Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 440:  First meeting

A man separated the crowd and walked up to Alan angrily. Even under his anger, Viscount Grall, with eyeliner and exaggerated clothing, did not look a little imposing, but looked a little ridiculous. He yelled at Allen, "Let go of your hand, **** it, what do you want to do to my nephew!"

"Uncle, save me!" Marcus shouted.

Allen said with a faint smile, "It turns out that this brave knight is the nephew of Lord Viscount, then, the rude behavior of this knight was instigated by Lord Viscount?"

Viscount Graar's face stiffened, and then roared: "How is it possible? This is slander, this is definitely slander!"

"Baron Allen, I now warn you seriously, if you don't let Marcus go, I will be rude to you!"

"Is it your kindness about that?" Alan seemed to have not heard him, his hands often pressed down, and Marku's face immediately turned pale.

Glar had a heartbroken expression. If the look in his eyes could kill people, he might have been torn apart by him now. Allen looked in his eyes and smiled slightly: "Don't you think that a knight who offended the baron should not be punished?"

"Are you preaching to me?" Glar sneered: "So a baron who offended the Viscount should also be punished?"

"Of course." Allen nodded solemnly.

Graar was startled, and Allen continued: "If you have that ability."

"This... what does this mean!"

"No offense, but the fact is, you can't punish me at all." Allen said coldly.

"Arrogant! This is too arrogant!" Glar opened his eyes violently, and the corners of his eyes were full of red lines. He said angrily: "Who gave you the power to dare to be so arrogant in front of a viscount!"

"There is no one. All I rely on is my own strength." Allen said lightly: "With my strength, I will soon be promoted to Viscount. And you, for the rest of your life, you probably can only stay in In this position. However, I will continue to move forward, so you'd better be careful of your words and deeds. At the same time, take care of the people around you. If they bark like wild dogs, I don’t mind using my own means to keep them shut. Get up!"

With a flick of his hand, he threw Marcus back to Graal, Allen made a gesture, and Belmode followed him and left. After walking a few steps, Alan turned his head and smiled brightly: "By the way, on the way I am going, you can't even call it an obstacle, my respected Viscount, so it's better not to do anything that makes me misunderstand. ."

"This is my personal advice."

Glar's face was blue and white. Finally stomped fiercely, pulling Marku away from the venue.

All this made Oban in his eyes.

"What an arrogant little guy." Orban said with a smile, shaking the glass in his hand, and he said: "But our side, there is a lack of such a person. Let him kill Graar and their arrogance. Save these idiots really thinking that money can settle everything."

Behind the earl, an eastern man dressed in black said solemnly: "But in him, I also saw ambition. Such a person will not bend his knees forever."

"I know, it depends on whether my pool is big enough. Don't worry, Mr. Long. If you can't control him, it won't be too late to find a way. Now, I have to rely on him to deal with Daniel."

The earl saw something suddenly, raised his glass and nodded, then walked over. The man called the dragon looked at him silently, and whispered: "I'm afraid that by then, you will have nothing to do with him."

Looking in the direction of Alan in the venue, Long turned and left, blending into the crowd silently like a ghost.

Allen seemed to feel a bit, and glanced at the place where the dragon was before, but the person had already left. At this time, Roger said: "I heard that Marku is Graal's son."

Belmode next to him said unexpectedly: "Wait, isn't the rice bucket Grall's nephew? If he is the son of the Viscount Lord, wouldn't it mean..."

Roger shrugged: "The life of aristocrats has always been eroded. What's surprising. Especially the man Graar, he doesn't seem to know what morality is. But having said that, it's rare to see Lord Ellen so...arrogant. Hey."

Allen smiled faintly: "It is only natural for us to come here for the first time and get promoted by the earl. It is only natural that we will be a thorn in the eyes of others. If we don't be tough at this time, we will only make people think that we are good for bullying. It just so happens that Marcus gave me the opportunity to play. Of course, I have to make good use of the opportunity, so that those guys who have ideas in their hearts can weigh their own weight before making plans."

"There will still be trouble, but it will be a lot less, will it?"

"So what's your plan next, Lord Allen?" Roger frowned, "Although the count promised, you repelled Duluf, and assigned the three villages to you. But this territory is too small. It can't even be called a baronial."

