Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 364:  Wolves

After learning from the past, in order to prevent the sneak attack by Alan, Regg listed the Thunder Knight as the object of protection. Regardless of whether it is resting or marching, the fury knight must be surrounded by heavy winds of infantry. The Thunder Knight originally belonged to a highly mobile unit, but this arrangement became a tasteless one, making the commander stupid and ridiculous.

But the Thunder Knight has lost nearly half, especially those standard elites who have killed five people. Everyone is a valuable asset to Storm City. Facing Allen’s team that is far above the level, in order to prevent the Thunder Knights from further attrition, Raig knew that this looked stupid, but he couldn’t. Don't do this.

After arranging the army like an iron turtle, Wrigg still locked Alan and his party. He knows that there has been war damage on the side, and the violent bandit on the attacking side will not be so easy. After all, each time they attack they face an army that is several times their number. Even if there is no attrition, they will start to get tired and even their combat power will decline.

So Leigh sent a squall infantry to search for the place where the violent bandits might appear. Once the target is found, the nearby team will be signaled, the search team will form a net to drag the opponent's footsteps, and Leigh will lead the main force to carry out a devastating blow.

This arrangement is immediate.

Soon in the afternoon of the same day, the search team really found traces of the violent bandits. However, the opponent seemed to perceive the danger in advance, and before the search team formed the encirclement 4, w+ww. circle, they drove away, making Reger stomped with anger.

In the evening, when the army was cooking and resting, the violent bandits suddenly appeared and slammed into the barracks. After causing various damages, they quickly left.

For these three days, Wrigg brought the army to deal with Allen. During the three days, the two sides attacked and defended each other. Storm City's army is like a lion, and Allen's team is like a pack of wolves. The wolves come and go like the wind, and every time they attack, they will tear a piece of flesh and blood from the lion. Then, before the lion counterattacked, the wolves flee away, leaving the lion with strength, but it was useless.

In this entanglement, Allen also suffered a loss. Four mountain king warriors and one Dark Blade died in battle, and even the body was too late to be retrieved, so the team had to leave, which shows how short and intense each battle is.

By the fourth day, Regg had his eyes flushed. In the past few nights, he has no chance to fall asleep at all. He sleeps in his clothes every night, and immediately gets up whenever there is a disturbance. However, such persistence is not without rewards. The information sent back by the search team that has been continuously sent shows that not only have the wolves attrited, but the soldiers of the opposing team are also injured.

At noon that day, Reger got the latest information. The wolves have already begun to shift, and they no longer linger nearby, but detach straight in the direction of the blood rock wasteland. Reg sneered, knowing that the time had come to fight back.

Soon, the army opened. This time, the cavalry was no longer under heavy protection, and Leigh led straight to the wolves. The Gale Infantry advanced at full speed, following the cavalry in a rapid march. In this way, the team naturally elongates, and even people keep falling behind. But at least Leigh guaranteed that more than half of his combat power could catch up with the wolves and start the final battle.

Perhaps the gods hadn't abandoned him yet, in the evening, the setting sun stained the wilderness like blood. Wrigg saw the pack of wolves in front of him from a distance. They seemed to be exhausted, resting against some low hills. Regard didn't hide it. In the flat environment here, they couldn't run the cavalry anyhow, so they ran wildly. Dozens of cavalry stepped on a deafening hoof. The two hundred infantry in the rear followed closely, flying the dust like a flag.

"They are here." Regis shouted, standing on the low hill.

Allen nodded and said to Belmode, "Send the signal."

Legg, who had already begun to feel his blood boil, suddenly saw a firework among the wolves rushing to the sky, flashing continuously in the air, and it lasted for a long time. Obviously, the other party sent some kind of signal. This made Reg's heart sink, because he couldn't think of any tricks the wolves could play at this time. He simply ignored him, only drew his sword and yelled "Charge".

But at this moment, a killing sound came from behind. Regarding his busy schedule looked back, he almost fainted.

Behind their team, suddenly a team of people came from each side. Among the two groups of ambushes, the knights running at the forefront raised their fire/guns and aimed at the Gale Infantry. Although the power of the fire/gun is limited and the standard is not high, many infantrymen were hit in the thigh and turned around. Then he was hacked to death by the ambulance who was overtaken by the ambush, seeing Regg's eyes burst into flames.

The ambush soldiers converged in the middle, biting Regg and their tails like a big dragon, and bit by bit ate the violent infantry behind them. If this continues, as long as the wolves in front are killed, Regg and the others are bound to suffer from both sides. Immediately, Leigh made a gesture, the cavalry dispersed left and right, turned around, and slew towards the ambush, using speed to grab the wolves before eating. Leigh wanted to give priority to solving this ambush.

