Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 359: Rangers

"Those **** guys, despicable, shameless bastards!" Maude flushed with anger, and the strands of source power reflected from him, forming small whirlpools of source power in the space. After a while, he calmed down his anger and slowly withdrew the source power that came out of his body. He grabbed Mogu by the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, brother. I will avenge this grudge. Now, hey, go and rest first."

Moguran held the baron's arm and said, "Don't despise them. The city of Suhl has asked us for so many weapons and equipment, and there must be a plan."

"Conspiracy? Is it possible that they dare to fight over with their strength?" Maude sneered: "Give me another month. After the army rests and the recruits complete the initial run-in, I will let the hillbillies in Suer know Great."

"Well, I trust your judgment. Now I can't serve as the commander of the Knights. You can let Reger take my place. Among my captains, Reger is the most qualified person to replace me."

"I see, I will take care of this, don't worry."

Mogu then left.

After he left, Maude was alone in the study. Suddenly the baron kicked the desk and exploded. The table fell apart and things fell to the ground. Maude gasped hard, and said bitterly, "Damn, I got a big ransom in exchange for it is a useless person!"

Mo Gu naturally did not hear his words.

In order to ⊕□, ww√w. It would not affect the military's morale, Maude announced that Mogu was temporarily rehabilitating his wounds, so the post of commander of the Knights was temporarily replaced by Reg. This decision is more or less conjectured, but it is not enough to cause an uproar. A week after Mogu's return, the recruited recruits ended their training and were taken back to Storm City to be dispersed and distributed to two legions. They began to receive training with the veterans in order to complete the running-in phase as soon as possible.

In the storm city with a big fanfare, ready to fight back to redeem the shame of losing face before. The city of Suer is also preparing to attack Storm City.

Allen came to the barracks early in the morning. On the training ground of the barracks, two groups of personnel were training. In one group, Regis and Belmode served as instructors, and selected young people with good potential from the recruits for intensive training. The young fighters selected are all those who have expertise in speed and explosiveness. Regis will guide them in their sword skills, and Belmode will teach them the knowledge of hiding, tracking, and assassination.

This group is small, only ten people. They will form a special team, specializing in mobile guerrillas and hidden assassinations. This team has been officially named "Dark Moon Blade". It is conceivable that when this dark blade unit takes shape and grows, they will be the gods of death on the battlefield.

The other group is the king of the mountain, and the mountain king's army was originally composed of the Bymon. Ten of them stayed in Violet Harbor. This time, Bloy picked out another twenty from the city defense team, mixed with the previous Bymon and trained together. The selected fighters are strong and long-stamina fighters. With the fine iron provided by Storm City, the blacksmiths in the city will soon be able to produce a batch of qualified warhammers for their use.

The two troops have their own characteristics. They occupy both sides of the training ground. Everyone is fully focused and takes every action with their heart. Because they know that when they do a standard exercise during training, they have one point more chance of surviving on the battlefield.

Allen turned around on the training ground and was very satisfied with these two units. These are two official special teams since the founding of the hunting group. As for the flame soldiers brought from the family, Lucy and Adele began to be responsible. Counting this down, Allen's current military power has gradually become oriented.

The king of the mountain in charge of the fortification, the Darkmoon Blade specializing in guerrilla and assassination, plus the flame fighters supported by long-range firepower. From these three teams, we can already see a group army with a clear division of labor, each performing its duties and cooperating with each other. Of course, according to Lucy's previous plan, there is still a lack of a commando capable of breaking through and an elite combat power that is only responsible to Allen.

These things will need to be added slowly in the future.

"Master Ellen." City Defense Captain Matto walked out of the office and called to Allen on the training ground: "Master Edward is looking for you. He wants to invite you to the City Lord's Mansion."

"Got it." Allen said.

Riding a war horse from the camp and leaving, a few minutes later, Allen arrived at the castle mansion. Delivering the horse to the servant, Allen came to the study alone. There is an extra model on Edward's table, which is a tactical sandbox. I can't talk about how exquisite it is, but at least it shows the location of Storm City and several towns in the territory to facilitate Allen's tactical deduction.

Seeing Allen coming in, Edward looked up and said, "This afternoon, the Adventurers Association will have a hundred-member mercenary group. That is the best team they can find. The list has been given to me in advance. Mercenary group Hansen’s leader is a 15th-level knight. There are 20 core members with an average level of about 8. The others are ordinary warriors, but they are all experienced knights."

