Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 479:  At the beginning of the show (part 2)

Tucker was taken aback when he saw a row of explosive fire walls with a width of 100 meters suddenly risen in the cavalry battle formation down the slope. This wave of attacks came too suddenly, Tucker did a great job, and he didn't expect that from the strange firearms of the other party, the fireballs similar to those used by magicians would be shot out. There are as many as a hundred hot fireballs, just like hundreds of magicians shot at the same time.

At this scale, only the emperor team and the private armies of those dukes have such a luxurious configuration.

After one wave of explosions, the second wave of fireballs struck again. At this moment, the afterglow of the first wave of explosions has finally disappeared, and a new round of explosions is set off again. This round of explosion's landing point moved a bit backwards, just covering the cavalry rushing behind within the scope of the explosion. Tucker's throat was bitter, and before he could give orders, the third wave of fireballs came again!

The three waves of fireballs with almost no gaps formed a continuous explosion. The fiery storm carried the rough sound waves that shook the entire grassland, causing the unicorn cavalry regiment to fall into hell. After three consecutive bombings, the cavalry was immediately attenuated by two-thirds under the raging rifle-covered attack. Only some of the lucky ones rushed out of the fire, but everyone was injured. Tucker was even more frightened. It was like a lineup of a hundred magicians with fireballs, and there was almost no frequency of gaps between the three waves, making the cavalry charge a joke.

The tactics of high-strength fire coverage completely subverted the Empire's understanding of war on this day. You must know that even if the emperor team or the private army of the duke can have more than a hundred magicians, even any magician can't make three waves of offensive without interruption like this. To achieve Allen's tactics, you must have more magic styles, which can only be achieved with echelon-style bombing.

But in that way, the consumption can't be compared with Allen's inch fire.

"The whole army assault!" Tucker yelled, and the cavalry had already been defeated. If we retain our troops, I am afraid that this battle will not be necessary.

He is also considered brave, but still shouts the command of assault in the face of such an offensive. Hearing the order, the infantry on the **** raised a shield and charged. This was the standard fighting posture for defensive muskets, but everyone knew that carrying a fireball with a shield was also a joke.

Fortunately, the bombing of the three-wheeled flame missiles almost wiped out the energy of the inch-fire fighters. Alan Qianjun lifted up and said loudly: "The mountain king stepped forward and formed a line of defense. After an inch of fire retreated, the normal shooting mode is ready to... fire!"

The battlefield moves like a tide.

A hundred mountain king soldiers roared forward with their shields, forming a steel line of defense in groups of three. The inch fire fighter retreated and stood after the mountain king. Using the shield wall of the mountain king warrior as a cover, the inch fire warrior adjusted the shooting mode of the rifle, and under the order of Alan, fired at the remaining cavalry who had charged desperately.

Huge and abrupt gunshots suddenly sounded on the grassland, and hot air waves and rough shock waves pushed toward the direction where the cavalry was galloping. From the muzzle of the raging fire rifle, a thick tongue of fire spurted out, and the flames jumped, illuminating the face of the inch-fire soldier with varying degrees of darkness. A stream of fiery metal fire drew like a whip to the oncoming cavalry. The violent stream easily tore the armor of the cavalry and the horse harness, shattering their flesh and blood, so blossoms bloomed on the blue wild The coquettish flower of blood. Tucker's eyes were bloodshot, and he rushed down the slope, and saw the remaining cavalry fall down in an instant!

The large blank space that suddenly appeared on the battlefield made the tall commander feel weak.

When the Fierce Rifle finished its round of firing, fewer than fifty cavalry rushed to the line of defense. Allen raised his hand and shouted, "Mountain King, throw an axe!"

The mountain king soldiers yelled in unison, everyone put down their warhammers, stretched their hands back, and drew out a fine iron hatchet. Sighted the cavalry close by, and the soldiers threw short axes at the same time, and immediately there was a strange howling on the battlefield. The short axe whirled, sending out a thrilling whistle, and nearly a hundred short axes were thrown out at the same time, and they were continuously embedded in the body of the horse or cavalry, completely solving the last wave of cavalry.

Seeing this scene, Tucker almost fell to his knees. The most elite cavalry unit of the unicorns did not even touch the corners of the enemy's clothes, and was killed and wounded. The one who survived was either severely injured, or fell on the battlefield groaning and shouting, with no power to fight anymore. Tucker endured his grief and shouted angrily: "Come on, avenge our brother!"