But he did not expect that Allen had never thought of covering up. Even if there is a ranger ambush in the back, the army of Storm City always has the advantage of numbers. Once the team from the rear is allowed to come, they can only escape. In Allen's plan, he never thought that Storm City could be eaten here.

He gestured towards Regis on the hill, and said, "Here, hand it to Hansen and the others. Let's go to the pre-determined place to meet Roy and the others. It's time to do business."

So the wolves quietly left.

Reg rushed to the front, the long sword pointed at the rear group of the rangers acting as an ambush. Hansen riding on the wild lizard with left axe and right spear. After killing several infantry in a row, he saw that the knights of Regal had rushed forward and shouted: "The shield soldier step forward, take the dragon spear, hurry up boys !"

They arrived last night, following Allen's plan. After pretending to be Dick's name, the army of Storm City was drawn out, and then it was handed over to the Rangers to take over the army of Storm City. Now that Allen leaves, it's time for the Rangers to perform.

Ten strong shield soldiers fought forward, and blocks of tall shields plunged heavily into the ground. The shield soldier almost leaned on the shield as a fulcrum against the impact. Dragon spears that were three meters long came out of the gap in the shield array, one end was inserted into the ground, and the tip of the spear was pointed at the cavalry rushing. Everyone held their breath, and the next moment, the two sides slammed together.

This is a collision of steel. The cavalry rushing in the forefront either turned on their backs or their horses or human bodies were pierced by a dragon spear.

Four or five of the shield soldiers of the Ranger regiment spit blood and fell to the ground, their shields were sunken, and even some dragon spears were broken. After this wave of shock, the cavalry who followed rushed into the gap, but they were greeted by the ranger's fire/gun array. Nearly twenty fire/gunners gathered fire at close range, even if the projectiles were not powerful enough to penetrate the armor, but shot on the unprotected thighs or hands, they still made the cavalry shoot out blossoms of blood. More firepower fell on the war horses, blood splattered from the war horses, wailing sounds everywhere, the horses fell to the ground, and the knights were thrown off, and the dust and smoke almost filled the audience.

After the Thunder Knight fell off his horse, he also bounced well trained. Then he shielded his face and chest with a hand shield, rushed out of the smoke screen with a steel sword in his hand, and killed the fire/gun team. Upon seeing this, Hansen jumped off the mad lizard directly, carrying a knife and axe and killing with the elite soldiers under his banner, forming a steel line of defense.

After the Rangers and Reg's army entangled for half an hour, the follow-up army of Storm City finally arrived. Hansen couldn't do anything about it, all his swords and axes forced Leigh away, and he opened his throat and shouted: "Boys, retreat!"

The fire/gun team immediately provided fire cover. Although the Rangers did not retreat in disorder, they retreated in an orderly manner, so as to avoid the quagmire of hard fighting after the confluence of the Storm City army. Seeing the mercenary group that suddenly smashed away, Leigh slobbed bitterly. He wanted to chase after him, but he looked at the exhausted soldiers behind him and could only give up.

In the next two days, there were several conflicts between Wrigg's army and the Rangers. It was just that these few battles were intense and short, and often the Rangers had already withdrawn from the field before Leigh had killed and warmed up. They are like annoying mosquitoes, taking a bite before you are ready. You can't die, but your whole body is itchy.

Reg is like that now, he can't wait to find out the Rangers and kill them all. But this group of people had rich combat experience, and they didn't give Regg a chance to trap the siege at all. Regg had no choice but to pester them.

Just when Wrig and the Rangers were entangled, an army quietly moved into the territory of Storm City and passed by the towns that were attacked by Allen. Because these towns have been empty, and the army and the rioters are fighting nearby ~www.readwn.com~, this place is almost deserted. In this way, Maude didn't even know that there was an additional army in his territory.

In the end, the army joined Allen in the forest near Storm City. The army is composed of the city defense team and recruits of Suer City, with a total of about two hundred people. Coupled with the two special teams of Mountain King and Dark Blade, the number of teams is equal to the recruits responsible for guarding Storm City. However, a frontal attack on Storm City with such a number is still invincible, and even a miserable defeat. The two bursts of artillery on the high wall are not decorations. Even if the defenders are inexperienced recruits, they can easily be operated to cause a lot of damage.

So after the command was transferred from Roy to Allen, the army did not act rashly. They stayed in the mountains and forests until late at night. When the time comes to about four in the morning, this time is the darkest time of the day. There were torches on the high walls of Storm City, but the flames seemed so dim in the dark. The two soldiers on the guard wall yawned again and again, and their sleepiness made them fall asleep after thinking about it.

The tired soldier did not notice that there was something more quietly in the shadows of the corners and guard towers.




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