Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 453:   Xu Bing

"How could this be?" Oulu thought he was dazzled. He was riding a tall and majestic war horse. From here, the number of troops on the opponent's side outside the city was beyond his estimation.

Raffles put down his monoculars, shook his head and said, "This is impossible. They can't have so many troops. Maybe they bring civilians and slaves to make up the number?"

"Joke!" Oulu denied without thinking: "Have you ever seen the morale and killing intent of civilians and slaves?"

"That's right." Raffles murmured, letting go of the inspiration that had been exposed to the truth: "Then how did they get so many soldiers."

"Who knows? Mercenaries? Or reinforcements from the earlland..." Olu had just said casually, but the last sentence caused him and Raffles to shake at the same time.

Raffles opened his mouth and said, "Isn't it really Count Aubin's army? Aren't they at odds with Lord Daniel's army in the Emerald Mountains?"

"It's hard to say, you know, we spent five or six days longer than expected. It's not surprising what will happen in nearly a week." Oulu said with a sullen face: "It's not true. It's easy to say."

As if in order to confirm their ideas, the two knights were racking their brains to think about the origin of Allen's soldiers, and suddenly there was thunder on both sides of the battlefield. Reeves shook his hand and raised his telescope to sweep away. In the lens, the dust is like a curtain, and cavalry is vaguely seen coming towards the battlefield in the billowing smoke. On one or two of the flags are the patterns of Ark Harbor!

Also seeing this scene were the commanders and soldiers of the army. Two clouds of dust rolled like a dragon, spreading towards the battlefield from both sides. Looking at the battle, there is a tendency to encircle the coalition forces. Seeing this situation, not only the soldiers were uneasy, but even the two experienced commanders were a little panicked. They began to look at their masters behind, obviously losing their sense.

The commotion of the enemy army made Alan watch. He knew the time had come, and raised his breath and said: "Did everyone see? Our reinforcements have arrived. Count Aubin's army will outflank the left and right wings and cut off the opponent's The back road. And we will attack from the center and defeat them frontally. Honor and money are in front of us, just waiting for you to grab. Then tell me, what are you waiting for!"



Allen's voice reverberated on the battlefield. Not only did the army on the side clearly hear every word of him, but even the two Jazz Oulu and Raffles heard it clearly. The expressions of the two men were so different that Allen indirectly confirmed their guess that Oban's army really participated in the war. And I intend to outflank them, naturally I want to eat them all.

This appetite is not small, and in the past they probably would only be a joke. But now, they can't laugh at all.

"Asshole! Retreat, don't leave us behind!"

"Face the enemy, and destroy the incoming army first."

Oulu and Raffles called out almost at the same time, but their orders were completely different. After yelling, the two of them were startled. Then Oulu exclaimed: "It's about time. Should you consider our own safety. Do you want Lord Daniel to pay us the ransom?"

Raffles also exclaimed: "Rather than withdraw the army to meet the two-winged cavalry, wouldn't it be better to make a breakthrough in the middle and then turn back and fight back?"

"Please keep your eyes open, Sir Raffles. The number of opponents is not below us, how do you want to break through in the middle!"

Under this pressure, the two knights finally disagree. And they directly caused their commanders to issue different orders, so Bauhinia's army clearly showed signs of retreating, while the army of Dawn Castle was in front. As a result, the actions of the former soldiers inevitably caused collisions and frictions, resulting in considerable chaos.

Allen looked in his eyes and roared: "Inch fire, enemy missiles covered, three rounds of bombing!"

The Inch Fire fighter who charged with the home team immediately followed the orders. The raging fire rifle pattern on his hand lit up, and then one after another blazing missiles flew away. Nearly thirty fireballs flew across the ground without interruption and crashed into the enemy's position. In the eyes of the soldiers of the noble coalition army, fireballs dragged the tail of the flames and smashed into their positions one after another. The continuous explosions formed a hot air wave, and the soldiers outside the explosion were also knocked down in pieces, causing huge chaos.

