Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 332:  The King of the Mountain

On this day, a badge was assigned to Allen's hand. This badge lies quietly in a vermilion lacquer box paved with black velvet cloth. The shield-shaped badge has an indigo background. On the left is a unicorn standing upright, and on the right is a palace. The words "Glory is life" are written on the next decorative road in the palace. This is the knight's award of the Balegang Empire. The knight is the lowest noble in this empire, and the award will vary depending on the level.

Like the baron awarded by Edward, the unicorn is replaced by a silver flying eagle. Sir Maud, who is also a baron, but has a certain military strength, will have a conspicuous golden feather on the flying eagle, symbolizing the identity of a powerful baron.

Allen took the medallion and looked at the back of his name engraved on it. He smiled slightly and pinned it to his chest. When wearing this knight badge to the outskirts of the city army | pig | pig | island | novel www.[zhu][zhu][] camp, the city defense captain Mato saw him and immediately saluted him.

"Congratulations, Mr. Allen." Matuo extended his hand to congratulate.

Allen shook hands with him and said, "Mr. Mato, what happened to you before, I don't know how it goes?

"Today will be sent here, a total of 30 sets of light armor and standard swords. As for the short-handled warhammers that you let the blacksmith in the city rush to make, because of the limited materials, you can only complete 15 at most." Mato accurately reported. Tao.

"Aren't there several iron mines in Suhl City?"

"Yes, but the output is very small. After all, this vein is very barren. Otherwise, Suhl City would not develop an industry dominated by cotton spinning." Mato smiled bitterly.

Allen nodded and said, "I understand."

At this time, there was the cheering of the soldiers on the camp playground, and Mato smiled slightly: "Since the barbarians you brought...no, Bymon. After they were trained with us, the enthusiasm of everyone in training has increased a lot. Hey, the guys who live on the mountain are really strong. The three of us can only beat one of them. I don’t know how you convinced these strong fighters to go down the mountain. I’ve never heard of them before, they would be willing to walk out of Aspen Mountains."

"As long as there is enough goodwill, Mr. Matto. By the way, can there be progress on the conscription?"

Mato nodded and said, "We have recruited a hundred young people. If they are trained, they will become qualified soldiers. As for more, Suhl City probably doesn't have so many young people who meet the requirements."

"It's like recruiting from the outside world, so can adventurers. As for the funding, I will discuss with Sir Edward. After the economy of Sul City develops, the defense force must also keep up, otherwise it will easily attract wolves." Ai Lun pointedly said.

Coming to the camp playground, the young Bymon named Dima was wrestling with a few soldiers from Suer City. When Allen walked over, Roy, who was serving as their young instructor was about to salute, Allen shook his head and motioned him not to say anything. He was standing next to Roy, watching Dima interspersed among the soldiers easily and flexibly, and knocked them down when he saw the opportunity.

Moments later, Tima fell down all the soldiers, thumped her chest vigorously, and then was lifted and thrown forcefully. In mid-air, Dima saw Alan and waved in greeting with a grin. Allen beckoned, Tima fell to the ground and trot over.

"Gather everyone together and I have something for you." Allen said.

Dima yelled a few words in their native language, and soon the 30 worshippers lined up. They lined up fairly well, and it can be seen that Roy's training was not in vain these days. You must know that when they first entered the city, they didn't even know what the line was about. Mato and several quartermasters transported the equipment to the playground in a carriage, delivered the equipment to the hands of these young people, and instructed them to put on armor.

After putting on a light armor, Dima frowned and said: "Yura, the Bymon don't need to wear these things."

Yura is the name of the Warrior by the Bymen. Allen killed the demon incarnate by Baku and was highly respected by the younger generation of Bymen. At first, Ellen planned to make Tima change his words, but later saw that he had no plans to change his words at all, so he too. Now hearing what Dima said, Allen laughed and said: "I know the bravery of worshippers, but Dima. These things will not hinder you from fighting, and wearing armor does not mean you are cowards. On the contrary, know how to protect. One's own people can become more courageous, and blindly emphasizing oneself and unwilling to make any changes is an expression of arrogance."

"There is such a saying in our hometown that arrogance is a sin."

Dima seemed to understand but not understand.

Allen said to the other people: "Warriors of the worshipers, you are brave and good at fighting and are not afraid of sacrifice. I can foresee that you will level the mountains and conquer the earth. You are the invincible king of the mountains!"

