Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 434:  Jazz meeting

Allen and Roger brought them to a compartment in White Castle. The compartment was next to the conference room, separated by a wall. There are sight holes in the compartment, so you can see the entire meeting room. The location of the sight hole lies in a self-portrait of Count Aubin on the wall of the high overhanging chamber. No one would look at the portrait of the earl, because it itself was disrespectful. And even if there is, it will be impossible to see the peepers behind because of the angle and some layout reasons.

As for the significance of the Piaget designing this compartment, perhaps only he knows it. But suspicion and distrust of subordinates have always been one of the qualities that nobles possess, so Alan was not surprised to see a room with another purpose.

Soon, footsteps sounded in the conference room. Roger put his face on the sight hole and saw someone coming in through the gate.

He was a fat man, over a hundred years old. Bald, the clothes are extremely exaggerated. He wore a golden necklace around his neck, and his fingers were covered with gemstone rings of various colors. The fat man was jeweled all over, like a nouveau riche. Roger said, "This is Baron Eni. He is one of the shareholders of Emerald Pearl. He is timid, and his territory is rich. However, due to the lack of military strength, he can only choose to rely on the Earl to obtain asylum."

Baron Eni seemed to be very hot, with sweat on his forehead. Holding a silk handkerchief in his hand and constantly wiping it, someone hummed behind him: "You go faster, Eni. Damn it, I can smell your sweat all the way."

The baron turned awkwardly and said to the man behind, "I'm really sorry, Viscount Grall."

The man passing by the baron was tall and thin, and his clothes were decorated with exaggerated flower patterns. Wearing a fluffy golden wig and even eyeliner on his white face, he snorted, not looking at the fat baron, and sat straight to the first position on the left side of the table.

That represents his power second only to Earl Aubin.

The fat man looked at him, and then lowered his head to conceal the heavy resentment in his eyes.

"This is?" Allen retreated a little from the sight hole and gave space to Roger.

Roger took a look and said, "This is Viscount Graar, who has inextricably linked relations with the Ridley family. The two families have been married for several generations, so the power is only under the earl. Lord Viscount himself is also one of the major shareholders of Jade Pearl. He loves literary salons and hangs out more on stage cocktail parties than on the battlefield. Well, I also heard that he is a handsome man, I don’t know if it’s true.”

Then someone entered the conference room one by one, Roger introduced one by one, Allen remembered in his heart, and had a preliminary understanding of the earl's team and influence structure. Simply put, the relationship between Count Aubin and these dependants is different from other high-ranking nobles. As far as Allen understood, most high-ranking nobles firmly controlled the adherents with their own powerful strength, but the relationship between Earl Auban and these people was more like a partner.

This has brought many problems, the power structure is loose, and the orders on behalf of the earl cannot be completely implemented. The importance of the earl to them lies more in the relationship between business and money, rather than personal strength and a strong army. In other words, this loose structure is easy to collapse, after all, there is no permanent interest in this world.

From this structure, it is not difficult to see the dilemma faced by the Earl of Aubin, his personal strength is mediocre, and even the title of the Earl is obtained by relying on huge taxes and the contributions of the generations of the family. As for the army, it is even more worrying. There is an earldom, and the main composition of the army in the territory turned out to be a mercenary group. Perhaps the wealth of the Ridley family can afford to hire three or even more large mercenaries.

But such an army is bound to lack loyalty. An army without loyalty can betray, and will never fight for the earl in the face of desperation. So from the structure of power alone, Allen saw that the pyramid of power of Count Aubin was teetering. The reason for this still lies in the strength of the earl himself. With his personal strength, he was more than enough to serve as a viscount, but he was unable to manage an earl's territory.

After the crowd arrived, Earl Aubin walked in through a side door. He glanced at the people in the seat and sat down in his seat: "Everyone, I invite you to come today. I think everyone knows the reason. Yes, our territory is being watched by the shameful Daniel. Although this situation has been for a long time. Yes, but recently, Daniel’s actions have become more rude and his ambitions are swelling. As his neighbors, we are under real threats."

The earl glanced at the butler, and the butler of Mace bowed to everyone on the table: "My lords, just three days ago, Sir Daniel's Truf, the powerful baron known as the'Hungry Wolf', suddenly launched an attack. The three villages in our territory adjacent to Sir Daniel’s were taken down. This was a blatant act of aggression, and Lord Earl was very angry about it."

"So I want to hear your opinions." Earl Auban said, "You can talk freely."

Everyone on the table looks at me and I see you, but they can't say a word for a long time. Viscount Grall, who was sitting in the first seat on the left, frowned and said: "Earl, such a thing has happened, I think I should notify the emperor group."

Hearing this, Allen almost didn't laugh, and even Roger shook his head. The two exchanged glances, and both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes. The imperial regiments are indeed stationed in various places, but their responsibility lies more in preventing the invasion of foreign races from abroad, rather than resolving the grievances and private struggles between the nobles. If the empire had to intervene in this kind of thing, then the emperor regiment known as a million masters would have no free time at all.

Every day, the private fights among the nobles that broke out in the empire were uncommon, and the empire simply couldn't manage it, nor would it manage it. The Balekong Empire was strong and powerful, and the royal family didn't care about such wars between nobles. At the beginning of the establishment of the human empire, the law of the jungle was promoted by the weak and the strong to ensure that the empire was born with fresh blood and strong force. This is also the cornerstone for the empire to continue for thousands of years.

Unless the war between nobles affects the country, the royal family will only open one eye and close one eye. Therefore, as a viscount like Glaer, he speaks words that are undoubtedly weak. If it's not naive, it's ignorance, which makes people laugh in vain.

Of course, Earl Aubin couldn't laugh. Instead, his eyes filled with anger, and he glared at Graal.

