Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 519:  Divide soldiers

"Asshole! That Ellen thinks he is a great character, isn't he just a baron?" On the way back, Abel said grimly: "Uncle, after this war is over. I will leave the deep sea Lin Ji, to When you first make me a knight, it will not take three years before I can sit as a baron. At that time, I see how Alan uses the knighthood to suppress me."

Grall shook his head and said, "There is no problem with that, but you are willing to miss Ruola?"

Speaking of Ruola, Abel's face darkened, and he smiled bitterly: "Actually, you know that even if Miss Ruola doesn't like Ellen, I won't be my turn. I heard that the earl is preparing to marry the Marquis of Iron Spear. The relationship is mostly intended to marry Miss Naruola to Hoy’s son."

"Miss Ruola, I'm afraid I won't get it, but at least, I can't let Allen look down upon."

"If you can see this clearly, I don't have much to say. Ruola has a special status, she is the sister of the earl. Out of the consideration of revitalizing the family, Auban will marry her to Hoy's son."

Abel nodded and said, "I just want to make Miss Jola look at me differently, even once. Uncle, you will definitely help me?"

Glaer sighed: "You are the best young man in our family. I won't help you. What's more, this fellow Alan, I think he is not pleasing to the eye."

The two uncles and nephews were talking, and horseshoes sounded behind them. The two turned their heads to see that Ruola was riding a snow-white war horse. That was her beloved horse, and Ruola came to them and got off her horse. First, his gaze swept over Abel, and finally fell on Grall: "Uncle Grall, why do you do this!"

Glar pretended to be confused: "Miss Jola, what are you talking about?"

"What I said you know in your heart, I know what you and Abel are thinking. But I want to warn you, this is the last time, don't provoke Sir Alan. You and I know that, in this situation, What can Sir Allen and his army do. I need their strength, and if you do this again, I can only ask you to leave." After talking, Rola turned on his horse, slapped the horse, and the horse sprinted. Away.

Immediately, Ruola was itchy with hatred, and secretly said: "I knew that Glaer was so hateful, so I should have my brother copy his vault as well!"

The eldest lady still has an obsession with Graal's treasury, of course, whoever can copy millions of property in one night will be like her. It's a pity now is not the time, Ruola can only think in her heart.

The Unicorn Legion was strangely quiet that day, and it did not launch another attack.

However, just before dawn the next day, a group of cavalry departed from the unicorn barracks. The horse hooves of the cavalry are covered with soft cotton cloth, so that the horses fall silently. When the cavalry drove out of the camp in a whirlwind, Ruola's several secret guards near the enemy camp were all found out and knocked out one by one.

Daniel, who disguised himself as a soldier, watched the cavalry leave, and under his feet was the corpse of a scout. He wiped the blood from the long sword with the clothes on the corpse, then lowered the helmet and walked back towards the barracks.

At the darkest hour before dawn, the Cavalry of the Unicorn Legion attacked the main city of Bauhinia. But this was only a harassing attack, but when Ruola arrived, dozens of corpses had fallen on the wall. After the enemy rides a blow, he immediately rises far away without even looking at the result, making Ruola really stomped with hatred, but there is no way.

After dawn, the horn of attack was blown in the unicorn camp. One team left the barracks and attacked in the direction of the main city. This time Haigs sent out three fronts of troops, and as the army charged, the dull rumbling cannons also sounded. The eight artillery pieces that were pulled along with Daniel yesterday were rearranged on the bombardment position, with heavy troops in front of the position to prevent the incident of being bombarded by Allen by several rounds of fire and thunder yesterday.

This time, under the cover of artillery shelling, Deep Sea Lin Ji did not seem to be at ease yesterday. Several firepower points on the guard wall have been patronized by enemy artillery shells, and the dark cannonballs fell from mid-air with a fierce howling, setting off a continuous explosion on the guard wall. Although Ruola and other strong men in the army rose to intercept, after all, the number of people is limited, and the area of ​​the guard wall that can be protected is correspondingly less.

