Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 352:   Camp

"Leave it all to Laozi, hurry up, you **** slaves!"

A soldier waved his whip and slammed it heavily on several shirtless slaves. These tanned slaves could only clenched the roots of their teeth, pulled the ropes on their backs, and pulled a four-wheeled cart across the high slopes.

The leader of the team frowned, wiped his sweat and looked forward and said: "It's a hell, the supplies will be burned. Commander Mogu is really misguided."

This man was the officer stationed in the wind erosion canyon that day.

After Mogu sent people back to Storm City to request material support, he and the team at the level were summoned back. Originally, the transportation of military supplies was usually the responsibility of the army, but now Mogu has almost all deployed Storm City's main force to Sul City. If the army is used at this time, then Storm City's city defense will appear empty.

So Maude switched to the garrison team at the checkpoint, plus a hundred slaves, to form the special material transport team.

According to the itinerary, we will be able to reach Suhl in two days. The officer leading the team could not wait to pierce his wings back, and flew directly to meet the main force. He has no more than 20 soldiers, but he has to supervise nearly a hundred slaves, which is still a bit difficult. If these slaves hadn't been beaten up long ago, or they would run away halfway, the soldiers really couldn't help them.

In the afternoon, the sun burned the ground and the heat from the road distorted the scenery. So that the short mountains and peak pillars in front of them are distorted and distorted like cheese that is about to melt under the scorching sun. The officer wiped his sweat, his eyes were almost fascinated by sweat, so when a figure appeared in the middle of the road, he thought it was an illusion.

It wasn't until I approached that I realized that it was indeed a person.

A teenager riding a war horse, with silver hair dazzling in the sun. The officer suddenly felt as if he had seen this person somewhere, and suddenly remembered that when a caravan went to Violet Harbor through the wind erosion canyon not long ago, the person leading the group seemed to be the person in front of him.

He is not dead yet? The officer clearly remembered that he had already sent someone to inform Dick and his group to rob the caravan. It is a pity that Maude was transferred back later, but there was no time to inquire Dick and their results.

The officer cursed secretly and picked up his horseback rifle and pointed forward: "Who is blocking the road?

Allen said with a smile: "It doesn't matter who I am, but who you are."

"Blind your dog's eyes? Didn't you see that this is the symbol of Storm City, get out of sight." The officer shouted.

"It's Storm City." Allen nodded and said: "Now I give you two choices. One is to leave the supplies, you go. The other is to leave your corpses and supplies together. I personally suggest you still Pick the first one so that neither of us has to waste our efforts."

"Bold, dare to rob military resources!" the officer cried.

Allen laughed and stopped talking. He leaped to the ground from the horse, with a heavy knife Qianjun in his hand, and flashed towards the officer. The officer was startled, the opponent's speed was so fast. Just about to raise the gun and shoot, a light seemed to light up at the corner of his eyes. The next moment others had bounced off their horses, and when they fell to the ground, they found a huge gap in their chest, blood gushing out like a fountain, and the strength of the whole body disappeared as the blood gushed out of the body.

After rushing to a stop in the middle, Alan looked to the other side helplessly. Over there, Regis carried a long sword to cut the iron, and said with a smile: "Next time you have to be faster."

As Ellen and the two attacked, the Warriors of the Mountain King joined the battlefield. Twenty mountain king soldiers quickly harvested the lives of Storm City soldiers like tigers into the flock. Some soldiers wanted to escape, but let Adele who were hiding on the heights sniper one by one. The battle ended in a moment, and all the people in Storm City were cleaned up.

When Regis discovered this material team before, Allen decided to take action to keep them. The reason is simple. Most of this team transports food, and Storm City will definitely not send food to Suer City. Then the remaining possibility is to deliver supplies to his army. Allen naturally chose to attack without hesitation, and now the goal was achieved, but it was beyond his expectation that there were hundreds of slaves in the team.

When they fought, the slaves were all lying on the ground, and no one escaped. Now the mountain king soldiers gathered them together, and Allen stepped forward and said, "Who is in charge of you?"

A very strong man came out and said: "My name is Sande, my lord. They all listen to me, please don't kill us, we can serve you."

Allen nodded and said, "Okay Sander, I need you to continue to transport these supplies. After the matter is over, I can return you to freedom. After that, you can leave or stay in Suhl as a worker. ."

Sande was overjoyed: "I listen to you, my lord."

Allen walked back, and the Mountain King soldier was filling the soldier's body. According to Ellen's previous request, all the uniforms and armor from the corpse were taken off. Looking at the equipment of the Storm City soldiers at his feet, Allen said: "Everyone changes."

