Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 449:  Hide and seek (1)

The departure time is set for tomorrow, the Bauhinia army still needs to stay outside the city, and wait for the army to set off tomorrow before they will start with the army of Dawn Castle. The military camp in the city of Dawn is limited, and in order to avoid unnecessary friction between the soldiers of the two armies, the bauhinia is left outside the city. Oulu himself didn't have any opinion on this, and the camp was getting quiet now, after all, the night was already late. Soldiers enter the account early to rest so that they will have enough energy to march tomorrow.

According to the plan of the two Lords Oulu and Raffles, they planned to rush to Sunset City within two days, and then besiege the enemy with absolute force, slowly draining their resources and morale. This is the shadow of the two of them under Storm City, unwilling to confront Allen head-on. Therefore, the next two days will be no small test for the soldiers of the army. If you lack physical strength or perseverance, you may fall behind.

On this calm and peaceful night, someone suddenly yelled: "It's on fire! Come on, the stable is on fire!"

There are two hundred war horses in the stables, of which fifty are first-class war horses. This time, in order to be able to quickly transport the elite to the city of Sunset, Olu deliberately took out these dozens of high-class war horses that had been carefully bred to serve as mounts for the heavy infantry. If it is burned to death or frightened away, it will definitely be a big loss. Hearing the shout, the soldiers near the stables had no time to wear their clothes. Everyone hurried out of the tent and ran towards the burning stables.

There were several fires in the stables for no reason, and many horses were already frightened and hissing nervously. The soldiers hurriedly fetched water to put out the fire, and for a while, the camp near the stables became a mess.

"what the hell?"

On the other side of the camp, a soldier stood on a tin bucket and tiptoed looking in the direction of the stable. A puff of black smoke has already risen there, and it seems that the fire is not small.

"Quickly come down, Pierce." An older soldier called next to him.

There are a total of ten soldiers in the camp nearby who watched the army's water source. A hundred barrels of clean water here will be the nectar for the soldiers to quench their thirst on the road, and will be transported to the battlefield by the logistics unit with the army tomorrow.

The veteran was a small captain, and the young soldier did not dare to disobey the captain's order and slipped off the bucket. Just about to say something, his face suddenly changed, and he screamed, "Be careful behind, Captain!"

"What?" The captain was startled, and a blade suddenly appeared on his chest. On the blade, blood was still dripping from the heart.

Pierce opened his mouth to shout, and silently pressed one hand on his mouth. A blackened dagger was wiped across his neck, ending the young soldier's life. And in this position where drinking water was kept, all the guards had been silently killed. It was the Darkblade fighter who killed them. Several Darkblade winked at each other and quickly dragged the body to the nearby woodland to bury them. The other two changed into soldiers' costumes and returned to the camp.

They took out a tool that resembled a syringe and plunged its sharp tip into an iron bucket. With the pressure of their thumbs, they pressed the contents into the bucket. It was the poison obtained from Roger, extracted from some kind of highly poisonous creature. It is very toxic and can quickly cause nerve paralysis, eventually leading to functional paralysis. After drinking the poisoned water, ordinary people will stop breathing within a minute.

Not long after Dark Blade dropped the poison into these buckets, a group of soldiers came to hand over. Seeing the dark blade warrior in disguise, a small team leader asked: "Where are Laurin and others?"

The Dark Blade warrior lowered his head, but did not answer, but looked towards the forest behind the camp. The captain cursed: "Is this guy lazy and smoking again?"

"Tomorrow I will tell the general to go. Okay, let us here."

From start to finish, the captain did not see the faces of these two soldiers. He waved his hand carelessly, and let the Dark Blade Warrior leave, but he didn't know that the previous guard team had all been buried in the woods behind them.

The fire in the stables was finally extinguished, but at least half of the dozens of superior horses were dead. They weren't burned to death by fire, but their throats were cut by sharp objects. Apparently someone killed them before they set fire. Oulu was furious about this, and thoroughly investigated the whole army, vowing to find the perpetrator. Naturally, there was no result in doing so, but it was just that the soldiers did not close their eyes overnight.

After a night of fruitless toss, Oulu had to give up. On the second day, we set off with Raffles’ army. This coalition of nearly two thousand men drove out of the territory with great strength and went straight to the sunset city. Everything went well, and the speed of the march was not delayed by the accident that happened last night. Except for the heavy infantry of Olu, because it lost the horse of the troops, it even fell behind the home team, but it was not thrown away.

At noon, the army stopped to rest, and when soldiers lined up to receive dry food and drinking water, something went wrong.

