Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 370:   naive

This is really a wonderful morning.

After days of rain, Heitie Town finally ushered in the sunshine like redemption, so that the impoverished people seemed to be able to see hope. At least, Father Miró thinks so. If there weren't a certain drunk man in the church, this morning would not only be wonderful, but even sacred.

Archimedes! Damn Archimedes!

The priest walked behind the man and shouted: "Archimedes, you bastard, how long do you have to stay here? Don't you have to work? Don't you know that because of your relationship, my dear teachers How long has it been since Min has come to the church to pray?"

"What does it matter to me..." the man replied lazily.

"Damn, they don't come to pray, how can I sell my redemption coupons? I still hope they can exchange some bread for me!"

"I won't buy those ghost symbols."

"Nonsense, how can a murderer like you believe in salvation?" Father Milo snorted coldly.

Suddenly a faint light swept across the air, and Father Milo could see clearly that it was a dagger. Archimedes turned his head, he touched the wire-like beard and smiled: "Don't forget that without me as a murderer, you wouldn't have the money in your safe."

"So, what did you just say?"

Father Milo immediately put on a solemn expressionn, ww♂w. He said: "I said we are old friends, real friends. So look, do you think you can move this dangerous thing a little bit away."

The priest carefully moved the blade away with two fingers. The man yawned, retracted the dagger, and took another sip from the iron flask. Seeing his own appearance on the matt case of the hip flask, Archimedes suddenly asked, "Father, do you believe in God?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I just thought, if there really is an almighty Lord."

Father Milo frowned and said: "I believe in God, after all, if there is no faith, this kind of **** life will drive people crazy. It's just that I believe in him, but I don't know, is God still willing to believe in us? ?"

"Yes, you humans do something that makes him sad." Archimedes smiled.

"It sounds like you are not like people." Father Milo rolled his eyes and asked: "You are a little weird today, it seems a little sentimental."

"Fart, I'm not a woman, so sentimental." Archimedes stretched out, "It's just that I'm drunk too much and my head is a bit confused."

"You are the one who drank early in the morning." The priest murmured, and looked at the man. He coughed and asked, "Archimedes, do you have a dream?"


"Just what I want to do? For example, I want to have a gorgeous and solemn church. Every day there are a group of cute and smart children singing hymns. I can see the well-dressed church members and listen to their confession from the heart. "Miro closed his eyes, as if immersed in a dream.

"But in fact, your teaching is broken and small. As for the people, ha, those old guys..."

"Damn, dreams are dreams because they are better than reality!" The priest who had broken the dream said annoyedly.

"If you want to talk about dreams, I have one too." Archimedes shook the flask, which was almost empty: "I hope I can save the world."

"What?" Milo thought he had heard it wrong. He shook his head and said, "So you have such a naive time."

"Naive? Yes, I've been to many places and have seen many things. Everything is telling me that there is nothing worth saving in this world. But if, if there is only one person worthy of being saved, I am willing to give in. Do your best to save it..."

Father Milo put his hand on his forehead: "Your head is not broken, right? If I had not known you as a **** for several years, I almost thought you were the old man of God."

"If you don't take your hand away, prepare to say goodbye to it."

Milo was shocked and quickly avoided. Archimedes stood up, the tall figure making the church a bit crowded. He walked to the door with a hip flask, and Milo couldn't help asking, "Where are you going?"

"Go and kill a few people, and see if anyone is worth saving." After waving his hand to say goodbye, Archimedes got into the bright and excessive sunlight outside the church.

That back figure made Milo stare blankly for a while. It took him a moment to react, and then the priest screamed in the church: "Damn bastard! You haven't paid your rent and wine money yet!"

Speaking of this, Milo smiled slightly, looked at Allen and said, "Sometimes I miss that bastard, although every time he brings a lot of trouble."

Allen put down the cup and asked solemnly, "Father, what happened to him in the end?"

"Finally... I don’t know. I don’t know if he is dead or alive. I just know such a man, but I have never really understood him. How do you say your father? Complicated guy. In him, I see a lot of contradictions. His hands are covered with blood, but I can feel the words to save the world. They are his heartfelt words."

