Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 507:  Hate into the bone

c_t;Seeing the strange appearance of Higgs''exposure', Daniel asked indifferently: "Mr. Captain, it seems you know this Baron Allen?"

"No one in the borderland now knows Sir Allen. It is true that he is afraid of his strength. Therefore, our Black Iron Fort has concluded two non-aggression peace treaties with him. Read the full text of the latest chapter--" Black Gus didn't hide it.

"In this case, should I consider undoing the action?" Daniel asked deliberately.

Higgs' chest rises and falls, and he meets Daniel's gaze firmly and said: "No, this is not a border land, the treaty does not take effect. Since I promised that the adults will deal with your enemies, I will not regret it. Just if If the opponent is Sir Allen, I hope that the adults will not take it lightly. You must use twelve points of power to hope to cut this person out!"

Higgs said these words decisively, and he had obviously made up his mind. Climbing Daniel was something he had planned long ago. With the help of the Viscount, he is expected to take the position of Lord of the Black Iron Fort in the next few years. Now I naturally don't want to be delayed because of an Allen. He is already in his early forties. If he doesn't do anything in the next ten years, he will be like this in his life. Higgs was not reconciled, so he had to fight when he was strongest.

Daniel nodded and said, "It won't happen this time, because this time, I will go out myself and kill this Allen!"

Behind him, Barre showed an unexpected expression. It has been a long time since Daniel actually took a shot. After all, Orban is not his opponent near here. Needless to say, other people, even Dulu, only ‘fighted’ with Daniel a few times. Of course, it was purely a discussion between the two warriors, but it always ended in Dulu's defeat. Dulu doesn't know how to release water, so Daniel's strength has maintained a strong momentum. If he was willing to take the shot himself this time, Alan would have no luck no matter how he looked at it.

Barre hadn't felt the enthusiasm like this for a long time, and if it weren't for the occasion, he would almost roar. Daniel felt the surging momentum of Barre behind him, and smiled slightly. At this moment, the ‘color’ of the Viscount’s face suddenly flashed pale, and Daniel shook, reaching out and pressing his ‘chest’.

Higgs and Barre were shocked at the same time. The latter quickly held onto Daniel, while the former asked, "Master Daniel, are you okay?"

Daniel's face quickly returned to ruddy, and he took a step forward and shook his head and said, "It's nothing, Higgs. You have a hard journey. Let's go and rest first. We will discuss the battle plan in the evening. Barre, take our guests to rest."

Barre looked at Daniel hesitantly, until the Viscount glared at him again before he nodded and left. Daniel sent the other guards out again, and when the big door was closed, the blood on his face quickly faded, and the ‘exposure’ appeared sickly pale. He shook his body slightly, and even the hand holding the armrest was trembling slightly. After a while, Daniel's pale face gradually had a trace of blood.

At this time, he really recovered. As for just now, he used the source force to accelerate the blood and deceived Higgs and the others. As the person with the highest status in this hall, how can he ‘show’ fatigue in front of his subordinates. But now, Daniel felt that his body was full of emptiness. Just now, he suddenly dropped by one level, from the original 25th level to the current 24th level.

Loss of power!

This happens frequently in the months and months, and Daniel did not pay attention at first. Until not long ago, the loss of the source force was too great, and at that moment part of the source force disappeared completely in the body like winter snow. Just like this time, Daniel felt like something was ‘pulled’ from his body, and his whole person became weak and empty, and he was shocked to realize that his source of strength had been lost for no reason.

And now, he has dropped by a level. This is a huge loss, and the lost source power can only be made up through continued tempering, but it will not take a day or two to make up for a full level of source power. Daniel closed his eyes and thought hard. The loss of source power will not appear plainly. This kind of phenomenon will occur. Usually, it is severely injured and the source power is dissipated by external forces.

But like him, he has been losing continuously for a month, eventually leading to the phenomenon of demotion. Except for some dark diseases in his body, he was poisoned. Before that, he had been secretly checked his identity, and he had not found any hidden illnesses in his body. Then it was the worst, he was poisoned. This is also a difficult problem. You must know that his diet and daily life are all taken care of by the old housekeeper who has taken care of him for decades. Daniel has never doubted the loyalty of the housekeeper.

