Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 517:  Irinale

Not long afterwards, a temporary camp appeared on the battlefield facing away from the main city of Bauhinia. Unicorn soldiers shuttled around the camp. Not long after, another convoy arrived at the camp, which seemed to be their other logistics unit. There are still eight artillery pieces that came with this logistics force!

When the soldiers unloaded their supplies, they charged from the direction of the main account. The aura was overwhelmingly domineering. People familiar with it all knew that it was the breath of Captain Barre, and everyone knew that when Barre came back, his face was ugly and quite ugly.

In the main tent, Higgs coldly watched the face flushed in front of him, like a man about to provoke a man-eating beast. Barre wielded his warhammer and roared: "You are not qualified to stand here, Higgs. Look at your continuous mistakes. First, you didn't arrive at the enemy's main city according to the scheduled schedule, and then the bombardment position was knocked out. Look at the morning. The siege, how much we lost. Those are all my good guys. They fought desperately to attack the enemy's city, and they are about to break the guard wall. You actually issued the retreat order at this time!"

"Is your brain flooded? In this way, my soldiers are not sacrificed for nothing!"

"Captain Barre, I think you should calm down. Otherwise, I can't continue discussing with you." Compared to Barre's anger, Higgs' attitude can only be described as cold.

"Calm down?" Barley smirked and raised his warhammer, as if he was about to smash it. Several dark thunder knights immediately stepped forward and surrounded Barre. Barre glanced at them and yelled, "Get out of the way, if I really want to do it, I won't be dead enough with your rubbish!"

The dark thunder knight suffered this insult, and it was also angry, and his chest rose and fell. They pressed their hands on the hilt, only to draw their swords towards each other.

"Go down, don't be polite." Haigs brushed his hand.

Only then did the Dark Thunder Knight retreat, and Barre also put down his warhammer and said, "Haggs, in short, you are no longer worthy to be a coach. Now get out of me, and I will command the next battle."

Higgs said slowly: "Captain Barre, whether I should go or not, it is Lord Daniel that is in charge, not you. Besides, you may not be better than me. Otherwise, it's more than just breaking the other side. Is it just a guard wall?"

"What did you say!" Barre was furious and raised his warhammer.

Seeing that the conflict between the two sides was ignited, one hand lightly pressed Barre's hammer, and the hammer was about to be pressed down. Barre turned his head and said angrily: "Who the **** wants to die..."

At the end of the speech, Daniel's expressionless face slammed into his eyes, and he shoved back a series of foul language that Barre had just reached. Higgs and the Dark Thunder Knight were already half kneeling and saluting, and Barre quickly stepped back. With one hand on his chest, he knelt down and said, "Master Daniel, when did you come?"

"Just when you were furious and wanted to kill the coach I personally arranged. Barre, when will your anger be reduced? Learn from Higgs, as the coach, you should have more cities. Otherwise, As long as you move, the enemy will see what you have planned and how the battle is going to be fought." After Barre, Daniel's eyes fell on Higgs: "I just listened to it outside the tents, by coincidence. Barre and I have the same question. Commander Higgs, why did our army retreat when our army was struggling to attack the city?"

When Barre heard it, he sneered on his face and looked at Higgs gleefully.

Higgs said lightly: "Master Daniel said that our enemy is not only strong, but also very resilient. Therefore, the subordinates think it is difficult to defeat the opponent with just one or two attacks. Even if we can, we will lose a lot. Therefore, the essence of the tactics this time, the main thrust is one word.

"In this morning attack, my subordinates spare no effort in order to put psychological pressure on the enemy. When I withdraw after the attack, I don't want to push the enemy too hastily. After that, I will dispatch again and again with frequent attacks. To consume their will, combat power and material consumption, etc. When their morale drops to the bottom and the guard wall and other defensive measures are almost demolished by us, we will do our best to destroy them completely!"

Daniel nodded, and said to Barre: "Captain Higgs said so, Barre, do you understand it."

Barre wanted to say something more, Daniel's eyes shrank, and he pressed his words back. Daniel said: "Captain Higgs, you did a good job, so keep working hard. As you said, it is important to kill the enemy's will, especially opponents like Allen. Don't take him from mental to physical. It’s really hard to kill him on the battlefield after he is consumed to the extreme. You must know that a person as resilient as him can maintain a great counterattack in many situations."

"In the next two days, you will give me a good sharpening of the spirits of the guys on the opposite side. When they lose all their spirits, it is the time for me to shoot. Alan would never have thought of this attack on Bauhinia In fact, his actions were aimed at killing him. When he is exhausted, then Barre and Higgs will hold the master around him, and I will personally send this young jazz on the road."

Higgs nodded and said yes, but Barre disapproved. Daniel played such a big game, but only to deal with Allen alone, it was a little overwhelming. But Daniel didn't think so. Now Allen had a higher degree of threat in his mind than Oban did not know. He has an intuition that if the young jazz is allowed to grow up, neither he nor Orban will be able to suppress it in the future.

So you have to kill him now, even if you pay more.

"Master Daniel, according to our intelligence. The Ark Port has already sent troops this morning. If Earl Auban rushes at full speed, he may enter the battlefield in three days." Higgs reminded.

"Relax, I know Auban will definitely do something, so I have made some arrangements. Commander Higgs, you only need to do your job well, don't worry too much about other things." Daniel called again. Upper Barre: "Go, find me a set of ordinary soldiers' equipment."

Barre nodded, and then withdrew from the book with Daniel. After leaving the main account, Daniel said to Barre: "For this period of time, don't conflict with Higgs anymore."

"But my lord, he..."

Daniel patted him on the shoulder and said lightly: "I know what you want to say, Barre. There is one thing you have to know, no matter how capable Higgs is, you are the only one I trust."

