Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 487:  Helping Hands

While the mysterious assassins were chasing Taylor, a large number of people followed Belmode and Kira. The men headed by Dyke issued various screams and threats to stop the two of them, and of course the two would not just stop like this. They ran towards another street, and that street went straight ahead, and they reached Jinfan Avenue.

If you look at it from the air, it is not difficult to see Taylor's carriage and Belmode and the crowd will meet at the next street. However, at this time, whether it was Taylor or Belmode, they did not realize this. This is like a wonderful encounter arranged by fate. As for what kind of sparks will collide, even the gods will never know.

"Are you planning to lead them all to Jinfan Avenue?" Kira looked back and said.

Belmode laughed and said: "Where is Jinfan Avenue. It is the rich man's area. What will happen if these guys break in? Of course it is a conflict with the guards of those noble masters, so we can take advantage of the chaos. Go to Mansion 7. Come on, make them more angry."

With a wave of his hand back, three or four flying knives flashed away, piercing the thighs of several men, making them scream in pain. Seeing his brother screaming and bleeding in front of him, Dyke's eyes were red. He just felt that if he didn't catch the couple in front of him tonight, he wouldn't have to hang around in Orca Harbor in the future.

"Catch them! Chase them all!" Dyke yelled.

The sound was loud enough for the patrol chasing from another street to hear clearly.

"This **** Dyke, what are they doing. It's Jinfan Avenue further ahead. This **** doesn't want to wake up those noble lords, right?" The captain cursed and said with a black face, "Quickly catch up with them. , Can’t let them go to Jinfan Avenue. Otherwise, we’ll all be waiting for a scolding."

The guards nodded as they should, and everyone stepped up.

Belmode and Kira finally ran out of the street, and a shower of horseshoes came from their left side. The two turned their heads to see that a carriage was rushing in this direction. In the dark, two figures on the carriage loomed in the flames of the street lamps. When the figures are intertwined and entangled, the flames of the original force will always burst. Belmode looked at it intently and found that one of them was a different species of the Naga clan, and the other was a petite woman.

Kira also saw it and couldn't help but said, "What's the matter?"

"I don't know, but the Naga were actually in that carriage, and the carriage seemed to be heading to Jinfan Avenue. Then there must be a relationship between the two, hey, there are people behind." Belmode frowned, he Feeling that there is another brutal momentum chasing after the carriage, I believe it will catch up with the carriage soon. Needless to say, the aura was full of hostility, and it went toward the carriage and the Naga.

"Kira, you go to help the Naga people, I will keep the guys behind. Help them here, or take the opportunity to get into the Golden Sail Avenue. Since the warriors of the Naga clan are here, then their Highness Lily It should be in Jinfan Avenue."

Kira nodded, and the two separated. As the carriage passed by, Kira touched the ground on her toes, and the person was already floating on the carriage. The big sword was raised and injected with the source force, and the sword body should be raised with blue light. Kira slashed towards the petite woman with a sword, with a condensed aura and a sharp sword. When she met Belmode that day, she was already very different.

In these days, Belmode taught her. After a few months, both source strength and swordsmanship have improved. With this sword, the female assassin didn't dare to look down upon. Originally, she had already caught a flaw in the Mossaurus Knight, and the dagger in her hand was about to seal her throat. Suddenly a Kira came out halfway, and the abacus couldn't work anymore. Annoyed in his heart, but reluctantly stepped back, avoiding this sudden sword first. Then he rubbed his body and flashed in, the dagger turned into a complicated light and shadow, and went towards Kira.

Kira's big sword is not suitable for this kind of small-scale fast fight. Once she gritted her teeth, Quandang couldn't see the light of the sword. A sword was picked diagonally and pointed towards the opponent's chest. She always had the advantage of the length of the big sword, and the sword went down and forced the killer away. After performing twice, the Mossaurus Knight had recovered his anger. Although I don't know why Kira wants to help herself, this opportunity can't be let go. The next pair of Bibo short knives staggered out, setting off a scene of knives to counter the killer.

Kira stepped forward and walked around to the other side of the killer. Although he did not attack, with her beside, the killer had to separate a part of his mind. As a result, he was suppressed and beaten by the Mossaurus Knight with reservations.

After the carriage passed, Belmode remained alone in the road. Dyke, who was chasing him behind, met, and everyone's faces were beaming with joy. Belmode obviously saw that he was not running fast, but he always kept a certain distance. They couldn't equalize the distance between the two sides with all their efforts, even if it was only a tiny bit. Seeing him stop now, everyone feels refreshed.

Belmode didn't even look at them, just staring at the big guy who was coming. The man who was called a steel cannon by the woman with him, saw Belmode being blocked in the road, he laughed instead, intending to rush to kill the thin guy directly. A smile appeared on Belmod's face, and a black mist began to emerge from his left shoulder blade, and the black mist finally swelled up into a broken wing in the air.