"Three small villages and a thin piece of land are of course not a good thing. But what I want is not this small territory. What I want is the status of the rights that this territory gives me. This is enough." Ai Lun raised his glasses, and after the three of them clinked their glasses and drank, he continued: "Now that we have this territory, no matter how small it is, nominally I am one of Count Aubin's adherents. In this way, there will be I can conquer Viscount Daniel in my name. The towns I captured are my real territory!"

Roger showed a thoughtful expression, following the rules of the game among the nobles. When the nobles like Allen attached to the Earl of Aubin seized new territory. The territory is nominally/will belong to the Earl of Aubin, and Allen will have the power of actual management, and only need to pay the Earl of Aubin every year. Once Allen's power swells and Earl Obin can't control him, then Allen can choose to leave.

Usually at that time, it will be accompanied by a series of major actions such as knighthood promotion, territory expansion, and army expansion. In these actions, Roger saw a lot of opportunities. For every businessman, it is always good to work with big shots. Because their world is bigger, it means more business opportunities. There are also differences between big shots. Those who sit in high positions but have been holding back will have more stable business contacts, but it also means that profits are also stable. As for people like Allen who are constantly attacking higher levels of power, cooperation with them is a venture capital.

That requires the businessman to judge by his own experience and vision. At least so far, Roger believes in his vision.

The banquet ended in the middle of the night, and Allen received many invitations, most of which were salon parties for aristocratic ladies, and a small part of them came from the gathering invitations of the count’s adherents. These people could be regarded as Allen’s colleagues. Allen can refuse the party of the noble ladies, but he cannot ignore the invitation of his colleagues. Otherwise, it is not only arrogant, but also rude.

After simply setting the time for the party, Allen and Roger left together. Because he had just convicted Viscount Grall, Allen asked Belmode to send Roger back, so that Viscount Grall would vent his anger on his collaborator. As for Alan himself, after he declined the horse-drawn carriage from the earl, he walked back to the house where the earl arranged in the city.

For Allen, this is a rare opportunity to be alone. Walking in the night of Ark Harbor and looking at the unextinguished lights, Allen could fully feel the vitality of the city. This is the first time he has carefully observed the city since he came to Ark Harbor.

Ark Harbor has progressed a lot compared to the cities in the border land, although cars have not been seen on the streets. However, the lighting in public places and the families of wealthy aristocrats have already used electricity. Just on the outskirts of Ark Harbor, Allen could see a power station far away, using two working units, a steam engine and a hydraulic engine, to supply electricity.

With electricity, the efficiency of Ark Harbor in terms of production is naturally not comparable to that of cities in the border zone, which is also the basis of urban prosperity. However, it can be seen that the use of energy by the Balkan Empire is not really that lagging. Ark Port is still like this. Then the imperial capital in northern Xinjiang, the city at the heart of the empire, should be more developed.

With the understanding of this planet, Allen has gradually put away his initial contempt. Perhaps the civilization of this planet has not reached the height of the earth, but if you look down on it too much, you may hate it.

What he sees now is nothing but a Balekan Empire. But this planet is so vast, who knows what else is outside the empire?

Looking up at the night sky, Alan couldn't help but think about the novel ~www.readwn.com~ At this moment, his heart moved slightly, it was the feeling of being watched. Alan remained silent, still maintaining his original speed, and turned into a remote alley. There is only one street lamp in the alley, and the light obviously cannot illuminate the whole alley. Allen walked to the street lamp, stood still suddenly, and then said, "Come out."

When a breeze rose suddenly in the alley, he turned his head and saw a figure standing at the entrance of the alley. It looks like he should be a man, tall, exuding an invisible pressure. With the help of the light, Alan could barely see that he was covered with a cloak, but the part that was exposed outside the cloak was light blue.

Obviously it is not a human being, but a different species. Alan frowned. So far, the only alien species he has seen in the empire is the Naga tribe on the St. Trina Sea. The alien in front of him was naturally not those enchanting and beautiful murlocs. This guy appeared in the Ark Harbor, and he was obviously coming for himself, which made Alan feel very strange.

"I found you, my dear'brother.' This will be an interesting meeting."

The person in the cloak said, but what he said was neither an earth language nor the common language of this planet. It was another language that Alan was completely unfamiliar with. Although he couldn't understand it, he read the unfriendly taste of the words. r1058


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