Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 387:  Military merit

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Allen had just finished a regular set of strength training, and when he walked out of the bathroom, he heard a knock on the door. ※% Top ※% Point ※% Small ※% said that when he opened the door, there was a visitor who surprised him.

"Major General Mirren?" Allen quickly turned sideways: "Please come in, why are you free to come back."

The battle of the interstellar defense line has been tight since Allen left the underworld star. On the chaotic battlefield, the half-human and half-machine Kidd and the Nirm, known as the interstellar pirate, joined forces. It was very difficult for the Sirius Legion to preside over the defense. For this reason, Windsor Bello also called back several other major generals. It is precisely because of this special situation that the old and new parties find an opportunity for cooperation.

So now, as the adjutant of Marshal Greed, Major General Mirren's appearance on Babylon is indeed not unusual.

Mirren smiled and said: "I came back to Babylon on behalf of the Marshal to report on the war, and I was responsible for negotiating cooperation with the old party. In a little while, Marshal Kaprow’s golden lion will enter the interstellar defense line, and some of the defense will be undertaken by them. We can also relax."

Allen was relieved, and asked Mirren to sit down in the living room and asked, "How is the teacher?"

"It's very good. There is a battle to fight, which represents a steady stream of military merit. Your teacher is very enthusiastic about this. Although in terms of her contribution, the accumulated military merit is enough for her to waste, but She is a person who never feels too much money." Speaking of Windsor Bello's greedy nature, Mirren also laughed at it.

"That's good. As a student, I should do my best for the teacher."

"You can come back completely, which is great news for the Marshal. To be honest, she was preparing to question the Alexander family not long ago. If it hadn’t been for the news of your return, she wouldn’t Dispel this idea."

Hearing Windsor Bellow doing so for himself, Alan felt warmth in his heart. Mirren took out a tablet brain with the Sirius logo on it, which should be an equipment used by the Legion. He said: "The marshal asked me to give myself to you. After 10 minutes, she will have a video communication with you. Then, if I bring the things, I will leave."

After sending Mirren away, Zhi Brain sounded a signal requesting communication. Allen clicked on the screen, and a connection progress bar floated up. After the progress bar was read, the screen turned on with a hazy light, and the picture was a little fuzzy. Allen was puzzled, the opposite screen seemed to be adjusted. After turning a big angle, Windsor Bello's entire face appeared on the screen, full of details.

This frightened Allen, and he stepped back a few steps, but saved that Windsor Bello was not in front of him, and he was a little embarrassed. On the screen, Windsor Bellow seemed to smile proudly at his prank, and laughed a few times before saying: "Little Allen, do you miss the teacher."

Allen shook his head and said, "I thought teacher, you should be in no mood to make such a joke right now."

"Little guy, how old you are, you just look old-fashioned. Just because the war is tense now, so I have to relax. Look, the teacher has taught you important things again, remember to get rich in the future, don't forget me." , Windsor Bello stepped back a little. Allen found out that she had taken off her military uniform and was wearing only a few close-fitting clothes. And the scene is wrong. No matter how you look at it, the scene on the screen looks like a bathroom rather than an office.

Allen couldn't help but said, "Should you not be in the bathroom now?"

"Or else? You need to know how often the fighting is now. I have to take a shower and get some sleep. Maybe in a while, those tin guys will come to the door to make trouble again." Windsor Bello Already carrying him into a bathroom, drew on the thin shower curtain, leaving Alan with a contemplative silhouette. What's terrible is that, judging from the shadow's movements, Windsor Bello is taking off her clothes.

When he saw a pair of shorts slipping out of the curtain, Alan's entire head was no longer able to move as flexibly as usual. The impact of this picture on him was too great, and suddenly some pictures that shouldn't appear flashed in his mind.

"I heard that Maine lost you a lot of money, but I can't just leave it alone. How about it, little Allen, do you want the teacher to give you some advice? Let's go secretly, I can I heard that Alexander had several important factories and laboratories on the surface. If they were blown up unclearly, it would be very pleasant, right?" Windsor Bello's voice came from behind the shower curtain, and there was the sound of water. The silhouette on the curtain made a scrubbing action, especially when the hands of the shadow were wiped from the long curvy legs, Allen heard the sound of his own drool.

He shook his head and said, "I just came back from the surface, and a factory in Maine has blown up for me. So, don't bother you to do it."

"Really? Haha, worthy of my student, revenge is like this. Quick! Ruthless!" Then there was Windsor Bello's iconic long smile.