The three waves of bombing finally converged into a sound wave that shook the sky, like playing a defeated movement for the Jazz coalition. Suddenly, the soldiers in front of the coalition forces fell down, and the inch-fire fighters vented their source power in exchange for violent blows. A fire belt of tens of meters appeared on the battlefield, illuminating the two sides of the battlefield.

Before the coalition soldiers recovered from the hum of the explosion, the soldiers from Sunset City had crossed the fire belt and attacked. Willick, who rushed to the front, roared: "Kill, a gold coin for everyone!"

Immediately behind the soldiers killed, the soldiers of the coalition army turned gray. The opposing enemy's reward was ten times that of theirs. This huge gap was also a big blow, causing the morale of the coalition to drop again. At this moment, the two armies finally collided head-on, and the front lines on the border were intertwined, and the fierce battle immediately heated the air.

As the fulcrum of forwards, Willick knows that his mission is to open the situation. The components of the fury beast's armplates slammed into one, and accompanied by a heavy artillery punch on a horse. The terrifying impact caused the horse and the cavalry to fly upside down, knocking down a piece of infantry. Willick roared, his momentum rose sharply, and he rushed forward, knocking down an enemy captain.

The heavy fist fell, smashing the captain's chest into blood and blood. Under Willick's heavy fist, the defense line of Dawn Castle quickly opened a gap, and soldiers poured in from this gap, enlarged it, and paved the way for the total collapse of the enemy's front.

The two wing salons are already close, although the advancement speed of the two cavalry is horribly slow in terms of the horse's feet. However, the billowing sand creates a real pressure. Judging from the extent of the dust and smoke, there are at least two hundred cavalry on each side. Even if it is not accompanied by infantry, the interspersed impact of these four hundred cavalry alone is enough to make the army's rear enemy strong.

Oulu was in conflict, every second, many weird thoughts and guesses flew through his mind. He is looking forward to the two-wing cavalry's formal involvement in the battlefield, so as to provide him with accurate and clear data for judging and deciding the next action; but also hopes that the two salons will never come, because he is afraid that it is a pile for himself Brings hopeless data.

In such a complicated mood, Oulu still decided to let the army gradually retreat, so as to be able to deal with the killing from the wings or the rear at any time. As a result, most of the pressure in front of the entire position was on the Dawn Castle, which irritated Raffles. He had forgotten how many times he had roared at Oru, but he could not change Oru's mind.

In Oulu, the order to attack Sunset City fell directly on Lefus. His participation is nothing more than a moral foundation, coupled with some feelings of the same hatred and anger. If everything goes according to the previous plan, then Olu is naturally willing to do his best to help. But on the way here, he was attacked by Allen, not only lost hundreds of soldiers, but even the heavily armed regiment was not formed.

At this time, in any case, he decided to prioritize the preservation of strength. Even if Raffles loses this time, Daniel will not accuse him. But if he and Raffles are defeated here, then his strength will be greatly affected. Even under the banner of Daniel, there has never been a lot of competition and friction between the vassals. Oulu didn't want to give other lords a chance to take advantage of it. This was the reason why he had to withdraw his army against Raffles' accusations and pressure.

But if Oulu knew that the two cavalry squadrons that had not arrived are actually composed of fewer than twenty or thirty soldiers, Oulu would probably vomit blood with anger. Those warriors are not even orthodox cavalry, they just know how to ride. A dozen or so cavalry soldiers on each side stretched a distance, and then tied the horses and branches with ropes. So when the horses galloped, the branches scraped across the ground, which brought dust and smoke, creating the illusion of a large number of cavalry galloping simultaneously.

The battlefield near Sunset City is indeed not dangerous, but the open environment is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, the rising dust is so high that it can be seen clearly by people on the battlefield. And all these plans kept the other soldiers in the dark, and they even thought that reinforcements were really coming, otherwise they wouldn't be morale.

There are only a few people who know the entire deployment, and Tomen is one of them. When he heard that Allen laid out the whole plan last night, he still disagreed. Now that the situation on the battlefield is unfolding in accordance with Allen's plan, he truly admires him. However, Tomen did not know that the reason for this effect was also due to the pressure Allen put on the enemy in the past week.

If there is no pressure and no shadow in the hearts of the two Oulu Jazz, it would not be so easy to make this happen.

