Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 340:  A windfall

With a bang, some small objects fell on the table. Lucy, who was working, looked up. They were all small personal items, like pocket watches, knives, some delicate tools, and a purse.

Belmode shook his head and said: "I thought that guy would have valuables on him, but in the end there was nothing."

These things were snatched from Ollie, of course, before the thief was handed over to Edward. Belmode selectively left some things, such as a ring with the Storm City logo, which was stored in the concealed pocket of Ollie's jacket. It seems worthwhile, but that thing can prove Ollie's identity, and Belmode can only reluctantly keep it.

As for the rest, naturally it went into his pocket.

He opened the purse, which was a small pile of silver coins. It seemed that the color was pretty good, and it was full of weight. Belmode picked up one of them and threw it up and said, "Sure enough, the money is real, no matter which planet it is."

Seeing the silver coin throw a graceful silver curve in the space, Belmode was very happy. Lucy shook her head with a smile, and was about to continue the cracking work at hand. After a sudden violent ups and downs of the silver bracelet in her hand, the Blade Runner flashed a silver trail and turned into a silver spider in mid-air and rushed towards the silver coin. . When the arthropods were gathered, the silver coin was held down tightly.

Belmode stared at the silver spider that appeared suddenly, and then reacted and shouted, "What is this, hey, give me back my silver coin."

He reached out to the silver spider and grabbed it, and one of the silver spider's limbs struck out like lightning. The limbs that were as small as toothpicks had sharp winds. Belmode gave a strange cry, a short blade slipped out of the sleeve, and struck the arthropod with a clink. The silver spider was not as big as a palm, but the strength from the short knife was not small. Belmode said "Huh" and slid away.

The Blade Runner ignored him. It opened its mouth, tore off the silver coin at a very fast speed, and then ate it. Belmode opened his mouth into an o-shape, and pointed at the silver spider and shouted: "You ate the silver coin, you monster, give it back to me."

Unexpectedly, the silver spider is still not satisfied after eating a silver coin. The arthropod stroked and slid towards the purse quickly. Belmode revealed a source of light, and the short knife shook slightly, apparently trying to fight for his property and the silver spider.

"Mr. Belmode!" Lucy hurriedly stopped him: "Please don't take action, I will compensate you for your loss."

Bellmode was taken aback, and Jin Yuan tried to smile and said, "That's not necessary, it's just a bag of silver coins, not a loss. But Miss Lucy, your pet's ration is too advanced."

Lucy laughed and said, "It's called No.7, it's an artificial intelligence machine, not a pet."

There was no stop from Belmode, and No. 7 had eaten all the silver coins in a blink of an eye. Its body has visibly enlarged a little, and flashing lines appear on the surface. After a while, Number Seven spit out iron filings again. Seeing a bag of silver coins turned into iron filings, Belmode could only sigh.

"Number seven, what are you doing?" Lucy asked, beckoning.

The silver spider crawled back, melted in the middle, turned into a silver liquid bullet in the air, and then condensed into the appearance of a bracelet on Lucy's wrist.

"It's Thames silver, master. I detected the contents of Thames silver on those silver coins, so I swallowed them. If I can get more of these silver coins, it will help me replenish my body."

Lucy was surprised: "Taimesi Silver?"

She looked at Belmode: "Where did these silver coins come from?"

"Taken from an unlucky ghost." Belmode told the truth: "That guy is from Storm City, and the silver coin has the logo of Storm City. It should be a silver coin they minted. Miss Lucy, what is Thames Silver? ?"

"It's a rare metal, and its function shouldn't just be used to make coins." Lucy's eyes were like a green flame burning, and the girl suddenly exuded a high aura: "It's such a waste. , Actually used Thames silver to mint coins, that is something more precious than platinum!"

"However, this is really a windfall!"

Amidst a series of excited laughter from the girl, Belmode fled the hall somewhat embarrassed.

A burst of laughter rushed into Old Roque's ears, which made his hand tremble, and he almost didn't throw the wine glass in his hand to the ground. He looked at the bar with some worry. The bar was full of people. After some of the adventurers left Suhl City in the morning, the rest spontaneously gathered in the bar. They sat in each corner of the bar in twos and threes, laughing occasionally.

