Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 412:  Dissociation solution

After setting the time, Allen installed a delay bomb on the bottom of the power furnace overhead. At this time, the bombs in his backpack were finally installed, and the places that were selected for detonation were all important places in the factory. For example, the power furnace above the head, or the growth line of a certain gene, or the secret laboratory, etc.

In short, if all these bombs are detonated, this gene factory will be destroyed overnight.

"I've completed."

There was a silver sound in the headset, and the hunter's area was the brain computer room of the factory, warehouses, oil depots and other places. Allen replied: "Prepare to retreat."

"Where is Mrs. Anna?"

"She has her own way. Let's do our job well." Allen thought for a while and said, "You go first."

"What are you doing?"

"I have to release those refugees."

"I will go with you."

Allen shook his head and said, "No, I can do it myself. Don't waste time, Matt and they should be coming soon."

"Well, see you outside."

At the end of the communication, Allen climbed out of the power furnace, when footsteps sounded. A guard passed by with a gun, and unexpectedly stretched out his hands from behind, catching him and slamming to the ground. The guard was about to yell, but his mouth was bet on something. Judging from the cold touch and shape, it is a grenade! Suddenly so frightened, Allen lifted his rifle, pointed the muzzle at his chest, and took out the grenade from his mouth.

"Tell me, where are the refugees locked up by you?" Allen whispered.

The guard gritted his teeth and said, "I can't say."

"Then you can die now."

"I will die too! Mr. Main won't let me go!"

Allen shrugged: "Perhaps. But that is after all, and Maine may not have time to pursue you. But if you don't say it, then you have to die immediately, choose."

The guard's chest rises and falls, and his thoughts are clearly clashing. After a while, the whole figure faded like a deflated balloon and said, "Well, I'll tell you."

Knowing where the refugees were held, Allen turned his rifle upside down and stunned him with the butt. Then he picked up his electronic pass, and then walked away.

The place where the refugees are detained is not necessarily so secretive. In fact, it is near the experimental area. This is for the convenience of obtaining materials. All the refugees were driven into a cell of about ten square meters. The gate of the cell was a laser fence. If they passed by randomly, they would be laser cut into fragments. Besides, there are guards guarding them outside, and the unarmed refugees don't even want to go out.

There are only two destinies waiting for them, one is to die, the other is to become a predator, and then life is worse than death.

In one of the cells, there were two and a half older children, a man and a woman. The girl is very thin and looks malnourished. The withered hair hung lifelessly over his shoulders, and the child was sobbing silently with tears in the corners of his eyes. The boy looked much older, he walked over to the girl and sat down, stretched out his hand and said, "My name is Joe, how about you?"

"Mary." The girl replied, a common name.

Joe nodded and said, "Don't cry, we won't be in danger for the time being."

"But we will always die, won't we? I've heard that everyone caught by them won't go back in the end." Mary lifted her face and said sadly, "I miss Dad, I think Come back home."

"Me too, Mary. I also miss my mother. I don't think we should give up hope." The boy was unexpectedly strong: "I must leave here. I have to protect my mother."

"Can we?"

As soon as the girl's voice fell, there was an exclamation outside, and then there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. Mary was surprised and couldn't help covering her ears. Joe hugged her immediately, but looked out of the cell. Through the laser fence, he saw a fast-moving shadow, followed by curses and gunfire from the guards. But it didn't take long for everything to stop.

Then there were footsteps and people's exclamations. Joe heard a voice shouting: "You leave there, leave as soon as possible. I have cleared a safe passage for you. After leaving the factory, don't look back. Run forward as fast as you can. It’s going to explode here, and repeat, it’s going to explode here!"

The man was yelling and moving. After a while, a figure appeared outside the cell, carrying a dark war knife in his hand, and smashing the electronic instrument outside, and the laser fence disappeared. He waved to Joe and both of them: "You guys come out soon too...Huh, Joe? Why are you!"

He pulled up the tactical goggles on his face, revealing a familiar face. Qiao Xin said with joy: "Allen? Allen! It's really you."

Joe pulled Mary out of the fence. Allen looked at the son of Lieutenant Peter, and quickly picked up the two children and drove them to the safe passage with the crowd. While asking: "Why are you here?"

"This was an accident. I wanted to go to a neighboring town to buy some supplies, but I was caught in the wilderness. Alan, who are these people?"