Behind him, four hundred infantrymen passed by Tucker like a tide, launching a reckless charge. Tucker himself also released his momentum and pointed directly at Allen, his provocation couldn't be more obvious. Allen jumped off the horse, and Tucker and the others approached with the help of the previous cavalry. The firepower of the inch fire could no longer be used. The next step was hand-to-hand combat, so that they could train the infantry soldiers who had been training for a long time.

So after a few orders went down, the mountain king was still at the front line, but the shield wall formed before was taken apart. Teams of three to form a combat unit to greet the enemy. At the same time, the inch fire spread out from side to side, allowing the infantry soldiers in the rear to pass. These soldiers are from Storm City and are composed of the original soldiers and recruits of Storm City. They trained for many months. After the implementation of the training plan drawn up by Roy, the soldiers who can successfully leave the camp have good combat power. What is lacking is only practical experience.

Allen let them watch the battle between the full fire and the mountain king from the rear, which aroused their fighting spirit. It was only then that they were released to fight, in order to gain practical experience, and not to lose too much because of participating in this kind of war for the first time. Coupled with the presence of mountain kings plundering the formation, the lives of these soldiers will be guaranteed the most.

Soon, the two armies collided. Those who met the first round of collision were naturally the soldiers of the Mountain King. These rigorously selected, tall and strong soldiers raised their hand shields and collided heavily with the infantry soldiers coming from the opponent. With this collision, the mountain king warrior stood still like a rock in the angry sea. Although the infantry of the unicorn is also an elite fighter, its quality is much inferior to that of the mountain king.

At the moment, they were knocked back one after another, but they overwhelmed colleagues in the rear, causing a lot of confusion.

Allen's infantry took the opportunity to rush by, passing by the mountain king soldiers like a stream, handing swords to the fallen enemy soldiers, reaping their first combat exploits since the war began.

"Leave it to me, the commander, whatever else you do." Allen raised his knife and walked straight to Tucker. He has a condensed aura, sending a fierce power like a flame straight, and the enemy soldiers rushing in front of him are unstable.

Regis and the others were all eager to try, but Alan had already picked the opposing commander, and they only shot at the officer-level figures in the enemy army. These officers are the fulcrum of the battlefield. After they are removed, the remaining soldiers are not to be feared.

As a person who was facing the impact of Allen's momentum, only Tucker himself knew what he felt. Others are in the blue field, but they seem to be thrown into the eyes of a desert demon thousands of miles away. The surrounding air became scorching hot, as if a hot air evacuated from the soles of his feet, making Tucker's forehead a thin bead of sweat. He straightened his shield, and almost half of him hid behind the shield, with only one head exposed.

Tucker stared at Allen intently, and Allen's pressure increased every minute. Tucker has continuously released his aura, but only barely blocked Allen.

About five meters away from Tucker, Allen stopped: "Captain Tucker, I can give you a chance. If you consider surrendering, I am happy to stop this battle."

"Fart!" Tucker cursed stubbornly: "The Unicorn Legion has only warriors who died in battle, no cowards who surrendered!"

"Well, I admire your courage. In this way, I can only respond to your bravery with all my strength." Alan nodded his head, his body began to exude orange flames of Origin Power, as expected. The flames rise.

In the flames, the engraving of the blade of the Liaoyuan appeared. Among them, a circuit flickered. Allen activated his ability to ignite, and suddenly, he seemed to feel a flame burning in his body. The source of energy in the body, like gasoline lit by a fire, burned with a scream. The surging power passed through the blood vessels, almost bursting Allen's blood vessels. His whole body is full of power, like an inflating balloon, so Allen can't wait to pour out this power immediately!

This is ignite, it is at the cost of accelerating the consumption of source power, in exchange for huge explosive power. Even so, Allen could not imagine what the subsequent boiling and eruption would be like. He condensed his mind, and the surging source power was poured into Qian Jun, and the black knife was trembling with excitement like a waking beast. The blade edge was stained with a dark yellow light, and a piece of blue core grass suddenly ignited spontaneously by Allen's feet.

This flame was so fierce that it drained the water from the blue grass and burned the blue grass to ashes. The flame comes quickly and disappears quickly. In the blink of an eye, a black charred ground with the diameter of a meter appeared under Allen's feet, and the scorched grass ash was rising and floating with the wind.