Some soldiers who had received food had just eaten something and drank a few sips of water. It didn't take long for them to have cramps in their lower abdomen, like thousands of knives cutting their internal organs, and people foamed and fell to the ground. Then he started to lose consciousness and finally stopped breathing. Among them, the stronger ones just persisted for less than two minutes before suffocating to death.

Oulu and Raffles were looking at the map on a tree-lined ground, when they suddenly heard a report from the soldiers, they hurried away. I saw that the poisoned soldiers in the camp had died of hundreds of people. Others found that they were wrong, and they dared not eat any more. The two knights looked at the soldiers who died for no reason, and their faces changed with heartache. Raffles roared: "Hurry up and check the food and water. What is going on?"

Soon, the results of the inspection came out. A commander under Olu used two old horses to feed dry food and water separately. The horse that ate the dry food did nothing, and the one that drank the water quickly died of poison. This shows that the drinking water was poisoned. This conclusion, coupled with the fire in the stables last night, is enough to link these two things together without much imagination.

Although Oulu and Raffles did not want to admit it, the facts were before them. Obviously, Allen's hand has reached their barracks, but they didn't realize this in advance!

"Separate some people from the army to find a new source of water nearby. Show me more carefully this time. If you want to make any mistakes, you can figure it out by yourself!"

Amid the roar of Oulu, the commander of Bauhinia ran back grimly and assigned an infantry team to find a new source of water. As for the soldiers of the army, they can only eat dry food for the time being, but a drop of water cannot be touched. As a result, the soldiers naturally have to complain. You must know that people can skip meals, but they cannot skip water.

The movement of this coalition army was seen by a few pairs of eyes. Without the army's awareness, a figure quickly left.

In the evening, he arrived in an obscure forest fifty kilometers away. As soon as he entered the forest, two mountain king warriors with shields appeared from the grass. The man lowered his voice and said, "It's me" before the warriors let him go. He found Belmode directly, and led to a clearing deep in the woods. There were some camps in this clearing, and Allen heard the news and came out from one of the camps.

The dark blade warrior immediately reported the enemy's dynamics, and Alan finished listening and let him go to rest. Belmode and a few people gathered around, everyone waiting for Alan's order. Allen took out a map, put his fingers on a few of them, then smiled and said: "Notify the whole army to pull out the camp, we have to drive overnight."

"Do you have any plans?" Regis couldn't help asking.

"Of our people, hard work will certainly not produce good results. But harassment of guerrillas is still feasible. They are not morale before they set off, so it will drag them until their morale is low. Then it will be easier to deal with them." Allen Putting away the map, he said lightly: "It's time for hide and seek."

Oru sneezed.

It was late at night. After the poisoning incident at noon ended, the rest of the army continued to advance and stopped to camp at night. The morale of the soldiers took a bit of a blow, especially when there was no suitable water source nearby, the soldiers had no water to drink, and the people were irritable. Oulu could only order people to collect dew during the night watch, but that was nothing but a drop in the bucket.

Shang Mo arrived at Sunset City and suffered a loss. Oulu was angry and angry, and had no intention of sleeping. He wished he could reach Sunset City early tomorrow morning, so that he could kill Allen without leaving a piece of armor before he could let out such a bad breath.

Turning over in the tent, the rough ground under the blanket made Olu miss the big bed in his bedroom. He cursed a few words in a low voice, closed his eyes and prepared to go to sleep. Suddenly there was an explosion outside the tent, and the explosion came without warning. The loud blast shook Olu's ears, and he didn't even have time to put on his armor, so he only grabbed a huge sword placed nearby and rushed out.

"What's the matter?" he shouted when he caught a soldier outside the book.

The soldier replied in a panic: "Report to your lord that our food truck was blown up."

"What!" Oru said angrily: "It's the **** Allen again. We didn't want you to be optimistic about the supplies, how could we ruin them again."

The soldier said with a sad face: "This ~www.readwn.com~ the specific situation, the subordinates don't know!"


Oulu called for the commander again, and the commander's report was more detailed. The attack was carried out from a distance. At that time, the soldiers in charge of guarding the food truck only saw a fireball bursting into the air from the distant night, hitting the food truck and setting off an explosion. After the explosion, the fire spread rapidly, quickly burning several grain trucks. Fortunately, the soldiers saw the opportunity quickly and finally rescued part of the food.

At this time, another soldier came to report: "Two adults, we found the enemy!"

"Where?" Oru shouted.

"Just outside the camp, one hundred meters in front of you!"

"What?" Oru was startled when the enemy was in front of the camp. Such a swagger is undoubtedly the biggest challenge to them. Oro's face sank: "Go and inform Sir Raffles, and also, transfer my heavy infantry. They even delivered them to the door by themselves, then I will let them go without returning!" r1058


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