Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 451:  Hide and seek (3)

Located on a hillside above the air outlet of the coalition camp, a ball of flame is gradually shrinking. In the previous few minutes, it burned the countless piles of dead wood branches into charcoal, and the smoke was naturally sent down by the wind and blown into the barracks. Allen used Qianjun to stir a few dead trees, so a spark flew up and floated downward.

Glancing in the direction of the barracks, he murmured, "Willik and the others should start, right?"

Use heavy smoke to interfere and distract the camp garrison. Taking advantage of this opportunity, several powerful Williks took the soldiers to cover up and kill them. Without exception, the Sentinels were removed by Belmode and the Darkblade Warriors, while Willick and Regis acted as the spikes of the commando and plunged into the coalition camp.

Everyone in the commando team had a cloth towel warmed with water on their noses, and the operation did not suffer much from the heavy smoke. On the contrary, the soldiers of the coalition army under the heavy smoke couldn't see the people, and they often waited until the soldiers on Allen's side hit him before reacting. But at that time, they were greeted by a cold sword.

Willick's heavy fists continued to blast, and the burst of air from the heavy artillery fists swept the enemy down in patches. On the other side of him, Regis was even more dazzling, with the long sword star knife in his hand, moving horizontally and horizontally, and the lightsaber aura destroyed a large number of enemies. With the cooperation of the two, they quickly tore a gap in the camp.

When it came to the middle of the camp, the assault team encountered a strong counterattack. The commander of the coalition forces finally gathered the soldiers, formed a line of defense, and counterattacked heavily with superior numbers. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Willick immediately signaled to retreat, and he and Regis acted as blades when they came. When they left, they stayed behind, and when the soldiers were almost withdrawn, the two men left the camp.

Raffles sent people to chase them out, but as soon as they left the camp, there was a wave of fire missiles facing him. Fireballs were covered and bombed, and a dozen-meter-long wave of fire was born, stopping the pursuers. After bypassing this wall of fire, Willick and the others disappeared under the night.

After checking the battlefield, the coalition lost another hundred people. In addition to the soldiers who died from poisoning before, they have not yet reached Sunset City, and the total death toll of the two knights' army has risen to 400, which is nearly a quarter of the entire army.

This heavy loss made the two knights determined to eradicate Allen before arriving at Sunset City. Even if it would cause a heavy loss, they would not hesitate. Connected to constant harassment, Allen's men and horses are like wolves walking near their prey. Seeing the opportunity, he tore a bite at the prey. The tear was too much, and Olu naturally felt pain.

So the next day, the coalition mobilized at least half of the troops and carpeted the location of Allen's troops. But to the disappointment of the Jazz, they seemed to have disappeared, leaving the coalition soldiers tossing for a day without any results.

It was another night, and allied soldiers slept all night. The lessons of the first two nights were deep enough that they dared not fall asleep carelessly, giving Alan a chance. No one wants to be like those comrades who have been killed inexplicably, and ultimately can only become fertilizer for this land. Including the two knights, even though everyone was lying on the ground that night, no one could close their eyes for a moment.

But tonight was surprisingly calm. The wolves of Allen seemed to have left, and no accident happened until dawn. But just before dawn, the soldier who had spent the night staying asleep finally lost to the Sandman, and not long after closing his heavy eyelids, he heard a strange whistling, and then there was an explosion in the barracks. Several camps were blown up, and anger was overflowing.

The attack came quickly and went quickly. After a wave of blazing missiles bombed in the air, the enemy once again fleeed away, giving the coalition no chance to hunt down.

In the next few days, the wolves and the coalition played hide and seek. When the coalition went out to search for the group, the wolves retreated far. When the coalition forces took a break, they changed their way to harass the guerrillas. Either the strong teamed up assaults, or fireball bombing, or collective attacks. The tricks were endless, leaving the two knights exhausted, without the slightest result.

In a few days, the coalition had lost another two hundred soldiers, but Alan had less than one hundred soldiers left. Even the soldiers of the Shanwang and Cunhuo special units each died two or three, and other ordinary soldiers lost more. The fiercest battle between the two sides was when the commander of the coalition forces boldly let Allen's troops go deep, then opened the two wings and outflanked them, trapping them to death with numerical superiority.

Alan, who sensed the mobilization of the soldiers, decisively gave the order to break through. He took his body as an edge and did not retreat, but went straight to the strongest point of the coalition army. In the end, he broke the Chinese army and broke through, but also lost many soldiers. This battle left the two Sirs Oulu and Raffles with a bitter smile, and they were able to see Alan's courageous side.