More places were bombarded by artillery fire, so that the musketeers of Deep Sea Lin Ji could not effectively suppress the enemy's front to come under the city wall. Then came several rounds of fierce offensive and defensive battles. After the battle lasted for more than an hour, the unicorn camp blew the trumpet of Saret. So they left the city full of wolves and quickly retreated. If he is not angry, he sends a cavalry to chase after him, but only kills a team of enemy soldiers. The Unicorn sends a helping hand, and Deep Sea Lin Ji has to withdraw.

In this way, the battle that you attack and defend, and you retreat and pursue me has been staged many times in this day. The frequency of unicorns' battles was horribly high this day, and Haigs organized the entire army into several teams, and each team played in succession. Each battle is short and intense. After completing a battle, the team returns to the camp and a new team is dispatched. Repeatedly, even though the physical energy of the unicorn army is also being consumed, it is obvious that the consumption of Deep Sea Lin Ji is much more intense.

Especially the enemy's endless offensive, and the continuous offensive made Deep Sea Linji quite breathless. In the end, the soldier jumped up almost reflexively as soon as he heard the gunfire, and there was no time to rest.

It was not until the evening that the unicorn side stopped attacking, and the warriors of Deep Sea Linji were exhausted. Many people found a corner on the guard wall and fell asleep with their eyes closed.

"The situation is not so good."

On the guard wall, Ruola said worriedly.

Allen glanced, seeing tired soldiers everywhere. Such soldiers have little combat effectiveness. What's more terrible is their morale and fighting spirit, which has been wiped out under the continuous attacks of enemy troops today. Allen sighed: "Higgs intends to polish our morale and combat power, then launch a general offensive, and the victory will be determined by the first battle."

"Then they have miscalculated, and the elder brother's army can arrive tomorrow. At that time, we will do both and kill them without leaving a piece of armor."

"It's not that simple." Allen shook his head and said, "The two armies are facing each other, and the military is the first. If Daniel doesn't even know that Earl Aubin's army is heading here, he is not qualified to sit in this position. If I were Daniel , Will definitely make some arrangements to delay the count's army."

It seemed to be to verify Allen's words, and soon after, Ruola received an urgent report. The emergency report was sent by Obin, claiming that he was harassed by Daniel's army midway and probably could not arrive on time. Let Ruola continue to do a good job of defense. After giving the emergency report to Allen, Ruola sighed: "It seems we have to keep it for another two days or so."

After reading the emergency report, Allen sighed: "If this is the case, it will be in Daniel's arms. We have to do something to prevent passive defense all the time."

After that, a light smile appeared on his face: "I have a plan, but I took a risk."

"What plan?" Ruola raised her head and asked.

"From what you know about Daniel, now he has deployed heavy troops here, and he has spare capacity to harass the earl's army. Then do you think how many defenders he has left on the territory?"

Ruola seriously thought: "The number of unicorns is about 3,000. You maimed a 1,000-man corps before. Even if you use the reserve, you will barely have about 2,500. This is almost It is already the number of heavy soldiers deployed here. The force that Daniel uses to harass his brother is likely to be mercenaries or adventurers recruited from other channels. As for the guards of the territory, there are not many."

"At most, not more than three hundred, right?"

Allen nodded and said, "I think so too, so I have a plan. I will take a team to leave tonight, bypassing the bauhinia and copying Daniel's nest directly. I want to see if his backyard catches fire, and I will put all of them on fire. Are you pressing here?"

"You mean, you want to force Daniel to divide the troops?" Ruola readily said: "This is a good way, but Daniel is not here, so he must be in his own territory. If you go, I am afraid that you will directly collide with him."

"So I said there are some risks, but no one can be sure of victory in the war. As long as there are five points or more, I think I can give it a go." Allen resolutely said: "Just do it, I will let people go down. Get ready and leave late at night."

"Be careful in everything." Ruola was not a messy person, and agreed immediately.

Alan turned around and was about to leave when suddenly his hand was caught by Ruola. She pulled back, and when Allen turned around, Ruola's two red lips were already printed on his lips. Although the two were divided, Ruola's face was red as a ripe apple. She whispered: "You must come back."

