, a nice boy." Caesar said.

"Just him, and those young people just now, I want them." Allen said.

Caesar nodded and left. He walked to the young man named Dima and pointed to Ellen not knowing what he had said to him. Dima nodded frequently when she heard it, then raised the wooden spear in her hand towards Allen and left the field excitedly.

"Look at these people, they are young, strong, and very physical. I bet they can fight freely even if they wear full body armor." Alan said with his arms around his chest.

Lucy looked at her box from King Kong and said, "Are you going to make them into heavy infantry?"

"Why not, a thirty-man heavy infantry regiment, with the fire/gun power of this world, can pose no threat to them." Allen said, "They are rare and strong fighters. I can Don't want to waste it. As for cannon fodder, you can directly recruit men from the Empire in the future."

He finally couldn't help asking: "What is so special about your box."

Lucy opened the box and rubbed her hand on the golden rose pattern on the bottom of the box. There was a strange line of symbols under the pattern. She said: "This is the old language of Ida Huaxing, meaning the box of fraud. I have read the record of the box of fraud in the Royal Library. It is actually the predecessor of the safe, but it is more sophisticated."

"Wait, you said this thing belongs to your Idahua star?" Allenton felt very emotional: "Is this also your colonial star?"

Lucy shook her head: "Impossible, if it is our colonial star, the level of civilization is definitely not only that. And so far, I have not found any signs that a colonial star should have.

"How come there are things on your planet..." Allen was curious.

Lucy shook the box of fraud in her hand: "I guess that the so-called demon blood by the Bymons should be some kind of genetic medicine. Perhaps a long time ago, our ancestors conducted a series of experiments on this planet. Experiment. The so-called demons encountered by the Bymon ancestors may be the experimental subjects at that time."


"Yes, some of the research that is not allowed on Idahua is secretly carried out on other planets. Taboo life, weapons of mass destruction, etc., may all be the subject of research." Lucy blinked. Said: "You humans don't often conduct weapon experiments in remote places off the beaten track. This is the same reason. The only difference is that our scale is slightly larger."

Allen shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The research that needs to be carried out across the stars, the scale will not be just a little larger."

"Who knows, but there may be an answer here." Lucy patted the box and said: "It is used to contain demon blood, so there may be relevant records in it. The fraud box is usually used to keep some secrets. The secrets of the documents, the delicate mechanism will be stored somewhere in the box, and the designer will deliberately leave the wrong guidance, so it is called the fraud box.

"It's so troublesome, can't it be opened with violence?"

"In that case, 100% of the secrets in this box will be destroyed." Lucy shrugged: "I will study it slowly when I return to Suhl City, and I need some tools."

Speaking of Sul City, Allen thought to himself, he didn't know how things were going with Edward.

In Suer City, the right side of the city’s main mansion has been scaffolded, and workers are rebuilding it. It’s just that the work is so loud that Ethan wrote a letter intermittently all morning before finally finishing it and putting it in the envelope. After sealing the mouth with wax, Ethan gave it to a clever young man. He is Rich, the messenger Mato found.

"Be sure to hand this letter to Sir Maud. This is your reward." Ethan threw a bag of silver coins to him.

Rich took the silver coin and said, "I am happy to help you, my lord."

Watching Rich leave, Ethan stood at the window. From this position, you can see the house where Ellen and the others are not far away. Now in Ethan's eyes, the house is undoubtedly a dragon's nest, with tantalizing treasures waiting to be discovered.

"It's all mine, this city is mine, and everything in it is mine! None of you can take it away!" Ethan gritted his teeth and said.

Rich passed through a narrow alley, and not far ahead was the city gate. After leaving the city, someone had prepared a fast horse for him, and it would take as long as three days or as few as two days to reach Storm City. The thought of the bag of silver coins in his pocket made Rich's heart warm. With this money, you can marry Cedrine, right? he thinks.

Suddenly there was a figure in the alley, and Rich stopped suddenly and wanted to go back. Unexpectedly, two men behind came out of a low building next to him casually, and stood in the road with big thorns, blocking his retreat. Rich was a little flustered, he saw that these people were not doing well. The two men behind them were expressionless and indifferent, looking at him as if they were looking at a dead body.

A gentle voice rang from behind: "Mr. Rich, I want to buy something like you."

Rich turned his head, the man in front of him was a handsome boy. Recognizing him, Rich smiled and said, "Mr. Edward, I am a small person. There is something worth buying from me."

"Of course." Edward smiled: "For example, the letter on you."

Rich touched his chest subconsciously, Edward's eyes fell on it, and he took out a bag of silver coins, which weighed only a lot more than Ethan's: "Give me that letter, it's yours."

"Mr. Edward, this is Master Ethan's thing. If you lose it, Master will not let me go."

"You can rest assured that, I promise Sir Ethan will not hold you accountable." Edward's brilliant smile seemed a little out of tune with this gloomy alley.

Seeing the smile on his face, Ethan shivered.

Edward winked at the two men behind, and they walked forward, putting a lot of pressure on Rich. Edward said: "Of course you can protect it to the death, so I can only take it from your body. If so, poor Miss Cedrine will never wait for her beloved to return. In that case, maybe she Eventually you have to marry another strange man."

"Mr. Rich, would you like to see such a picture?"

Rich sighed and smiled bitterly: "It seems that I have to disappear for a few days in the city of Suhl."

He took the envelope out and handed it to Edward. Edward stuffed the silver coin into his pocket, patted Rich on the shoulder and said, "You are a smart person, and smart people will always have a good time. You can take a vacation, maybe you can bring Miss Cedrine ."

"I think she will be happy." Rich said, "Farewell, sir."

Edward made a gesture, and the two men walked away, and Rich left quickly, for fear that Edward would change his mind.

"Worry you to have a good holiday." Edward smiled, then elegantly tore the letters to pieces, and threw them into the sewer next to him.

It was night, Ethan was sitting alone at the table. There is a wealth of food on the table. Today, sending the letter away, he can already see the wealth beckoning to himself. The weapons in the hands of those strangers are no different from treasures, and Ethan is sure that there are weapons merchants willing to buy them at a big price. The premise is that they must be obtained first~www.readwn.com~ Ethan has decided that when the knights of Storm City arrest them, they should not rush to execute these people. There must be other secrets hidden in those people, and these secrets are probably as valuable as Crosis Textile Machine and their weapons.

Endless wealth. Ethan thought of this wonderful word, which made him laugh happily, and drank the wine in the glass.

Suddenly the door of the restaurant was pushed open, and Ethan said angrily: "Who is so presumptuous, dare to disturb my meal!"

"It's me, distinguished Sir Ethan." A smiling Edward strode in, with his hands in his trouser pockets, he glanced at the dining table full of food, and whistled: "What a great dinner." , It’s just that adults don’t advocate frugality, so why suddenly become big fish. I think it’s a good mood. Also, the army of Storm City will catch those guys who are not pleasing to the adults. From then on, naturally no one can threaten Sir Ethan. If it's me, I'll eat too much. You think so?"

Ethan's face suddenly became extremely difficult to look at.



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