Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 423:  Blood Shark

The work of the church is proceeding in an orderly manner. Church personnel will go to the street to distribute leaflets to promote the doctrine; when people who are interested in the church come to the church, the church will give them a small gift to increase the church’s mind. Then, Father Milo used his three-inch tongue to touch these people, calling them inspiration; finally, Vera who appeared occasionally would randomly predict someone in the church, often a few days later, People will find the person whom Vera prophesied crying and asking to join the church.

And such a person will lead his family, friends, and even relatives to join the church. Under this chain reaction, Father Miró's church is growing at a geometric speed. In just a few days, more than half of the leaders in Storm City's territory became believers.

This kind of influence is still expanding, with the business past between Storm City and Violet Harbor~ pig~ pig~ island~ small~ said~ www~zuhu~ benefit frequent. Many businessmen have already brought the miracles of this church to the port, and even under the intention of Allen, led by the Lily Chamber of Commerce and Roger, they organized a church activity and asked Father Miró to leave for the port to preach. .

It is conceivable that when the church stands firm in Violet Harbor. Then, through many merchants in the port, the image of Christianity will be spread to other territories of the empire, laying a foundation for the church to enter the hinterland of the empire. Of course, before that, Allen needs to enter the hinterland in advance and take root. Only when Allen's forces can pass through the hinterland of the empire can the church be able to pass unimpeded.

Conversely, when the church takes root in the empire, it will eventually shade Allen. At that time, with secular power and divine power in hand, Allen's power will sweep any lord of the empire, including the duke. At that time, I am afraid that only the royal family can contend with it. However, with the pervasiveness of the church, this threat will eventually become no threat.

The blueprint has been planned, and what is missing is to promote and realize it. Of course, Allen knows that reaching the ultimate goal is much more difficult than planning a blueprint.

On the second day of the cathedral ceremony, Higgs wanted to leave. But when he left, he left behind a Dark Cloud Knight. Higgs told Allen that if Storm City was in danger and needed support, people would tell the knight that he would naturally notify Higgs through Black Iron Fort's own methods. Allen was happy, and knew that the deterrence he had arranged at the ceremony worked, otherwise Higgs would have been so kind.

However, leaving a Dark Cloud Knight in Storm City may not necessarily be a good thing. He could be the most legitimate eye of Higgs, able to report the situation of Storm City to Dark Iron Fort from time to time. It's just that this arrangement was not taken seriously by Allen. He is determined to forge ahead, constantly attacking higher powers and larger territories, and walking in a stately king pattern. Since Higgs wanted to see it, let him see enough. When he saw Storm City getting stronger and stronger and growing faster than he expected, Allen knew exactly what choice he would make.

After bidding farewell to Higgs, Allen received Roger's invitation. Roger's team of slaves will go to sea in a week, and will go to Ark Harbor to visit another earl. Roger invited Allen to go with him, to understand the layout of the empire's hinterland, and to see if there is any possibility of cooperating with the earl. Allen agreed, and just before he was ready to set off, the messenger of Bauhinia and Dawn Castle arrived.

Allen met them in the study.

The messenger of the bauhinia turned out to be a woman, less than thirty, which is the most **** and mature time in a woman's life. After seeing Ellen, the woman named Xi Lian kept looking at him. Her eyes went from being indifferent at first, to attention, and enthusiastic at the end, almost wanting to swallow Ellen in one mouthful. When she handed a ransom note to Allen, the stalwart twin peaks that were ready to come out lightly rubbed Allen's arm, and whispered: "My lord is really young, and the city under your governance is just as radiant as you. I am very interested."

She cast a wink at Allen, wondering if she was interested in the city or Ellen himself. Allen can only play stupid, haha ​​said: "Since Miss Xilian has this interest, please stay in the city for a few days, how about having fun? Oh, we have a cathedral just opened recently, that is our city A special scenery, Ms. Xi Lian would like it."

"Oh, it would be better if accompanied by an adult." Xi Lian bit her lip and smiled back.

The other messenger looked much more arrogant. He watched Xi Lian grunt with disdain, and then handed the ransom note of Dawning Castle and another letter. Allen picked out the letter and asked, "This is?"

The messenger snorted: "This is a letter written to you by Sir Unicorn, the great Viscount Daniel. This time we are defeated, there is nothing to say. Even if we pay the ransom, we must redeem our commander. Go. But as for war reparations, we will not pay. The reason is in the letter from the Viscount Lord. Please read it yourself.

