Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 387:   encounter

"Proactively attack?"

Alan's decision was even surprised by Peter, but for the three of Lucy, they felt it was normal. / The silver-haired boy they are familiar with has never been a passive person. He has never avoided the brutal competition in the death arena, the unreasonable provocation on Babylon, and even the battle between Pluto and the sword demon.

Of course, this time will be no exception.

"Are you serious? Second lieutenant?" Peter said: "Even if the sword demon sends out fewer troops, it will definitely be more than us. If we take the initiative, we will hardly have a chance of winning."

The others also looked at Allen skeptically.

Allen didn’t answer Peter’s question directly. He walked to the window and looked at the base under the night. “When everyone heard about the infestation of the sword demon, were you scared? I can see from your eyes. It follows that it is normal to be afraid, and I will also be afraid. After all, no one is a born warrior."

He turned around and said, "We are afraid of war, we are afraid of losing our lives, and even more afraid that our family will have nothing to rely on after we die. I think everyone in the base thinks the same way."

"But why are we still here, leaving our homes and coming to this distant galaxy. That's because if we don't stand up and choose to fight, the enemies here may appear on the earth! No one wants the second dawn War, so we are here. Use our blood and even our lives to protect our homeland and family."

Allen stepped on the floor: "The upcoming war here may be just a trivial battle for this planet. But I want to ask you to believe that the battle here, this base, will affect the Star Wars of Pluto. The result of this. Because in front of us is the holy relic of the sword demon, that is the birthplace of their interstellar civilization. As long as it is destroyed, the defeat of the sword demon will be accelerated.

"At this moment, Queen Rose’s army is already on the road. What we have to do is to persist until they arrive. But blindly defending is not enough. We need to understand the number of enemy troops, or even reduce their strength in advance, so as to reduce The pressure we have to face. Everyone, taking the initiative is not simply for the courage of a man, but for better defense. And so that more people can survive!"

There was silence in the command hall, until Peter suddenly applauded: "Let me say that the ensign has the potential to be a politician. What a wonderful speech. But..."

"You're right, only soft eggs will shrink in the tortoise shell, so let us do a good job!" Peter said scornfully, "How many people do I need to arrange for the manpower?"

"Hundreds of people are fine, but they have to be matched by fierce fire."

"Roger that."

Peter left the hall, Allen looked at the remaining officers and said: "Then the base defense work, can I leave it to you?"

"Of course!" an officer said loudly: "Don't worry, Ensign, we will do our best defense!"

"Yes, let those sword devils know that we are not so easy to gnaw off the bones!"

Allen said with satisfaction: "Then I can rest assured."

Then the three of Lucy winked, and the four left the command hall. Arriving on the square, Peter’s prepared assault team has been assembled, and hundreds of soldiers got into the troop truck. Even the two main tanks that had impounded Luda were transferred to Peter, ready to act. Use for cover and break.

Allen and Peter shared an off-road vehicle with Peter. After the soldiers opened the gate of the base, the commando vehicle drove out of the base and got into the wilderness outside the base that was wrapped in the night. The wind on the wilderness was oncoming, and Peter drove in the driveway: "You know? You looked like a cowboy just now."

"Cowboy? What is that?"

"That was the product of the pre-dawn battle, the pioneers of the Old West. They were brave, fearless, and a little bit stupid." Peter Haha said.

Allen put his hand on the door, resting his chin and said, "It doesn't sound bad."

"Right. So cowboy, what are we going to do next?"

"Go to the sentry point first. There has been no wind and snow in the last few days. The Sword Demon will definitely leave traces. Let's follow these traces to their camp and give them a firework feast by the way." Allen turned back. The two main tanks glanced.

"What a great idea!"

After arriving at the attacked outpost, Allen had to thank the good weather without wind and snow in the past few days, which allowed the traces of the knife demon to leave after it succeeded. He himself is an expert in tracking, and the sword demon has never been a cautious person. As long as the traces left by them are not blind, they can be seen. Naturally, there is no difficulty in tracking. It's just the direction the trace points, but it shows a place more and more clearly.

Not winter lake!

The convoy was advancing in the dark, the deserted land was silent, and the atmosphere was particularly solemn, just like the calm before the storm. Allen gradually felt something was wrong, and when he saw light on the dim horizon, he shouted, "Stop!"

As the vehicle stopped quickly, Allen grabbed the binoculars, unfolded his posture, and jumped onto a nearby mountain bag. After the telescope turned on the night vision mode, it turned into a cyan wilderness, and an army was marching away.