Old Rock also heard about the corpse of the adventurer in front of the City Lord's Mansion. It is said that the bold guy wanted to steal something from the City Lord's Mansion, but killed the guards. Now, the owner of the corpse has given the name of the spy, and the details will be announced later.

Facing the high-profile and tough approach of the young Santos, most of the adventurers chose to avoid it. Although there are many rewards, it also has to have a life flower, and more people read that there seems to be some other unusual flavors in the reward task. And this taste is slowly fermenting with Edward's response. Almost all the more sensitive people have smelled it, and a **** smell is permeating between the two cities.

Most people guess that Maude’s reward is not simple, but Maude’s reward is as much as one hundred thousand, but it is enough to drive true desperadoes. They can even ignore Maude’s true intentions, anyway, as long as he takes back what Maude specifies, but he has to pay the bounty truthfully for what the baron of Storm City is making. Otherwise, he will face the anger of adventurers.

But there is another reason for the people in the bar to stay, that is, Suhl City does not have any commendable strong, or has enough shocking force like Storm City. The lack of the strong and the army makes the adventurers think that once something is impossible, no one can stop them if they want to leave.

As for the corpse still hanging in the small square, the name of that hapless guy is unknown, and it is known that his strength is not very good.

As Ollie's temporary companion, Kira was in a strange mood. She neither felt sorry for that guy, nor did she feel any loss to her team by Ollie's death. She still stayed, of course not to avenge Oli, but just like everyone else, there is still a fluke in the reward of Maude.

Another person got in outside the door.

Kira's eyes lit up, and it was Belmode.

Belmode was a little depressed because the silver coin was eaten by No.7. Originally, he was only planning to go to the bar, but he never expected to get a lot of unintelligible eyes as soon as he entered the door. Belmode was in a bad mood, his dark luck, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he replied with a fierce gaze. So those who met his sight couldn't help lowering their heads, and they couldn't resist Belmod's hidden murderous gaze. At the same time, they were secretly surprised at where this man came from.

In many sights, Belmode saw Kira. The latter gestured, he closed his eyes, shrugged and walked over.

Kira kicked a man who was putting cards on the table away and let him vacate the chair. The man cursed a few times, but walked away knowingly. Belmode just showed that his hand was enough to win the chair.

"You were fierce just now." Kira poured Belmode a glass of wine.

Belmode drank it and said, "That's to avoid unnecessary trouble, hey, I thought you left early."

"Since you lone ranger still dare to stay, why did we have to leave. You know, we have more people." Kira sat next to him and said, "How are you thinking about that matter?"

Belmode said with a serious face: "I think it is more appropriate to break up now."

Kira frowned, trying to say something. Belmode stretched out his hand and gently covered her mouth and said, "Trust me, Kira. You have been taken advantage of. My advice is to get out of here now and don't step on this muddy water anymore."

Footsteps sounded at this moment. Old Rock looked up. The captain of the city defense team, Matto, got in first, followed by soldiers holding fire/guns. There were about a dozen of them in total, and then another group of soldiers poured in. These warriors wore strange armors. These armors were very thin and not made of general-purpose steel. The armor was covered with lines, coupled with the unexpected roughness of the guns in the hands of these soldiers, made Old Roque's heart plop and thump nonstop.

Finally, a tall man dragged the dark brown warhammer into the bar. The air in the bar suddenly became dry and irritable, making people suspicious of being in the desert.

Mato's gaze swept around in the bar, and after staying on Belmode for a while, he cleared his throat and said: "I only represent the Lord Sir Edward~www.readwn.com~ to extend a sincere invitation to everyone. Sir Edward is planning to meet you at the Temple of Sarbis. Time is running out, please come with me."

Matolin said twice, but no one wanted to stand up. A big guy who was obviously drunk clapped his hands: "It sounds good, how do we know if this is a trap."

He immediately got the support of his companions. Someone patted the table and said: "If your city chief sees us, let him come to the bar, so we won't go to the temple of God of War."

Matuo said coldly: "Listen well, I don't want to use strong means. But if you don't cooperate, I think I might use a little force."

As soon as the voice fell, someone shouted: "Don't be fooled, they just want a chance to catch us all."

Provoked by this person, the adventurers were excited and stepped forward to confront the city defense team. Kira also wants to join them, not wanting to live with Bel Modra as soon as she stands up. Belmode looked at her and smiled: "For your good, sit down."



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