But if it's not the old housekeeper, who can approach him without being discovered? A figure suddenly flashed in Daniel's mind, and he opened his eyes sharply, his chest rising and falling. After he calmed down, he called the old housekeeper: "Go to Karret, let him find Charlie, and say I have a new task."

The butler glanced at him, didn't say anything, nodded and proceeded.

In the evening, the old butler met Daniel in the study and replied to Carrett’s message: "Mr. Carrett said that Miss Charyl had left the association more than half a month ago and her whereabouts are unknown."

Daniel's face was so dark that he nodded and let the old butler leave. In this way, Sha Lier must have shot. Thinking about it this way, after she returned from an injury that time, and after she had a good time with her, the phenomenon of loss of source power began to appear. In other words, Xia Lier had already done tricks on her body at that time. Daniel slapped the desk with a light palm, and the wooden table fell apart immediately before he hummed and stood up.

He has always been a restrained person, but it was hard for him to see Xia Lier that time. Afterwards, he was also surprised, doubting whether he had excessive indulgence. Looking at it now, Xia Lier must have used some aphrodisiac ‘medicine’ to ‘stimulate’ his passion and ‘desire’, and then the light system would naturally occur. During that time, Xia Lier had too much time to do it. But why would she do this?

Thinking of this, Daniel remembered Shariel once said that the ‘medicine’ master Baggins had taken refuge in Allen.

"Baggins, Charlie...Ellen!" Daniel looked up sharply, and some thoughts in his mind finally came together. The instigator of all this must be that Ellen. It is because of him that Shariel has the aphrodisiac ‘medicine’ and the means to drain her own energy, all because of the Baggins on Allen! Things have become very clear, whether Shariel was asked to do this voluntarily or by being ‘forced’, there will be no one other than Alan.

Thinking of this, Daniel's eyes were blood red, and now he can't wait to tear Allen to pieces!

Another early morning in Ark Harbor, but today is not an ordinary day. In fact, today is the day when Deep Sea Lin Ji left the city and headed to the Bauhinia "Flower" collar. Early in the morning, the people who received the news stopped in the streets early, and they cheered enthusiastically as the army passed by. From time to time, soldiers in the army fired salutes, letting the sky full of color films cover the entire city.

Amidst the sound of gunfire from time to time, a carriage was also ready in front of Auban’s "private" building. Allen took ‘Lucy’ and Baggins, who had just arrived yesterday, into the carriage, and they also had to return to the Castle of Dawn. Last night, Long visited again and took a ‘medicine’ prepared by Baggins. This kind of ‘medicine’ will lie in the human body for three months. If the ‘medicine’ is not obtained after three months, it will be poisoned and killed.

After listening to Alan's details, Long did not hesitate to take the ‘medicine’ in front of Alan to show his sincerity. In this regard, Allen looked a little different at this Oriental. After all, there are not many people like Dragon who know it is highly poisonous and never hesitate to take it. From this we can also know how determined his idea of ​​revenge is, otherwise it would not be so straightforward.

Today Long and Ruola will set off together, but Alan and him have already set up some contact information. With him by Ruola's side, Allen knew well about the situation of Bauhinia's "Flower".

Allen's motorcade chose the ‘gate’ on the other side of the city to leave. This time, there was no rush to compete with Deep Sea Linji. In the carriage, Baggins closed his eyes and fell asleep while ‘Lucy’ looked out the window and said, "Why not say goodbye to your lover?"

"What kind of lover, don't say'chaos'." Allen said in a bad mood.

"Lucy" turned her head and smiled and said, "Don't tell me you can't see it, Miss Ruola has a good impression of you."

"So what? It's impossible for me and her, and this kind of relationship is good for all of us." Allen remembered what happened in the White Castle fighting arena that day, and remembered Ruola's impulsive hug. I can only sigh slightly in my heart.

