Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 477:  Blue Field

After the first collision, Seglisi made a preliminary assessment of Allen. Allen, who originated from the same genetic blood, has limited personal strength. Even if he has great potential, no matter how great his potential is, he will not be transformed into strength until all his potential is unearthed. Before that, Seglisi didn't think Allen would be his opponent. For example, by giving him an undisturbed space and time, Seglisi is sure to kill Allen in order to get himself a point on the road to burning blood.

Unfortunately, such conditions are almost impossible. He was also an outsider, but Seglisi found that Allen had been integrated into this planet, and he could even use his power on this planet and external forces to restrict his actions. After meeting like Ark Harbor, Auban launched a search for him in the territory, forcing Seglis to leave the earl.

Things like this will happen more frequently as Allen's influence grows. And from the perspective of the relationship between races on this planet, Seglisi’s strange appearance is defined as a heterogeneous by the Byregon Empire, which is dominated by humans, while the relationship between humans and heterogenes is very bad. Therefore, to be an enemy of Allen in the human empire is also a huge challenge for Seglisi.

Although judging from the information collected, the alien species of this planet also form a kingdom in order to fight against humans. But Seglisi felt that he didn't have the energy and patience to use the shadow principality to deal with Allen. The competition in Burning Blood is not only cruel, but also urgent. Every day, it means that the chance of being targeted by other competitors is greater. Among these competitors, Seglisi doesn't think he has a great advantage, so he wants a quick fight.

Not long ago, after unsuccessful operations against Allen by other human killers, Seglisi changed his mind. He had no intention of attracting the attention of the natives on this planet, and decided to return to his starship and use the starship's lethal weapons to directly bombard Allen. According to his observations, this planet has no weapons to deal with starships, unless it is those strong who stand on the pinnacle of strength, otherwise no one can save Allen who is locked by the starship turret.

"Wait, dear brother. Soon, you will be part of my strength!" Segris whispered.

Time passed quietly.

Before dawn, Seglisi left. In the Dawning Castle, Alan's will is retreating from the source force star sea, this time he has made great gains in entering the star sea. After consciously touching the Yuanli fireflies to swallow each other, and thus condensed into a higher quality Yuanli core, Allen harvested several such cores and dozens of Yuanli fireflies. After they were taken out of the source force star sea, they quickly merged into Allen's own source force, filling his source force equivalent to the next level.

Everything was a matter of course. After the wave of Yuanli swept Alan's body, he was promoted to the eighteenth level smoothly. The promotion brought the expansion of the source power capacity, which can make Alan's body load more source power. Moreover, under the scouring of Yuanli wave, his body function strengthened again. At the same time, a new ability is activated. It is a brand-new genetic circuit in the Blade of Liaoyuan, named "Ignite".

Ignite is not an offensive ability, it is an auxiliary function for Allen. However, its effect is very huge, as the name of the ability describes, it can make Allen's source power be ignited like a flame. Through the rapid consumption of source power, to increase the power of other attack methods. According to Allen's estimation, Ignite can more than double the power of all attack methods.

After being ignited, as Allen increases its source power and rank, it can also be upgraded to "boiling" and "burst". The higher the level, the greater the increased attack power. In contrast, the more source power is consumed. However, with the ability to ignite, Allen has greater explosive power and can perform more powerful destruction in an instant.

Alan was excited, but also worried. As he got closer to the twentieth level, which would cause a qualitative change, Allen felt the existence of the imprisonment barrier more clearly. It is like a great mountain, becoming a huge obstacle to Allen's power growth. If he can't overcome this obstacle, Allen's achievements will always stop below the twenty level.

Up to now, he has not been able to find a better solution. And as he got closer to the twentieth level, this problem was imminent, and he had to prepare for it in advance. He sighed, and after deciding to complete this battle, in the next time to stabilize the forces, he began to actively look for a solution to the imprisonment barrier.

The first barrier was solved indirectly by Hughton, although Hughton also said that he could do nothing about the second barrier. But he can't help it, doesn't mean that others can't. Now Alan is no longer the young man on the surface, he already has a wider space. He even has the teacher, Windsor Bello, even if Windsor Bello himself has no solution, he can still find a solution through the connections of Marshal Greed.

