Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 494:   Deep Sea Lin Ji

The night at Ark Harbor is still peaceful and peaceful, but another element has been added tonight, which is celebration.

On several important streets in the city, colorful flags were hung. When the wind blew that night, the colorful flags fluttered in the wind like colorful ribbons. People rushed to the streets. At this time, a strange roar came in the direction of Baibao, and then a group of fireworks exploded in the night sky. Bright fireworks illuminate people's faces.

Even in the triennial harvest festival, no fireworks were set off in the White Castle, but today is different. It was an event organized by Count Aubin to celebrate the expansion of his territory. As a leader, people are naturally proud of such a leader. What's more, the power of the lord can be expanded, and it will also have immediate benefits for their lives.

Activities were held in several squares in the city tonight, attracting the attention of countless citizens. But the most eye-catching thing is naturally the cruise of "Deep Sea Lin Ji". Deep Sea Lin Ji is a direct line of Oban, and the person in charge of this force is Oban’s sister Ruola. The number of this army is small, but it has always been talked about for its luxurious equipment. Of course, with the financial resources of the Auban family, they can fully support such a thousand-man team, let alone use it on his favorite sister, and Auban will not frown.

Deep Sea Lin Ji departs from the city’s military base, passes through several main streets of the city, and finally enters the White Fort. People have occupied important positions in several city squares early, and they can only see the demeanor of this army and the beauty of Ruola.

When the time came to eight o'clock, Deep Sea Linji left the barracks on time. The first to leave the camp is a line of neatly paced infantry soldiers, wearing light blue armor. Although it is light armor, the coverage area of ​​each armor is as high as 80%, which is 30% more than the protective surface of normal light armor. It is rare even in private armies of the prince class.

Each infantryman hangs a sword at his waist, and carries a shield and rifle on his back. No matter which weapon is of superior grade, after armed with these equipment, even if it is just ordinary infantry, it also glows with the aura of an empire's elite.

After a total of 500 infantry formed a square formation and walked out of the barracks, people saw a red cloud floating out of their camp. Those were a hundred musketeers. They wore dark red leather armor. The leather armor was light and easy to move. Although it is leather armor, the inner lining is equipped with steel mesh, so it also has a good defense. It is worth noting that the firearms used by these special soldiers are not standard varieties on the market, but an enhanced version of firearms called "Fire Dragon". The fire dragon guns were the standard configuration of the main force of the empire ten years ago. Since the new version of the Yanlong guns came out, these guns have been withdrawn, but most of them are only used by local emperors.

There are indeed not many troops like Deep Sea Lin Ji that can be equipped with fire dragon rifles. It can be seen that Oban also spent a lot of money on these 100 gunners.

After this group of red clouds floated out of the barracks, the welcoming people suddenly saw a forest of guns! Yes, a spear forest composed of two hundred dragon spears held high. After the Musketeers, Deep Sea Linji's third arm of the Heavy Pikemen, they wear heavy armor that is difficult for ordinary people to carry, and carry two-meter-long dragon spears in their hands. Although this spear is called a dragon spear, it is a pity that there is no such thing as a dragon in this world.

The dragon spear is mainly used to deal with all mobile arms, including heavy cavalry. The two-meter-long gun body is made of fine iron, and they can withstand the impact of heavy cavalry without breaking. At the tail of the gun, there is a palate baffle with a wave pattern, so that the blood of the enemy will not stain the soldiers' hands. These iron cans are also a moving treasury, and the cost of each heavy gunner is thousands of gold coins.

Finally, the crisp sound of horseshoes rang after these iron cans. It was the cavalry of Deep Sea Linji. Two hundred cavalry, riding all the Lansen white horses, this is a noble blood horse. Every hair on their body is white and flawless. These horses have excellent endurance and excellent physical fitness, and can bear a heavy cavalry. The white war horse is paired with white gold harness, which shows the luxury of the war horse.

The knight on the war horse wears a dark green lining, and the outer layer is a chain made of a mixture of gold and copper, and a lock garment woven through silver armor. These cavalry are equipped with two-handed swords and knight guns, so that they have excellent fighting ability under horses. The helmets of the cavalry are very special. Their crowns are decorated like the dorsal fins of a shark, extending from the helmet to the back of the head.

After all the arms of the Deep Sea Linji left the camp, they stood and separated to form a channel. Two knights appeared in the innermost part of the passage, one female and one male. The woman is naturally the commander of this force and Oban's sister, Ruola. Ruola has just fallen 22 years old this year, and her outstanding talent in source power allows her to have the strength of level 20 at a young age.