"What's the situation?" Peter also followed.

Allen kept adjusting the viewing distance of the telescope, and said: "It's the sword demon, they rushed overnight. At this speed, they can rush to the base before dawn."

"There are still a lot." Peter also held up his binoculars to observe.

Suddenly, some tall figures flashed through the telescope. Peter quickly pulled the camera over and fixed it on a few giants covered with scales without facial features. The lieutenant inhaled, "Mom won the prize, it's a troll!"

Allen also saw those giants, but fortunately there were not many. However, these twenty-something trolls are enough to form a strong team, even if they advance to the three defensive walls of the base, they may not be able to withstand the collisions of these trolls.

They must die here!

At this time, Allen made up his mind. If these trolls are allowed to participate in the battle, the base will suffer heavy casualties even if it can be held in the end. He put down the telescope and said, "Lieutenant, I need you to lead someone to attract the enemy's attention."

"Are you going to clean up those trolls?" Peter is not stupid, and the destructive power of such trolls has been mentioned more than once in the federal battle report. Several federal strongholds on the Plains of Alex were crushed by hordes of trolls.

"Of course, we can't let those big guys mess around. These trolls are at the back of the army, and I have to go around. You lead people to attract the attention of their main force. Don't love fighting, it's better to pull their formation apart. ."

"I know how to do it."

The two hurried back to the ground, and then all the soldiers got off the truck. Allen picked about twenty people, took Lucy and the three of them drove into the wilderness in a truck. They wanted to bypass the Sword Demon's troops and attack the twenty-something trolls from behind. Peter took the other soldiers forward, looking for ambush positions. The main chariot followed, these two chariots will keep a certain distance from Peter and the others, and provide firepower to repel when they retreat.

As for the truck, stay on standby. Once Peter and the others come back, they can immediately retreat and throw off the chasers at the speed of the truck.

All the arrangements were completed in a short period of time. Suddenly, Allen and the others did not have time to discuss in more detail, only to react accordingly.

Ten kilometers away, Peter found a suitable ambush spot. The terrain here is ups and downs, and there are piles of rocks, just used as a cover. With a gesture, the soldiers dispersed. Peter himself took the magic sniper/gun and found a high ground with a wide view and fell down. There was a cigarette on his mouth, but the cigarette did not light. Peter just bit the cigarette **** habitually, and smelled a hint of tobacco in his nose.

The two main combat vehicles have entered the standby state, and the soldiers have completed the arrangement of the firing array, and everything is waiting for the enemy to send them up.

At this moment, Peter strangely didn't feel the slightest nervousness. It was clear that the fire on the horizon was getting brighter and brighter, and you could even feel that the earth was shaking slightly. But when the battle was about to die, Peter's thoughts drifted far. He remembered that when he was young, he often had to risk a half-dead beating for a piece of bread to barely survive.

Later, he was adopted by a disabled veteran, and that man taught him many skills to make a living. And that time was the happiest, but the good times didn't last long. In a looting by violent bandits, the village that had stayed for three years was burnt down, and his adoptive father was killed in resistance.

After that was a life of displacement, until he met her, Peter had roots and stopped wandering.

"Wendy, how are you..." he asked quietly.

The fire pierced his eyes, and Peter took a deep breath and hid the gentle face deep into his soul. Unknowingly, time passed quickly, and the forward of the sword demon force could already be seen.

Among the enemy's forwards ~www.readwn.com~ a demon is particularly eye-catching. In Peter's sniper/gun sight, this demon rides a blood-haired horned wolf, which is a heterogeneous bloodthirsty wolf among the wild horned wolves. Riding on the blood wolf was a commander of thousands. He did not wear armor like other swordsmen. Instead, his upper body was bare, with a crescent heavy axe hanging behind him, in the form of a fighting madman.

The cross star in the sight was fixed on the commander's forehead, and at this moment, the sword magic eyes in the sight cast. Peter's hand steadily pressed the trigger, and there was a light blue flashing in the sight, and then the commander's entire head exploded, but he shot the sniper shell that was condensed by the source force.

The rough sound of magical sniper/gun sounded in the desolate mountains at this moment, thus kicking off the prelude to the battle.

In the middle of the army, Kamu is riding a Hellfire Beast. When he heard the gunshots, the General Sword Demon's expression changed, and the sword pointed at the source of the gunshots and shouted: "There is an ambush, charge me! Kill all the humans and march forward on their bodies."

In a word, Dao fulfilled the fierce nature of the sword demon.



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