Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 338:  Aventure and Information

The night was deep and it was raining. The rain was not heavy, and the fine rains visited Suer City gently, covering pedestrians with mist. Belmode found an adventurer's cloak and put it on him, carrying rain powder, and opened the door of the bar.

The wind chime on the door was blown by the night wind, and it rang a sweet bell. Hearing the bell, Old Rock raised his head and said from a distance: "Good evening and welcome."

Belmode nodded, and sat down in a remote corner, hiding himself in the shadow of the light.

Old Rock is in a good mood, and business in the bar has been good recently. A series of decisions made by the newly promoted City Lord benefited the people of Suer City a lot. Especially in the recent renovation project, many men made some small money. If they had some money in their hands, they would come to the bar to spend, so the endless supply of copper and silver coins flowed into Old Rock's pocket.

But when he saw all kinds of adventurers in the bar, Old Rock felt heavier invisibly.

These guys are a bit too much.

They sat in each corner in twos and threes, vacating the tables and chairs in the middle, creating a kind of dignified pressure invisibly. When the guests in this city want to come in and spend, almost all turn around and leave. Adventurers mean trouble, no one wants to cause trouble, but such guys are increasing day by day, and Old Roque is even wondering if he has to talk to Mato.

Sul City is not a big place, so many strangers suddenly make people feel uneasy. Old Rock is no exception. He just wants to make a little money safely, and doesn't want these strangers to make a difference and smash his bar to pieces.

Like this example, Old Rock occasionally heard about it.

"These guys, what are they doing?" Old Rock whispered.

This question is also Belmode's doubts. It's just that this man is much calmer than Old Roque. He ordered a bottle of wine and two plates of local snacks like an okay person, and just drank aimlessly.

While drinking, Belmode observed the adventurers in secret. Most of them are men, and most of them are fighters with their own characteristics. Most of these people use knives, swords and axes as their main weapons, and some also carry fire/guns. It's just not a gunpowder rifle used by the city defense team, but a long-tube revolver decorated with some patterns. There is no automatic pistol in this era, and the style of firearms is still relatively simple.

For adventurers, such weapons are not as real as swords, so firearms are more decorative than practical to them.

Among these people, there are some deep guys. They erected high collars and covered half of their faces with the brim of their hats. Belmode knew they were magicians. According to the classification of them in this world, magicians' abilities are mostly manifested in light, fire, electricity and wind. According to this classification, Allen can actually be classified into the category of magicians.

That guy playing with fire. Belmode smiled, and his drooping eyes were suddenly covered by a pair of thighs in black stockings. He raised his head, and a woman pulled a chair away with three-point drunkenness, and put her hands on the table, allowing Belmode to clearly see the deep gully under the thin breastplate. This is obviously a female knight who uses a light stomach to protect her chest, shoulders, waist and legs. Due to years of exercise, she has a very beautiful body, but her skin appears rough, especially a shallow scar on her cheek.

The female knight’s flaxen hair was tied into a ponytail, and a smile appeared on her pretty face and said, "Hi, handsome guy. Would you like me to have a drink?"

Without waiting for Belmode to agree, she had already sat down on the chair, took the bottle without using the glass, and passed it directly to her mouth. After taking a big sip, she wiped her mouth and said, "Where do you come from when you look at the eye?"

Belmode shrugged and said with a smile: "Where do you come from, I will come from, don't we all come from that place?"

"Impossible." The female knight hiccuped and sprayed her breath on Belmode's face. She shook her head and said, "There is no handsome guy in Storm City that Kira doesn't know, especially you. Counted."

Belmode's eyes moved slightly, and he said calmly: "I just passed by Storm City and heard about it, so I stopped by to see if I could make a fortune."

The female knight Kira haha ​​smiled and said: "You are alone? That's impossible. It's difficult for the Lone Ranger to do this. Otherwise, how about you join us. After the thing is done, the bounty will be divided."

"Thank you for your invitation, but I have confidence in myself. No matter what kind of task, I am used to handling it by myself."

Kira's eyes became more drunk and said, "Is that so? Then I have another invitation, do you want to accept it?"

"It depends on the nature of the invitation." Belmode also pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth.

"This is just a personal invitation, come on, I booked a room on it."

Kira boldly pulled Belmode up, and Belmode was not surprised at all for her open style. People like this kind of people who deal with the **** of death every day don't have too much so-called reserve themselves, they are more accustomed to acting on the spot and having fun in time. After all, no one knows whether he will be alive tomorrow.