"Of course, Daniel is not a beauty, I'm not interested in lingering in his territory." Allen joked, and then he really left.

In the middle of the night, Allen didn't disturb anyone. Ruola quietly left the city under the cover of a confidant team. He took a hundred fighters, an elite team composed of a mountain king, an inch fire, and a few dark blades to leave. The target was Daniel's territory.

But even Ellen didn't know that he made a mistake this time. In order to deal with him, Daniel had secretly come to the Bauhinia Collar. As for the Viscount’s own territory, it was now in its most empty time.

All the fighters Allen brought out were elite, and the combat effectiveness of this team was not worse than that of a conventional army of 500 men, and even more advanced. The team moved forward at full speed, crossed the mountains and rivers, and galloped overnight. According to the detailed map given by Ruola, Allen and the others sneaked in from the side of the Emerald Mountains and approached the Unicorn Castle, wanting to give Daniel a surprise.

Before dawn, in a forest facing Pottery Lake, Allen was hiding in the canopy of a big tree. Looking from his direction, there were only a few lights shining sporadically on the dark lake, which was the light reflected from the towers of the Unicorn Castle.

With the light of the fire, Allen vaguely saw several high and low defensive walls, with only a few guards sparsely drawn. Just as he and Ruola had guessed, Daniel had a pitiful little guard on his territory when his troops were exhausted.

This is an opportunity, and there is only one Daniel.

Calculating the time, it has been a month since Shariel was poisoned. According to Baggins's estimation, Daniel should have fallen by one level now. A twenty-fourth-level viscount may not be so difficult to deal with. Even if it is lost, Alan can still retreat calmly and ask himself.

He slid down the tree, when even four dark blade warriors in black night suits came by. Allen pointed in the direction of the castle: "Sentinel tower."

The dark blade warriors immediately understood, they condensed their aura, and dived towards the castle in the dark.

Allen made a gesture, and the soldiers hiding in the woods came quietly, ready to attack at any time. Now I was waiting for Dark Blade's action. Not long after, facing the left side of the ancient castle in the woods, the firelight in a sentry tower swayed back and forth greatly, which was a signal that the Dark Blade Warrior was successful. Allen didn't hesitate anymore, raising Qianjun and pointing forward.

So at the darkest moment in the world, a war horse with horseshoes tied in cotton sprang out of the woods, stepping silently, and galloping up the lake road of the castle like a group of ghosts. It wasn't until the team had passed halfway through the passage that a dozing guard on the guard wall accidentally looked down and realized that the enemy had already arrived. He quickly rang the silver bell next to him, sending a signal of an enemy attack.

Just after knocking, the guard's chest felt cold. Behind him, a dark blade warrior appeared like a ghost. After pulling out the poison-coated knives that pierced his chest, he placed the guards firmly on the ground of the guard wall, and then swept towards a group of guards who heard the sound not far away.

When approaching the wall ~www.readwn.com~ the inch fire fighters in the team raised their fiery rifles. The sequence was activated under Allen's order, and the lines on these rugged rifles lit up. At the next moment, more than thirty fireballs dragged the tail of the flame, and landed on the guard tower, commanding heights and two defensive artillery positions of the castle.

A continuous loud noise immediately tore through the quiet night of Lake Pottili, and the stream of fire rising into the sky ignited the night above the castle. The light of fire reflected on the lake, clearly reflecting the reflection of the old castle with flames bursting everywhere.

The personnel in the castle were awakened, and the soldiers hurriedly put on their armor, ran out of the barracks, and ran towards the guard wall of the castle. In the castle, the old butler who heard the explosion took an old-style musket and walked out of the room. The servants screaming in the corridor ran around, and there continued to be sporadic explosions and continuous rough gunfire outside. , I heard the old butler's heart beating up and down.

He shook his head and smiled bitterly. At the moment Daniel left the castle, the castle was actually attacked. This has never happened in the past two decades. It was the first time that Lake Pottery was ignited by artillery fire, and the old butler realized that this time Daniel had indeed provoked a terrible opponent. r1058

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