Ruola's identity is a big problem, if she is not the earl's sister, what might happen to Ellen. Unfortunately, as a member of the Ridley family, she was destined to be unable to determine her own happiness since she was born. Her happiness is ranked after family interests. She did not evade her obligations, and Alan was also quite restrained. From the beginning, she did not intend to involve other relationships with this ‘female’, so as not to affect his judgment of Auban.

This is a relationship that is destined not to happen, because at the beginning of its germination, it has been pulled out by the two.

"It's strange, I can see she likes you, why didn't she take any further action?"'Lucy' said with her chin resting on her hand.

Allen shook her hand and smiled: "Because not everyone has the same courage as you, but then again, why are you pushing me outside?"

"In that case, don't I have a legitimate excuse to find a lover?"'Lucy' blinked.

Allen pretended to be angry and said, "Don't think about it, if any man dares to touch a piece of your hair, I will chop off his hand!"

"Lucy" shook her head and said, "You men are so domineering."

After speaking, he chuckled, obviously suffering from Alan's "dominant".

A few days later, Allen returned to the Castle of Dawn. Now his territory includes Dawn Castle, Sunset City and Hungry Collar Wolf. In these three territories, whether it is its own strength or geographical location, Dawn Castle is undoubtedly the best condition, so Allen attaches great importance to it, and will slightly dump the development focus on it.

Of course, he will not let go of the other two territories. The iron mines of Sunset City, plus the steel mines of Dawn Castle, these metal mines will provide Allen with high-quality equipment and raw materials. Therefore, he plans to move Lins and Weapon Workshop to this new site after returning to Storm City. Territory to develop reads;. Dawn Castle and Sunset City basically only need to develop at the original pace, but the hungry wolf collar needs Alan's focus.

This territory became very barren due to Dulu's inaction, and even less than two-thirds of the people remained. If this continues, if Allen does not reform and rebuild, it will soon become a wasteland.

In fact, the conditions of the hungry wolf leader are not bad, it is the same as Dawn Castle. Both the soil and the rain are not much worse than Dawning Castle, and it is possible to develop farming. Taking advantage of Auban's opportunity to exempt his territories from taxation for three years, Alan returned to the Castle of Dawn and announced the three-year tax exemption to all his territories. This is great news for the people in the territory, which means that in the next three years, they will not have to turn in their labor income and will be their own wealth.

There is no doubt that this news has the greatest impact on the hungry wolf collar. When hearing this news, the people in the territory were relieved. You must know that if Allen taxed like Duluf, they would have to tighten their trousers and live their lives this year.

However, the good news of Hungry Wolf Leader came one after another.

Just after the news of the tax exemption, Allen issued a new policy the next day. He will transfer a batch of high-quality grain seeds from Dawn Castle~www.readwn.com~ for free to people in the territory for farming purposes. Sent with the grain seeds, there will be a batch of new farming tools, as well as several farming experts from Dawning Castle. They will stay in the hungry wolf collar for a period of time to help the people here resume farming.

In addition, Allen also funded the construction of houses for free in several villages and towns led by Hungry Wolf, and showed an announcement to the whole territory. All businessmen and farmers who go to Hungry Wolf to make business investment and agricultural farming will receive an additional two-year tax allowance in addition to the previous three-year tax exemption. In this way, it greatly stimulated people's enthusiasm and caused a small migration wave in the territory.

Some businessmen who saw business opportunities, as well as farmers who were greedy for five-year tax exemptions, swarmed towards the hungry wolf. The infusion of these fresh blood brings new hope to this barren land. And behind these actions, the millions of gold coins that Allen had just earned from Graar were'spended' like flowing water. But for him, this is a necessary investment. Only when the local tyrant who has planted his roots is fertile, can he grow a towering tree that can support his development.

And because of Allen's various favorable policies, he quickly won him a reputation such as kindness and generosity, which is an additional gain. These gains have quickly accumulated his prestige, and in the foreseeable future, his prestige will continue to increase.


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