"From now on, the King of the Mountain will be your serial number, and I hope its name will be known to the entire empire!"

Including Dima, all the young people were full of enthusiasm. They waved their weapons and screamed "King of the Mountain". Allen looked at Roy with satisfaction and said, "This army will be handed over to you in the future."

Roy's gray eyes flashed with a hint of light, and he nodded solemnly.

In the afternoon, 15 short-handled warhammers rushed to the camp were sent to the camp and assigned to the army of the mountain king. It's just that the number of warhammers is limited, so Roy only sends them to warriors like Tima. From today on, Roy began to guide these people in the use of the warhammer, and Tema and the others also liked this heavy weapon.

The next day, Sean of the Chamber of Commerce came to Alan early. He brought a piece of woven fabric. Due to the production technology of the Crosis textile machine, the needle holes of this woven fabric are fine. No matter the quality or the pattern, it is not comparable to the previous manual work. Sean took the cloth and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Allen, this is only one of the products produced by the assembly line. The commendable thing about these new textiles is their uniform quality, unlike our previous manual work. Due to the problem of habit, a batch of fabrics will always have different quality."

Sean said, but sighed again.

"The quality of the product is good and it will surely be able to sell at a good price. Why does Mr. Sean still look glum?" Allen asked curiously.

Sean smiled bitterly: "You have just arrived in Suhl City, so it is not clear. The fabrics we produce every year are eventually sold to the merchants in Violet Harbor, and then sold to the inland of the empire by water. But in this, it needs to go through another link."

"What link?"

"We cannot sell the fabric directly to Violet Port, because there is a bloodstone wasteland between Suhl City and Violet Port. The thugs are rampant there, and the strength of the Suhl City Chamber of Commerce cannot organize enough guards to transport the goods to Violet. Hong Kong. So we usually sell it to Storm City at a price 30% lower than the market price before they change hands. The difference is so big, let alone..."

"In other words, our profits are made by Storm City?" Allen whispered: "This neighbor is really a wolf."

Sean nodded: "This is also helpless. If we don't go to Storm City, we won't even be able to earn back the cost."

"Then it will be changed this year." Allen patted him on the shoulder and said: "After Mr. Sean has prepared the first batch of new cloth, I will personally organize a guard to go to Violet Harbor. The difference between this is just Don’t make it cheap for Storm City."

Sean was overjoyed.

Allen added: "The profit margins for producing new fabrics are actually limited. When we have a certain degree of productivity. I will find ways to introduce design talents and turn fabrics into ready-to-wear garments. That added value will be three to five times that of pure fabrics. Even more than ten times. Mr. Xiao En, work hard and tell other workshop owners that our future is boundless."

Sean was convinced: "You are really a genius in the business world."

Allen shook his head. Turning fabrics into garments is only the second step, and there will be third and fourth steps in the future. When the cloth produced by Suhl City can form a brand effect and successfully penetrate the aristocratic class of the empire, that is the real success. At that time, Suhl City was not afraid that there was no business to do.

Of course, all of this has to start with opening up the trade route from Suhl City to Violet Port.


Maude sneezed heavily. On this slightly chilly morning, he quickly put on his clothes, and then squeezed the sleeping woman on the bed ~www.readwn.com~ before he walked out of the bedroom contentedly. He is in his prime of life. As the lord of Storm City, he can manage the city and several surrounding towns in an orderly manner, and Maude still has that little bit.

Especially after the discovery of a silver mine in the past two years, Storm City’s income has greatly increased, followed by a strong army. This made Maude energetic, but it was a pity that in this remote place, there were really no extra nobles for him to attack, otherwise he would not waste the 17th-level source power.

Although there is a city of Sul not far from Storm City, the barren place of Sul City cannot be seen by the long-sighted Sir Maude. He didn't want to drag down the overall economic strength of Storm City because of the addition of Sul City. He would rather blackmail the lord of that city as usual. But then again, the turmoil in Sul City this year is too great, and three lords have been replaced in less than half a year.

Now the new lord named Edward has not said at all that Maude doesn't even know what kind of person it is, only that he is very young. But this was enough for Maude, Maude was even wondering if the young man named Edward should come to visit if the army is sent to the vicinity of Sul City.

Of course, if he doesn't understand the most common communication, Sir Maud doesn't mind giving him a small lesson. Anyway, there are war reparations to be taken afterwards, which will also be a good income.

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