When the female knight took Belmode to the stairs above the tavern, a man around a table whistled at her. It should be Kira's companion. She gave these people a rough middle finger, which drew a burst of laughter from her companions. Belmode noticed that instead of smiling, one of the guys did not look at Kira, but looked at the door as if waiting for something.

There are some rooms in the tavern, but this is not a hotel. It is just for drunk guests to have a place to sleep, and it is also convenient for casual men and women like Kira and Belmode to provide a space to find pleasure.

As soon as he entered the room, Kira took off his stomach, followed by underwear, and finally appeared naked in the light. Her skin is not smooth, but her figure is very predictable, especially the pair of murder weapons on her chest, which is suffocating. With a bit of alcohol, she pulled Bellmode hard, and the two fell to the bed together.

Belmode didn't mind this kind of affair, he used skilled methods to quickly make Kira's emotions explode. The female knight, who seemed to have been depressed for a long time, rudely pressed Belmode on the bed. Then straddle/sit up, skip the front/play, and go straight to the subject. At this moment, Kira's advantage as a warrior is invaluable. With her large-scale movements, that amazing physical strength and endurance make Belmode feel great joy every moment.

Kira untied her ponytail wildly, draped her hair, exuding a wild charm. Belmode yelled, pulled her back to the bed, and took the initiative. Kira kept making various postures to cooperate, and after the two experienced a series of battles, they finally got a perfect catharsis.

Behind Belmode like an octopus, Kira already half-closed his eyes and said: "You look thin and weak, but unexpectedly powerful. In contrast, my previous men seemed to have just met a woman. Little devil, my old lady hasn't had enough yet, and they have no strength."

Belmode raised her chin with his hand: "Then are you enough now?"

Kira's eyes lit up, and after another fierce battle, the woman finally had no strength. She slept Belmode’s arm and said, “Do you know why I found you? In addition to you being handsome, it’s also because I don’t like that guy Oli. That’s a thief. If it’s not because that thing is in the city’s mansion, No need to cooperate with him."

"But I have a new plan, it is more secure. How about it, consider joining us, I will kick Ollie out."

Belmode nodded and said, "I will seriously consider it."

The next day, in the city lord's mansion. Edward raised his head and said unexpectedly: "In other words, these guys are from Storm City, and the purpose is for something in the City Lord's Mansion?"

Belmode said: "As far as I know, this is the case. But it is strange that there is something here that has attracted the attention of so many adventurers."

"I'm even more curious about the person who released the reward? Since they are from Storm City, I'm afraid they can't get rid of Sir Maud." Edward muttered.

"Anyway, I brought the information. There is nothing wrong, I want to go back to sleep."

Edward glanced at him: "It seems that you worked very hard to get this information last night."

"Indeed." Belmode smiled.

Leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Belmode returned to the mansion and fell asleep. It wasn't until noon that he got up and came to the hall, where Lucy used several tables to form a workbench. The table was full of tools. Some tools were brought from the earth, and some were unnamed, but she drew patterns for the blacksmiths in the city to build. These tools are ordinary and exquisite, and Lucy uses them to make a very ordinary-looking box.

She has been studying this box for many days, and even drew some artwork at hand. Of course, Belmode couldn't see what the graffiti-like artwork and Ida Huaxing's words were expressing~www.readwn.com~ As for Vera on the other side of the hall, she was painting. Belmode walked over idly, and when he had no tasks, he liked to explore the surface. Especially in the old ruins of the city, some good oil paintings are always found occasionally. Over time, this killer also has a certain appreciation for painting. He looked at the drawing board in Vera's hand. On the drawing paper was an ordinary sketch.

The white drawing paper and the black brushstrokes form an exceptionally distinct contrast, so only simple strokes, but full of rich texture, portray a sneaky man to life. The man seemed to be climbing out of a window in a workshop, and under his feet was a pile of parts. These parts looked familiar, and Belmode frowned, and suddenly the picture of the Crosis textile machine flashed through his mind.

He said "Huh", and then looked at the man carefully, he looked like he had seen him somewhere. There seemed to be an electric light flashing in his mind, and Belmode remembered that when Kira passed by her companions in the tavern last night, there was a man who kept looking at the door.

The look of that man is now under Vera's brush!



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