At the moment the dust flew up, Allen moved. Before he drew the sword, his aura was as condensed as a sword, and he hit Tucker's huge shield heavily. Tucker has been continuously injecting source power into the giant shield just now. At this moment, a light cocoon with a thickness of three centimeters has formed on the shield surface, strengthening the defense of the giant shield. At the same time, the light pattern on Tucker's warhammer disappeared, and he planned to block Allen's unparalleled blow, then counterattack and suppress it.

The light cocoon is actually one of his abilities, and Tucker's abilities are mostly defensive, and this light cocoon is one of them. After superimposing the defense of Cocoon, even if he was bombarded by artillery head-on, he was sure to take it down, not to mention just a humble war knife in Allen's hand.

The five-meter distance passed in an instant, and Allen had already stuck to Tucker shield in an instant. He didn't seem to be planning to avoid the giant shield, so he handed it to the giant shield with a knife. Tucker snorted and leaned forward slightly. The giant shield pushed the light cocoon to meet him, trying to suppress Allen's attack. Unexpectedly, Qian Jun easily plunged into the light cocoon, like the same knife stuck in butter, the light cocoon that Tucker was proud of could not play a defensive role at all.

Tucker, who was behind the shield, couldn't feel the slightest collision of Yuan Li, and he felt a palpitation. Following Qianjun's blade, he easily tore open the huge shield like a piece of paper, and finally tapped it lightly on Tucker's chest. The armor on Tucker's chest couldn't even slow down, it had been pierced by the blade. The hot tip of the knife swallowed like a poisonous snake, and a little on the muscle behind the armor.

When Qianjun recovered, Tucker's light cocoon and great shield were declared broken at the same time. The light flakes and the metal flakes on the shield surface fell into pieces, the cocoon disappeared in a flash, and the huge shield shattered, but Tucker still maintained the posture of reaching out and holding the virtual hand.

Allen succeeded with a cut, suddenly backed away, and put away the heavy knife. Without looking at Tucker, he turned and walked back. Tucker wanted to yell with anger in his heart. But when the voice came to the throat, it became a fountain of blood. Then there was an astonishing pain in the chest that was spotted by the blade, with Tucker's perseverance, he couldn't help but scream. However, this scream only had time to scream for a while, and the remaining meaning suddenly disappeared into the air.

A fiery stream of fire burst out from behind Tucker, and then Tucker's eyes, mouth, and nostrils burst out with flames. As if there was a flame exploding in his body, the fiery flames desperately rushed out from any channel that could vent. It was also a one-inch fire, but under the action of igniting, an explosive blazing source force was sent into Tucker's body along the blade. Even if the wound is not big, Tucker's internal organs have been burned clean in an instant.

After a while, Tucker tilted slowly, and finally fell heavily to the ground. The skin of his whole body became red, his eyes were burned by flames, and two hot smoke was floating in the pair of dark eyes.

Once the commander died, there was no suspense in the next battle. However, the unicorn warriors were really brave, and more than half of the infantry died in the battle. Fewer than a hundred soldiers surrendered.

The Battle of the Blue Field~www.readwn.com~ Daniel's elite army stationed here was almost wiped out. The heaviest loss was a total of six hundred cavalrymen, and only a few people survived the war. This elite capable of sweeping other baronies, but under the bombardment of an inch of fire, failed to form an establishment, and left a deep impression in the mind of the soldiers. In stark contrast to the heavy losses of the Unicorn Legion, there were only about 20 soldiers killed in Allen's battle. This huge battle damage rate caused a strong impact on many people soon.

And on this day, Allen's trump card was finally revealed. His main force was like an ancient beast, showing its grandeur to people for the first time!

In the blue field, the Unicorn Legion was completely defeated at the same time. Oulu, who is far away in the city of his own territory, has not yet received news of the defeat of Daniel's army. But when the two armies met and fought on the grassland, he received the report early in the morning. Therefore, early in the morning, Oru's officials, large and small, were summoned by him to the meeting room.

Alan's intentions could not be more obvious, he came for the bauhinia. Once Oulu was defeated, there was no baron in Daniel's territory who could fight him. At that time, Daniel was left with a full-scale war or two options for negotiating with Oban. In addition, there is no third option for the Viscount. r1058


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