Grall quickly turned away, pretending to be confused. Then the knights discussed one after another and put forward some weird suggestions, including the suggestion that Duluf could be bought with money to let him withdraw. The Jazz who made this suggestion added afterwards: "Anyway, we are not short of money. It would be great if we stayed and settled with money."

In this way, the Jazz could not come up with a really useful suggestion. Auban closed his eyes and seemed to allow the jazz to speak boldly, only the butler who knew him saw the earl keep tapping the table with his knuckles. That was an expression of anger from Lord Earl, and the butler of Mace couldn't help taking two steps back.

Without the earl's interference, the class of knights underneath pulled farther and farther, and began to draw mutual grievances and interests from Duluf's invasion. Speaking of fierce moments, two of the knights prepared to rise from quarrels to fighting. At this moment, the atmosphere in the conference room was frozen, and Earl Aubin finally opened his eyes. He snorted, and the jazz below realized that the atmosphere was not right, and closed their mouths consciously.

"I gave you enough time to discuss, so now, what is the suggestion?"

A baron stood up and was about to speak, and Oban shouted: "Shut up, if we are reduced to paying Duluf with money, what's the difference between using money to redeem our land?"

"Gentlemen, if you can't make a real and feasible suggestion, then let me do it." Count Aubin stood up and said loudly: "What we need is not bribes, let alone avoiding war. We must fight head-on. Quit Duluf and warn Daniel that **** not to mess around. If we give in this time, let Daniel see our weakness. Believe me, he won't give up, his appetite will only grow!"

"So, everyone here, who can fight Duluf for us. Drive the hungry wolf back to his wolf den!" The earl waved his hand vigorously, then looked at everyone on the table.

There is no doubt that his words are full of incitement. However, everyone below the jazz bowed their heads, and Viscount Grall coughed lightly: "You should be clear, esteemed earl. Sir Truf's title is preceded by the prefix of strength. With all due respect, you are here. With so many people, only your strength can steadily defeat him. So you see, is it better for Lord Earl to handle this matter personally?"

After listening, the other barons nodded in agreement. Count Aubin looked at them, with a deep disappointment in his eyes. He shook his head, as if losing the strength to support, the count sat back. After a moment, he sighed: "I will think about this again. You...you can go."

Graar stood up first, bowed to the earl, and retreated. Other jazz followed suit, and walked clean after a while. There was a big conference room, and only Count Aubin and the butler of Metz were left. The earl shook his head helplessly, and said, "Sir Alan, you can come out now."

Walking in from the side door of the conference room, watching the silence on the earl’s face, Allen and Roger glanced at each other, feeling the dangers of this territory.

Count Aubin laughed at himself: "Thinking that my family has taken root in this land with fallen leaves, hundreds of years have passed in a blink of an eye. But now, there is a feeling that a big tree will fall in love. We have earned enough wealth in the world, but I can't even keep my own territory."

"These wastes are just for pleasure. Whenever you encounter something, I want to use money to pass it. I don't know that sometimes money can't buy things. Just like this time, even if I can use money to send Duluf away and buy Back to my territory, but I can't buy the dignity of being an earl!"

Speaking of anger, the earl slapped his hand on the table bitterly, making a muffled noise.

Allen stepped forward and said, "My Lord Earl is preparing to face it personally?"

Orban smiled bitterly: "Is there any other choice? Do you rely on the trash?"

"Maybe..." Allen smiled faintly: "For example, me."

"what do you mean?"

"I am willing to fight for you, but I need an identity, an identity that has enough rights to fight on your territory, count."

Butler Mays thought of Allen's bag of gold coins, and immediately said in the ear of the earl: "This is not difficult, as long as Sir Allen officially joins your camp, it is justified."

Count Aubin nodded and said: "This is not difficult, then, what do you hope to get from me?"

"A territory." Allen said.

"Territories..." Auban thought for a while and said, "Well, if you repel Duluf, then the villages he occupied will be your territory in the future. Of course, they are too small to match your status as a baron. But that territory is adjacent to Daniel’s Viscountry. Since Duluf has started, I can also fight in color. Then I will assign you to take charge of the attack. As long as you can eat Daniel’s territory, then I will admit it belongs to your legitimacy."

"Thank you, Lord Earl, it couldn't be better."

Orban smiled and said: "I also hope that someone who is good at fighting like Sir Allen will join, you see, I am not stingy. So as long as you have enough strength, I will give you everything you want."

"In that case, I hope Lord Earl can provide some information. For example, Viscount Daniel's intelligence, maps and other related information."

"I will ask the butler of Mace to hand over the information to you later~www.readwn.com~ The count smiled and said: "By the way, I heard that your territory has just been attacked by several coalition forces not long ago. It’s a coincidence that both the bauhinia and the city lord of Dawn Castle are the adherents of Sir Daniel. As for the unicorn army, it is more directly affiliated to the powerful viscount. Perhaps in this way, Sir Allen will be more motivated. "

Allen listened and smiled sincerely: "If this is the case, then it would be great. It just so happened that they still owed me an unfinished account, and just took this opportunity to let them pay off. All this, from the one who repelled Sir Hungry Wolf, let's start."

So Oban ordered Metz to prepare information for Allen, and Allen and Roger left first. After they left, another man came in by the door of the conference room. He has a rare oriental face, black hair and black eyes, and a handsome face. The dignity was more looming in the action, and Earl Aubin said lightly: "Mr. Long, what do you think of this young jazz?"

"He has great ambitions, Lord Earl." The man said solemnly, "He will be your powerful arm, but when you can't satisfy his ambition, be careful that he will bite you in turn."

"Ambition is good. I like young people like this. What do you think, Mr. Long?" Count Auban smiled heartily.


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