"It's not a good thing. Listen to Joe, I want you to run with everyone. Don't stop no matter what happens. Can it be done?"

Joe looked at him and asked, "Aren't you going with us?"

"No, I have to cut it off for you. Just like now." Alan smiled and stopped, then lifted the knife and turned back.

Suddenly the door bolt of the detention room vibrated, and then two metal doors flew in upside down, falling to the ground side by side, wiping a series of sparks. Outside the door, a figure jumped in. It was a man. He pulled his head with his hand and watched Alan spit out: "I'm panicking. It's great to have you, a little mouse, for me to entertain. Boy, you are brave. Not small, dare to provoke Alexander on the head, I think you hunters are very itchy!"

Obviously, this Alexander's family guard regards Allen as a predator hunter like Silver.

Allen made a gesture to make Joe and the others run away. Joe glanced at Alan, then took Mary and ran out. The guard glanced behind Alan, and suddenly his sight was regained by Alan. Alan dragged the knife and rushed, the blade cut through the ground all the way. The guard sneered: "Looking for death!"

The heavy knife gradually dyed a black and yellow light, and the blade that cut the ground also lifted up a blue smoke, and the guard suddenly felt the amazing heat of the surrounding air. Just as surprised, Allen provoked him with a knife. However, this knife is still four or five meters away from him, and it is undoubtedly an empty cut. The guard was still uncertain, and suddenly the world in his eyes was dislocated up and down, and then separated on both sides, with a darkness like an abyss lying in the middle.

He still doesn't know what happened, but the ordinary guards who arrived later saw this elite fighter of 15th level suddenly separated in the center and was severely cut! Allen kept walking. After killing with an inch of fire, he dragged a heavy knife and brushed past many guards. The heavy knife does not come with a source force, and only relies on the inertia of high-speed movement. Randomly photographed by heavy knives, the guards all cracked and fractured, and immediately killed Allen forcibly.

In a luxurious room, Maine took out a bottle of fine wine from a crystal cabinet, poured two glasses himself, and handed one of them to Baker. Old Baker took it, took a sip and tasted it carefully before sighing: "It really has to be the grapes grown on Babylon to make this grade of red wine. Unlike us who are struggling on the surface, don’t Speaking of red wine, being able to drink clean water every day is a great gift from heaven."

Maine laughed and said, "Mr. Baker really likes to laugh and talk, because of Mr. Baker's position of power. Wine like this is nothing but water."

Old Baker bared a row of yellow teeth and said, "Do you look at me like a joke? How do big people like Mr. Main who live on floating islands know the hardships of our people on the surface?"

"In that case, Mr. Baker can move to the floating island."

"I really want to, but unfortunately, our dear patriarch would not agree." Old Baker sighed deliberately.

"This time Mr. Baker is able to invest a large sum of money in my gene factory at this time. I am very grateful." Maine shook the liquid in the cup, reflecting his slightly distorted face. Kong Lai: "So in this respect, I also have something to return. Perhaps, to allow Mr. Baker to settle on the floating island from now on. Even... replace Mr. Horn."

The air in the room condensed, and Old Baker sank his face and said, "Mr. Main, is it wrong for you to say that? Even though I am at odds with that nephew, we are always Beskard!"

"But he killed your son, don't you want to avenge this grudge?" Maine smiled and snapped his fingers, and a beautiful female secretary took the silver box and walked over~www.readwn.com~ After entering the password, the box was opened and then returned. Maine carefully took out a test tube from the box, which contained some amber liquid.

"Is this?" Old Baker squinted his eyes.

"The source force dissociation liquid newly researched in our laboratory, just one drop is enough to make an awakened person's strength plummet. And this bottle is enough to turn a powerful person at the dominator level into a poor ordinary person. Of course, It can’t be used once, otherwise it will be discovered by Mr. Horn. But if you can insist on getting Mr. Horn’s dissociation solution every day, within three years, he will become a useless person."

"Like this dissociation fluid, the cost is high, and the raw materials are hard to find. Only this one is just produced in our laboratory. The next one, I don’t know when it will appear. If it weren’t for Mr. Baker to invest heavily in our research Work, I still don’t want to take it out."

The wine glass in Old Baker's hand slipped to the ground, his eyes almost bursting with fire, but his voice was as cold as the polar Xuanbing: "Give it to me!"

"Of course, it belongs to you..." There was a smile in Maine's eyes. r1058


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