You must know that if he chooses to escape backwards, he is in the arms of the commander. The soldiers on both wings will desperately block them, and the main force behind will eat them, killing Allen in one fell swoop. But Allen went the other way and directly attacked the strongest point in the layout, leaving the commander with several backup plans, but none of them could come in handy.

One day, one night, the wolves did not appear. In order to see them cautiously, Oulu sent several small teams to search the surrounding mountains and forests, and finally determined that the wolves were indeed far away before they dared to raise the whole army. But when they walked up the mountain road that had cleared the obstacles that day, their mood was completely different from when they started. Anyone who watched his army eat up one third of it by guerrilla harassment during this week would not feel happy.

What worries the two knights more is the morale of the army. After days of attacks, Allen succeeded in establishing the impression of an invincible commander in the eyes of these soldiers. His fascinating military tactics, as well as his aggressive breakthrough in the tragic battle, made the soldiers no longer optimistic about the battle of Sunset City. In addition, before departure, I never thought that it would be delayed for so long on the way, so there was a shortage of food. Although he had sent troops back to his territory to dispatch supplies during the period, the team sent out was like a stone sinking into the ocean, and it must have been intercepted by Allen on the way.

So the soldiers had to tighten their belts and set off on the road, waiting to stand on a high slope, looking at the sunset city under the afterglow of the setting sun. Oru sighed, he turned his head and looked at the soldiers behind. These soldiers are dusty, with yellow faces and blank eyes, and they cannot see the fighting spirit and morale that soldiers should have. Although there are still more than 1,000 remaining troops, Oulu really has no confidence in whether an army with no morale can defeat Sun City.

Allen, who returned to Sunset City, also had a dirty face, and his appearance was not much worse than that of a tramp. When he saw him, Toman was very suspicious of his eyes. This hair is messy, his face is gray and black, his clothes are torn, and the boy with incomplete armor is really the Ellen who beat him in a chat and laugh so he can't fight back?

Of course, Allen's breath is there, even if Tomen is blind, he cannot admit his mistake. When they met again a week later, Thorman keenly noticed that although Alan's appearance was tired, his breath was more concentrated. With the murderous aura that had just left the battlefield on his body, he was always irritating the door like a substance, making him feel like a light on his back.

Allen only threw him one sentence: "Prepare us dinner."

Then he went into his own room and fought another battle with the dirt in the bathroom. It's hard to imagine how comfortable a person who hasn't bathed for a few days will feel after being washed heavily by clear water. Anyway, as far as Alan is concerned, that feeling is not much different from the pleasure of a miser looking at a room full of gold. He even hummed a few tones when he walked out of the bathroom.

Put on clean clothes, and when he came to the restaurant, Toman had already made the kitchen rush out of a table of dishes. Although the taste is not so perfect due to the poor heat, Alan will not care much about it. There were also Belmode people who ate with him, so Toman watched with a stunned look at these men gobbled up, and constantly wiped out the food on the table.

Tomen couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then ordered the kitchen to continue cooking. Plates of dishes were handed to the table by the maid as if it were flowing water, and whether it was a golden roasted steak or fresh vegetables mixed with salad, Allen and the others would pour it into their mouths without distinction. For those people who have not eaten a few full meals like Oulu, what is now considered is not the taste or type of food, but the portion!

It took two hours just to eat, and the few people who had finally filled their stomachs sat motionless in their chairs, then looked at each other and laughed.

The laughter reminded Tomen that they didn't even say a word when they were eating just now. This concentration, even if it is used for eating, is quite amazing. At this time, Tom was able to ask what was in his stomach: "Master Ellen, are you doing well this time?"

"It's okay~www.readwn.com~ We fought fiercely with each other for several times, weakening about one-third of their troops." Allen said a few words, and then simply led the battle over the past few days.

Tomen is not stupid, just from the words "one-third of the troops", he was secretly shocked. The coalition forces of Oulu and Raffles say there are 1,000 800 people, even if it is one-third, there are as many as five or six hundred people. And the number of troops Allen brought with him at the time was only three hundred. With three hundred men, he was able to fight six times his own army, and he was able to eat five or six hundred men. This record was quite amazing.

What's more, when Allen came back, he also brought back hundreds of people. In other words, he spent two hundred men in exchange for three times the damage of the enemy. This ratio can be regarded as a first-rate commander in the empire.

Thinking of this, Tomen had some confidence in the future of Sunset City.

At this moment, a soldier of Darkblade came in, whispered beside Allen, and then exited. Everyone's eyes naturally fell on him, Allen said indifferently: "It's nothing, just received the news, Oulu and the others have arrived. They will rest camp ten kilometers away, and they should launch an attack tomorrow." r1058


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