"Sounds pretty good," Allen said.

"But our strength is still a little bit behind Storm City, so how are you going to fight this battle?" Edward frowned.

Allen smiled slightly: "Time difference."

Edward shrugged and said, "Well, since you have confidence, it's fine. Anyway, I am not good at this kind of thing. I can only manage the house for you."

"That has helped a lot." Allen walked to the window and looked at the world outside the window and said: "After I have captured Storm City, I can almost leave this border land. I will continue to explore outside in order to win More territory and manpower. As for our rear base, it is up to you to take care of it."

Edward nodded and said, "I will look for and train some outstanding management talents. After all, I can't be busy alone."

In the afternoon, a team came to Suhl City. That was the mercenary group "Rangers" that the Adventurers Association found for Allen. Hansen, the leader of the Rangers, sat on a **** mad lizard, which was a monitor lizard as big as a war horse. The whole body is covered with dark red scales, and black spikes grow on the head and tail. The seat is tightly tied on his back, Hansen sits on top, shot and axe on both sides.

Behind this distinctive mount is the horse team. There are cavalry in the horse team, and there are also carriages. As for the soldiers of the Rangers, the weapons and equipment they carry are also unique. In addition to the commonly seen standard equipment such as fire/guns and swords, there are also human-tall tower shields, two-meter-long choppers, or dragon spears used to fight cavalry.

Although there are not many humans in the Rangers, judging from the equipment, we know that they have a meticulous division of labor. Once cooperated in combat, on the local battlefield, it will be able to exert tremendous combat effectiveness.

Because the hotel in Suhl was limited and could not accommodate the entire mercenary group, Edward simply sent them to the barracks of the city defense team. The mercenaries have no opinion, let alone the barracks, they can even sleep in the trenches when needed. These are the guys who can really fight. For mercenary groups like this, they accept a wide range of tasks, the most of which is being hired by various noble forces and participating in the occupation of territories.

In the barracks, they saw the soldiers of the city defense squad who were training, and the soldiers of the Rangers all smiled. In their opinion, the soldiers in Suhl are quite ordinary. But when seeing the training of Darkmoon Blade, the smiles on these mercenaries' faces gradually disappeared. Darkmoon Blade's swordsmanship is simple and neat, with no extra moves, and every blow goes straight to the point. This can be seen from the traces of the puppets used as exercises that the chest and throat were almost pierced by the sword.

When they saw the training of the Mountain King's troops, even Hansen couldn't help but stop and observe. The Mountain King's troops are being divided into two groups under the arrangement of Bloy to fight each other, and each group consists of three persons to form a combat unit. Stable as a rock on defense, unstoppable on offense. In particular, the soldiers of the Mountain King had a fine iron warhammer in their hands, coupled with their strong physique and amazing arm strength, the roar of the warhammer that broke through the air seemed like thunder and thunder, and the people of the mercenary group were palpitating.

Especially those warriors with tower shields could not help but imagine the situation of fighting against the mountain king. Then they discovered that the ten tower shield soldiers on their side could not withstand a round of frantic attack by this team.

"Head Hansen."

Hansen recovered, and there was a silver-haired boy in front of him. The eye-catching silver hair immediately let Hansen know the identity of the other party. He jumped off the mad lizard and stretched out his hand and said, "It's nice to meet you, Lord Ellen."

"You have worked so hard to come from afar~www.readwn.com~ Seeing them looking at their two teams, Allen said: "The Rangers have rich combat experience. Our army has just been established. In many aspects, please consult your team. . "

Hansen laughed and said: "Your Excellency is humble, you two teams have their own strengths. If we are enemies of such fighters, we will have a lot of headaches."

"Thank you, please come with me, Chief Hansen. Space is limited, please forgive me."

After arranging a place for the rangers, Allen invited Hansen and other core members of the hunting group to the castle mansion. In Edward's study, everyone held a combat meeting. After discussion and negotiation, a plan for attacking Storm City was finalized.

Two days later, Allen left with a team. This team includes masters like Regis, Bloy and Belmode, as well as members of the two teams, Mountain King and Dark Blade. After they left, the atmosphere of the forest inhabited by Bai was not as depressing as it used to be, because the black twilight king snake also quietly left. Bai acted alone, and Alan's team moved forward in the direction of Storm City together.



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