Milo shook his head and smiled bitterly: "So I don't know what such a person will become in the end. Maybe now, he is drinking in a run-down chapel."

"Anyway, thank you for telling me about him."

"It's nothing, that's my duty. Okay, I have to prepare for the church. As for the man's affairs, I will tell you more when I have a chance in the future."

After Father Milo left, Alan was the only one left in the hall. Allen stood on the edge of the table, dipped his hand with the water on the edge of the cup, and sketched a simple outline on the table: "What kind of person is that man..."

The next day, Allen left Sul City. On the way, a team from Storm City joined him and headed for Violet Harbor together. Arrived in the port city a few days later, Allen's trip was very low-key, the team only had a dozen people. Except for the ten mountain king fighters, there are only two of Regis and Belmode.

After entering the city, the team went straight to Xiangyingcao Street, which is now under the control of Allen. The street is much busier than it was three months ago. It was the evening when Allen and the others arrived at Violet Harbor, and now the street lights on both sides of the street were lit, illuminating the long street. In the pedestrian traffic, it can be seen that most of them are regular customers of pubs and casinos, and some of them are small businessmen.

After hearing the news of Ellen and their arrival, Sean and Willick waited to meet them early in the morning. Walking along the long street with Allen, Sean gave a simple report. According to Allen’s previous proposal, they renovated several buildings at the end of Long Street, and they will be completed within two months. At that time, there will be an additional hotel with fully equipped facilities on Xiangyingcao Street for the past merchants and merchants. The caravan has provided a place to stay.

As for the pubs and casinos, they are also very impressive under the management of the people of Weinuo. Although there were a few short-sighted local gangs who wanted to attack their ideas during the period, they all gave Willick and the Mountain King soldiers a severe lesson.

The biggest change is that at the entrance of Long Street, Sean transformed several houses into exhibition halls and small workshops. The pavilion is used to display all kinds of fabrics produced by Suhl City to attract customers. In the workshop, a semi-automatic textile machine was transported from Suhl City, and two skilled workers were stationed there. In this way, the samples that meet the requirements can be manufactured in a short time according to the needs of customers.

Finally, Sean said that in the past three months, he had received a batch of orders in the hands of the Lily Chamber of Commerce and other small businessmen. This batch of orders is enough for Suer City to work for a year, and when the fat man can speak up, his face seems to glow. Willick on the other side was also full of energy. Allen hit his waist when no one noticed, and asked, "Have you taken Miss Jessica?"

Willick's face flushed suddenly, and he said in embarrassment, "What are you talking about, head. I have just become friends with Miss Jessica."

"The ordinary kind." He emphasized.

Allen smiled and said: "It's okay, ordinary friends can become close friends in the future. Then they will be close friends, and later...hehe."

He smirked twice, everything was silent. It wasn't long before Allen learned that Willick had only recently talked to Jessica, and every time she went to find her in the name of Sean before, more often she saw her butler. If you look at it in terms of time, Jessica met Willick for the first time, just the day after Storm City was taken down. The coincidence in time makes people think of Baihui Chamber of Commerce's well-informed news channel.

Singh’s nest that day has now been hung outside with the words Suhl City Union Chamber of Commerce ~ www.readwn.com~ It seems to be the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce. The courtyard has undergone necessary renovations, for example, the courtyard wall has been raised a lot, and there are more earth buildings on the two corners. Even the two wooden doors are equipped with steel plates behind the doors for reinforcement. It can be seen that this courtyard can be used as a small fortress if necessary.

After dinner, there are guests. That was Roger's guard, Geralf. He sent Roger's invitation to invite Alan to have lunch tomorrow noon. Geraff added: "In addition to Mr. Roger, there will be Miss Jessica and several other gentlemen. Please Mrs. Allen to show your face."

Allen said cheerfully: "Please tell Mr. Roger, I will arrive on time."

"I will tell Mr. Roger exactly." Jeraf said goodbye, before leaving, "I would like to ask the adults again if I have the opportunity."

Allen smiled and said, "Welcome."

Geralf really left. Allen looked at the invitation and said to Sean: "Come with me to meet those big business people tomorrow."



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