Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 512:  Arrogant

Abel's remarks are not entirely unreasonable, but the reason is far-fetched. I think that Allen led a miscellaneous soldier with less than a thousand people to lay down this vast territory. Could this trivial matter of the military system be rare for him? It's just that Ellen didn't point out, he was not interested in assisting Deep Sea Linji or anything, nor did he want to intervene in other people's military affairs. His army will arrive in the evening, including the main forces such as Cunhuo and Mountain King. This army came to him, and he could play no worse than Deep Sea Lin Ji.

Allen watched closely, wanting to see how Rora reacted. Ruola glanced at him at this time, and there seemed to be a bit of complaint in that glance. Soon she looked at Abel and said lightly: "I don't think there is a big problem with this point. With Sir Allen's ability, half a day is enough for him to familiarize himself with our system and units. I believe that with his ability, the deep sea Lin Ji can exert greater combat effectiveness."

"On this point, I agree." Glar smiled: "Miss Ruola, don't forget that Deep Sea Lin Ji is the direct army of Count Auban, and the position of adjutant is very important. If you want to temporarily remove Alan I think I need to inform the earl of the appointment of the Lord Adjutant. With a piece of paper from him, presumably Adjutant Abel and other officers and soldiers also have a reliance?"

"But now the war is urgent, so there is no time to wait for my brother to send me the paperwork. And I think my brother will agree with me." Ruola frowned. She could already hear that Glaer and Abel were united. Oppose her proposal. If it's just an Abel, it's fine, but Glaer is present. As a viscount, Grall still has a little power to interfere with her decision.

Graal laughed and said: "Miss Ruola, how can a military matter be a trifling matter. You think that you agree, it is just your own idea, but it does not represent Earl Auban. Otherwise, everyone will express your opinion and think that Baron Alan is not enough. If you are qualified for the post of adjutant, please raise your hand."

Without waiting for Jola's objection, Glaer raised his hand by himself. Abel naturally lifted it up, the officers on both sides showed hesitant expressions, and Grall's eyes became sharp, and he looked at some of them. The few people gritted their teeth immediately and lifted them up. They were the people Graar had planted in the army. When they raised their hands, several other officers who had a personal friendship with these people also raised their hands hesitantly.

Ruola scanned it again, and at least half of the officers objected. At the moment Meimu squinted, "Uncle Grall, what do you mean?"

"Obviously, I am making a wise choice for Miss Ruola. As the manager, you certainly have the power to decide everything. But sometimes, you have to listen to the voices of your subordinates and listen to their opinions. Otherwise. If you want to go your own way, it's not the work of a wise coach." Glargan said with a smile.

When he was triumphant, Oulu, who was sitting in the other seat, said lightly: "Since Sir Glar wants to vote, then I vote for it. Sir Allen's ability lies there. At least, I have more confidence in him. . Compared to the words of Adjutant Abel."

Abel's face was hard to look immediately, he didn't expect Oru to put his face in public on this occasion. When Oulu raised his hand, the Bauhinia officials also raised their hands. Seeing this, the remaining half of the officers also agreed with the pitchers. In this way, the number of people who are in favor will surpass those who are vetoes.

Graar sank his face and said, "Sir Oru, please find out. This is the internal affairs of our Deep Sea Lin Ji, it is better for outsiders to interfere less."

Oulu smiled and said: "So that's the case. But how come I don't know when Sir Glar became a member of the Deep Sea Linji. Otherwise, why would he vote on his own?"


Glaer was about to become angry, and Ruola said at this moment: "Okay, put your hands down. Anyway, I decide..."

"Wait a minute." Allen raised his hand at this time: "I am very grateful to Miss Ruola for her trust, but as Adjutant Abel said. I am always an outsider, and it is better not to interfere in the military affairs of Deep Sea Linji. Not to mention in the evening. When the time comes, my own army will arrive. At that time, Miss Ruola only needs to allow me to join the war freely, and we will help Deep Sea Linji fight this battle."

Ruola listened, her eyes flashed with disappointment, but she still said, "Well, since this is Sir Allen's decision, I can't force it."

This matter should have ended here, but Glar rolled his eyes and suddenly said, "Please wait a minute."

He looked at Allen and said, "Just now Baron Allen said that your army will arrive in the evening?"

"Yes, what advice does the Viscount Lord have?" Allen asked calmly.

Graal nodded and said: "You know, now the Bauhinia leader is in charge of defense by Deep Sea Lin Ji. The army, naturally, there can be no two coaches, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes. Hey, although I am not a soldier, I also know this truth. You Say it, Sir Allen?"


"Since you admit it, then I think you will probably accept the next proposal."

A smile appeared on Allen's face: "Oh, what good advice does the Viscount Lord have?"

"It's nothing, I want to ask Baron Alan to hand over the army, temporarily dispatched by Deep Sea Lin Ji, which will be more conducive to the battlefield." Glaer looked at Ruola again: "This army, you can hand it over to Abel. The adjutant command. I believe that with Abel's ability, this army can make good use of this army to assist Miss Ruola and Deep Sea Lin Ji."

After all, Graar kicked Abel on the stage. Abel immediately jumped up and said: "Yes, this war zone is hosted by us, and the external reinforcements will naturally be managed in a unified manner."

Rulam answered, but Allen laughed. He seemed to hear some joke, and the smiles on both Glall and Abel were extremely ugly~www.readwn.com~ After Allen laughed, he said, "Adjutant Abel, what if I refuse?"

"You have no right to refuse! Don't forget, Sir Alan, you are just a vassal of Count Aubin!"

"You are right, then please ask Count Aubin to come and tell me in person, so I will consider accepting it. As for you..." Alan looked at Grall, smiling on his face and said: "And yours Uncle, dear Viscount Graar. I'm sorry, none of you have this right. If you insist on taking my army, then I can only leave immediately."

"Then you have violated the order of Earl Obin, and failed to support the Deep Sea Lin Ji, you will be punished the most severely!" Graal said harshly.

Allen stood up and didn't look at him again and said, "Then let Count Aubin come to the teacher and ask the teacher personally. Sorry, I am a little uncomfortable, so I won't participate in your meeting. If you have any results, please notify me separately. "

He walked away, and this act of not putting himself in his eyes made Graar tremble with anger. He stood up and shouted: "How arrogant this is, who he thinks he is, he is just a baron!" r1058


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