Black Wings!

As soon as the Black Wings came out, Belmode's figure gradually faded in the night. At this moment, it was the night when the Black Wings were able to activate the invisibility, so Belmode disappeared from the eyes of Steel Cannon and Dyke like a conjure.

"Damn, where did he go!" Dyke and the others finally rushed out of the street, looking for Belmode everywhere. However, on the left side of Long Street, the sound of the foot was thunderous, but steel cannons rushed all the way. Gun Cannon saw Dyke and the others, thinking it was Belmode's accomplices, and rushed straight up. He was like a bowling ball, knocking Dyke's men over and over. Not to mention being hit face to face by this big man, even if it is rubbed, it is the end of a broken bone.

When a piece of land fell on the spot, a few unlucky guys directly hit the steel cannon and vomited blood. Dyke was stunned on the spot. He happened to be not on the road, so he escaped. Looking at his groaning subordinates, Dyke's scalp exploded.

The cannon rushed through the crowd and continued to chase the carriage forward. Suddenly a breeze hit the side of his neck, he was also alert, and immediately rolled away in the opposite direction with a loud shout. But the side of the neck was still cold, the big man stood up, reached out and touched it, there was already a sticky blood stain between his hands. His face became serious, and he looked around. The night was as before, but he knew Belmode was set around.

So he said: "No matter who you are, I advise you not to interfere, it is not good for you. If you don't want to cause more trouble, leave immediately!"

After roaring again, Steel Cannon wanted to move forward seeing no one around him answering. Suddenly a breeze blew, the steel cannon fodder stood upright, and he roared. Suddenly, the whole person flew backwards. There was an unpleasant rubbing sound on his chest, a ray of spark flashed by, and a white mark on the chest armor.

Belmode appeared on the street shallowly and deeply. He smiled and said: "I really don't know what your origins are, but this trouble, I will provoke it."

"Looking for death!" the steel cannon roared, his pupils flashed a dark golden light. He used his hands and feet together, pounced like a gorilla. When he was a few meters away from Belmode, he jumped up, folded his legs and held his fists, folded his hands and slammed it straight down, creating a powerful fist wind.

The black mist soared under Belmode's feet, forming a fog sculpture with wide wings in front of him, which was a shadow sculpture strengthened by black magic wings. The Shadow Carver folded its wings and stood in front of Belmode. The steel cannon blasted on the two fog wings with both fists, just like smashing into a swamp, giving rise to a sense of strength and nowhere to go. Ripples on the surface of the fog wing spread in circles, blocking the punch of the steel cannon, and the shadow wing wings lifted and bounced the big man away. There was a sing, and dived down to the ground, hitting the steel cannon.

A series of dark fog fire exploded, and the steel cannon was blown upside down and crashed into a residential house. Belmode smiled, and backed away, again hiding in the night.

The steel cannon shook his head and got up from a pile of rubble. He roared out of the house again and came to the street, but Belmode was no longer visible. At this time, the sharp whistle of the guard came from behind. It was because they were making too much noise. The patrolling city defense team could no longer assume that nothing happened and could only blow the whistle. The steel cannon snorted and turned around and went into a nearby alley.

At this time, the carriage was approaching Jinfan Avenue. The battle on the carriage continued. The female assassin wandered around the Mossaurus Knight with weird and fast movements. Under her fascinating offensive, even if there was a Kira standing next to her, it was difficult to grasp her. Vulnerability comes to help. However, this kind of exercise is the most labor-intensive ~www.readwn.com~ If it weren't for Jinfan Avenue already in sight, the female killer would definitely not use her trump card at the bottom of the box.

The Mossaurus Knight challenged calmly, with two Bibo knives guarding the key, allowing the female assassin to attack other parts of her body, but could not induce her to respond. But even if it wasn't the point, the wounds were more, and the Mossaurus Knight's blood shed a lot. If this continues, I am afraid that the female killer will be bled to death.

When passing a street lamp, I don't know if it was an illusion, the female killer only felt that the surrounding environment was dark. With a strong sense of danger rising in his heart, he originally handed a knife to the Mossaurus Knight, but screamed and closed it. The dagger danced a piece of light and shadow in front of the chest, and there were several violent blasts in the light and shadow, and the dark fog and fire exploded, making the knife curtain twisted. After the fog and fire, another figure appeared at this time.

It was a handsome man who was smiling at her, but a short knife in the shape of black mist in his hand was handed to her fatally. After a round of robbery, the female killer had to jump out of the carriage. There were three people on the carriage. No matter how strong she was, she couldn't deal with so many people at the same time, so she had no choice but to retreat.

Falling to the ground, watching the carriage finally drove into Jinfan Avenue. The woman's eyes seemed to burst into flames, and at the same time Belmode's face was firmly engraved in her mind. r1058


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