Allen thought for a while, and told Windsor Bello about the relationship between the predators and the gene factory. Not wanting to have just finished speaking, Windsor Bello opened the shower curtain directly, and Allen suddenly saw a piece of white floral skin, and the blush that was quickly covered by moisture. Windsor Bello seemed to be aware of something, and she drew back a little, allowing the shower curtain to block most of her body, and then said, "There is such a thing. If this is the case, there must be more than one Maine behind the predator."

"why would you say so?"

"It's very simple. If it's just a Maine, do you think he can make such a big move that can be hidden from the eyes and ears of the Federation?" Windsor Bello retracted her small face, lowered the shower curtain, and the voice came from inside. : "So he should have collaborators, and even more important figures on him preside over all this."

When Windsor Bello came out of the bathroom again, she had already wrapped a bathrobe around herself. It's just that this bathrobe is too short, so she shows her long legs. Coupled with the silk-like skin, dripping with a little bit of water, the beauty of Windsor Bello at this moment is amazing. She herself picked up Zhi Nao grinningly, walked out of the bathroom and came to a private room.

Throwing the brain on the bed, the screen becomes the ceiling. However, the metal ceiling can be seen, and Allen can see the reflection of Windsor Bello on it. She was unwrapping her bathrobe, then put on a change of clothes for herself, and said: "By the way, Meilin's battle is coming to an end."

The moving carcass/body disappeared behind the jacket and trousers, and Alan seemed to be able to breathe only then. After taking a long breath, he asked, "General Meilin has already laid down the Sword Demon Holy Trail?"

"Almost, in short. The battle of the Holy Relics has already affected the overall situation. The tenth swordsman is hesitating about this, and the old fox of Russon has won several games in a row on the plain battlefield. What is related to you is the Federation. Mei Lin’s military merits have been approved and issued. Mei Lin didn’t promise to overdo some of your military merits, but now she can fulfill this promise."

The picture shook again, but Zhi Nao stood up. Windsor Bello appeared in the screen again. She had put on the Sirius uniform, and said with her arms around her: "My personal opinion is, use the military merits that Merlin has given you this time for a new unit and equipment. No need for more. An elite team of about ten people is fine, and each with a set of flame soldiers will be enough for you to play on the colonial star."

Allen said, "This configuration costs a lot."

"You don't need to pay for it. Although you don't have much military merit, it's okay to get this configuration. Just do it, I will let her transfer the military merit, and then hand over this unit to you in the name of Sirius Come on. Probably, it will take a week." The marshal said with a finger.

"For a week, I can still afford to wait."

There was a signal sound on the other side of the screen, and Windsor Bello shrugged and said: "This conversation will stop here, those annoying guys are here again, sister I have to send them. Remember, don't die little Ellen. You are my student. I will not allow you to die before I repay my teacher."

Reaching out and tapping on the screen, Windsor Bello smiled faintly and ended the communication. After the screen went dark, Allen felt a little lost. Xuan is excited again, Mei Lin's military exploits can be said to be a windfall. Windsor Bello used it to replace himself with a well-equipped army. When the army was pulled back to the colonial star, it was the time to officially enter the hinterland of the empire.

At the thought of this, Allen only felt hot all over, and there seemed to be a fire burning inside.

That night, a small cocktail party was being held in the Venus Hotel. The reception was hosted by Leon, and the invitations were all young people, including Allen. But Leon didn't tell him in advance that this was a reception, so Allen dressed casually and went to the venue. So when I saw men's suits and leather shoes, women's long skirts were fragrant, I felt out of place.

Leon didn't mind, and pulled him into a deck~www.readwn.com~ In the deck, Adele and Jin Liancheng arrived early. Seeing Alan, Jin Liancheng gave him a strong hug. Said: "It's nice to see you again, Allen."

"Me too." Alan let go of Jin Liancheng's back when he patted him.

Adele looked strangely quiet tonight, if usual, she would have been entangled in it without Lucy. But tonight she just nodded to Alan, then she drank herself in her seat. Allen looked at the other two people, and Leon shrugged and made an "I don't know" expression.

At this time, there was a little noise in the venue, and a vaguely heard voice came from the entrance. Leon took a look, then frowned: "It's this scourge again."

Allen looked curiously, gaze across the crowd, and fell on Diego, who was dressed in a monster. Leon stepped out of the deck and said, "I'll go and see."

At the entrance, Dia's face was frosty, and he stared at the two guards and said: "You are so courageous, even I dare to stop!"

"I'm sorry, Master Diego. Master Leon has ordered tonight, only to recognize the letter of invitation but not to recognize people." One of the guards said mechanically.


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