Hearing his words, Barre's anger dissipated, and he nodded and said, "Subordinates swear to follow the adults."

"Understood, go, get me a set of equipment. These days, I will be a soldier for Master Higgs."

When the line of sight crossed a mountain, the world suddenly became clear. Seglisi glanced back, and behind him was a large area of ​​virgin forest. Among them were some towering strange trees. Their trunks were thick and long, but their crowns were disproportionately small. Such strange trees have caused a lot of trouble for Seglisi, because these strange trees will bear some fruits that are half a meter tall, and the fruits are hanging from the extremely tough vines. When the fruit is ripe, they will droop, but they will not fall to the ground all of a sudden with the vines.

Only when they are really ripe, these fruits will fall to the ground, and the vines that pull them will break because they cannot bear the weight of the fruits, and these fruits will fall safely to the soft ground with the leaves. But this kind of fruit with lumps on the surface is not unpalatable. When they fall on the ground, they will split from it, and then some human-like creatures, but covered with gray hair, will emerge from the inside.

Seglisi had spent some time in various star regions, but had never seen these creatures. These gray-haired humanoids are as sensitive as dogs and as violent as bloodthirsty spinosaurus. When Seglisi passed through the virgin forest behind him, he accidentally ran into a group of such gray-haired creatures emerging from the ripe fruits, and he was treated as fresh and delicious prey.

So a **** conflict broke out. After killing the gray fur monsters, Seglisi discovered that some tree roots wriggling like insects would protrude from the ground. They pulled the corpse of the gray fur monster away, and if the blood puddles on the ground were larger, the roots would even draw blood. And of these wriggling tree roots, the smallest one is as big as an adult's thigh, and the largest one is just like the earth dragon that Seglisi saw on the Desert Star, with a thick body like a barrel of oil.

In addition to the blood-sucking tree and the gray fur monster, along the way, he also saw other weird lives. Seglisi couldn't imagine what kind of planet this was. There were not only a civilized world dominated by humans and alien species, but also a wild society composed of many unimaginable and weird lives.

If he could, Seglisi really didn't want to take such a trip, because in that virgin forest, he did feel a few terrible auras that threatened him. Segris did not know that the virgin forest he passed through was called Irinal, which is an old saying meaning "the garden of the nemesis".

Just like the nemesis in the legends of the Balegun Empire, the terrifying forest known as Irinar is home to a variety of violent creatures. And the powerful breath of life that Seglisi felt, if classified by the Earth Federation, was enough to be classified into the ranks of super dangerous species, and it was the top one. But the dangerous species from other planets, especially the top super dangerous species, seldom gather together like Irinal here.

The super-dangerous species have their own strict concept of domains, and their domains are generally extremely large areas, so there are few opportunities for super-dangerous species to meet. If they meet occasionally, an endless war will break out.

However, the super-dangerous species of Irinal can inhabit the forest together, even if this virgin forest is wide, it should be measured in ten thousand acres.

Regardless, Seglisi has passed through this forest. Appearing under his nose is a plain, and an abrupt shadow on the plain, which is the shadow cast by his space starship in the sunlight.

Seeing this starship, Seglisi seemed to be able to see Alan's end!

In the main city of Bauhinia, Allen just took some wound medicine prepared by Baggins to invigorate blood and remove stasis. Following what the master pharmacist said, he sat quietly for a while after taking the medicine, and voluntarily driven the source force to run in the blood vessels to speed up the performance of the medicine, so as to heal the dark wounds he had suffered earlier and Barre struggled as soon as possible. As soon as I opened my eyes, I heard a knock on the door. After opening the door, it was Ruola standing outside.

"How is your injury?" Ruola asked.

They are now in a military camp on the outskirts of the city, and the room is naturally not as spacious as in the city lord's mansion. As Alan, the room assigned was only a single room, with only a bed and a table in the simple room, besides a small locker, and nothing else.

After Alan asked Joola to come in, she found that she didn't even have a chair, so she could only sit on the bed. He moved his shoulders and said, "A little injury, it won't get in the way."

"Who hurt you?"

"Barre, the head of the unicorn."

Ruola nodded and said, "Daniel's actions are indeed weird this time. The other commander does not use Barre, but a man I have never seen before. By the way, you still seem to know each other?"

"His name is Higgs. He is the captain of the knights of the Black Iron Fort in the Borderlands. I had an agreement with their lord not to go to war on the Borderlands. But I didn't expect that Haggs would fall on Daniel and be defeated by Daniel. Appointed as the commander of this operation." Allen briefly said the identity of Higgs.

Asked again: "What is the situation of the battle damage?"

"The soldier’s battle damage is still expected, but there are already a few gaps in our guard wall. Especially in the section you are responsible for, the entire guard wall has collapsed. Now we can only pile it up with sandbags and rocks. , Temporarily plug the gap. As for the trenches outside the city, more than half of them are buried ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am making people clean up. It is expected to be cleared out before the sun sets tonight, but I am not worried about war damage, but It's the morale of the soldiers."

Ruola smiled bitterly: "We probably made you laugh, as you can see, we are an army trained in a barracks, and we have not experienced a war like today. We lack the experience of the war. What is terrible is Our opponent in the First World War ran into a strong enemy like Daniel. To be honest, everyone’s vigor was frustrated, and the enemy’s violent offensive in the morning made the soldiers feel breathless."

"Fortunately, there are you and your people. If you hadn't destroyed their artillery positions, we would have played harder."

"Don't worry, as long as you survive this war, your Abyss Lin Ji will become a truly powerful army. Only after experiencing life and death, the people below you will grow up." Allen smiled.

"I hope so too……"

At this moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded from the window, and it sounded like someone was arguing about something. The voice grew louder and louder, the last shot sounded outside, and Allen's brows frowned. r1058


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