Allen smiled slightly and did not even look at it and said: "Since it is a letter written by a master Viscount, for the sake of this master, I will not ask for your war reparations. As for the two commanders, from this moment They are free."

The messenger was slightly surprised, and he couldn't believe that Allen was so easy to talk. Even without reading Daniel's letter, he agreed to waive the war indemnity. The smooth negotiation process made him feel a little uncomfortable. After adjusting for a while, the messenger told himself that Alan was afraid of the Lord Viscount.

It wasn't until after he left that he suddenly felt that Allen had thrown away Daniel's letter, seeming to be somewhat contemptuous and rude, rather than just fear?

"My lord is really refreshing, I don't know if it's so pleasant in other aspects." Xi Lianyi said pointedly, and then left with a smile, so that the commander of his side could be sent back as soon as possible.

Allen shook his head, the messenger of Bauhinia was really a bit difficult. He thought about it and decided to throw this hot potato to Roy.

After arranging the affairs of Storm City, Edward also came to town to sit in the town, and Allen safely left with the team to go to Violet Harbor for the appointment. This time he took part of the mountain king, dark blade, and inch fire to form a 40-man army. Allen believes that even if there is any danger on the way, this team is enough to deal with any situation.

In terms of the strong, he brought Regis, Belmode and Kira. Although Kira was not outstanding, she was once an adventurer, and she should have seen and heard better than Ellen and others. And this time walking with Belmode, Allen is also interesting to let them increase their relationship. After arriving at Violet Harbor, another Willick will be added. There are basically no enemies in Violet Harbor, and there is no need to waste Willick's elite combat power all the time.

As for Adele and Lucy, Ellen didn't take any of them this time. The former is still working on fundraising, while the latter has joined the Lins team and is working on the development of the weapon workshop.

So after Allen left, when Xi Lian saw that the person in charge of entertaining herself changed from Allen to Roy, the woman's eyes were slightly lost. However, looking closely at Roy, her tall figure, gray pupils, and the natural indifferent breath on her body gradually attracted her. And the night before leaving the city, Roy conquered her body. Until she left Storm City, Xi Lian could not forget the touching taste of the strong man opening her city gate with a powerful impact.

For Roy, this encounter is a small flavoring agent during the Outland War.

It was six days after arriving at Violet Port. After passing through the arches of the port city again, along the Panshan Road towards the city, Allen breathed a slightly fishy sea breeze. Suddenly, people's spirits lifted up, and counting, this is the third time he has come to this city. And every time I come, my mood is different. The first time was to break down the barriers of the city and find business opportunities for Suhl City; the second time was to establish a cooperative relationship with several chambers of commerce in the city. That time he gained friends and enemies; this time You have to go to the hinterland of the empire through this city, and your mood is different.

Allen first went to Xiangyingcao Street to meet Willick, and then came to one of the piers in Violet Harbor as shown in Roger's invitation letter. But when he entered the port terminal, he was stopped. I don't know when a roadblock was erected here, and a tree trunk was placed between the two wooden frames, which sealed the passageway several meters wide. A flag was tied to the roadblock, and a shark swimming in the blood-colored sea was painted on it~www.readwn.com~Stop! "A big man with a fire/gun and a full face shouted: "What are you doing? If you want to go over, each person will pay 5 gold coins. The war horse and goods are not included. "

Allen frowned: "We are Mr. Roger's guests."

"Roger? That slave merchant?" The big man chuckled and said with a cold face: "What is Roger in front of our Blood Shark Chamber of Commerce, since you are his guests. Then you can go there, double the charge!" "

Allen was a little surprised. He hadn't heard of any Blood Shark Chamber of Commerce in Violet Harbor. And the other party's attitude was very rude, and his face became gloomy right now. Seeing Alan's face sinking, Willick and Belmode suddenly looked up at the big guy in front of them with unkind intentions, and the aura exuding from them formed tremendous pressure. The big man sweated on his forehead and yelled backwards: "Come here, damn, Roger's people are trying to make trouble!"

With his roar, two dozen men rushed to the dock. They had fire/guns or swords in their hands, looking menacing.

Allen snorted coldly: "The mountain king does it, it only hurts, but I want to see what the Blood Shark Chamber of Commerce is!"

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