The foundation of all this is Allen's own power. The stronger his power, the greater his value in the eyes of others. Only when there is value can someone offer advice on his problems. Otherwise, if he was still the young man on the surface, who would have looked at him more?

Power is also one of the factors of power. What better way to develop power than war? Allen packed up and walked out of the bedroom. He knew that from the moment he left the bedroom, a wider world was waiting for him. Today, his army will leave Dawn Castle. Two days later, they will fight with an army of the Unicorn Legion in the blue field, and that will determine whether they can smooth out the obstacles and reach the bauhinia collar!

After this war, unless Daniel risked an attack, no one would be able to stop him from marching into the Bauhinia, completely turning Oulu's territory into his.

Between Dawn Castle and Bauhinia, there is a blue plain. Here grows a rare plant, blue core grass. As the name suggests, the blue core of this plant is a natural blue color. The roots of a blue core grass are dark blue. From above the root of the grass, the color changes gradually. They are deeply rooted in this piece of soil, so they dye this prairie blue like the ocean.

The Blue Wild got its name from this.

This beautiful grassland is also the natural boundary between the two territories. And now, an army of unicorns is stationed on this grassland and has set up a large temporary camp.

In the earlier military operations of Daniel, two armies of about 500 men went through a series of movements, and finally met in the blue field, forming a powerful barrier to stop Allen's steps. Daniel invested a lot of power in this matter. For the consideration of both mobility and combat effectiveness, the army stationed here has more than half of the cavalry.

The cavalry of nearly six hundred men possesses the power to sweep the troops of other territories. In the war before the development of the tank, the mobility of the cavalry could not be replaced by other arms. They were the nightmare of the infantry. Except for a few special arms, other arms often have to pay ten to one or even more damage to the cavalry.

Therefore, if there are no surprises. Six hundred cavalry are enough to eat thousands of infantry. One of their charge will cost thousands of lives, and they can be called death on the battlefield. And this cavalry is also the elite combat power in the Unicorn Legion. Arranging them here, obviously Daniel has paid enough attention to Allen.

Responsible for commanding this army is the deputy commander of the regiment, Tucker. Tucker has a seventeenth-level combat power and is an excellent fighter under Daniel's banner. Second only to the regimental commander Barre, but Tucker is too innocent and doesn't know how to work, so he is quite marginalized in the military system. If it weren't for his strong strength, he might have been kicked out of the Unicorn Legion.

Tucker is too rigid in command, not as flexible and flexible as Barre. However, his defenses are not leaking. Although it is more appropriate to command the infantry regiment with his talents, he is now sending Daniel to the Blue Field to command the army to prevent Alan from advancing.

Tucker left the camp just before dawn. I found a clearing in the camp and conducted daily routine training. From the most basic physical training to fighting practice, Tucker completes it uniformly. His life is like a rigorous procedure. What to do every day is arranged properly, ten years as a day, without any slack. With such an officer, the discipline of the barracks can be imagined.

So when Tucker finished his training, the cavalry and infantry began their daily training. The sun gradually rose, and the temperature in the blue field also rose. When the soldiers were sweating like rain under the sun, a melodious horn suddenly sounded on the other side of the camp.

Three long and one short.

This kind of regular trumpet sounded one after another. After a while, a sentry rushed to Tucker's side: "Report to the commander, we found that the enemy's army has left the Liuhui Forest~www.readwn.com~Start Enter the blue field."

Tucker took a deep breath, feeling a little excited, but cautiously asked, "How many people are there?"

The sentry had a strange expression on his face and hesitated: "According to our observations, the number of opponents is only six hundred at most."

"What kind of units are there?"

"Most infantry and musketeers, but no cavalry."

Tucker touched the pin-like Hu Zhu on his chin and said: "The army of about six hundred people, before the cavalry, wants to pass the blue field guarded by us. If the opposing commander is not lacking in intelligence, It is arrogant and arrogant. But no matter what, the only constant is that they will stop here today."

"Notify the whole army, prepare to fight!"

The assembled horn sounded in the camp, and Tucker himself put on a dark armor, and soldiers carried him a shield and a hammer. After being armed, Tucker's Warhammer pointed out the camp, and the army left the camp. r1058


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