Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 39:  Operation plan

Two fat cod fish were added to the fire and grilled. The body of the cod fish was cut into holes, allowing the heat of the flame to penetrate into the fish body, making the fish cooked faster and more thoroughly. The fat of the fish melted into oil in the flame and hit the fire drop by drop, splashing sparks from time to time.

Lucy was drooling looking at the golden fish in the flames, and couldn't help reaching out to tear off a slice to taste it. At this time, he would lightly pat Alan with a small branch, and they were hiding near the Jiwan River Valley. There are a lot of cod here, especially the sharp bend estuary that is nearly 90 degrees, which will wash cod snow directly from the river to the shore from time to time. Therefore, in addition to dangerous species like saber-toothed wolf wolves, these delicious big fish are always attracted from time to time.

Allen turned the two cod over and picked out the firewood from the fire, so that the flames were no longer so violent, and the fire was simmering. Such grilled cod meat, its own grease will be eaten into the fish, and it will not taste dry, keeping the fish fresh and delicious. If there are seasonings, the fish will be more delicious. Of course, they didn't come to camp now. Naturally, there were no seasonings, but they were much better than the canned food provided by the organizers of the conference.

"Can you eat it? I'm almost starving to death!" Lucy looked at Ellen with a gluttonous expression. Her eyes looked like a pitiful little dog. Her big eyes blinked and blinked. I really saw him. Still pity.

"All right." Allen used a washed dagger to cut a piece of fish from one of the tails, then wrapped it in clean leaves and handed it to Lucy.

Lucy took a bite immediately, and then cried out with tears in her eyes: "It's hot."

"Deserve it." Allen laughed: "Who makes you eat so hastily, just like Luce..."

"Luce? Who is Luce?"

Alan said this, but his face darkened: "Nothing. When I was five years old, the predators attacked the town where I lived. My mother died that night. After that, I lived with a group of snow wolves. Luce was One of them. It was very gluttonous and impatient, but a good fellow. Unfortunately, it died later, and they all died."

Speaking of this, the boy looked up at the night sky. Looking up from Babylon, the sky is clear at night. On such a night, the moon hangs in the sky and the star river hangs upside down like a waterfall. It is beautiful.

Allen's upward angle left Lucy with a sad profile. She thought for a while, took the fish and sat down, snuggling next to Alan. Allen felt this, lowered his head and asked: "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I'm cold, I'll let you come down." Lucy said as a matter of course, and then asked: "After that, you participated in the death ring?"

"At that time, those people killed the wolf pack where I was staying, and sold me to a man named Hearn. The man’s son was picked by the brain and must participate in the death ring. Hearn took me and his son It’s been adjusted. But it’s okay..." Allen lowered his head, and the flames leaped in his ruby-like eyes: "This is an opportunity to change destiny. I want to hold it firmly."

"If you win the death ring, what are you going to do?"

"Go find revenge for the predators who killed my mother, and the hunting group that killed the wolves. Besides, I have one thing left in the hands of the captain."

"I support you. What about after that?"

"After that? Maybe a hunting group will be formed, and then, find my biological father."

Lucy suddenly looked up: "Your father?"

"Well, my mother told me to find him, he should be alive..."

"That's fine, at least, you still have relatives."

Allen laughed and said nothing, what he didn't tell Lucy was. Looking for the father is not for family affection, but to fulfill the mother's last wish, and pass the dagger named Devil's Praise into that man's body!

"Don't talk about this, you have recovered, let's leave here tomorrow."

Lucy nodded and ate the cold fish in twos or twos, then clapped her hands and said, "In this case, we must first agree on a battle plan. Do you have any ideas?"

Allen shook her head, Lucy jumped up, patted her chest and said, "Then I will make it up!"

Next, the girl was full of words, and the battle plan from her mouth could be described as a cluster of flowers. With swords and arrows, he lured the enemy into ambushes, and spread rumors. He could hardly wait to put all the strategies that can be seen in the textbooks on the table, and Alan was overwhelmed.

After talking about it for a long time, the eldest lady asked, "How is my plan?"

"Not good." Allen denied on the spot.

"Not good?" Lucy with hands on hips: "Why?"

"I said how your plan is the same as your knife technique, it's fancy, it can't stand the fight." Allen shook his head and said, "Which training camp did you come from? Your instructor will teach you. These things?"

"These are me..." Lucy seemed to be about to leak the words, swallowing the rest of the words back into her stomach, and then said: "You don't care where I learned it. Then you say, my plan No, what better idea do you have?"