The line of Dawn Castle has moved backwards, and their commander had to gather the scattered soldiers, step back and regroup, and continue to organize another line of defense. However, Bauhinia was fighting and retreating, and their soldiers were tens of meters away from their allies. There is no doubt that the bauhinia army still retains its vitality. Allen simply ignored them and only allowed the army to maintain their suppression, but concentrated 70% of his power to attack the Dawning Castle.

After a few orders, Allen glanced at the mountain king soldier behind him and said, "It's time for us to end."

"The infantry in front stand up! Everyone is on me, don't be afraid!"

"The Musketeers step back."

"Damn it, what the **** are Bauhinia doing, why don't they support us!" The commander of Dawning Castle shouted, but at this time, he didn't have time to pay attention to the movements of the Allies. The battlefield is changing rapidly, he can only concentrate all his energy, react as quickly as possible, desperately blocking the attack of Sunset City.

This is a far cry from the siege he had envisioned. The commander didn't understand why his own side as the attacker is now in a passive defensive posture? Without the support of Bauhinia, the number of troops in Dawn Castle was immediately comparable to that of Sunset City. In addition, the morale of the two sides was different. Although the commander’s orders were accurate and flexible, his command art was not up to the level of famous generals. Can be regarded as a qualified general.

But still unable to regain the disadvantages of the side, can only do hard work. As the battle unfolded, the commander began to notice some special fighters on the enemy's side. Those fighters were few in number and could act strangely. Shuttle through the positions of the existing army, constantly attacking and killing the low-level officers of Dawning Castle. You must know that these officers are important fulcrums for propping up the entire position. Once these fulcrums are lost, the frontline will not be far from collapse.

But knowing that, the commander can't spare more manpower to deal with those special fighters. When he gave another order, the commander suddenly went cold. The adjutant next to him looked at him with doubts on his face, followed by an expression of disbelief. The commander noticed that his vision deviated from him and fell behind him.

Is there someone behind?

He also reacted quickly. When he drew out his battle sword, he slashed it back. But there was a sense of empty cut from the blade, but a cold voice rang beside him: "You did a good job, but that's it."

Then a large black mist rose on the ground, enshrouding people and horses. The adjutant could not see what was happening in the fog, only a few sounds of weapons fighting and a short scream. Then the fog dissipated, and the war horse ran back, leaving the commander's body on the ground. His eyes were wide open, and blood was flowing from his neck.

Standing next to the commander's corpse was a man in black. He smiled at the adjutant and waved his hand. A cloud of black mist quickly surged and spread.

That was the last picture the adjutant saw.

I don't know who shouted: "The commander is dead!"

This sentence accelerated the defeat of the Dawn Castle army, which was already in disadvantage. Willick took the opportunity to take the soldiers to make a strong impact~www.readwn.com~ and immediately disperse the opponent's line completely. Without the commander, the army had no leader, and immediately fell into a situation of losing ground. The soldiers didn't know whether to attack or defend. At this moment, three black and red pillars of fire rose into the sky at the center of the position, blasting dozens of soldiers to death. Not far away, Alan, who released the flames, pulled and inserted a heavy knife, and pointed forward: "Mountain King, throw an axe!"

After a brief command, a stainless steel hand axe was rotated and whizzed, and it swept several tens of meters into the enemy's formation, immediately harvesting a piece of soldiers. After throwing all the hand axes on his body, the mountain king warrior who picked up the warhammer squeezed out a roar from his chest, and launched a charge along with Allen.

At this point in the battle, the army of Dawn Castle was completely defeated, the front line was chaotic, and Allen cut and besieged. Seeing this scene, Raffles yelled with a sigh of relief, and with his feet clamped, he rode his horse to the position.

Oru sighed, knowing that Raffles didn't plan to go back. He could only order the army to retreat completely, and Bauhinia had to take this opportunity to leave. Otherwise, when the opponent eats Raffles, it will be his turn.

Before he left, he glanced at the salon that was at the end of the two wings, and Oru couldn't help but smile. By this time, he finally knew that it was just a false weapon of Allen. r1058


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