Two days later, when Mogu organized another attack on Suhl City. The soldiers in charge of staying in the camp found that a material transport team under the banner of Storm City was finally late. The soldiers were happy. With this batch of food, they no longer have to go hungry and fight, nor do they need to hunt in dangerous wilderness and forests.

After confirming that the transferred documents and tokens were correct, the soldiers let them go. It's just that he is strange, the officer leading this team seems too young.

"Okay, the vehicle will stop here, move the supplies here."

The original material storage site has been re-cleared and guards have been added. The young officer instructed the slave to unload the supplies from the car and move them to the stacking point. During this busy period, the soldiers in the camp did not notice that some people were missing in this team.

Not long after, a camp suddenly burned. After being discovered and put out by soldiers passing by, the soldiers just breathed a sigh of relief, only to find that more and more camps were on fire. The weather is hot and the items are dry. When the fire is getting bigger and bigger, and the overfire area gradually occupies a small half of the barracks, the soldiers' faces are as earthy. Although they yelled to fight the fire, they couldn't put out the burning fire anyway.

The fire in the barracks shocked the soldiers who had piled them up. They didn't care about helping to carry supplies and joined the ranks of fire fighting. At this time, some soldiers in Storm City uniforms returned to the stacking point, and the first one lifted their hats, but it was Regis.

As for the young officer, it was naturally Allen.

Regis nodded and said, "The barracks have been lit up as you said. Look, how strong this fire is."

"Okay, don't watch the excitement. We still have work to do." Allen said to the other slaves again: "There is nothing wrong with you here, Sande, let's take everyone away. You should find a place nearby to hide. Hide, and wait until the battle is over before coming to Suer City. If you want to go or stay, you can make your decision."

After speaking, do not leave with your own people.

Mo Gu, who was commanding the battle on the front line, suddenly smelled a burning smell. When he looked back, his eyes were almost black and he was about to faint. Behind him, Youda's barracks had become a sea of ​​flames. Judging from the magnitude of the fire, the camp has no chance of being rescued. There are not only tents in the barracks, the equipment, first aid medicine, and other military supplies seem to have been put to use.

This fire burned, and even if Suer City was captured this time, Mogu would have to be heavily blamed when he returned.

The knight commander couldn't help but roared like thunder: "Who told me what's going on?"

The main force is fighting at the foot of Suer City, and now only one of his guards is staying by Mogu's side. The soldiers of the Guards look at me and I see you, but no one can speak. At this time, there was a shower of horseshoes, and Mogu looked up, and a group of cavalry came from the direction of the barracks. The leader shouted: "My lord, it's not good, the barracks..."

He seemed to be saying something, but his voice was covered by the sound of the hoof and it was not real. Mogu yelled anxiously, "How could the camp catch fire? Did you **** accidentally light it."

"No, my lord."

The cavalry of more than twenty men finally drew near, and the one in the lead looked unusually young, even with a seemingly non-existent smile on his face. Mo Gu was taken aback, feeling wrong, and roared: "Who are you and which unit do you belong to?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not your subordinate, but the honored knight of Suer City!" Allen shouted, lifting the knife from the horse, traversing the space of more than ten meters between the two sides like lightning, and slashed down.

If there was a thunder in Mogu's mind~www.readwn.com~, he never expected that a banned knight of Suer City would come out of his camp. Seeing Allen slashed, the sword was as solemn as a mountain, and my heart was shocked. He gave a shout and drew his horseback sword. Under the infusion of the source force, the sword body revealed the source force flame, a sword provoked, and Allen's heavy sword was sealed.

The violent roar sounded abruptly on the battlefield, and the sound of the two sides collided like wind and thunder, and the invisible impact made the guards around Mogu stagger like drunk. Mo Gu stepped off the horse, and it was shocked that two thin blood lines spurted from the nostrils, four hoofs softened, and he fell weakly to the ground. Allen is prepared and has a condescending advantage. How could it be so easy to resist a stab with full force, Mo Gu was shocked, his arms were numb, and his chest was depressed. When the horse fell to the ground, he rolled, and then spouted a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and then he felt that his breathing became easier.

But in the blink of an eye, the mountain king warrior behind Allen was already facing his guard. Regis even dragged his sword to the side of Mogu, and the man moved with the sword, turning into a flash of light and ramming. Mogu gritted his teeth, picked out a sword instinctively, and hit the tip of Regis's sword, and the two separated like an electric shock. Mogu vomited another breath of blood, and couldn't help but look at Alan and Regis with a wry smile.



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