"Leave here tomorrow and just wander around. When you encounter one kill one, hit one pair kill one pair, there are so many plans." Alan waved his hand, cut off a piece of fish and ate himself.

"Wander around? Just kill?" Lucy made an expression of losing to you: "You really have a tendon. Okay, just do as you say. I ask you, this ghost place is so big, you Where did I go to bump into those other guys?"

Allen asked instead: "Do you know how wolves hunt when they hit a large number of prey?"

"Of course I rushed forward and bitten if I caught it."

"No." Allen said slowly: "They will harass and frighten their prey. Drive them together, rush to a specific place, and then start."

"Oh, but what does this have to do with us?" Lucy asked, spreading her hands.

"You said, this place is so big. Find a place to hide, you can hide for ten and a half months. The organizer doesn't know, if we leave it alone. Even if we have the intention to kill other people, we don't know how He starts. So..." At this point, Allen looked at Lucy.

The latter suddenly realized: "You mean they would treat us as prey and use all kinds of methods to get together?"

"This is in line with the purpose of the death ring, doesn't it? So, don't have to be as troublesome as you said. We just need to cultivate our spirits and we will kill whoever we hit!"

The night is getting darker, floating clouds flow, and sink when occasional loads.

On the west side of Yellowstone National Park, there is a vast canyon landform. There is a very nostalgic name here, Roosevelt Gorge has a strong taste of the Old West, which reminds people of cowboys. Of course, there are no cowboys in this gorge on Babylon, but it is the territory of armored rhinos. The third-level dangerous species of Iron Armored Rhinoceros is as literally described. This evolved rhino has heinously thick armor and has a grumpy temper. Usually in groups of two, they will attack all creatures that enter their territory.

In Roosevelt Gorge, there will occasionally be a feeling of earth shaking. Don't panic. It is not an earthquake, but hordes of wild rhinos galloping across the ground.

A faint light lit up in a 7-shaped gap in the canyon. A pile of not very vigorous flames was burning, and the fuel for the flames came from dried rhino dung. This is the cheapest fuel in the canyon. In this area where vegetation is hard to find, it is almost impossible to use tree branches as fuel.

Not far from the fire, a boy curled himself up into a ball and put it in a sheet of cloth patched up with many torn pieces of clothing. This cloth sheet is his quilt, relying on the flames and quilt, will let him through this long night that is not too cold.

Mike closed his eyes, but didn't let himself fall asleep completely. Just three hundred meters away from here, there is a small spring, which is one of the few water sources in this canyon area. There are dozens of wild rhinoceros guarding the spring eye. Only at about three or four in the middle of the night, when the wild rhinoceros has fallen asleep, can Mike steal some clean water from the spring eye~www.readwn.com~ and tonight, He has enough clean water available for several days to leave this **** place.

His luck is indeed not very good. He entered the game because of the ranking relationship and appeared in the same place with several other low-ranking boys and girls. Although he used some scheming and finally left alive, he was attacked by a group of steel eagles on the way. Those third-tier dangerous species have the advantage of air superiority, and it is fortunate that Mike can escape, so losing supplies is not a shame.

Then he turned into Roosevelt Gorge, and when he realized that he was about to face a barren land, Mike originally wanted to retreat. It's a pity that a few crazy rhinoceros happened to pass by and found Mike chasing after him, so they forced the young man in.

Mike had to find another way out. These days, he has had a hard time. Maybe God doesn't plan to abandon him yet. Mike found a young rhinoceros who was alone yesterday, and he has a full meal today. Now, he still has some rhino meat. The meat slices are roasted and air-dried, which will become the dry food for him to walk out of the canyon.

Coupled with the clean water stored in these two days, at least before leaving the canyon, he doesn't have to worry about starving to death.

Mike waited quietly, waiting for the moment when Mad Rhino fell asleep. But tonight seemed destined not to be calm. It didn't take long before he closed his eyes and fell asleep before hearing the sound of rolling sand. It wasn't a sign that Mad Xi was passing by, it was more like someone coming here. Mike opened his eyes and immediately rushed to the fire to put out the fire. At this time, meeting anyone is a strong enemy, and Mike doesn't want to cause trouble in vain.

His current state is not very good.

However, it was too late, the boy just threw out. Before getting close to the fire, suddenly a gunshot sounded in the distance, and the cow dung used as fuel in the fire suddenly exploded. The ball with sparks splashed Mike's face, and the boy's eyes suddenly rose with anger. At this time, laughter sounded on the left side of the fork.

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