Her facial features can see Auban's shadow, she has very rare long black hair, and her eyes are sky blue like a blue sea. She is wearing sky blue armor with curvy and wavy lines on the armor. A white cloak hangs behind the shoulders. The inner lining of the cloak is bright red. The contrast is extremely strong, which is also in line with Ruola's personality. She rode on an exceptionally tall snow-white war horse, and after leaving the camp, Ruola drew out a long sword decorated with gemstones. Motivated by the force of the source, patches of blue flames surged like a blue sea, and finally merged into a beam of light to rise into the sky, welcoming the cheers of the people on both sides.

Compared to Ruola's grand debut, the adjutant Abel behind her looked much lower-key. Abel is the nephew of Viscount Glar, and his brother who once ran into Allen's Mark at the dinner party. But he is much more calm than Marku, and the seventeenth-level combat power makes him shine among the younger generation. He has been chasing Ruola for many years, but unfortunately he has been to no avail. This is also a pity for Graar, otherwise if Abel could marry Ruola, then the relationship between their family and Auban would be even closer.

Ruola retracted the sword and rode his horse forward. Abel quickly followed, so the army began to move, patrolling several main streets to receive the baptism of people's eyes.

As the horse moved forward on its own, Ruola whispered to the adjutant next to him: "I heard my brother say that this time the Baron Alan will also attend the banquet. It’s great, I can finally see this kill Duluf and let him Daniel has damaged most of the characters in the territory."

Ruola's face couldn't hide a smile, and Abel looked like it was shrouded in haze. He smiled reluctantly, but finally answered, with a strong resentment in his heart. Since Allen beheaded Truf, Ruola has mentioned the baron from time to time. The frequency of mentioning this name became more frequent as Allen lays more territory. Intentionally or unconsciously, Abel could hear the inadvertent admiration in Joola's tone.

I think if he has chased the goddess in front of him for many years, he has never been talked about by Ruola so often. This Allen had only been with Auban for a few months, so that Ruola would often recite, and Abel would hate and jealously. What's more, not long ago, his brother Marku ran into Allen at a reception and was severely taught by the other party. Every time Abel heard the name Allen, he was very unhappy.

"Abel, you said that when you saw him this time, you don't know if you have a chance to discuss with him." Ruolaman said casually.

Abel had to jokingly said: "If I have the opportunity to discuss with you, I can't ask for it instead."

This sentence is true.

Ruolahaha smiled and said, "I'm afraid that people won't put me in the eyes."

"How is it possible? The subordinates heard that Alan is no more than seventeenth-level strength. It is his honor to be able to get Miss Ruola's guidance."

"This is what I can't figure out. He is only level 17, but how could he kill Duluf. Even if I ask myself, it is difficult to do it. Duluf is very powerful. I can only protect myself at best, but I don't want to kill. Got him." Ruola's eyes gleamed like pearls: "So this is where he attracts me the most. If there is a chance, I will ask him how he did it."

Abel sighed, he was not young anymore. Before pursuing Ruola, he had a romantic deed with several noble ladies. He knows very well that when a woman is interested in the opposite sex, no matter what kind of interest it is, the opposite **** has already left a deep impression on the woman. At this time, a man can take a woman into his arms as long as he thinks about it.

After all, he did this too. Seeing Ruola's interest in Allen, Abel only felt that his position was very dangerous.

When the army turned into the windy road leading to the White Fort, a team also rushed out on the other side of the street. In front of that team was a luxurious carriage drawn by two Gallic horses. The Gallic horses were also high-quality horses of great value, comparable to the Lansen white horses. If they can be used to pull a carriage, the people in the carriage must be of high status.

Behind the carriage is a team of cavalry. They wear simple armor, the armor is matte, and the material is very special. The most special thing is that they should be the Gunners, but the guns behind them are extremely rough, even with Abel's eyes, they can't tell what type of guns it is.

On the left and right of the carriage, there is a ride ~www.readwn.com~ The two horses are young and tall, and the other is burly. The temperament is very different, but without exception, they are all masters. Especially the big guy on the right, with a non-steel and non-iron warhammer in his hand. In the darkness, odd light flashed by that warhammer occasionally, and at first glance, it was known that it was not an ordinary weapon.

Just by looking at the equipment and strength of the entourage, you can infer the status of the master. Seeing this horse team, even Ruola said "Huh". With such a configuration, apart from her brother Obin, Ruola thought to herself that even Viscount Glar could not have such power.

Deep Sea Lin Ji and the opposing horse team met on the road, and chaos was inevitable. Abel snorted, spurred the horse, and screamed: "Whose horse team is this, do you know who we are? Get out of the car!"

Immediately, the knights on the left and right changed colors at the same time. The tall young man on the left let out a high and surging breath, while the big guy on the right snorted.

At this time, someone in the carriage said lightly: "It's a big tone, who is your excellency. Just listen and see if I can afford to offend?" r1058


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